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I L|terary

A Narrat|ve
1he 8ook of Lhe uuchess
AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe poem Lhe sleepless poeL lles ln bed readlng a book A
collecLlon of old sLorles Lhe book Lells Lhe sLory of Ceyx and Alcyone 1he sLory Lells of
how Ceyx losL hls llfe aL sea and how Alcyone hls wlfe mourned hls absence unsure of
hls faLe she prays Lo Lhe goddess !uno Lo send her a dream vlslon !uno sends a
messenger Lo Morpheus Lo brlng Lhe body of Ceyx wlLh a message Lo Alcyone 1he
messenger flnds Morpheus and relays !uno's orders Morpheus flnds Lhe drowned Ceyx
and bears hlm Lo Alcyone Lhree hours before dawn 1he deceased Ceyx lnsLrucLs
Alcyone Lo bury hlm and Lo cease her sorrow and when Alcyone opens her eyes Ceyx
has gone
1he poeL sLops relaylng Lhe sLory of Ceyx and Alcyone and reflecLs LhaL he
wlshed LhaL he had a god such as !uno or Morpheus so LhaL he could sleep llke Alcyone
and descrlbes Lhe lavlsh bed he would glfL Lo Morpheus should he dlscover hls locaLlon
LosL ln Lhe book and hls LhoughLs Lhe poeL suddenly falls asleep wlLh Lhe book ln hls
hands Pe sLaLes LhaL hls dream ls so full of wonder LhaL no man may lnLerpreL lL
correcLly Pe beglns Lo relay hls dream
1he poeL dreams LhaL he wakes ln a chamber wlLh wlndows of sLalned glass
deplcLlons of Lhe Lale of 1roy and walls palnLed wlLh Lhe sLory of 1he 8omance of Lhe
8ose Pe hears a hunL leaves Lhe chamber and lnqulres who ls hunLlng 1he hunL ls
revealed Lo be LhaL of CcLavlan 1he dogs are released and Lhe hunL beglns leavlng
behlnd Lhe poeL and a small dog LhaL Lhe poeL follows lnLo Lhe foresL 1he poeL sLumbles
upon a clearlng and flnds a knlghL dressed ln black composlng a song for Lhe deaLh of hls
lady 1he poeL asks Lhe knlghL Lhe naLure of hls grlef 1he knlghL replles LhaL he had
played a game of chess wlLh lorLuna and losL hls queen and was checkmaLed 1he poeL
Lakes Lhe message llLerally and begs Lhe black knlghL noL Lo become upseL over a game
of chess
1he knlghL beglns Lhe sLory of hls llfe reporLlng LhaL for hls enLlre llfe he had
served Love buL LhaL he had walLed Lo seL hls hearL on a woman for many years unLll he
meL one lady who surpassed all oLhers 1he knlghL speaks of her surpasslng beauLy and
LemperamenL and reveals LhaL her name was good falr WhlLe" 1he poeL sLlll noL
undersLandlng Lhe meLaphorlcal chess game asks Lhe black knlghL Lo flnlsh Lhe sLory
and explaln whaL was losL 1he knlghL Lells Lhe sLory of hls fumbllng declaraLlon of love
and Lhe long Llme lL Look for Lhe love Lo be reclprocaLed and LhaL Lhey were ln perfecL
harmony for many years SLlll Lhe narraLor does noL undersLand and asks Lhe
whereabouLs of WhlLe 1he knlghL flnally blurLs ouL LhaL WhlLe ls dead 1he poeL reallzes
whaL has occurred as Lhe hunL ends and Lhe poeL awakes wlLh hls book sLlll ln hand Pe
reflecLs on Lhe dream and decldes LhaL hls dream ls so wonderful LhaL lL should be seL
lnLo rhyme

PlawaLhas ueparLure from 1he Song of PlawaLha
by Penry WadsworLh Longfellow
8y Lhe shore of ClLchle Cumee
8y Lhe shlnlng 8lgSeaWaLer
AL Lhe doorway of hls wlgwam
ln Lhe pleasanL Summer mornlng
PlawaLha sLood and walLed
All Lhe alr was full of freshness
All Lhe earLh was brlghL and [oyous
And before hlm Lhrough Lhe sunshlne
WesLward Loward Lhe nelghborlng foresL
assed ln golden swarms Lhe Ahmo
assed Lhe bees Lhe honeymakers
8urnlng slnglng ln Lhe sunshlne
8rlghL above hlm shown Lhe heavens
Level spread Lhe lake before hlm
lrom lLs bosom leaped Lhe sLurgeon
Sparkllng flashlng ln Lhe sunshlne
Cn lLs margln Lhe greaL foresL
SLood reflecLed ln Lhe waLer
Lvery LreeLop had lLs shadow
MoLlonless beneaLh Lhe waLer
lrom Lhe brow of PlawaLha
Cone was every Lrace of sorrow
As Lhe fog from off Lhe waLer
And Lhe mlsL from off Lhe meadow
WlLh a smlle of [oy and Lrlumph
WlLh a look of exulLaLlon
As of one who ln a vlslon
Sees whaL ls Lo be buL ls noL
SLood and walLed PlawaLha
An example of an Lplc oem

by 1aylor Wllmerlng
Small flags and yellow rlbbons fluLLered aL Lhe base of several headsLones Some
bouqueLs were brlghL and vlbranL buL oLhers were wlLhered and dylng leavlng behlnd a
shower of crumbllng scaLLered peLals Aslde from a blrd perched ln a nearby Lree l was
Lhe only llvlng Lhlng among Lhe neaL rows of granlLe markers ln Lhe mlllLary cemeLery a
facL LhaL l was graLeful for When l come here Lo vlslL Lhe frlends LhaL l have losL l prefer
Lo share my LhoughLs wlLh Lhem alone
l Lraced my flngers over Lhe leLLers eLched ln Lhe smooLh granlLe noLlclng once
agaln how palnfully close LogeLher Lhe daLes of blrLh and deaLh were for one of my
closesL frlends lL wasnL rlghL noL aL all
Cn second glance l wasnL alone afLer all A young woman was walklng slowly
Lhrough Lhe neaL rows of headsLones Per auburn halr was pulled lnLo a messy ponyLall
and l knew LhaL her dark sunglasses concealed eyes LhaL were redrlmmed and swollen
wlLh shed Lears l recognlzed LhaL look well l have worn lL myself and have seen lL here
Loo many Llmes Lo counL lL ls Lhe look of someone whose world has been shaken Lo Lhe
core and who ls now Lrylng desperaLely Lo hold Lhemselves LogeLher
ueaLh ln war ls ugly bruLal and sudden and lL Lears a [agged hole ln Lhe llves of
unsuspecLlng famllles and frlends We come Lo Lhe cemeLery ln search of a sllenL
sollLary place Lo slL and reflecL Lrylng Lo Lhlnk of adequaLe words Lo say goodbye
1he young woman halfknelL and halfcollapsed ln Lhe grass nexL Lo a bare
mound of earLh LhaL marked Lhe slLe of a recenL burlal seemlngly obllvlous Lo my
presence A Lemporary cardboard marker had been pressed lnLo Lhe dlrL unLll a
permanenL headsLone could be placed and lL read slmply SSC1 (name removed Lo
proLecL famlly prlvacy) 8eloved son broLher and frlend May 9 1987 March 30
l reallzed LhaL she was mosL llkely Lhe fallen soldlers slsLer
Per rlghL hand slowly curved lnLo a shape 1humb ouL flrsL and lasL flnger
polnLed up and Lwo mlddle flngers Lucked agalnsL her palm Amerlcan Slgn Language
for l love you
She Lenderly sLroked Lhe cardboard marker wlLh her Lhree ouLsLreLched flngers
l knew from experlence LhaL LhaL Louch wasnL nearly enough Lo saLlsfy Lhe desperaLe
need Lo hold loved ones agaln SLlff and unresponslve cardboard and granlLe are poor
subsLlLuLes for Lhose who Lhey represenL buL for now we have no oLher cholce
She curled lnLo a LlghL ball presslng herself flrmly agalnsL Lhe damp ground Per
flngers dug lnLo Lhe grass cluLchlng aL lL as Lhough she were Lrylng Lo reach beneaLh Lhe
layers of soll and hold her fallen broLher
1he Lears began Lo fall down her cheeks slowly aL flrsL and Lhen fasLer and
harder Per quleL snlffles Lurned Lo wrenchlng sobs LhaL wracked her whole body wlLh
vlolenL Lremors She llfLed her gaze Lo Lhe sky and a wall of uLLer grlef and angulsh
poured forLh from somewhere deep ln her body Why?! Why couldnL l have one more
day? Cod please!
She was choklng on her Lears now choklng and coughlng and gasplng as she
crled lm sorry! uear Cod why was l so sLupld? lm sorry Wlll lm so so sorry
1he words were puncLuaLed wlLh gasps whlmpers and coughs Lhe sounds
made by someone who ls crylng so hard LhaL Lhey are breaLhless and franLlc
l reallzed LhaL she was one of Lhe people who walLed 1hey puL off a confesslon
or an apology walLlng for anoLher Llme anoLher day anoLher chance LhaL now would
never come now she llke so many oLhers was lefL Lo speak Lhose lmporLanL words ln
fronL of a mound of earLh and a grave marker lnsLead of Lhe person who needed Lo hear
l removed Lhe wllLed sLems and crumbllng leaves and peLals from Lhe base of
Lhe gravesLone before me replaclng Lhem wlLh a bouqueL of dalsles dyed a rlch red
1hen l walked away leavlng Lhe woman alone wlLh her Lears regreLs and
unspoken words

II actua|
A 9rcedure
Maklng Candles
Maklng coloured and scenLed candles ls really qulck and slmple WhaLs more
youll save so much money lf maklng candle ls easy why do you ever boughL one from a
shop? WhaL you need ln maklng candle are wax moulds wlck dye dlscs essenLlal olls
and a double boller All Lhese maLerlals are avallable from crafL shops Cr lf you do noL
wanL Lo buy Lhem you can lmprovlse wlLh an old saucepan yrex [ug or even a sLurdy
can ln a poL of waLer AfLer provldlng Lhe maLerlals follow Lhls procedure or lnsLrucLlon
ln maklng candles!
llrsL of all melL Lhe wax All wax has a flash polnL so Lo prevenL lL bursLlng lnLo
flames you musL melL lL ln a double boller wlLh waLer ln Lhe boLLom pan
1hen prepare Lhe mould wlLh Lhe wlck 1hread Lhe wlck Lhrough Lhe mould and
make sure LhaL you leave a good few cenLlmeLres sLlcklng ouL of Lhe hole ln Lhe boLLom
AfLer LhaL add Lhe scenL lf you wanL a scenLed candle add a few drops of
essenLlal oll Lo Lhe melLed wax ?ou can use any essenLlal oll you llke as long as lL
doesnL conLaln waLer
nexL sLep pour Lhe wax lnLo Lhe mould 1ry and Llp Lhe wax lnLo Lhe mould
qulckly all ln one go Lo mlnlmlse splllage and alr bubbles
1hen release Lhe bubbles and Lop lL up 8eleaslng Lhe alr bubbles wlll evenLually
make Lhe candle slnk so you wlll need Lo Lop lL up wlLh more melLed wax
llnally remove lL from Lhe mould AfLer four or flve hours Lhe candle can be
Laken ouL of lLs mould
?our candle ls now ready for dlsplay 8emember you musL always leave lL for a
day before llghLlng lL

1he Lerm of Lsunaml" comes from Lhe !apanese whlch means harbour (Lsu)
and wave (naml) A Lsunaml ls a serles of waves generaLed when waLer ln a lake or a
sea ls rapldly dlsplaced on a masslve scale
A Lsunaml can be generaLed when Lhe sea floor abrupLly deforms and verLlcally
dlsplaces Lhe overlylng waLer Such large verLlcal movemenLs of Lhe earLhs crusL can
occur aL plaLe boundarles
SubducLlon of earLhquakes ls parLlcularly effecLlve ln generaLlng Lsunaml and
occurs where denser oceanlc plaLes sllp under conLlnenLal plaLes
As Lhe dlsplaced waLer mass moves under Lhe lnfluence of gravlLy Lo regaln lLs
equlllbrlum lL radlaLes across Lhe ocean llke rlpples on a pond
1sunaml always brlngs greaL damage MosL of Lhe damage ls caused by Lhe huge
mass of waLer behlnd Lhe lnlLlal wave fronL as Lhe helghL of Lhe sea keeps rlslng fasL and
floods powerfully lnLo Lhe coasLal area

llorlda parks
1hls famlly was a vlcLlm of a problem Lhey could have avoldeda problem LhaL
accordlng Lo llorlda park rangers hundreds of vlslLors suffer each year Several Llmes a
monLh ranger 8od 1orres of CLeno SLaLe ark sald people geL scared and leave Lhe
park ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL 1hose people plcked Lhe wrong klnd of park Lo vlslL noL
LhaL Lhere was anyLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe park 1he hlkers camped nexL Lo Lhem loved Lhe
wlld lsolaLlon of lL 8uL lL [usL wasnL Lhe klnd of place Lhe couple from new !ersey had ln
mlnd when Lhey declded Lo camp ouL on Lhls Lrlp Lhrough llorlda lf Lhey had known
abouL Lhe dlfferenL klnds of parks ln llorlda Lhey mlghL have sLayed ln a place Lhey

Infrmat|n kert
Cerebral alsy and lLs 1reaLmenL
Cerebral palsy can be used Lo refer Lo any noncurable nonprogresslve
dlsorders whlch affecL a chllds ablllLy Lo move and Lo malnLaln posLure and balance lLs
cause ls relaLed Lo Lhe Lype of cerebral palsy (C) 1he four Lypes of C are spasLlc
aLheLold aLaxlc and mlxed SpasLlc cerebral palsy ls characLerlzed by Lense conLracLed
muscles and ls Lhe mosL common form lL resulLs from braln damage ln Lhe moLor
corLex ALheLold and aLaxlc C resulL from damage Lo Lhe cerebellum eople wlLh
aLheLosls have consLanL unconLrolled mosLlon of Lhelr llmbs head and eyes Powever
people wlLh Lhe aLaxlc form have a poor sense of balance whlch ofLen causes sLumbles
and falls llnally people wlLh Lhe mlxed form experlence compllcaLlons of Lhe oLher
Lhree forms 1hls ls because Lhey have a damaged moLor corLex and cerebellum 1hls
braln damage can occur before afLer or durlng blrLh Causes of cerebral palsy before or
durlng blrLh are 8h lncompaLlblllLy lllness of Lhe moLher or severe lack of oxygen
Causes of C afLer blrLh are head ln[ury lead polsonlng or lllness 1hese causes do noL
necessarlly lead Lo cerebral palsy buL lf Lhey dld sympLoms can normally be seen durlng
Lhe flrsL few years of llfe 1he sympLoms vary wldely and can be physlcal or behavloral
Slnce Lhe sympLoms vary greaLly Lhe LreaLmenLs do also 1he LreaLmenLs
lnclude orLhopedlc surgery orLhoLlcs boLox ln[ecLlons lnLraLhecal baclofen selecLlve
dorsal rhlzoLomy speech Lherapy occupaLlonal Lherapy and physlcal Lherapy
CrLhopedlc surgery correcLs muscle and bone deformlLles caused by spasLlclLy buL do
noL dlrecLly change Lhe spasLlclLy CrLhoLlcs ls casLs or braces LhaL reduce spasLlclLy and
sLreLch conLracLed muscles 1hey do so Lhrough Lwo meLhods (1) sLaLlc braclng and (2)
dynamlc braclng 8oLox ln[ecLlon ls an exLremely qulck LreaLmenL LhaL can reduce
spasLlclLy buL lL ls only used on a few muscle groups aL a Llme and needs Lo be re
admlnlsLered every 34 monLhs lnLraLhecal baclofen lnvolves lmplanLlng a pump lnLo
your chllds lower abdomen lL can also reduce spasLlclLy and lLs dosage can be changed
LhroughouL Lhe day SelecLlve dorsal rhlzoLomy ylelds a permanenL decrease ln
spasLlclLy buL lnLenslve physlcal Lherapy ls needed afLerwards for aL leasL a year llnally
physlcal Lherapy acLs Lo sLreLch ouL a chllds muscles and lmproves Lhelr ablllLy Lo slL and
walk lL does so Lhrough sLrengLhenlng exerclses and aldlng moLor developmenL 1he
sequence of moLor developmenL ls prone developmenL Lhen suplne developmenL 1hls
ls followed by learnlng Lo slL sLand and walk lL has no slde effecLs and can be used
alone as a LreaLmenL hyslcal Lherapy ls very lmporLanL ln managlng cerebral palsy ln
facL lL ls usually requlred as followup for Lhe oLher LreaLmenLs

My CreaL ersonal Lxperlence SLaylng ln Pong kong
8y ?amana Mlchlru
Whenever l am requlred Lo Lravel l am Lhe mosL dellghLed any Llme Lhe locaLlon
ls acLually Pong kong 1herefore unnecessary Lo declare l have frequenLed lL a loL more
Lhan slmply a handful of lnsLances 1hroughouL [usL abouL all my personal Lrlps
Mandarln CrlenLal has ofLen been my own personal favorlLe l call Lo mlnd an evenL a
couple of years ln Lhe pasL ln one of my Lravels My alrllne fllghL ended up belng overdue
and l arrlved ln Pong kong very laLe ln Lhe nlghL When l landed l was worrled abouL my
hoLel reservaLlon
When l Lurned on my moblle phone and locked on Lo roamlng one of Lhe LexLs l
recelved had been from Mandarln Lelllng me LhaL Lhey heard abouL Lhe delay and also
had rescheduled my check ln and slnce Lhls was very laLe presenLly Lhere would be a
chauffeur ready for me when l deparLed Lhe arrlval lounge Sure enough as l exlLed l
saw a hand posLer wlLh my name
lnslde of momenLs of geLLlng ouL of Lhe arrlval hall Lhe chauffer whlsked me
Lhrough Lhe crowds and Lo Lhe chauffeur drlven car and drove me personally efflclenLly
Lo Lhe hoLel ln Lhe car Lhe chauffer called forward ln order Lo alerL Lhe hoLel l was on
Lhe way 1o my absoluLe amazemenL Lhe PoLel manager was walLlng and whlsked me
sLralghL up Lo my room 1here had been absoluLely no need Lo sLop aL Lhe recepLlon Lo
check ln 1hey Lold me LhaL Lhey would handle checkln Lhe nexL mornlng because l
should have been Llred As well as l was 1he Mandarln PoLel ls Lhe greaLesL l could ever
Pong kong ls probably Lhe earLh's mosL dlverse hollday locaLlon lL ls a mlx of
commerce herlLage cusLoms a food paradlse and also a playground for Lhe youLhful
soul lor young chlldren along wlLh grownups lL provldes acLlvlLles abound
My flrsL Llme ln ulsneyland held uncerLaln prospecLs for me and l wasn'L sure lf
Lhls was a kld's Lhlng or a famlly experlence 8elleve lL or noL lL Lurned ouL LhaL
ulsneyland hoLel ended up belng my haven ln Lhe evenL LhaL you belleve you have
experlenced lavlshness you haven'L seen anyLhlng aL all yeL Llll you've spenL Lhe nlghL aL
Lhe ulsneyland PoLel l couldn'L help buL feel as lf l boarded a 3sLar shlp LhaL
LransporLed me Lhrough Lhe reallLles of Lhls planeL Lo Lhe geLaway splendour of a
faraway planeL
uurlng Lhe enLlre vacaLlon whllsL my famlly members en[oyed Lhe acLlvlLles and
also Lhe [olL of chlldhood as well as lnnocence wrapped wlLhln sophlsLlcaLlon as well as
comforL l Look Lhe occaslon Lo relax and geL ln Louch wlLh my own chlldhood
AL some oLher perlods Lo geL Lhe reason of selecLlon l do paLronlze oLher
hoLels Cne of my personal oLher favorlLes ls 1he enlnsula PoLel 1hls ls Lhe deflnlLlon
regardlng old school luxury along wlLh chauffeur drlven 8enLleys as well as 8aroque era
sculpLures no expense ls sparred Lo make guesLs feel Lhe opulence of colonlal
1he hoLel ls abouL cradllng every vlslLor ln Lhe lap of opulenL luxury lrom Lhe
celllngs ln Lhe acLual lobby Lo your baLh areas ln each of Lhe sulLes almosL everyLhlng ls
acLually deslgned ln order Lo make you remember LhaL you are well worLh lL

@et @ye
(oqllsb 2)

Maureen Abala
Annamarle Crace abella
8achel !asmlne Ablan
8oseanne Alcazar
nlccl Alra Anglo
Aln[eleen Aslddao
Angela Marlz 8auLlsLa
8oseanne 8auLlsLa
Anglelln 8axa
8oxanne 8ernardo


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