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Reflection of lab 1 (mitosis) On the previous lab, we had conducted an experiment about cell division.

From the title, what come cross to our mind, it is about the multiplication of cell. The title on our lab manual that is The cell is forming two and two.. showing that the number of cell increasing. Before this experiment, we had learned about the cell division of mitosis. The cells proliferate from one to multiple of cell. From the experiment that had been conducted, show that what we have learned in class is same with result in experiment that we had been observed. The similarities that can be observed, there are four stages in mitosis which are prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Based on our observation, we cannot observe the condensed chromosome which is stated in prophase but we had saw that thread-like structure of chromatin. So, it is same with the stage called early prophase. Then, the second stage, we could observed the chromosome align in the straight line at the centre of the cell. It is same with metaphase that we had learned that mentioned chromosome align at metaphase plate which is located in the middle of the cell. Another stage in mitosis that we had observed is anaphase. From our observation, the sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles of the cell. It is same that we had learned in class before this. The last stage that is telophase, on each opposite poles of the cells we could observe the chromatin threads, showing the progressing of forming two cells. It is same with stated in early telophase that we had learned. We could remember the stages of mitosis clearly until we manage to build the model of mitosis stages from beads and wires. We are given a task to build a model of anaphase stage. One of our group members prepared the cell membrane using pink colour beads and wire. Other members made the chromosome, centriole, and spindle fibre using different colours and wire. 3 things that we think important are, we have to know the experiment is about, how to handle microscope well, and team work in conducting an experiment. One of the event that have cause-and-effect is there are some problem with the microscope that affect the image we had observed. Then, another event is during formation model mitosis stages which is anaphase, we could understand better compared when we are learning from books. By observing the slides from this experiment, we could observe the similarities of mitosis stages between our previous knowledge and this experiment. It is benefit us in enhances our memory about the process of mitosis better. From the experiment, we could not observe the condensed chromosome in late prophase. We must be able to master and identify the stages of mitosis. When this situation happened, it caused the problem in answering the questions about this

process. The things that we think was neither good nor bad is preparing at least 8 chromosomes model. We think we no need to prepare 8 chromosomes model. So that, we had prepared only 4 chromosomes model. The existence of mitosis process is needed for growth, replacement of dead or worn-out and repairing the cell damage. Mitosis would not happen if the sets number of chromosome is incomplete or exceed before entered the mitotic division in cell cycle. Other things that could happen in mitosis are mutation and cancer. Its happen when the checkpoint on cell cycle before entering the mitosis is not functioning well. When all checkpoint mechanism failed the cell lost control over the cell cycle. In certain cases, the cycle skips interphase and the cell continuously dividing without resting and it is causing cancer. We inform our self that the activities is useful for us to understand mitosis process stages better, other than that we also tell our self that mitosis is happen in our body for growth. The activities bring goodness to our skill as it provide us a new skill such as preparing slide, build a model to describe the process from recycle material. The next time we learn we would like to prepare a diagram or a model of the biological process because from our experience preparing the model we could understand the mitosis better than we just get it from the book. We would advice he or she to teach in various ways such as demonstration or model technique, practical an experiment, visual or diagram kinestatic (movement). Next time when I have to teach I would do the same thing as I advice that person, but the more important thing is I would get my student involved in all activities that will be conducted in class.

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