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I think I'll do this in a list format...

1. I love fish. 2. I am socially awkward around freshmen they start to keep their distance 3. When people tell jokes I don't get, I respond with an innuendo. 4. I hate people who bid $0.01. 5. My cousin Laura has weird smelling shampoo. 6. I had no idea why my friends laughed the first time I said "I wish I had crabs" 7. I think Chlamydia sounds like it would be a nice name... you know... if it weren't an STD. 8. One time I caught a 1in. lizard... it was supercute... 9. I wish all those people who constantly talk and text in school would drop out. 10. My cousin Laura (with the smelly shampoo) thinks I'm strange. 11. I think the word "moist" is a setup for "that's what she said". 12. Once I had a dream I was a flying apricot. Stupid James 13. When I hear a football game, I instantly think of eggrolls. 14. Half the artists on my iPod are from 2003... 15. I like cats more than fish. 16. I can fill any tank you give me... with fish... or cats... or children... 17. When I watched Field of Dreams, I didn't cry... It doesnt really make any sense. 18. I do cry when I watch Matrix Revolutions, though... 19. One time, I smelled my cat's armpit... it smelled musty. 20. If music were a sport, Id start a fantasy league. 21. I don't like colors. They always seem to clash. Black is classic. 22. I ordered some soap a year ago from Angelic Alchemy, and I think the Mocha Valencia tastes better than the Barbarian (Leather). 23. I'd rather have a big house than little children.

24. ^that's a smart move^ 25. Once I shaved my legs so I could wear fishnets on Halloween. 26. Mood rings always tell me I'm angry. That made me sad (Or at least that's what the ring said) 27. When I'm unhappy, I usually go search stupid things. 28. I sing Chers songs when people are not looking. 29. One time, I told someone my darkest secret, and then they were like, "were you talking to me?" 30. I hate silver fire hydrants. 31. I think "politically correct" is an oxymoron. 32. When I was little, I used to think wrinkles are what killed so many people. 33. I want a canopy bed, but not like the fairy princess ones. 34. Nsync was my first favorite band. Then I met Creed, and so on. 35. 100 Dalmatians is the shizz 36. Aristocrats is the second shizz 37. I used to think I was like everyone else in school. Then I realized I was more important. 38. I believe in fairies Yes, I was raised on Zelda 39. No, "Por que" doesn't mean butter. 40. If I were an animal, I'd be a wolf. 41. If I were a Pokmon, I'd be Mew. 42. If life gave me lemons, I'd sell them to a car dealership and buy a Corvette. 43. If I say something stupid to you when it's really quiet, I'm probably hitting on you. Feel free to decline. 44. I like my coffee with Irish creamer and two spoons of sugar. 45. I get scared when playing zombie games. 46. When I see The ASPCA commercials, I feel really bad not donating money. 47. When I see the Feed the Children commercials, all I feel is hungry.

48. I don't sugarcoat things. It's a disgusting technique. 49. If I could change one thing about the world, I would make hot pockets grow from trees. 50. I don't like big red buttons. 51. I forget what autumn is all the time. 52. All my music won't fit on my iPod. 53. N is for Nouns. 54. I didn't know how to spell crust until I was 10. 55. I still think girls are yucky, especially after I took health with Gravois. 56. Once, I sneezed so hard I thought I lost all my sympathy... but then I remembered I never had any. 57. I live in a house. 58. I am not telling you my address. 59. I cut myself with an orange peel one time in elementary school... It stung. 60. I'm not narcissistic; I just don't like anyone other than myself and Lady Gaga. 61. I love Lazer Zone... but Lazer Rage was better. 62. Some people call me Rainbow Sparkles. Thats not my name. 63. And, no. That's not how I got that name... 64. The first time I had alcohol was on accident. No really, it was. 65. I hate YouTube response videos... they're a waste of internet. 66. I like shoes. 67. There is no such thing as accidental pregnancy. Things don't just "happen." 68. Only my real friends will have read this far, so post "I REACHED #68 ON JONATHAN'S ABOUT ME LIST." Paolo, you better be first. 69. I know what you're thinking about this number. Yes, I am a Cancer! 70. I know that wasn't what you were thinking... 71. I like all the numbers in the 70s.

72. People who constantly click their pens get on my nerves. 73. I like dead flowers. They remind me that life is short, but beautiful. 74. I wish I could talk to animals, like Eliza Thornberry. 75. I used to think Debbie Thornberry was hot. Still do. 76. I dont have tonsils. 77. Orangutans are scary. 78. Tapioca pudding is amazing. 79. I hate people who say Harry Potter wasnt that good when they only watched the movies. 80. I cant cook. 81. When I get mad, I imagine peoples heads exploding. 82. Racists make me angry. 83. Hippies that shower are my idols. 84. I dont understand why anyone would live in 5th ward. 85. If I could go back in time, I would go back to the 50s. If you want to know more about me, dinner and movie on me ;)

Peace, Over and Out.

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