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Gentle giraffes, gaze through the trees.

They are bigger than giants, and like to nibble the leaves. Giraffes do not lay eggs, and they do not eat goats. Some might chew gum, but they never go to the gym.
1. Circle every word with a soft G red. 2. Circle every word with a hard G blue. What letter follows the G in each of the following words?

Gentle: Giraffe: Gym: Giants:

Gaze: Eggs: Gum: Bigger



Mice can come to this place Its such a nice place to race and play dice. They climb in and peek out of the spaces. They stare at each other and make funny faces! Youve never seen a funny mice make faces? Ive seen it twice. Watch out for mice that like lacy dresses, or youll pay the price, their funny faces are not very nice!
1. Circle every word with a soft C red. 2. Circle every word with a hard C blue.

3. What letter follows the C in each of the following words?

Nice: Twice : faces: Place :

Race : Space : Lacy: Mice :

Climb: Come: Can: Dice

4. What letters always follow the soft ( S ) sounding C?___________



At the circus, the nice police help to stop traffic so children can cross the street. There is a lot of music, unicycles and cymbals at the circus. It is fun to watch the clowns dance and bounce in silly costumes. The clowns have hair the color of crayons! Their eyes look as big as saucers. If you go to the circus during Christmas, you might get a candy cane or an ice cream cone. The clowns are pretty nice, and like to make you feel welcome at the circus.
1. Circle every word with a hard C red. 2. Circle every word with a soft C blue. 3. What letter follows the C in each of the following words?

Nice: Circus : Saucer : Cream : Clown :

Candy : Cane : Police : Dance : crayon :

Christmas: Cone : Ice : Bounce costume

4. What letters always follow the soft ( S ) sounding C?___________



The leaves turn beautiful colors in the fall. Many children like to play and jump in the leaves. One day a child jumped in a pile and broke their tooth. Many children have lost teeth in leave piles, so watch where you jump! During the fall, you might also see lots of geese and mice around. A goose will not fly south until it gets very cold. You may see a flock of geese flying in the shape of a V in the sky in late fall. Mice also are running about while it is still warm. You may find a mouse trying to stay warm in your cellar or house this winter, so be careful! You do not want a family of mice living in your bedroom.
1. Circle every singular noun (1) red 2. Circle every plural noun (1 +) blue 3. What is the plural form of each noun below ( more than one)

Wife: Goose: Mouse : Hero : Leaf :

Tooth : Cane : Man : Child: Fishes:



I like to go camping in Maine with my family. We can even bring my cat! We stay at a big ranch. On the ranch there are snails, rats, and rabbits. I love to camp and I am not afraid of any of the animals. We first began to camp when I was six. I used to bring crayons and draw the ranch. We can also walk on the trails outside. My friend Gail can come. We go swimming on the banks of the river. We love to feel the spray and the blaze of the sun. We sit on our mats and put on our hats so our faces do not get a burn. It is fun to be outside with your pals. I say it is the best part of vacation! I put on a cap and wave to friends who pass by. I might eat grapes or skate down the trails. Camping is the best! Words with long a Word with short a



On my favorite show there is a fish called a Blow fish. He is a small fish, however, maybe he will grow. His name is Howie. Howie had to plow sand away from this friends home on the bottom of the sea. Then, all the baby fish followed him around, swimming happily. After school, when everyone is gone, there is not a sound in the classroom. Without anyone around, there is not one mouth left to make a sound. Although, I bet it is not quiet at the house of the students! I really like this cartoon set in a lagoon. In the cartoon, there is a talking broom. His job is to smooth away all the dirt from the ground This broom can talk to the moon or to the roots of the Palm trees. For food, the broom eats dirt!
1. Circle every word with digraph OO red 2. Circle every word with digraph OU blue

Write words from the story in the row in which they belong OO OU



My brother Howie loves to watch Finding Nemo. On the show, he like the blow fish named Low best. I like the show too, however, I hope Howie will grow up soon. I am sick of listening to that show. All that Low the blow fish ever does is plow sand away from this friends home on the bottom of the sea. Then, all the baby fish followed him around, swimming happily. After school, when everyone is gone, there is not a sound in the classroom. Without anyone around, there is not one mouth left to make a sound. Although, I bet it is not quiet at the house of the students! We went on a trip to a farm. We saw a baby cow. How do cows grow to be so big? The babys legs were so short his belly was very low to the ground. Then , the baby sat down on the ground and took a nap.
1. Circle every word with digraph OU blue 2. Circle every word with digraph OW Yellow Write words from the story in the row in which they belong






Last night I went to a Rodeo. There were cowboys everywhere! They were all wearing giant cowboy hats. They were listening to western music. Soon all you could hear was their voices signing along. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so much that when the pointed to me and asked me to join, I could not say no. After the Rodeo, my car would not start. One of the cowboys said I would need to add oil to my car. All I had were a few coins in my pocket, but he was nice enough to lend my some money. I felt true joy when my car started up. My night would not be spoiled. I asked the cowboy to join me for dinner the next day so I could thank him. The next night the cowboy brought me some toys for my little sister. He said his name was Troy, and I told him my name was Roy. He told me he had two boys, and a wife. We had a great dinner!
1. Circle every word with digraph Oi blue 2. Circle every word with digraph Oy green Write words from the story in the row in which they belong





At noontime, my roommate Sue and I climbed to the rooftop of our house. We could see the big blue sky. I watched children riding their scooters down the road. Far away I could see the zoo and the blooming flowers in the garden next to the zoo. We stayed on the roof so long the sun went in and we watched the moon come out. Went I went to school the next day, my teacher said I had an overdue book. This was just untrue. I did not have a clue where the book might be. I could not take out any more books, and I was feeling pretty blue. Then I had an idea. I had a pet goose who liked to sneak things out of my backpack. I ran home and checked his coop. Sure enough, there was the book that was due. After that, I kept my back pack glued shut!
1. Circle every word with digraph OO blue 2. Circle every word with digraph UE green Write words from the story in the row in which they belong






There is a group of tiny elves that live on the same shelf on Mr. Tuckers farm. Each elf has his on teacup to sleep in. The cups have tiny leaves drawn on them. The elves are usually awaken by the sound of hooves running in the field. The elf wives tidy up the leaf teacups while the husband elves gather soft leaves to arrange on their shelves. There are many chores to do on Mr. Tuckers farm. Someone must clean and tend to the horses hooves, to make sure their shoes are on correctly. Someone must rake up all the leaves in the fields. Someone must make sure that the carving knives are sharpened. The farmers wife uses her carving knife to make a scary face on the Jack-OLantern on Halloween. The farm is a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun!
1. Circle every word ending in f and fe blue 2. Circle every word ending in ves gre

Ends with F and FE

Ends with ves



I was standing outside in the cold for so long that my nose rapidly turned red! My hands were freezing, and the strong wind swiftly knocked off my hat. I quickly tried calling my mom to pick me up, but she must have been doing something else. I tried to quickly jog in place to warm up, but it did not help. I tried eating a Snickers bar for energy. I was doing everything I could think of to warm up when suddenly standing in front of me was my mom. "I thought you might be cold!" she said. I happily ran to the car. Whenever it is snowing and the wind is blowing I find myself sneezing and wheezing. The freezing air sneakily slips into my coat and chills me to the bone. Gladly I will pack up all my snow clothes and move to Bermuda. I heard it does snow there at all!
1. Circle every word ending in suffix ly blue 2. Circle every word ending in suffix ing

Ends with ing

Ends with ing

Ends with ly



At my school we recycle our bottles and cans each week. First, we remove them from each classroom. Next, we place them in plastic bins. We have replaced all paper cups with reusable plastic cups. We even got the preschool students to help us with our recycling. Did you know that energy fueled by recycled bottles can help to preheat your stove, or provide fuel for you to reheat your dinner? You can even earn money by recycling. We use all the money we make to prepay our school subscription to Time for Kids magazine. I cant imagine a world without recycling. Maybe back in prehistoric times they did not recycle. If you visit our class web site you can get a preview on how we recycle. If you just need to review how to get your class organized, visit your local library for more information!
1. Circle every word ending in prefix re purple 2. Circle every word ending in prefix pre yellow

Prefix re

Prefix pre



You shouldve seen our class play. I bet youve never seen a play like ours. Ive only been in two other plays, but this one was the best ever! I wont give out all the good details, but youre in for a treat if you come to our show. This isnt just some silly show. I promise you wont be sorry you came. My mom came to see our play with our dog, Cocoa. I couldnt tell it was my dog because my mom dressed my dog like a baby. You shouldve seen the faces people were making when they saw my dog dress up! It doesnt happen often, and Cocoa the dog couldnt have been more unhappy. Weve never heard her howl so loudly! I guess I couldve told my mom no dogs allowed, but I couldnt disappoint her. She shouldve have know better than to bring the dog. Ive had to promise my friends that Cocoa wont come to any more shows. This doesnt mean that we never do plays about animals! Maybe Cocoa will be a star someday!
1. Circle every contraction for the word not ( ending in nt) blue 2. Circle every contraction for the word have (ending in ve) brown

Not ( nt )


( ve )



Gene and Greg were going to a magic show. At the show, they saw a giraffe turn into a goose! The goose ran for the gate, across the street towards the gym Gene and Greg ran after the goose. Dont let it get away! Yelled the magician, He is the gem of my magic show. Gene caught the goose. The magician, Gary, gave Gene a golden car. When Gene is at the right age, he will get to drive the golden car. 1. Circle every word with a hard g red. 2. Circle every word with a soft g blue.

Hard G words

Soft G words



My friends and I were excited about the fair. I took lots of photographs. I saw someone dressed up as a gopher. We laughed until we coughed. You do not see a six foot

gopher every day. I make sure to get a photo of the gopher. We also tried to win a prize. I threw the ball the furthest and won a trophy. It was tough, but I had practiced my pitch long enough that it was perfect. My best friend took a photograph of me with my trophy. When I got the photograph developed, I saw a phantom lurking in the picture! It was a dark shadowy man with a scarf around his neck. As soon as I got the picture back I telephoned my friend. She could not believe it! Even though I did not have enough proof that the phantom was really lurking at the fair, I still brought my photograph to school and wrote a paragraph about it for the school paper. Maybe it was the gopher man. Maybe it was an orphan. It will be a tough case to solve. I will be rough without a lot of details, but I will solve the mystery of the phantom!
1. Circle every word with the digraph ph yellow 2. Circle every word with the digraph gh orange

Digraph ph

Digraph gh



For school vacation week we went to visit my Aunt

Ann. She lives in a very old house. When we got there I had to help unload the car. I piled our stuff in uneven stacks next to the car. I was unsure about whether I could carry all the bags. Aunt Anns house made me feel uneasy. I unwrapped a paper and found a treasure map. The writing was uneven, but I tried to follow the map. I felt very unsure and unsafe walking through her dark halls. I did not want to disturb anything in her house. I was displeased to discover I was lost in a maze of halls. It became very hot and I unbuttoned and unzipped my jacket. I was unsure about which way to go. The hall I came in on seemed to disappear. I did not want to disobey my mother, but I could not help shouting for help. I hoped my shouting did not disturb any monsters or phantoms. I was very relied when my Aunt Ann discovered me. I decided not to distrust her anymore.
1. Circle every word with the prefix dis yellow 2. Circle every word with the prefix un orange

Digraph DIS

Digraph UN



In January we are going to go to the Science Museum. We are going to see an exhibit on earthquakes and volcanoes! I can not wait to see the liquid pour out of the quaking volcano. We will have to take a quick quiz when we get back to class, so we will all ask questions and will be quiet while people are talking. I was so nervous when I asked my question my voice came out like a squeak. We will also be required to write a quality paper about the trip. Since I need to drink frequently, I will bring a quart of liquids on the trip. Other equipment we are bringing are square note pads for notes and to write our questions on. Instead of quills, we will write with pens. I had to ask a boy to quit kicking me, and a squirrel tried to get onto our bus, but none of these things could squash my excitement for the trip!
1. Circle every word with the kw sound spelled qu green





Last night I had a funny dream. I dreamt that I met a black and yellow striped dragon. The dragon was wearing a scarf and basketball sneakers. When I saw him I was so scared I froze with fear! But the dragon just dribbled a jumbo basketball fast up the court and shot the ball. He frown when he did not make a basket . The scoreboard said both teams had the same score. All of a sudden there was this loud noise and I looked around to see that I was surrounded by giant, striped dragons who were all dragging basketballs. Their scales were all different colors and striped. After the game, the dragons invited me to the coast to roast marshmallows and eat smores. After that we had oysters and ice cream. When I woke up from my dramatic dream, I was rubbing my stomach and hungry! DR FR SC ST at the end



My friend Glen invited me to see his fluffy, blue bird. The blue bird is named Clem. Clem likes to fly and flew all over the room. The bird like a blue blanket on Glens bed. We had to use a broom to get the bird off the glass table. Clem likes things that glitter or glow. One time Clem ate some glue that was blue. I think it looked like a flower. She flipped over and lay flat on the floor. I guess the glue did not have a very good flavor. We used a clean cloth to clear the glue off Clems beak. We painted blue clouds on her cage so she would always feel like she was flying. Sometimes Clem will use her claws to clear away food from her plate. I am glad Glen got Clem for a pet. She will glisten and glow after a bath. She likes flashes in the sky and to fly or float in the air. She loves to flap her wings, and I love her.
**Circle bl blends blue, cl blends pink, gl blends green, and fl blends yellow. Then write each word in the chart.







I am happy about the big race. The big race is in my class. We all made race cars. We will see whose car can go fast. I made my fast car the color apple red. I like apple red better than cherry red. A man will come to our class and watch the race. He will say who has a fast cab! I named my car Jane. My friends name is Jan, so I named my car after her. Her car can really go! It has a green cape on the back and lots of fat cats on it. The fat cats are so silly! We will stay and maybe latter we will know who won the race. At the end of the race, my car was in last place! I was not sad. My friend Jans car was so fast that it has won first place! I am so happy for Jan. After the race we will all clap and give Jan a hand. Then we will make her a nice card. This was a happy day!
**Circle long A words blue Circle all short A words Red

Long A make

Short A apple



Today was the first day of school. I wore my new clean jeans. I bring my lunch each day in a pail. I have meat, a peach, and peanuts to eat. I have iced tea to drink. The reason I walk to my school is because it is easy. My school is called Eastern School. As soon as I got to school I saw my three friends. My school is down a long street. There are lots of green trees on this street. It is a neat place to go to school. My new teacher is very sweet. She lets me lead the class line at least once a week. I have three classes with my friends. She will ask me to reach the books if they are up too high. After school there is free peach ice cream and milk. I will keep my fingers crossed that this will be a good school. My friends and I made a deal. We will take turns picking what to do at recess. It will be fun.
**Circle long EA words blue

Name:___________________________ Date:________

My friend Gail has a snail in her pail. One day she was playing in the bay. She noticed that a snail was staying in her pail. The snail was hidden under a layer of sand. When it began to rain the sand melted away and the snails gray shell peaked out. Gail did not want a wave to hurt the snail. Gail made a safe, dry place in the pail. Gail laid the snail carefully in the pail. The snails tiny tail was tan. When Gails brother Dan came by, she showed him her pet. Dan is only three. He was not afraid of the snail. When it began to rain, they raced inside with the pail! They made a spaceship for the snail. They put it in the ship in a safe place. They had to wait until the snail was not afraid. Then the snail snuck out of the place and inched slept in the space ship.
1. Circle every word with ai blue 2. Circle every word with ay green 3. Circle every word with a with magic e red



Long A magic E

One year, pioneers found a clearing in the woods. They got all their gear and made their homes there. In the woods there were lots of deer and sheep to shear. They were also near a stream. You could hear children cheer to be near the stream.

The adults would spear deer for meat and skins. They would steer the ox team to plow the grass. Some of the men grew beards that made the girls sneer. At night you might hear the animals. Do not fear, what you hear will not hurt you. In a few years they had build a small town. The pioneers peers began to gather their gear and come near their town to live. One man said he even saw a reindeer! The other men would jeer and leer at him, but one night he caught the reindeer for all to see, then he let him go. Circle all the words with eer red Circle al the words with ear blue

Words with eer

Words with ear

In the springtime, we went through the town, waited at the stop light, then crossed the street to enter the zoo. At the zoo, the animals are always different. Some of the animals are

strong. Some of them stand very still. It is such a thrill to see all the animals. My favorite right now is the ostrich. He always stands still on one leg. He likes to stand by a stream and stare straight ahead. He likes to eat tasty fish. He will also eat grass sprouts and straw. Sometimes he makes a funny noise with his throat. He also likes to run through sprays of water. Once, the zookeeper let me throw him a fish! Sometimes there are so many people to see the ostrich I have to strain my neck to see him. Lots of people stroll by his cage. The ostrich is white and black with a purple streak across his feathers. I wish I had some thread the color of his feather so I could make an ostrich coat. Last time we were at the zoo they had three ostriches! They were strong and I wished one of them would stray from the group so I could feed him a little fish. They are the best animal!

Circle all str blends green STR BLENDS

Circle all thr blends yellow THR BLENDS


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