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General -

Feedback from Postmodern

Decrease app size Change return-key to a return symbol (arrow) FIXED Unique headers (font, size) by level Need more details in specific views.

Products and prices: Centre header Produkte und Preise FIXED Max. format for Kompaktbrief is false: (L 235) FIXED Max. format for Standardbrief is false: (L 235) FIXED Change all < to bis FIXED Section Einschreiben, eigenhndig (small letters) FIXED Section Einschreiben, replace / by , FIXED Indent the text in descriptions of Einschreiben (list text, text from 2nd line must be indended to start at same position from left like 1st line) FIXED In the details of Briefsendungen, the name of the product occours double, name and below image from the list, the first name can be removed FIXED Description of Paketsendungen: add table header to table of weight and prices (Gewichtsklasse, Preise), prices with asterisk(???), also description below table (* Alle Preise inclusive 19% MwSt.) FIXED

Address change Change Briefmarkenkunde into Privatkunde FIXED Change Nachsenden to Nachsendeauftrag in header


Order stamps: In shopping basket, the number of articles cant be edited# FIXED Number of articles must be restricted (max 2 digits) FIXED After payment and sent order there is no back button to home screen (test: payment -> finished -> goto form sender address -> back -> no back button there) FIXED

Finder: In details, the distance should be with comma instead of point FIXED Possible to show streetname below the location name in the list? (smaller font, grey) FIXED

Final Feedback 2011-08-23

Postcard: - For some fotos, the app crashes when selecting the photo from album, for new photos its working Stamps: - The resolution of images in detail view is not correct (too low) server return only one image, so its low resolution in big-details image view - In some sections (Postkarte, Standardbrief, Kompaktbrief) you can scroll down too far ,should be ending after last stamp, but you can scroll down a little bit further FIXED Messages: - This function should be renamed into Aktionen FIXED - We need to add an info section here to explain what kind of messages this is and who sends this messages (I will prepare some text for you) FIXED
- Product & Price: y At the moment I can see that header in section "Paketsendungen" has less space (top, bottom) then headers "Briefsendungen" and "Einschreiben" FIXED [4:57:09 PM] Mario Wellner: and the table header for packets isnt there, they only added "Gewichtsklasse, Preise" as text above the table, but not as a kind of table headers

- Bank info: y y y when I want to save bank info in shopping basket-- error: "connectino problems with server" ! FIXED [5:09:05 PM] Mario Wellner: and bank code is still switched with account nr in the dev-shop after sending order FIXED [5:23:49 PM] Mario Wellner: translation: header "Bank info" ==> "Zahlungsinformationen" FIXED

Cart: o Tax Total o When cart is empty

values must assigned to 0.

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