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Updated as of: 2.8.2012

Americans and to the rest of the World,

This website is keeping you focused on the News that Matter. The Truth! TruthKnowledge is the seeking of truthful knowledge or information, a non-profit website (unless you donate to help me spread this message). It's Research and Development for all of Humanity (we are not animals). This is an investment in YOU. This is Love for all, the spirit of making it better, Life, for all of us. What you can do? (mostly get informed and share with others. When the world knows we're awake, when you show up with the truth, we win) Yes, awake, meaning, most people are living in a false reality or a world of lies told to them in order to hurt you. These lies are keeping you in the dark or keeping you asleep to what is really going on in the world and it's hurting you and the rest of us. If you are not what we call "awake" to reality or to the conspiracy within government, then please read through this website, the rest of this page and all the news articles I have linked via credible sources in which I am archiving so we don't forget our history. When you wake up like many out there are (this is the next big thing or only thing), it shouldn't be hard to see it (the big elephant in the room) everyday when merely following the news. Then, when you talk about politics or government (which all of you should since the government is we the people and our tax paying money), all you have to do is reference the news articles and then you won't be labeled a "conspiracy theorists", after all it's not a theory but fact if you just follow the money trail. Most people are too busy though or do not have the ability to research or follow all the news that is out there which is our biggest problem & this website is consolidating all of that for you in order to help. I am sharing education with people to help educate what is the most important since we are highly distracted and what our education system fails to inform you on since it's highly influenced by the globalists (criminal bankers) who've unconstitutionally (or illegally) have hijacked our Government & who does not care about you, America or the rest of the world, hence the amount of Lies I know all of you feel. They only care to enslave you or kill you, if they are able to FOOL you or deceive you. I offer solutions and when you show up with the truth, you win. I am sharing knowledge on important subjects that effect our lives & the history that we all seem to forget which is recipe for repeating mistakes. Click the links at the top by topic for further analysis on that subject. I normally update the following pages weekly: Politics, War, Know Your Rights, Health, Economy etc. that I pull in via the "news" page. I also provide my personal insights on certain topics or things that bother me within the Deep Thoughts page & I will continue to try and break everything down for people in order for those to understand. If I'm not explaining something clearly or you are confused on anything, then please contact me and ask me questions or give me suggestions. When you read the news & hear my analysis on everything, it should help enlighten you on the various subjects you may have heard people talk about, yet confused on, such as the Illuminati (CNBC) (or the elite, who control all governments through "central banks", a private Corporation), their history, beliefs, members, organizations, and activities. It focuses on the the Bilderberg Group, Freemasonry, New World Order (of enslavement), the 9/11 attacks, Big Brother, and how the political agendas of the elite are fulfilling bible prophecy. Which by the way, the New World Order is going to be defeated, you realize that and I'm glad you do!

For the latest breaking news updates:Listen to Alex on the Radio and spread the word! I know you won't get it right away, but keep coming back or keep listening and you will eventually get it and WAKE UP. Connect Online

Join me on Facebook. (When I get thousands or a million for sure, that pyramid will flip upside down via Revolution.)

Check out my YouTube channel. Check out my (old) YouTube channel.

Or Check out Alex Jones Channel - I try to filter out the distractions or what isn't important and just leave the essence within my channel via my favorites.

Tip: Type "Ctrl"+F and search for key terms and

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search for key terms and read what I'm saying. "I just want my country back, the Republic. Common Sense" America is in Distress. Living in a False Reality

Watch the full movie EndGame here. We know what is coming because the Constitution and Bill of Rights, our Liberties stands in the way of the new world order, you understand that? We know the moves they have to make in order for them to obtain their goal. New World Order or Tyranny brought on incrementally since 1913 so we don't see it in our trance instead of quickly with Hitler. The Endgame or road we are constantly guided on by our leaders is a total destruction of our freedom (liberty, constitution and bill of rights, remove anything holy from you, spirituality) and in lure you into slavery or death, etc. (Satan's world order, a one world communist government modeled after China). We are the boiling frog. You have to expose it in order to defeat it. We are exposing it in order to stop it. This is not about fulfilling a sick prophecy, it's about intervening on it and stopping it. And those of you that laugh and giggle and think you can join the winning team, listen moron, they do all of this to you too! You are not part of the winning team, so stop thinking you are before it gets you hurt! Most people in security are defending the bankers and not protecting the public and while you sell out for the paycheck, they will take your pension and hurt you via soft kill weapons that most of you don't even realize is happening to you. They put crap in our food, water, spray it in the sky, give us poor health care on purpose, are behind your mother or daughter or cousin or friend that you know that has died to cancer, or been killed in War, etc. They impose women's liberation movement on you not to give humanity more rights or liberty, but for more slaves to be working while destroying the bill of rights for everyone, destroying the family, your ability to be self-sufficient, have a way of life to care for yourself & family (i mean having a parent at home working there, whether mother or father (mothers seem to be better) is important. They want you dependent on them and only through their control and when they are done with you, they dispose you. Everone supports socialism, something we have been since 1913 incrementally getting worse which is not Liberty but an oppression of Free Will, it's forcing people to think a certain way, behave a certain way, eat or consume the same thing, all equal to something, no different than communism, it's not Liberty! Why don't you support liberty allowing people the free will to be social? Happiness is an option and the more you force it on me, the less social I want to be. I was naturally socialistic with Liberty and everyday the more socialistic we become, less liberty I see, the less social I become because you don't know what you are doing or thinking, you don't do your homework, you come at me with such hypocrisy or ignorance, hence war, thankfully I'm smart enough to seek peace, not war or violence. They create the stress you deal with in your life. They don't just kill us via the barrel of a gun, it's a soft kill. The illuminati system is designed to hurt and lie to all of us in one way or another. I know it's crazy, but they're crazy. It's their religion, an occult. An occult (hidden) that needs to be brought to the LIGHT. If I don't know what you stand for, if you don't wear your heart on your sleeve like I do showing me whether you support Ron Paul or not,, Alex Jones, constitution and bill of rights or something like that, but instead the status quo or if you aren't resisting the tyranny, then you are supporting it, you are the enemy. PERIOD. NO TRUST. Those of you who go along with this system is INSANE!! You are hurting people daily and if you are not angry like I am, expressing it in any way, then you are not paying attention or your satanic your self, one or the other right? If you cowardly not speak out against the tyranny your government is currently doing like most people I know when I see them, you are supporting it and that makes you the enemy, yet I'll always love my enemies and fight daily because it's the only thing I know that works in the long run. So while I feel tortured every day by everyone, that is how strong I am to be able to take it because what don't kill you make you more strong! I've been taking it all my life and handling it better every day that goes by and I'm willing to die via starvation if I have to when nobody is willing to feed someone like myself before ever becoming sick like all of you and lying / murdering someone out of desperation, so don't even think about staging anything on me, fabricating any story on me, for if anybody accuses me of anything, you better bring the EVIDENCE. I'm exposing the real war, an info war, a war for your MIND, that occurs Daily. Exposing the strategy to manipulate your mind and enslave it. This is blog is here to FREE YOUR MIND. Liberty. Free the power over you that dictates what you think, believe, care to eat, drink, take for your health, how to live, who to obey, who to serve, etc. truly an attempt to deliver you from evil that you all pray for, the hell you live on this earth (not going to preach otherwise on when you die, who knows right?). Making things better for ourselves going forward, less stress, less work, less issues and more peace, fun times. Enlightening humanity on the false reality or fantasy world we live in, brought to reality and then truly bring the fantasy world we desire, the real love to the LIGHT, if you know what that is and can grow up from the "false prophets", the unfulfilling stuff you think is

End the Fed, Restore the Republic (fully implement Constitution & Bill of Rights for everyone, pre-1913 & a private bank legislation, show me you are awake) and I'll flip that Flag right side up. "It's not about being right, it's about ensuring we are right (got the facts), critical thinking, seeking evidence / education before making a decision or a "judgement". Everything in life is a judgment call, standing before God on everything. We are strong to face reality, follow Jesus, seeking Truth and Love, which is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow." Feel free to copy and paste or share this information anyway you can. You don't need my permission. Take screen shots, whatever you can in case this information gets taken down.

Solution: "The solution to all our problems, deficit, terrorism and all really is ending the war on drugs, it's all you have to think about. Yes drugs like marijuana which is healthier than ones already legal. Do not continue the same mistakes of hearing something is bad and then making it illegal, this should be enlightening you on the opposite and why, after all, everything was legal prior to 1913. End the War on Drugs and legalize Marijuana, well all drugs really, but marijuana first, in order to legalize competition which lowers the price of healthcare for everyone making everyone richer. You can't produce or have a
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great. I want to bring you back down to Earth, see what is really important in life. It's important you do because I'm not even afraid of the elite, I'm afraid of YOU, the chain of obedience , the sheeple. An uneducated, ignorant populace which hurts my life. I can't progress or find peace myself in life without all of you. I took the red pill and so can all of you, which is the road to Peace. Taking the red pill reveals truth that the world has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth, truth that you are a SLAVE. That everyday someone is trying to strip your power away from you, provide you bad advice or lies to hurt you, which is why we need critical thinking skills. Yeah the whole "freedom" thing in America is a JOKE and by waking up that, seeing it and admitting, we can begin to correct it and restore the Freedom, for nothing is ever final or too late, history is there and it can always be re-implemented, but it is up to you, all of us, collectively. I've been down the rabbit hole via many issues and I'm here to share my research in hoping to help wake you up to the big picture and connecting all the pieces of the puzzle. Most of my research and news can be seen via links to the topics above, so feel free to check it out on any of the topics I address. As a result of all this research that I'm trying to conslidate for everyone comes the understanding how people can easily be manipulated via their mind, lured into a trance or hypnotic state of dependency of the severe Mind Control that is going on in America and how it has been done and implemented throughout the rest of
the world to which is the complete opposite (oxymoron) of what this country (America) stands for: Liberty or Freedom and Independence. Something in which everyone since the dawn of time has fought blood for. The perception of what all our soldiers fight for. Note: What is painful for most people to hear and admit is the discovery that we, America is not spreading freedom (individual rights) or a Constitutional Republic around the world which is what America was founded upon. Instead, we spread democracy or mob rule where at least 51% can vote away your rights and it has been that way since 1913 with the passing of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve central bank, a "private" corporation as Alan Greenspan admits and so do many of you as if it's "okay". Really? Everyone complains about "corporatism", well, that's it! The HEAD honcho where every other corporation must bow down to. If anybody should strike against a corporation, that's it. I wouldn't bank on those employed striking, they get paid great money from your tax dollars, war and selling drugs to your children. This money is not for the American people and our country, it isn't making money for the "government" which is the states, its profits for the private corporation. This is how they LOOT the economy.Every other corporation lays off employees except that one. Want to flip that for real economic growth? Yes, Many people get frustrated with their jobs and label the corporation they work for "Evil". Well, why don't you look to the one corporation that all corporations that must bow down to and that's the Federal Reserve central bank. I mean I know someone who works there making great money, at least 40k more than I do a year and how is that possible? Oh because they over tax us and sell drugs to your kids (long enough until they have total control and power over us via the one world global government /banking cartel), so I would think about that before you call any corporation "evil". It is the central banking system, that is root of all our problems. It is what is destroying humanity and our Liberty.

can't produce or have a universal healthcare or free healthcare program for humanity with Prohibition at the same time, it's impossible. It's like trying to put fire out with gasoline." And remember to do me one huge favor, stop voting. Don't vote to make my life more hellish, we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy where 51% of you (mostly at the federal level) are voting away our rights. Our Liberties. You should be supporting the constitution, Bill of Rights, daily. Give Oath to it. (I'm aiming at making this easier and easier for all of us, keeping it as simple as you can, what to remember the most, less posting, etc. so try to stay focused on: what you are supporting (stop voting for "federal" level government / corporation, 10th Amendment, states), know your rights (mostly vetoing any internet bill like SOPA/PIPA, keep it free - 1st Amendment), failed war on drugs (legal drugs are worse, legal all, the competition) and the central banking system, bankers/drug lords. Lord of the Bible is not always Jesus) Stay Informed, an ignorant / uneducated public is not going to get our country back. This our awakening, our wake up Project. If you want to understand what is going on in the world with Government / Politics. If you get offended by anything I say or feel I'm being to harsh, I'm sorry but I have to shock you out of your trance,contact me and let me know what you suggest and the more you show me that you are awake, the less explicit I have to be. Please don't spam though. People say, "I hate politics" and never want to talk about it. Well you
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SpiritMatter says: Truth For Dummies: Truth is information. Truth is an accurate description of reality. All humans have a responsibility to communicate the truth. The ninth instruction of the ten oral instructions given by YHWH in the Moses mediated covenant with Israel requires that no false information be communicated. The Mashiach(the Christ) said that knowing the truth is the path to true freedom. The path to big government tyranny and big business monopoly is through information/truth control. Neither satan, the anti-christ, the beast nor the N.W.O. can succeed if the truth is made known. No single individual or group of individuals owns the truth. They have no right to control it through any means such as copyright. Because all humans are created equal, each human has an equal right to know the truth and an equal responsibility to communicate it to his/her neighbor. That is one way to truly love your neighbor.
Problems Solved: What would you say if you never had to worry about money again? The Deficit and the Energy Non-Crisis. Note: I try to share my research and properly quote or cite sources. If I fail and you see I haven't on anything, please let me know and try not to dismiss anything I say. If I heard somebody talking like this or like Alex Jones, I wouldnt dismiss it, I would go look it up, see if it was true and if so I would support it and if not and I am lying I would do anything to EXPOSE them (me)! I would do anything to point out what I have here that is wrong or untrue, for all I care about is the truth, the Facts. The solution is standing up to evil, not being a coward and laying down to it I'm really busy and tend to do a lot of copying and pasting to share what I'm seeing. I want to quickly address anybody that is "awake" and understands this but remains quiet and thinks they should be supporting the new world order or what they may think is the "winning team". Most of you think it's cool to serve the new world order, like you have to serve it to get on the winning team, you figure, why follow "faith", follow Jesus when to them they think this is the real reality with a new world order and well, go along with it, my as well support our "leaders" (who get in trouble themselves when they

support it). You think you join the winning team for survival, no, folks, don't you get it?You can't make a deal with the devil who at the root of everything is deception or to deceive you. Serving the new world order doesn't benefit anyone who obeys, the sheeple (except the puppet master himself). Serving the new world order is how they will successfully depopulate the world. That's the only way. You have to wake up. For example, if the elite hire brutal oppressive dictators, all being terrorist and supported and certain laws or a policy is imposed, a new world order, and they support YOU getting vaccinated for everything like seasonal flu shots or for viruses going around, whatever is the new cause and they use this as one vehicle to reduce the population by the shots sterilizing people or by putting cancer viruses in it and do you think they will take the shot themselves? And you can say Conspiracy theory, I'm just saying no, I'm just illustrating what was reported in the news by the Guardian and Time, so I question it. I try to stick to things i can only prove because people can't even believe things on RECORD. While you are distracted by mindless TV programs & the topless bar, we are reading CFR and Trilateral Commission documents. I mean do you think that if someone was poisoned (murdered) to be removed from power, that the criminal would poison himself? (only if the person felt guilt and committed suicide, but a lot of murders don't feel that and kill themselves out of guilt) You need to wake up. I would stop caring about being so manipulative with other people, imposing thought police on people and their behavior and focus more on yourself. I would to stop caring about human beings being "passionate" about things and saying four letter words from time to time (1st Amendment) out of frustration or even people trying to medicate themselves with medicine proven to work OVER pedophiles, rapists, thefts, murderers, liars, prostitution (yeah reminded everyday of the topless bar ad going to work yet I can't smoke marijuana), hypocrisy (yes, not following our own polices and rhetoric or what we preach), that all of you support daily within this new world order. Yeah, you know the things that really does hurt others, oppressing others rights because we are up against real criminals being in positions of power hurting and destroying our country, our economy, the lives of everyone, our children, etc. because they only give a crap about their selfish sick desires or urges that they could NEVER be man enough to control yet find countless ways to rationalize their behavior as being okay, it's why the Pedophile incident at Penn State happened & yeah there are a lot of those types out there that have not been caught yet for their wrong doings, welcome to the Illuminati. I mean most of these sick leaders attend the Bohemian grove to misbehave if you know what I mean as reported by the Washington Post. More on Predators here. I mean you don't get into the club unless you rape children, it's why the good ones always get pushed out or suppressed or oppressed, just ask the boys being raped. The majority of us have lost our morals which is why this happens. I mean when the students care more about football than justice, you know something is wrong. We care more about that topless bar, Football or American idol than we do about ethics, morals, standing for our own principles and policies and making things better in this world which is what we "claim". There is no second coming of a savior to save you (a government or whatever), that's the lie! It's an awakening if you want to be saved, an awakening for you to finally grow up and see the LIGHT, see the truth, see reality & face it! Face the criminals and remove their power over you. Are you going to man up and face reality or let the status quo continue to destroy us? Mostly because many are misinterpreting the bible? Remember, the world is a stage and we are the players, WE ARE! We are the transient, God is the necessary (free will). We the real christians who follow Jesus support the creator, we build. We create things, provide love and seek to make it work with truth and integrity, that is God, the creator, but Satan is a destroyer, he imposes systems that destroy you, hurt you, divide & conquer us all out and get us fighting with each other, etc. You better wake up and realize who you are selling out. Even if you don't believe, thinking this is all "religious BS", well yeah the elite do believe in THEIR Luciferian religion & I'm waking you up to it.

to talk about it. Well you better, because Politics is your government and it's constantly wanting to screw you over! I can see things from the perspective of many people out there and I have to highlight that. Must Fight for your Freedom and that's something the lazy are incapable of. "You think I like this? Fighting for our freedom as much and as peacefully as one can everyday?" (many
hands make light work. The more everyone else beats me to the truth and puts it out there, the easier my job is. One of these days I don't have to do all of this, it will be common knowledge.) "Believe almost nothing, question everything. Seek Truth". - My Motto

Sign the Guestbook Register & Interact on the Forum, It's FREE Please Donate. It takes a lot of work to research the news and deliver it with my analysis to you. This is all expense and with nothing to sell but sharing information.

For those of you not awaken and don't quite understand, tt first you will feel very uncertain and always want to dismiss the information, information that can you, however the deeper one goes down the rabbit hole (and there is a bottom to waking up), the more bizarre the information becomes since yes, things are crazy ran by crazy people and at the same time the more aware or enlighten you will become on reality in which does make sense. I mean confusion all gone when you see you the light. The fight is still there of course because you mostly battle people who are asleep, but you gain a sense of certainty, clarity. Yes the majority of the sheeple are living a false reality fed to them via the Tell-Lie-Vision or mainstream media and we need to bring TRUTH to the mainstream, the real reality. I'm trying to centralize all that for you, however there isn't enough time in the day it seems for me to get the amount of work done I'd like to get done for you. Take your time going through all of this material, I don't expect you to get it at first sight, as it is a lot of information and not enough time to consume it all.


Please Help us Spread this Information. I am merely spreading Truth, which isn't really profitable for a corporation. Knowledge in itself is not necessarily power. After all, look at what all the lies are doing to us. The right knowledge with the right action creates power. Money can help me spread that message and with nothing else going on in my life other than work, I'm letting it all hang out, I'm all in 110%.
We are becoming the new government (of liberty), watching over humanity (your God given rights, Freedom). So yeah it's good that the CIA owns or monitors facebook and everyone can really, us including so GET IN THEIR ARENA and broadcast the truth everywhere. People say, well I dont' believe what the media says, they lie and such. No, they don't really lie, they cleverly not reveal certain information. They lie by omission. The'll tell you everything, give you the news but then they spin it to suit their own perspective. They'll talk all day long on football, but talk very little on taxes, war or whatever. For the record I don't like the mainstream media either because they do put

When one is new to this path, what appears to be a misunderstanding, an exaggeration, or a lie, often is found to be factual and thoroughly . After shifting through the volumes of information that is researched in order to get to the truth and the sources which lead to its discovery, we try to leave the fiction, distortions, disinformation and lies by the wayside and not be fooled or distracted by them. As the clich goes, the truth is stranger than fiction. The enemy doesnt want you to face the truth which is why they seek to keep you distracted with "games" (same in the Roman Empire) & Drugs (food, ex. bread); and instead they want to label you crazy or a conspiracy theorists with nothing to justify it or back up their claim. Yeah, healthcare in a nutshell is that you consume drugs (your bad, processed diet, CNN: Fatty Foods may cause cocaine-like addiction), get sick and then consume MORE drugs to combat your negative side effects which leads to more health issues such as cancer while labeling those who seek alternatives (alternative lifestyles), consuming nature (plants, including cannabis which kills zero & provides nothing but positive effects including cancer cure, ABC, Harvard Study, ) &not the man made crap as much as you people ignorantly deny

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and call weirdo or crazy when that person's lifestyle is FAR more healthier and a natural way of curing or preventing cancer and other illnesses. Get the body alkaline, eat whole foods (nature, less processed (chemicals or drugs) as you can). "I am NOT the King of Conspiracy, I'm the King of Reality!"(full version here) Only crop for them to make a living? Hypocrisy so blatant. The International bankers like the Rockefellers or Rothschild love socialism or communism and NEVER a free market because to them, competition is a sin. A free market drives competition, lower prices, increasing jobs, etc. Ever took an economic course and learn about supply and demand and competition? We have an unemployment problem because we are shutting down the competition for the bankers corporation that is above any other corporation, making it illegal or harder for humanity to pursue alternative lifestyles by using any of the Earth's natural resources granted to you under the 9th Amendment, God Given Rights, not just to pursue oil for example, but hemp maybe? George Washington use to grow and use Cannabis (hemp, marijuana, pot, etc.) If we have a Free Market, then why is the Cannabis Plant illegal? Something that is healthier than a sugar high? I mean we are okay with the Afghans growing Opium freely with our help as explained in the video because it's the only crop for them to make a living off of, well you have an Occupy Wall Street problem, an unemployment problem, people with student loan debt and no job problem, so why can't we have that same attitude for our country allowing people to make a living? I mean I'm just trying to get that unemployment rate down, that's all, but I guess nobody else cares about that. I mean it is supposed to represent Freedom, right? Unemployment rate they can say is "bad" at 11%, really 22%, but we can get it down to 6% like in the 90's and people will think, that's great, why not 0%? Why do we continue to not care acting like NAZI's still imposing the GESTAPO when that percentage could get 0%. Why do we make it hard for people to grow a garden? Be self-sufficient? Why are we over taxed which hurts the ability to spread that wealth around? Iincome tax, property taxes? just a couple out of a whole list, which doesnt go to our government at all, but the Bankers Corporation which kills jobs? People seem to act like they know so much and that what they believe is correct however they can't ever back up their belief with any scientific facts or reference any sources to back up their claims. I'm just trying to be a stand up guy, working hard and contributing to our society, which is what everyone seems to perceive is normal since everyone says that's what they do or we should do right? I'm serving my country and the world really, it's just everything local is far more important. I work to better humanity while trying to hang on in the middle class (I don't even make 6 figures), living paycheck to paycheck. This is my book so to speak. I figured no need to try and sell it, this is information I should just openly share and I can keep it all updated as much as I can. Im a thinker, not a salesman.

some truth out, just in pieces but never preaching the big picture and this is what the establishment uses (they use the media, so we must go by what the big corporations say), it's what is history by them, it's what makes history. It's how they communicate to you, so you have to reference their own BS. It's why the bible exists, just a document at that time for documenting history, just one source and we need to look at many sources and studies, facts on things before oppressing others. Get in the system and help change the system. You have got to get your news from "many" sources. Must be well rounded, like in school. In fact, it's the opposite. You should be well round in the world you live in, reality and focused on what you are interested in for education or what you need to know in order to live. They put pieces of truth out there, all scattered, but never all together in one setting for you to see the big picture. Hopefully this will help. ABC

FOX CBS CNN MSNBC BBC Reuters Associated Press Newsmax Washington Post NY Times LA Times STL Today KSDK Drudge Report Natural News etc.
I read the news for myself, I don't worship or idolize a Chris Matthews, a Sean Hannity, a Rush Limbaugh or even Alex Jones who has more credibility than anybody I know, I read and analyze the news myself and I suggest everyone do the same. I will promote what I believe in.

I'm A Realist

I'm interested in football, baseball, NASCAR, socializing at the bar, etc. just like everyone else. It's just I'm also interested in reality or the world we live in and other people out there and what their beliefs are. I'm interested in learning because there are sick people out there that if we allow existing and not keep an eye on, they could come knocking down my door killing me okay. I don't like slaver and the only way to be free is to fight for it. I like to pay attention to politics because it's basically our government that runs our lives or impose its laws on us so it ultimately effects all of us, so I also like to criticize that or talk about that since that is the most important. To sum up what I believe is the following statement in which I agree from Bill Clinton. It is mostly the idea of making things better. My question is, when will American's start following that? Why not look beyond their buzz words and observe their actions and are their actions justified with proper documentation or evidence? Proof? This is the important news and research I've done that will hopefully wake you up and allow you to help easily spread the message. That is what is important is spreading the message, the truth in this world. I will try to keep this updated weekly & archiving its past and anything within the various topics and issues to help enlighten Check out the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.

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this updated weekly & archiving its past and anything within the various topics and issues to help enlighten people. It's a work in a progress and it's not my day job, it is why I reference Alex Jones a lot and many others.
I reference Alex a lot because he is the closest to my personality, he has the radio show covering this type of information as his day job. I picture myself having the same rants that he goes on, yes, people like us truth seekers don't need teleprompters. I have his drive, his energy to seek truth, however he has been in the game longer than me and been in the industry of radio to reach out to people longer then me so once I discovered him, he basically woke up me up to the big picture. The EndGame that we seek to not let come to fruition. However, like myself, we both advocate that you do your own research. Get your research from many people out there. Do some research and start sharing it with others. Everybody who is like, no, go away (I don't want to hear it) or your crazy and that's it. Thanks for clarifying I'm right and how much of a coward you are to confront this.You are not a Republican or Democrat, a conservative, a liberal or whatever label you or the elite and our corrupt system wants to enslave you with.

Money raised at the beginning of a campaign is 5 times as valuable as money raised at the end.
Dave Dietz would be proud to run as VP for Ron Paul. Jesse Ventura said he would run with Ron Paul, he needs "insurance" that JFK didn't. Paul is standing in for Jefferson, W ashington, Adams, Franklin, Madison and the rest of the founding fathers. Count me in 100% (since I don't have anything else to fill my boredom). Nobody better lay a finger on that man, we must not let another JFK happen. Don't even think about it you evil W all Street - European - Luciferian Zionist Satanic Bankers. Don't even think about taking out that man, cause it won't work, I am willing to step up and take his place, pick up right where he left off and continue it and so is countless others! Unlike JFK, this man has an ARMY!

Just be American. Stand for Liberty. Stand for Truth. Seek Truth and don't be afraid of change. Forget the parties or labels and focus on the issues or what is right. Listen to Alex on the Radio Just start listening to him daily for a little bit, you'll pick up on it, you'll wake up. Once you wake up, you'll be like "How could I ever have been deceived?" This is our wake up project, an awakening to Satan's "game". Will you step into the Light? Will you follow Jesus seeking the truth, the enlightenment or will you forever be enslaved to this satanic matrix, stuck inside your "religion"? This satanic system, imposed on everyone in every country. We're all "brainwashed". We MUST wake up or there is no future. You have got to face the truth or reality and sooner the better. You have to face the evil! You need to be a free thinker or at least support those who are. Humanity needs more of us good men fighting against evil, more of you supporting us and not ridiculing us. If everyone just talked about it with others, with your friends and family & co-workers, actually talked about issues that matter, that would all that needs to be done for that pyramid to flip upside down. I mean most of us don't grow our own food anymore, we rely on convenience which is fine, yet does anybody know the future of our food? Who grows it and how? We don't have to be so called "activists" doing things daily, you just have to do something to show everyone in the world you are awake & care about real issues. Once the elite know that we know their game, it ends there. I mean we can all wear T-shirts one day or write everywhere. It starts with acknowledging the Big Elephant in the room, seeking your power back, taking care of yourself and many hands make light work! I don't have an agenda really other than knowing information and sharing with you that information or enlightening you. I believe Humanity only knows a small fraction of what they perceive is reality, there is far more going on in the world than what most people realize. There is more to the story so to speak and I'm here to share with you that story, that view, the amount of research or information that has been discovered that provides a completely different perspective on life or reality that most are not aware of, mostly a perspective from the "few", the elite, the Illuminated ones who heavily influence the world we live in, the laws or system we all adhere to. I'm giving you the all seeing eye. The ability to see the system for what it is and I believe that is the only way humanity we will be able to change things for the better in this world. We can't change something until we know what the problem is and the majority do not know what the problem is because they can't see what is not working within our system.
I'm not trying to share with you a belief of my own cause I am more like yourself, I like to just work my 8-5 job, come home drink a beer maybe, watch some TV and go to bed, whatever, I'm pretty much like everyone else and like yourself, I use to be asleep to not knowing anything else in the world, nothing to what I'm sharing with you on this blog, not knowing any other perceptions in life or views that I'm sharing with you on this blog, this is a perception of the world or an idiology that I discovered from many others in the world, mostly from the elite themselves, who admit it or put everything out there in the open, publish it in their own books, memoirs, white papers, any form of documentation. It's "hidden in plain sight". I'm sharing with you what the elite believe, not my belief, I'm on the good side exposing it! So please, don't be stupid and kill the messenger. Anybody that kills anybody outside of self-defense is a coward. They are afraid, wrongfully feel threatened & powerless. Me personally could never kill someone outside of having to defend myself, in fact I'm so incapable that I probably wouldn't be all that great at defending myself! I want you to get what you want as long as I get what I want, liberty, the ability to be left a lone! I'm not smart, I do not have this great sense of an imagination, this is a result of research, this is a result of many others before me and their hard work coming together being shared with me and now I'm trying to share to others as well in order to keep it going. To continue humanities evolution in learning or discovering new things in this world. Discovering new things, new information, new facts or opinions, however you want to look at them can only educate you, not hurt you, make you stupid, nothing like that but just information that you can either take with you or leave it. Campaign for

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Luke Rudkowski's "We Are Change"

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I believe that most of what we think we are doing is right to improve things in our world, really is not right and instead it is making things worse, it is making many things backfire on us to much. (called Blowback). Some religious people may think of

it as Karma. It is a result of 9/11 when assuming the official story is true. Why do they attack us then? Blowback, we've been bombing Iraq for 10 years prior, we had bases on their "holy Land", we've been over there meddling in their business for years, since over throwing the shaw in Iran in 1950's, they are mad, they want us OFF THEIR LAND. We don't need militarism or imperialism (700 bases in over 130+ countries stimulating their economies and not ours), we want a Defense. Bases in other countries funding their economy is NOT "defense". This weakens us. We want our troops home in the states training and getting an education, etc.!
Note: Most of the military is NOT apart of the government, instead they serve the corporation. Our government is the 10th
amendment, all power to the states. The Federal Government is really a Corporation. It shouldn't exist. When our military leaves the states and goes overseas on military bases via imperialism (not defense) to fight wars, they are NOT fighting for our country & our freedoms but the corporation and their world order of enslavement or world domination they are building and enforcing.
It's a world order of ENSLAVEMENT, not a world order of freedom via America world wide. I mean what makes you think that when we have over 700 bases in over 140 PLUS countries policing the world that we are spreading and fighting for Freedom? We are NOT spreading a Republic or a Bill of Rights, Freedom, but instead we are spreading a democracy (everyone votes) for enslavement. And all of you openly admit that we are spreading a "democracy". I mean it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL to have our own troops policing the streets of America, why do we think it's okay to be doing that in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc? We don't or shouldn't have that here. We shouldn't have "checkpoints", that isn't FREEDOM. That's martial law.

Click Here for Dr. Mercola's "Total Health Breakthrough"! Or simply visit his site for News on your Health. Click Here for other news on Health. The Natural way.

By us fighting a war on terror, being over there on their land trying to police them with troops and military bases is only FUELING the terrorism. It's fueling more hatred for the people over there for us who want to be able to control their country. If a dictator is brutal and needs to be removed, fine, remove him, but why stay with bases? Why control the election? The bankers want MORE al Qaeda terrorists who are willing to kill people. They want a system of death, people who are MISINFORMED, people steered away from Christ, being like Christ, anything holy removed from you - loving others because they want US to depopulate each other. They want us fighting with each other, killing each other. WE are the ones executing their orders. We are the ones serving this system or voting for these policies.

And I would be careful about conducting drone attacks to just kill one potential Terrorists Leader based off intelegence WE don't get to see. Most of the time we miss, killing civilians creating more terrorists or resentment. Not to mention, isn't that against our own laws? Shouldn't we capture these people and send them to trial. Well the 5th Amendment no longer applies to Americans via the Patriot Act and the following article via the New York Times. Wow, murder without a trial (rights), is that what we've become? Any one of us can be labeled a "terrorist" without proof or fake, planted evidence. This why you deserve a trial, where everyone on the jury must vote "guilty". Why are we now guilty until NEVER proven innocent? Our change continues to be change for the worse, an acceleration of eroding our liberties. That will continue if we remain ignorant, lazy and simply do the status quo of going to the election booth and re-electing Obama or Hillary Clinton this time or Mitt Romney or Rick Perry or Cain, etc.
If you want real change then we need to wake up and face reality, face the truth. Stop being naive, stop being ignorant, selfish and lazy and start caring. Start supporting real justice, Constitutional LAW, Liberty, etc. Start walking the talk. Stop the hypocrisy and start executing or walking what you PREACH. You all claim to care and want to solve world hunger, you want to feed everyone, you want to spread the wealth around then great, however the only way to do that is STOP robbing us, stop taxing us all, stop "trying" to solve everything with special interests groups via Big Government so that the people can help others. Stop prohibiting liberty or people the freedom to be able to feed themselves, take care of themselves, etc. Stop violating the Bill of Rights, like prohibition of healthcare (war on drugs). Stop trying to control others on what they have the right to do for themselves. You want to help? Educate. Seek Christ, speak the truth, stop lying and being manipulative and using force (violence). Stop stealing from others or trying to impose your beliefs onto others and just do what you care to do, with your own money and labor (energy). I feel it's better to share knowledge in order for myself to progress any more in this world, in order for all of us to progress, we have to start coming together and sharing information, after all, when you value Freedom, and you are a government of WE THE PEOPLE, it is suppose to be a Free & Open society right? Just like JFK, the President Who Told the Truth. However today, it is no longer a government for the people. I mean all of us have been lied to when you allow the CIA to exist and keep lies from you. The entire Federal Government is not your government, it's a private corporation, it's the mafia, it's the vehicle for organized crime (Washington Times). Taxpayers Funded 'Fast & Furious' (Washington Times) - Alex Jones Report. Constitution gives all power to the states, 10th Amendment. The only piece of government at the Federal Level is Defense (no imperialism, bases in other countries). The IRS, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA, etc are not an agencies of the US Government but of the private Federal Reserve Corporation. This corporation gets in the way of the State Government, to which you already pay taxes to. There is no need to pay taxes to the Federal Corporation, like with the income tax. IRS, CIA, FBI, the private central banking cartel - Federal Reserve (est. 1913) NOT apart of the government, all of this violates the 10th Amendment which gives the power to the states & for Congress control the countries money supply.

AT&T's network got very good - it's always good, just get the Federal GovernmentCorporation off their (our) back.

Love Budweiser and if Marijuana was legal their sales would go up, what a great combo. Much better health benefits than without the cannabis. When prohibition didn't work with alcohol, the bankers still needed something to profit off of via the black market in order to enslave us, hence the prohibition of other drugs, which continued our problems in America. When will we wake up? Return to pre-1913 when it was ALL Legal. *Top Videos*
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Since it's private though, ultimately some men have to be shareholders and they control the money supply. That would be people like the Warburgs, Goldman Sacs, JP Morgan, mostly the Rothschilds. Those who would be

would be people like the Warburgs, Goldman Sacs, JP Morgan, mostly the Rothschilds. Those who would be interested in attending a Bilderberg meeting. "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes it's laws."-- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild - America: Freedom to Fascism (wiki), yahoo answers, C4L & Jesse Ventura. "care not who makes it's laws".. WHO? Any of the following puppets: Obama, Bush, Clinton, Blair, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Putin same BS, different liar or puppet always, understand?
The puppets are mind controlled by the owners of the private banking cartel. They know nothing but what their advisors (the bankers) tell them. They are teleprompter readers for the money changers (bankers, elite).

Why Truth Seekers have a Hard Time Revealing their Research Got to have the truth to back you up Something to ponder on Xmas (actually be Christ like, spread Love and caring, helping others and stop spending & pay off debt, for some of you like the bankers that requires murder, please don't, that doesn't make me safe) Give the Gifts of Forgiveness! Why Kids do Drugs
Lack of Empathy
Why I loathe the Mainstream Media

The private bankers, the elite, the few men, they print money out of thin air and loan it the government(s) with interest, regardless if Rothschild himself truly is the controller or not. It's not so much the money is fiat (paper money or 0's & 1's not backed by anything), but whether there is interest attached to it or controlled by someone or a few.
Governments, the Treasury Department in America, should be issuing the currency of its nation, interest Free and should it really just be 0's & 1's? Is that a true commodity? A natural resource on this earth? Thomas Jefferson laid it out for us when fighting for independence from Great Britain or the Bank of England (Rothschild owned). "The central bank (Federal Reserve) is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and forms of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will grow up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. The Issuing power of money should be taking from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs." ~Thomas Jefferson It's not the bankers fault either really (unless someone murders someone than you bring that person responsible to justice), it's we the people who openly borrow money from them. We let them control the printing press. We voted for the Federal Reserve in 1913, we continue to support it and we can collectively vote to abolish it! Congress can abolish this practice but they need us to demand it or vote for them to vote for it. We don't need private bankers controlling everything. Abe Lincoln printed interest free currency with greenbacks to fund the civil war, bankers killed him. Andrew Jackson kicked the bankers out. President Woodrow Wilson allowed them back in by passing the Federal Reserve Act. Mayer Rothschild died in 1812. Paul M. Warburg, a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France, did play an essential role in the creation of the Federal Reserve.

You need to start complaining NOW, before it's too late. "No, I will not Comply." We Like War by Carlin - Bill Hicks take on War & Freedom (killing emotions, your personality / your soul.) Not me, I'm a lover, not a fighter. I call for a peaceful revolution. I'm Tired of people attacking "real" American's. Give me Liberty or Give me Death.

Mayer Rothschild died, but the rest of the family lives on. This is a Pharaoh Bloodline. All within the family.
JFK tried to kick them out, killed. They all followed the Lord Jesus Christ. John 2:13-16 ...yeah when he stormed the temple! Some were successful (Thomas Jefferson, he had insurance, others support), others failed JFK (zero support). I support Ron Paul. END THE FED Economic Hitman John Perkins on Corporatocracy - Corporate Empire, not American, Emperor = Rothschilds (top bankers) above Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Goldman Sacs, etc.
More slavery than EVER before.

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - is great video, a short 30 minute cartoon version easy to understand the explanation on the Federal Reserve (private central bank, corporation) and how it Hijacked America and enslaved it and also how to get your freedom back.
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You need to realize something, I was born brainwashed into believing we have Freedom, the ability to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, the pursuit of the American Dream and according to Carlin, you have to be asleep to believe that! The Federal Reserve (1913) own or controls the following 6 corporations that own all the media who DICTATES to you. It's pyramid within a pyramid, the elite knowing the truth yet spreading disinfo and lies down the pyramid to everyone else. Compartmentalization. Like in Freemasonry, there is an inner circle and an outer circle. Most are all 1st level outside circle masons who think that is it. They don't know about the inner circle and those on the inner circle took an even deeper oath or secret to keep from the others. You have the people at the bottom of the pyramid, working for their corporations, up to the next level, the media, to the government, to the private central banking cartel (Federal Reserve, Bank of England, etc. - every country around the world, a Rothschild Central Bank), which then all go to the IMF or World Bank. It's not a country that is your enemy, it is a group of men that have every country in debt, to them. Well that is an illusion as well, cause the whole debt system is fraud! They printed money out of thin air. It's either paper monopoly money or 0's & 1's typed in a computer. It's counterfeit. Can you mine the value of Gold or produce the amount of food that is worth how much we print for bailouts or stimulous packages, war on drugs, etc.? Of course, not! However we ignorantly let ourselves get taxed to let a few people (Zionists) spend money in order to earn more profits only for them why? Israel is the only country in this matrix that doesn't seem to be in debt. They got all their arms from America, 20% of Israel is owned by our taxing paying money and the Military Industrial Complex, the 80% is the Rothschilds. Our politicians let the AIPAC Zionist Lobby for Israel, the Trilaterial Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the UN and the Bilderberg group to call all the shots. All with Rockefeller and Rothschild in the center of them. We've been involved in WW1, WW2 and many other wars including the present War on Terror all for the sole purpose to INVADE, overthrow their government and install a Rothschild Central Bank so they can continue their agenda of a New World Order. Which is nothing new as it is the same world domination that the Roman Empire desired. All wars were unnecessary. We even knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was going to happen and did nothing to warn the Americans or to stop it, same with 9/11.

Obama, Bush or Hitler are mere puppets, controlled by the bankers, since they hijacked our country via the private Federal Reserve (1913). The bankers "brainwash" us into liking war, since they lie to us constantly with a false threat, when the bankers & their lies are the real threat. 9/11 was a False Flag Operation, just like with Hitler & the burning of the Reichstag building, engineered by the bankers in order to impose a war on terror and laws to destroy our freedom.
It's almost like the President or Dictator himself is asleep and doesn't know the real truth & I don't think he is going home at night to "research" or they do know and that's life they feel, it's our fault for anointing a ruler to take care of us. He just goes along with the agenda. It's like the 9/11 happens or the burning of the Reichstag happens and the SELECTED Leader just blindly goes along with the orders of the bankers, his advisers, and he is merely the spokesman, the person who sells it to you, the messenger that you people never seem to ridicule but us truth messengers. Note: All wars, the invasion or imperialism and our bases all over the world is about establishing a Rothschild central bank in every country for their corporation. That is why we invade, all for the new world order and banking system, the world domination via one corporation, NOT to defend our liberties or to be freedom fighters. Freedom is won in the legislation branch at home on our soil. It's the crazies that are speaking out against corruption. This means that the way the bankers control England and America, is ALSO the same way they control Russia & China, etc. you can see all the countries there is Rothschild bank in (site map). Yes, you have been lied to your entire life. We don't go to war for oil (side benefit) or any other BS reason, it's for the central banking system.
I mean when you control the money supply of a country and can just print it out of thin air, as much as you want to finance weapons and stuff to bomb people (financing one side of the war more than the other to ensure victory or the outcome), buy up the world, whatever you want well no wonder you can be Satan and rule over humanity, creating nothing but hell for all of us. I mean, for them to succeed, humanity has to be so asleep, so distracted from this, to not see how this is FRAUD. Straight up counterfeit. Any one of us would go to jail! And I'm not even requesting that, I'm request Humanity to wake up to this, get educated and change the policies, the laws. Peaceful Revolution. Folks, yes there is a ruthless conspiracy (not theory, but fact), it's not a country, it's a few men who have every country in Debt, yet have you thinking it's china or whatever the media says (mostly not the whole truth). The alternative media is become mainstream and wiping out FOX, CNN, etc Well, they'll be forced to support truth if the people demand it. You obey your Master's when it was all manipulative. You need to follow the money trail and realize that our problems are larger than our puppet leaders that you see on TV who are TelePrompter readers and fulfill an agenda for the few behind the scenes. Yes, our President, the bought and paid for congressmen (most) by lobbyists and the journalists are all mind controlled, reading what is given to them and they don't question it or really have a thought of their own on it otherwise they lose their job. This blog is exposing the "shadow" government, how the government and system really operate and many need to learn so we can start changing it for the better. Real change, to which I don't advocate violence to do so, but rather peaceful, intellect change. Diplomacy always works best. I'm no real threat to anyone really for I don't care what's happened in the past, I'm merely seeking to change policy. Policies that I believe are causing blowback, karma, things to backfire or work against us when we think it works for us. We do too many things that "sound" good but in reality are not and we have to stop doing the same thing over and over again

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for us. We do too many things that "sound" good but in reality are not and we have to stop doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. This elite, who have many puppets within the club who help run the machine, all the governments, etc. some awake and know the new world order, most though basically through mind control, brainwashing, people who are asleep like we once were not knowing the truth. They know small part of what is going on and are distracted by sports, entertainment and TV like the rest. They all may SAY they are christian, muslim or mostly JEWS, but in reality, they are Zionist, Luciferian, Satanist, evil, worship & believing in Satan, the devil. The Evil God and not really anything holy from Jesus Christ. They support all the religions, the vatican & pope because they are all really based of Sun Worship, Paganism, Lucifer, Horus, the Sun God Ra and in reality, the true belief is its all a MOCKERY of Jesus Christ & his true message. An impersonation. And the greatest trick the devil ever pulled (or desires daily) is/was convincing the world that he doesn't exist! And the men, our leaders who impose evil upon this earth never take a day off! The majority of humanity is in a trance, we are asleep in the world and this site will bring you an important message that everyone should hear. Information I believe needs to be mainstream in order for humanity to progress and have Liberty or Freedom. Information that enlightens you on what America's Founding Fathers created and how it gives Liberty and to get us Re-focused on it because I believe the idea or concept was Brilliant, a Great Idea that wasn't executed properly. I believe nothing is perfect or can be perfect but we can get pretty close and America was closer, most prosper and the free-est any country has ever been, yet over the course of the years since 1776, we've been going down the wrong road executing the idea of the Founders. This blog is going to try and keep us focused on those Bill of Rights, the 10 Amendments which is what gives you Liberty. It is your shield to Tyranny! And in my opinion, our biggest flaw since the birth of America, was only giving a selected few the benefits of these Liberties. For instance, women didn't have all of these rights, neither did blacks, in fact we had to go through the Civil War to end slavery right? Which slavery really had nothing to do with, you didn't need a war to end slavery, that was influenced by the bankers so they can try and fund it. Loan us the money to pay for it, but Abe Lincoln did the Constitutional thing and turned the private Bankers down and issued our own "interest free" currency, Greenbacks to pay the war. So we remained independent. Well, he and JFK are the only two to do that and result in assassination (think about that). Either way, slavery ended, blacks were free but still suffered Gun Control for awhile, which violates the 2nd Amendment. No human being should be prohibited the right to protect themselves, which is exactly what that amendment is for. Protection, self-defense. Americans should never get brainwashed into thinking any form of Gun Control is needed. This Amendment, along with the first, is the biggest reasons you are free. The sole reason. In all of history, 100%, any time Genocide occurred (Holocaust), the pre-text was Gun Control. The public or group of people is disarmed, then the government sends the military or police to arrest, take you to the camp or execute you right there. Still going on to this day, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc. We sent in NATO troops and armed Libyan Rebels (Al CIAdu!) to help overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and black genocide occurred, a group who didn't have the right to bear arms against the Rebels that we did arm. We handed Libya over to Al Qaeda. Who is Al Qaeda? Who funded them? You know, first we arm (fund, help) Al Qaeda via Operation Cyclone; the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency program to arm, train, and finance the Afghan mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, 1979 to 1989. Then we (well the international bankers & their Israeli mossad agents) blame 9/11 on Al Qaeda claiming they hate us all for a War on Terror, which is really a War on our Liberties (Constitution & Bill of Rights, worldwide) and Zero evidence even linking Bin Laden to the attack. Zero evidence and then people say to me, "well he admitted it on video". I then explain how that could easily be fabricated and the CIA even admitted to Washington post to have created fake bin laden videos before. So how do you know that tape of bin laden was legit, especially when BBC reported "And if somebody is faking Bin Laden videos, then that leads to the suspicion that all the videos and audio tapes have been faked." They presumably killed Bin Laden in May 2011, yet dumped the body (evidence) at sea. U.S. General Wesley Clark laid out the whole plan that most didn't know. He mentioned Libya, which then after trying to fight Al Qaeda due to 9/11, we then arm Al Qaeda again to over throw Gaddafi! Unbelievable. I mean once Bin Laden died in 2001, that was the first it was reported, agreed by Dr. Steve Pieczenik (CFR Member) because BBC reported that in the eyes of the elite, they lost a great CIA agent and that is when we then started making buddies with the next one. Al Qaeda Leader Al-awlaki had Lunch at the Pentagon, he was accepted into the club of the new world order, but then we reported he was dead in 2009 & now again in 2011. The whole plan revolves around the new world order agenda of enslavement. The banking dynasty, the one corporation or rule. I mean it's designed to hurt all of us. It's always the puppets, the leaders, the players you see who want the fame, the money or think they want a to be in the Illuminati (serve the system) that winds up getting killed or caught in the cross fire of everything. We sell ourselves out. Ex. Technically Bill Clinton should have gotten impeached for FAR worse crimes than the sexual scandal the bankers were not involved in. Get us all fighting with each other while they keep going to the bank and it's really not about money, they have enough of it, it's about power and control. Controlling everything since the control the money supply. It's about hurting humanity for their God, Satan and they desire to reduce the population by 80%. Our government is simply pinning the "terrorists" tag on anybody they desire without any evidence. This is why you need to know all of this, you need to know your rights, you need to know how the game is played. They can just put the sticker on any of us and legislation like the Patriot Act allows just that, YOU to be treated like a terrorists. That's right, it's really the UNPatriot Act. And if you question anything you are conspiracy theorists, unpatriotic, yet it's your duty to question the government. It was American to investigate truth on Government to defeat tyranny, something that isn't crazy, I mean Government conspiracies (not theories) happen all the time, always have been since the dawn of time, what makes you think anything would change with humanity? Do you understand human behavior? Most leaders supporting this system and the elite, they are sick, they are pyschopaths. A lot of them, who attend the Bohemian Grove, are gay, it's why I could never fit in with the club. Government works for you, not the other way around. Yet we are allowing the government to target people due to their religious or political beliefs which violates the 1st Amendment. We are turning the world into Orwell's 1984. You don't say 2+2=5? Well then you're Al Qaeda. We are living or turning this world with the new world order and this global one world government into a Global Version of NAZI Germany. They keep pushing us more and more global, as if global is the answer. Isn't continuing to do the same thing over and over again the definition of insanity? We all despise how big our national government is, yet alone desiring a one world global government, making it bigger isn't the answer, local is the answer with Liberty. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but morally treasonable to the American public. ~ Theodore Roosevelt Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. ~ Thomas Jefferson "Dissidence is the highest form of patriotism" ~ Thomas Jefferson All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ~ Thomas Jefferson The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. ~ Thomas Jefferson Restriction on free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us. ~ William O. Douglas

This isn't really what I personally believe, like what my desires are, this is more of an enlightenment of what our leaders or the elite in power who highly influence world events and the laws we abide to believe in. This is the system that I believe feeds you darkness only. This is research of history that I'm bringing to you. A lot of work by the way to discover all of this. The more involved, the easier! We follow a system of orders, orders given to us and we execute without question. We don't question a thing or do any investigating before we act. We don't stand for anything anymore which is what leads to us falling for anything, mostly scams or lies, daily. We need to stand for
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something again. We should be standing for the truth. Instead we support accussations and seeking justice against so called criminals without any proof or evidence or "reasoning" behind it. We need to wake up to that huge piece of the puzzle which is a huge root of our problem and that is to investigate, question things, mostly about what is best for you which ultimate should be best for everyone. Start caring about what YOU believe in and not what the government or someone orders you to believe. Start believing that you have a right to your own thoughts, your own believes (1st Amendment), and that happiness is an option, you have the right to obtain any type of food or medicine for you, you own your body and your soul, you are human and instead, you got the globalists or the elite training us to be servile sheep (animals without reason) and I'm not sheep, get that through your heads Sheeple!

Alex Jones RANT: "We're Coming for Ya Globalist"

That should explain right there in a nutshell what were dealing with. All of you American's who seem to be "socialists" now are being lied to. We fall for propaganda or stories without evidence or little information that if given, it would project a whole different story, reality, like this blog is doing. Lies about everything is giving a totally different perspective of what reality is. And it doesn't just go on in America, it goes on in basically every country around the world. I mean the bankers via their corporation(s) own & control the major media in other countries as well, so we all get fed propaganda. I mean many music artists who travel around the world like Dave Mustaine can see overseas the difference in propaganda on TV versus what it's like in the States. In the West, we get the story that is more christian based (man made religion based off the Sun God / Paganism) and in the Muslim World they get the story that is more Islam based (another man made religion from Rome based off the Moon God or Allah in Arabic / Paganism and never any real TRUTH or critical thinking and seeking real Science, which has led me to believing more in God than Religion ever has. I know many atheist turn to believing in God. I dont believe anything in the mainstream. While they put truth out there at times on certain issues, they will never deliver the entire package in one setting to wake you up. They keep leaving you with the wrong perspective, like thinking it was robbers at home and not the catcher and the umpire. You know the riddle where the man leaves home running for about 90 feet, makes three left turns to see two masked men, who are they? Some think it's robbers at your house attempting to rob you others know (based off other information) that you are really at a baseball game and it's the catcher and the umpire. Those awake know Illuminati, those asleep believe the mainstream media. Im above it all, Im above the game. Im above the matrix. Like with 9/11, I dont even need to engage in the argument of who did it and trying to prove it or claim it was an inside job, you can have your stupid belief, all Im saying is, no event, whether its 9/11 or not should be used to destroy our liberties. And yeah, you better be on your toes and ready to say "no" because they haven't succeeded with ultimate dictatorship (power, control, tyranny) and won't until they succeed with taking the guns out of the hands of the American people. Yes, the first two amendments are the most important and if you let them pass gun control ending the second amendment, it's over. For the 1st amendment won't matter anymore, if it even is now. We need to focus on the 10 Amendments & I'll start posting links to the news that violates them. We must protect them. And when targeting Americans for Gun Control, it won't happen to all of us at once, it happens one by one via the Gestapo, like it already is to medical marijuana patients. The problem is that its hard for people to trust people. Its hard for people to trust a politician or someone in the game, because we are lied to all the time. So that is why you have to look at the things they do and not what they say. Look at their voting record & vote for someone who will to change the policy or the game. Stop listening to false promises like Ill take care of you and instead policy that will allow you to take care of yourself. Look to the issues and vote on issues. Stop voting to print more money, borrow more money, continue to spend more money when you don't have money, when you don't even produce the goods and services that you desire to consume. Stop using credit. Stop voting for making things worse and instead vote for JOBS. Vote for a job (repeal NAFTA for instance, end the sweatshops where corporations can pay slave labor wages in other countries or impose tariffs on imports) so we can work to produce the good and services we desire to consume. And when you consume these goods, that is when you tax it to make money, like we do on Gas, however we don't legalize marijuana so we can't tax that, we don't tax gym members, and many others with consumption and instead we tax our income, production, which is the very key requirement needed to make an economy grow. Saving or investing this income (instead of being robbed by the mafia) leads to job growth, it leads to capital. So why would you want to tax it? When all of you vote to just print money and bail people out, where do you think this money comes from? And shouldn't this money be printed by the Government interest free instead of borrowing money from a private banking cartel with interest enslaving you? Important Note on voting: You can't go to the voting booth, vote and then just say, "I'm done"! (10 minutes into video) If you don't keep up the pressure on these people, continue to be an "activist" beyond election day, then the Corporations will "influence" them. Not to mention, you shouldn't even have to go to the voting booth, especially when there is tremendous fraud. Everyone knows what I stand for. My state legislators know what I vote for. However, because you do not know this, many people have the attitude of George Carlin and simply don't vote. They figure the system is rigged, who cares and totally give up not doing anything! It is true, you get what you vote for. If the majority who vote are misinformed & lazy to take care of themselves or to coward to engage in real issues everyday and only care about mindless TV programs or entertainment, sports, then that is the leadership we'll get. Folks, those you are elected should not be smarter than you, you are hiring the person to represent you. You should know exactly what needs to be done and you should be

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smarter than you, you are hiring the person to represent you. You should know exactly what needs to be done and you should be continuing to urge them to get that done once elected. Otherwise, if you allow the corporations to influence them or you don't vote according to someone's voting record (Ron Paul, perfect for years), then we will continue to get the lesser of two evils which is still evil allowing us to live life in HELL. I'm not here to try and make you believe heaven or hell doesn't exist when you die, who really knows right? I'm here to show you thee hell that exist while you are alive here on earth thanks to common stupidity, which you are not stupid, not stupid at all, most of you are just lazy and live with an evil or true satanic spirit that only exists in the hearts and souls of (wo)men! All of us potentially, YOU It's a spirit that too easily creeps in us all and that is due to the system that the majority of us support, by an elite group of people who mostly pushes ALL of us around oppressing our rights & liberty (freedom) while these few individuals live above the law, can do whatever they want, including murder. Yes, people in the world get to do whatever they want and get away with it, while allowing the rest of us, the majority of us who are the players of it all, mostly the middle class workers, who are adhere to obeying law and working hard, being honest, etc. and if anyone of us ever did what our government(s) or the few that control government and most corporations, we would be in jail or executed. Our entire sense of reality has been manipulated and controlled, all to hurt us all, including themselves or basically it's the majority of us who interact daily within the system, the police, military, service workers, etc. all mindless supporting laws and policies that hurt one another and I think we are so in a trance that we don't realize it or we do and simply do not care, which is only hurting yourself in the long run or if not, your children or future generations. You claim America is a Free country, a country that stands for Liberty and Independence, yet all I see is a Police State - Not liberty. A country that stands for the land of the free. We have more people within our prisons than any other country, which supports more SLAVE labor hurting our economy (JOBS). A good way to lower that is to destroy the failed war on drugs that does nothing but rob my tax paying money.

There are a whole lot of you out there being deceived into supporting this new world order (which is not new at all, the same ole idea of world domination via the banking system), a satanic system (the anti-christ, dajjal (deceiver) system) via Problem, Reaction, Solution and Divide & Conquer concepts between any sects of humanity while the elite keep going to the bank since they PROFIT off our failures or issues, which is why Politicians exists to create, all which is destroying freedom, the families, basically the good of humanity.
The Elite's Ultimate Goal:

To remove God from your lives, holiness, spirituality. Remove anything "HOLY" or Spiritual (which is why most individuals & religions have no clue about the holy bible & how this world is shaped around it). Get you to do anything many consider a sin, the more we're drawn to unholiness, the more we justify or rationalize our wrong doings. Their biggest manipulation is making you believe that God, Satan & evil (negative energy) do not exist. When in reality, it very well does exist! And we all together make it happen. Remove God (the positive energy taught via Jesus) from your lives, destroy the bible without burning it, end all Religions EXCEPT theirs. Conform everyone into their Luciferian Religion, into their beliefs. Mind Control. A One World Religion - One World Government (via the United Nations) - One World Currency - One World Economy Everyone chipped & controlled! Get Spiritual. Love is the Answer.

How? By manipulating all of us, our history, our current events and organized religions. We forget our history, get lazy & complacent and just believe what people say without evidence or Many so called religious people out there, those who go to "church" and act "proper" like our criminal leaders, you claim to support Liberty (Freedom), yet you worry so much about people using 4 letter curse words (including LOVE) more than our dictator government looting the economy and everything else they do against humanity like murder. You blatantly violate the 1st amendment, freedom of speech, the mother of all liberties and most churches are told not to talk about politics otherwise they have to start paying taxes!
Churches bring us into bondage spiritually, ethically, etc for not speaking truth to us and truly setting us free or helping us out. There are more churches & religions today than ever before and it's only hurting humanity more, just further spiraling into deception, more lies, etc. So called Christians need to realize the bible is manmade and not by Jesus but "many" and the elite and your controlled religious institutions want you thinking that all of this war and destruction is an act of some fairy God in the sky and that this is all bible prophecy and the savior or the next Coming of "Christ" will come and you are all being fooled. When technically real Christians fighting against tyranny have always been targeted as terrorists. (violation of the 1st Amendment)
The point is to NOT fulfill bible prophecy. Most of you support the bible prophecy at your church and I can

understand that since most support the Pagan Holidays too such as Christmas which is not the Birth date of Jesus but a holiday in mockery of him and the Crucification or massacre of Jesus on the cross, so you openly are being the anti-Christ. Anybody supporting bible prophecy is satanic really.

Jesus didn't write the bible, various satanic men who seek World Domination contributed to it. Jesus crucified in 33 AD and Pope Damasus assembled the first list of books of the Bible at the Council of Rome in AD 382. It's the corrupt men in power who desire to fulfill Bible Prophecy which is meant to hurt us and no where does it say in the bible that Jesus desires to fulfill this prophecy. What makes you think someone murdered by the corrupt Romans & Jews (Jesus) would simply lay down and say "well, it's bible prophecy". A bible that didn't even exist when walked the face of the earth. You don't lay down to corruption, you fight it. Very end of this video: How can any of you ques on our stance on God when we are gh ng corrup on daily? Pure EVIL!
I'm doing my job. "Ask not what your country can do for you but rather ask what you can do for your country." - JFK People will say in response to this rant on the rapture, "too bad you don't see the Pre-Tribulation rapture. It's coming soon." Look, we see it, it's why we speak out so much hoping to stop it cause it's manmade by sick people who want to bring the prophecy true. I mean of course it's possible more crap is coming & most likely it will since most will remain asleep still and it may take more crap to wake people up, we will always fulfill the bible prophecies if we always lay down and let evil men condone their desires. the point is to keep fighting and spreading the word and eventually we'll be able to intervene and stop the men in power from continuing to commit evil and manipulate us and fulfilling

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bible prophecies. you can't be complacent & and just well, it's bible prophecy. Yeah prophecy being imposed on YOU by the same people that you support. You put your faith in Satan instead of walking the path of Jesus, who is the Lord('s son). I'm just tired of trying to define Christianity for so many people or coming across so called christians that seem to be nothing but hypocrites, someone who is suppose to be somebody who truly follows Jesus by mostly acknowledge the truth or reality, standing for Justice in this world against real Evil or what he truly stood for while alive on earth. You fight corruption. Read your bible in the perspective of facing the evil & corruption and not coping out! Everyone is being brainwashed into thinking the new world order will save them. That you don't have to face evil, someone will save you or fight it for you, that you can be a coward and lay down or go along to get along, NO! You don't do that and claim to be christian or really be catholic, drink alcohol, lie, ignore the truth and say well he died for my sins. If that is who you are, then what is being Satanic? Am I perfect, no! I drink alcohol from time to time, I was rasied catholic, but at least I know what the truth is and REPENT when necessary. At least stand for truth and fight against corruption / evil.

"When the people fear it's government there is tyranny, when the government is limited fearing the people, there is freedom." - Thomase Jefferson.
Fight corruption, fight evil, get in the info war. All it takes is contacting Congress and speaking out. Yet you do nothing to stand up to evil. You seem to only have enough time to work your job everyday doing what you only need to know to earn your paycheck then go home and watch football or whatever and act like you are serving the Lord and society around you by going to church? A church that cowards down themselves and won't stand up against corruption? Dont tell me I need to go to church, it's a waste of our time and how can any of you question our stance on God when we are fighting corruption daily? Pure EVIL! Evil that your church won't talk about. You wont' hear this information being preached to you at Church, so that is why people can't stand it when you say you go as if that is supposed to mean something. Churches are told NOT to talk about Politics so they dont lose their tax exempt status.

Jesus never advocated a big church or to follow manmade organized religions. Jesus didn't preach in church, he preached truth anywhere people could hear him since he knew the Church would expose the bankers corruption over the Roman Empire's government. He was the sole called crazy conspiracy theorists you all ignorantly run your mouth about. He knew how corrupt the church got. Religion existed before Rome, back in Babylon via the Egyptian Empire, which is where the Sun God Worship Religion/Paganism was practiced. That is Christianity. No different. Jesus saw the corruption, the lies or hypocrisy. He saw a corrupt government oppressing humanity, even through religion. Lies, Mind control and enslavement. Jesus seeked freedom from a tyrannical government by a few men who were greed, control freaks on a power trip getting off on oppressing humanity, killing humanity, just sick, just like the Founding Fathers of America fought for our Freedom & Independence, same thing! Jesus, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, JFK, all saw the government corrupt by the private bankers and seeked to kicked the bankers out. Jesus didn't die on the cross for your sins or for you to sin. He died fighting against tyranny that came upon him and the rest of humanity which exists more than ever to this day. Enslavement. Oppression. He died against a tyrannical government that violated your God Given Rights. Anybody who truly followed him and his message, studying only those scriptures, were considered crazy as well as many of us "conspiracy theorists" are today which we are not theorists, but research facts and news and speak about it. These are the so called "real" Christians I'm trying to explain within this blog that fought against the corruption and were persecuted. "The Persecution of (REAL) Christians in the Roman Empire is the religious persecution of Christians as a consequence of professing their faith. It began during the Ministry of Jesus and continued intermittently over a period of about three centuries until the time of Constantine when Christianity was legalized. Shortly thereafter it became the state religion of the Roman Empire. This persecution impacted all aspects of Christian life including the development of the Canonical gospels, Christian theology and the structure of the Church." As two billion Christians prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, CNN will debut a sweeping documentary on the tumultuous early years of Christianity from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the conversion of Constantine, the Roman emperor who first legalized Christianity in 313 A.D. CNN examines how the earliest Christians spread their message, despite infighting over the faith and violent persecution by Rome. Legalized? Wow, they did a horrible thing to begin with and then made it OFFICIAL and it's been that way since. The fight continues. Many hands make light work. They can't defeat us all. They considered his actions of storming the temple opposing the banking system a crime and they felt he deserved the death penalty, for non violent crime?

13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, Get these out of here! Stop turning my Fathers house into a market! - John 2:13-16

God is not transient, though it never dies, it transforms (transformers). God is the necessary of Life (energy, the energy of Life and the Truth (the Light) & we are the transient. The entire universe is made up of energy. It is the positive energy or spark or light, the creator that gives life. No matter how much Satan or evil (existing in the hearts of men) try to destroy life (humans) by playing God, they'll never destroy God / Energy. Only God can destroy the universe. God is the Creator of everything and the Lord so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 God sent his only son, the son of God or God in the human flesh via the Lord Jesus Christ to teach humanity "the only way" & true message of the creator (father). The way of Love, Truth & Freedom (positive energy), for all of humanity. His truth suppressed when crucified by "evil men in power", the
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(positive energy), for all of humanity. His truth suppressed when crucified by "evil men in power", the elite, owners or our masters (Luciferian Jewish bankers - not all Jews are bad people) who ordered the roman soldiers to execute him. His brother, Judas turns him over, BETRAYED, which is where the Judas Kiss comes from.
Folks, there is some truth in the bible, its a book that can be referenced like any other and it is far more educationally than any other book, but if you follow it 100% and preach it and try to rule by it or think, well, its bible prophecy, than YOUR DOOMED. I see it to be too controversial and hypocritical. You have folks who love the bible so much which advocates marijuana (every herb bearing seed - genesis 1) yet many so called Christians who go to church support its illegalization of marijuana while supporting the bible end time prophecies, stupid! Satan has done a great job confusing humanity, which is mostly due to NON-critical thinking. He takes the critical thinking out of it and wants everyone to blindly believe something without evidence and fight over it. He takes self-responsibility away and gets you think government can take care of you, that you cant take care of yourself. We support Israel, yet Israelis hate Jesus (and his followers, christians, who happened to be most Americans. Israel is the only Middle Eastern country to attack America, 9/11 & USS Liberty to a two. Well I guess that is why weve turned into Christian nation (instead of Freedom of Religion 1st Amendment). Do you think "Christians" even believe in what Jesus believed in? Are they even sure? I dont believe that what all the so called Christians believe in is even close to what Jesus believed in or fought for, hence the confusion of what "real" Christianity is and why you have so many who say "Im born again Christian". And are you, really? Well, Im done with it; Im not born again "Christian". For one, is Christ even the last name of Jesus? Any proof ? I mean the bible was manmade and not by Jesus, but by many AFTER they murdered him and suppressed the truth. George Orwell stated, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary acts." Jesus was murdered fighting against a tyranny government, lies, deception from satanic bankers. His true message of God, is way, his belief (teachings, message about the One & Only, The Creator, free will, standing for truth and your God Given Rights, this message suppressed, any of his followers persecuted.

6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6
I'm no longer going to try and explain all of that Christian confusion; I'm dropping the Christian label all together. I'm a truther, a truther fighting against tyranny the way Jesus did. I'm a disciple of Jesus, I believe he can be referred to as LORD more so than Lord Rothschild. I admire him & what he stood for (truth & fighting against a tyrannical government that violated humanities rights or liberties), but I will not call myself Christian for it is just a label and any hypocrite can claim they are yet sin still. You have no proof that Christ is the last name of Jesus or that it's even associated to what he believes in. Christ isn't associated with what Jesus stood for on earth (truth), and through our Christian religions and them supporting him dead on the cross, and the whole thing created after his death via Constantine and the Roman Catholic church, to me it stands for the opposite and the whole religion created out of his death that the people in that time all approved of because they did NOT admire what he stood for (TRUTH). They went along to get along with the men who believe in murder or survival of the fittest. Christian is really Satanic, just like the other brainwashed religious sects who all believe their God (Satan) is righteous, which is why they continue to KILL for their god, while Jesus didn't lay a finger on anybody. Christians use the cross just like Satanists do, the KKK, etc. My religion is the religion of Truth, religion of Reality, religion of critical thinking (religion of what is provable), Religion of Love, and The religion of Liberty or Freedom. I don't kill for my religion or God. My motto is believe almost nothing, question everything, for certainty of course. Proof. If someone did wrong & violated others rights, especially murder and people want justice, you prove it with evidence; 100% proof for justice OR Im forced to DEFEND myself out of self-defense and that has to be evident as well and for that you need a 2nd amendment - for defense and not to leave your home, invade someone else's to kill for god over theirs without evidence like we have been doing since 9/11.

Yeah zero proof that any of these people we label as terrorists are indeed terrorists. Zero proof Bin Laden caused 9/1 1 and we killed him. Now we'v e killed Al-Awalaki. Are we done? We'v e gotten ev ery one responsible for 9/1 1 hav en't we? or was it Mossad Agents and this whole conspiracy ? It is us killing because we just don't like their religion, we are all controlling or too lazy to understand or seek the truth or reality in this world.
I seek truth, live in reality and not uncertainty or rely on "faith" alone. I seek facts! I hear things and raise the issue as a concern hoping to be wrong and don't ever try to claim I know it all and can predict everything, even though we can see most of what will happen since we know the general blueprint (a system of death). We can't predict things. We look for deception and try to expose what they sell you. They can only carry some thing out if they properly fool you or sell it to you. The elite or the politicians must get everyone's consent, always. It's why their is a war on for your mind. Once people wake up to the "game", it ends there. If you notice, the only reference out of the bible I generally make is all Jesus said If Jesus didnt say it, I want something else to back it up, which I generally do with everything. I dont advocate marijuana just because the bible does. I advocate it due to research studies and experience (myself in the past and from others). I reference a lot of the bible since our leaders or anybody else can and mostly for those who worship it yet dont even stick to much truth in it (like advocating prohibition of marijuana, a plant made by GOD or nature. Our biggest problem is the labels. I was raised Catholic and Im the first to question it or criticize it. Why? Im a Realist. It's human nature to always question things or study things to continue evolving, making things better. You see the world really does have a place for both Creation and Evolution, you need to think outside the box instead of inside the matrix via Divide & Conquer. Everybody gets dependent on what most people around them "believe" in order to fit, goes along with buzz words and relies on the hope that things change because they want to go along to get long, they think that going along with others is the way and that will always back fire on us, it always has been, history keeps repeating itself but worse. It does on everyone and most I think realize that they just dont acknowledge it. Its hard to. You

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cant go along to get along, you just cant. Liberty comes to the individual and each person is different. , etc. can never work because humanity by nature is too diverse. Show me where it's worked well. Well, I'll say this, I don't care what any of you desire, be

that socialism, communism, capitalism, etc. none of it works if you don't acknowledge people's God Given Rights, Liberty! It doesn't work when you steal from people, murder people, rape people, prohibition health care from people (war on drugs), etc. Liberty creates diversity and happiness and collectivism creates tyranny.
Control and freedom, the two things most get confused on.

Collectivism is what religion is, it's mind control. You are forcing people to conform to a set of rules or polices that we all ignorantly believe in.

You need control, mostly control of yourself, but the way to be healthy and to be in control of yourself is to have freedom. In other words, we have a tendency to instead of being controlling of ourselves, we seek to control others, with bogus laws or regulations like forbidden medical marijuana on humanity which is people trying to take care of their health, that is prohibition. You cant control other people, you can only control yourself. It should all be inward, not outward. I mean most of you are far too controlling of others and instead need to focus more on controlling yourself. You need to look in the mirror and see your own BS. When raising a child? Yeah you need control or discipline to guide them, however, we really need to understand that its mostly watching over them and ensuring THEY are in control. Ensure they are educated, they understand what they are doing and they understand the consequences, period. You don't need LAWS (prohibition) that are made to be broken by nature (natural human behavior) making things worse. End Prohibition. In regards to society, you don't impose gun control for example, prohibiting people the right to bear arms just because YOU personally may not desire that, instead you arm everyone for DEFENSE. You have to think in terms of individualism, what is best for individual (which automatically includes you) for defense, so people can defend themselves (mostly from tyrannical governments and brainwashed "players" who execute the laws or policies) and not trying to prohibit something from others. What is best for the individual "varies". One man's medicine is another's poison.

Someone desires a piece of cake, while others get sick just thinking about it. What goes for sugar, goes for anything else, including those who don't like to eat vegetables. Well, you don't like vegetables, should we all ban that like we do with marijuana? A substance healthier than SUGAR! Marijuana cures most of the problems from a poor diet. My blog is shedding light on everything in the world, including the bible. It will shed light on what the bible & other sources do NOT. I hope it gets humanity to wake up, break the chains of control via their religion and government and start seeking to taking care of themselves.

They mind control us via their biggest weapon (TV, Media) and they label anything that is truth crazy or kook. And this is when YOU have to be more bold than ever and stand up to tyranny. No matter how big it has gotten, global government or not. You are never free keeping quite and hoping someone saves you and helps you out. You have to fight for Liberty. Most of you continue to serve the system despite the self-evident of all of us activists being right against the government, as it becomes evident a lot of you are not waking up and joining liberty, instead further dig in and go along to the corruption, why? Do any of you like where our society is going? Do you enjoy your lifestyle? It's sad when I can see a much better way of living your life and many of us are so prohibited from doing so. I mean you have to serve the system, I'm not saying 'break the law', I'm saying, you go through your day and you don't even criticize it, you don't get in the infowar and urge Congress to change it, we don't work to make the system better. You don't vote for the system to deliver any love, but only darkness.
Quickly one example is basically in regards to your health. There are many people (a large minority of us) out there looking down most of you for your tremendous ignorance in regards to health and taking care of yourself. It's either you really don't know or it's blantant ignorance or evil on your part for how you hide the truth and go along with the scam. You have people who actually believe that they can eat whatever they want, consume whatever processed foods they desire, which is drugs, chemicals or toxins, and wonder why they get sick all the time. The get sick, get lied to by most of the mainstream doctors who's education came from Big Pharma who simply wants to sell you treatments, more drugs to basically numb your pain, never cure it. Treat your pain, never cure it. Treat your pain with a man made drug that causes side effects which ultimately leads to more and spiraling out of control. I mean the moment you get a cold, you down Nyquil. Headache? Tylenol. You get cancer, you believe the mainstream calling alternative medicine quakery and that there isn't a cure for things like cancer, diabetes, Arthritis, depression (happiness, not anger), ADD, etc. when there is and it doesn't involved drugs, chemo, radiation or surgery which hurts you body in the long run. There are alternative ways, healthier ways and it's mostly reaching out to nature, what God provides to you.

There are folks who live a different lifestyle than you or know a better lifestyle to live than you, different foods or taste in foods they desire that naturally treat your body, their body well to where they are never sick. Yet, most of you out there, laugh at this, think it's crazy, think we are joking or in huge denial that something like this actually works, but don't want to believe and instead continue to SCAM humanity by getting folks to spend money trying to find cures by joing walks for cancer cures, diabetes cures, AIDS, etc. when there already are cures but you ignorantly deny it cause you love your reckless lifestyle despite it hurting others or heavily influencing others. You don't care to change the law or support legalizing alternatives for others who desire it because you don't care, it's the Gestapo, you don't care and rather be NAZIs by refusing to face the truth or reality. We are seen as NAZI's, but in reality we are just brain dead and asleep, ignorant. Waking up and admitting we've been hit with a dose of tyranny will get our country back. We the people can change our policies. Your ignorance hurts others because many of us just won't break the law so we don't get in trouble by the mafia and we put our faith in our leaders who don't care about us and the system where we are force to take whatever treatment our doctors prescribe us which wind up killing us or not curing it, but treating it, but not very good cause I still feel like crap, with side effects All of your money for these SCAMS, goes into the hands of Big Pharma ran mostly by the international bankers who are the drug lords, who brainwash you into making their competitor illegal (marijuana) so that you are not received proper medication and that the health care costs are more expensive for you. People support competition (survival of the fittest), you mean competition of no competition? I mean I love competition, but what i'm saying is that your government is prohibiting competition, and it's competition that lowers the price and enhances more consumption of YOUR drug or product. Like prohibition of marijuana is NOT good for the beer industry, stop being naive, stop being ignorant to REALITY. It's simply a form of tyranny, a form of enslavement, not freedom. Prohibition, shutting down the competition, drives the price of everything up, including your desired drug or medicine. Plus, marijuana is the complete opposite of getting drunk, in fact, when people have their cannabis, they are able to consume more alcohol, as it provides balance. This video explains the basics of getting high of marijuana. We place a negative connotation on getting "high" from marijuana, yet over look "highs" from sugar, caffeine, alcohol, SEX, or any other legal "drugs" which all are for more harmful to society than marijuana could ever be which can help people refrain from the real negative highs, like sexual relations in order to "feel" good. It's mostly things that are man made that are bad for you, not things growing naturally via God or Nature. Marijuana is not for everyone, some may not like the feeling, may get paranoid (which I believe is based on your thoughts and doing something most others around you are not or breaking law) or just feel like they ate too much or any type of discomfort from eating something not right for a few hours. Most don't view those side effects as discomforting but feeling great. I mean what's wrong with laughter or just feeling good? If not legalizing marijuana, you should at least legalize the male part of the cannabis plant, Hemp! Drinking clouds your judgement, enables you to forget things or do things carelessly, subscously, unknowing, making mistakes, smoking pot does the opposite, it enhances critical thinking, making you more AWARE of your surroundings, which is where the paranoia "can" come from. That is a good reason the elite like to keep illegal, they don't want you becoming "aware" of deceptions. Education & Prohibition is the problem with drugs (everything), not the availability of it. If anything, make it more available to the adults,

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Education & Prohibition is the problem with drugs (everything), not the availability of it. If anything, make it more available to the adults, legalize them all for them which will actually make it harder or LESS available for our kids in school since it's MORE available illegal via the black market and legalizing them will make them seem uncool, problems go down and all our drugs and medicine becomes cheaper. Bill Hicks explains why kids do drugs and truth on the gateway theory (it's lies & hypocrisy, not marijuana). No substance leads to addiction in another substance or the substance itself and your decision to taste it. Whether you waste your money on marijuana, meth or pills from Big Pharma, all the profits go to the same Drug Lords or Bankers!

You don't need money, you don't need to print or borrow money, you need to end prohibition (of everything, the right to work, jobs, drugs, healthcare, food, etc.)

End Prohibition It's bankers like JP Morgan & John D. Rockefeller who said "competition is a sin", yeah for their corporation, the banking system, the world order, their enslavement! They shut down competition, kill jobs, yet we keep reproducing, inflating the population only to have the elite kill us or sterilize us, why? They do that because they don't NEED all of us to run their system, to run their corporation of enslavement, but why do WE support that? The elite want to rob you, steal your money from you during a slow soft kill, meaning take all your money via health care costs and once they got all your money you die and also remove anything Holy or Spiritual in you. Smoking cannabis is a spiritual thing (if not needed for medical purposes which is the majority of the time). Many people like to put a negative stigma on it such as well you just want legalization as execuse to get high, yeah just like you want your morning coffee or soda (caffeine buzz) in the morning with your donut (sugar) that causes diabetes or high blood pressure and the marijuana PLANT doesn't or just like your alcohol after work or your cigarettes you smoke or whatever else you do that is legal (it's easier to OD on water than it is cannabis, which you cannot, zero deaths), etc. Yeah it's just like that, only when you don't get drunk (alcohol), it doesn't impair you or kill brain cells but make you smarter enhancing cell groth (heaven forbidden, can't have that in dumbed down society), and well it doesn't' leave you with any side effects, nothing negative all but positive including for your children and the . You don't want your kids smoking pot, then legalize it and control it where everyone that gets it is now ID'd, 18 years of age? Right now anybody can get it from drug dealers or criminals that will always break the law, duh and what do we do, we waste tax paying money trying to fighting this via a failed . You also complain about your own health care (drugs that you take) being too expensive and that is because you support the monopoly making the competitor (cannabis or marijuana) illegal, when it'ts simply a spiritual thing, helping people stay calm and patient (which helps people consume the drugs that YOU like people to consume like alcohol). You don't have to worry about the 2nd Amendment with these folks, they are the LAST people on earth that would hurt anyone. Geraldo Riveria on FOX News covered the fact that our soldiers are helping grow the opium in Afghanistan, they smuggle drugs into the states while the banks launder the money. The whole war on drugs is to fuel crime, fuel drug problems, fuel corruption, fuel high health care costs, fuel everything wrong and bad for humanity. It's why the founders made it Unconstitutional. It's a huge profit for the drug lords, the bankers. It's a huge power grab. The British Empire financed itself in the 1600-1700's with the Opium. You see, they don't care about you, they care about Profits and that happens via a slow soft kill. It's best to get you dependent on as many medications, keeping you alive long enough to milk your money. You end the and at least legalize marijuana (should be everyting) and your health care costs, (your particular prescirption medication, not saying you should medicate with marijuana), all costs of medicine would come down in price. You have to legalize the competitor for a good . Stop being naive, stop hurting yourself in an economy by purposely supporting a Monopoly or Corporatism. It's "crony" capitalism. Capitalism that is Corporatism which ultimately turns into , any of the "isms", all the same really, it's NOT Free Market capitalsim. We need Liberty, the people deserve a FREE Market capitalism, not crony capitalism or corporatism who can make it's competitor (alternatives) illegal, making it a monopoly for them and depopulation for us, no jobs. Yes, the elite or the real owners who rule behind the curtain or the "puppet" politicians don't care about us and try to kill us any way they can. They want to reduce the population by 90%, check out the Georgia Guidestones. In America they kill by sending us to war, but mostly via soft kill weapons (bad healthcare, vaccines, etc.) or a possible nuclear false flag attack, just like 9/11 was a False Flag operation. Yeah no proof leaking 9/11 to Bin Laden, but more to Israel Mossad agents and the bankers who finance them, which are ALIVE and well, still in power, in charge and still planning more WAR on ALL OF US. Yet, the majority doesn't know this because we don't care, we don't care to demand EVIDENCE and instead blindly believe what our puppets "say". Are we going to allow MORE war? Are we going to allow another 9/11? Our leaders around the world, our President, etc. they all say we need Democracy and Democracy is no different than Dictatorship. It allows an un-informed majority of the public to ignorantly vote away your rights. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, learn the differences of the type of Governments. In a Republic, you have rights, the majority can't just vote to hang you. You get checks and balances, you get a fair trial, a unanimous vote where all 12 in the juror must vote guilty for you to be guilty. If just one votes not guilty, you are free. We are NOT a democracy & need to stop spreading that. We are a Republic, a country that comes with a Bill of Rights, those 10 Amendments that provide you Liberty. Democracy is mob rule, where the majority, 51% can vote away your rights. That's why nothing is working and even Americans have forgotten this, it's why we are losing our freedoms. it's why our country is no longer prosper and why we are being enslaved. You are taxed more and more every day which KILLS jobs. If I'm taxed, if a corporation is taxed, than WE cannot hire more workers, we can't hire someone to cut my grass or to do this or that, etc. Get it? More government, more enslavement or poverty, period. The statistics of cancer, poverty, starvation, the poor, unemployment etc. will always go up (unless we wake up) for two major reasons. 1. The population continues to go up, especially those among the poor or in poverty (unless the elite do a real good job murdering you) and 2. we continue to support World Domination via one corporation, those within the banking system, an elite who enslave you and further the "problems" of this world by shutting down competition and prohibiting food, resources, etc. for the people. Our leaders, our rulers are OPPRESSING you. They are murders who don't care about you and they should be the ones to die, not YOU. That is if they don't stop trying to kill us. America should NEVER vote for gun control on ANY form. A man has the right to a 2nd Amendment - Defense. Anybody who accepts payment to execute violence, whether within the CIA, NATO, the Military, the Police force, etc. you are serving the Corporation, the bankers and their "World Order". If we don't stop them, if people continue to murder for the corporation, then I guess we have no choice but to murder the CEO's of the corporation (the bankers, our leaders, etc.), those who "order" the killings before they hit the nuke button. We have got to raise these concerns because our government has done NOTHING to protect us since 9/11 & their is a great chance that America is already pre-wired with nukes around the country, ready to be detonated. WAKE UP! Our CIA & FBI is not working to protect us. Where is the evidence? I have provide more evidence (see the NEWS) than our government & the elite provide. Zero trust in Government who continues to be a FAILURE.

Until our elected officials, leaders and those in law enforcement start truly following the Constitution, truly enforcing the LAW, protecting our rights via the 1st-10th Amendment, then we'll always be a Police State or Dictator & not "prosper". No Freedom.

Maybe we should delete the "democratic" part of the Republic. We are really a Democratic Republic. Democracy (everyone votes) Republic (with rights though). Maybe that is the weakest link there that traps us. we can easily forget about the republic (rights) and just stop once we get to democratic (democracy) and by only focusing on that, we have VOTED away our rights, the Republic. You dont vote for a man, vote on issues & you always preserve liberty. And If you get involved at all, like on election day, you must stay committed and fight. You dont let corporations or special interests lobby and push your elected officials to pass laws that violate our rights or liberties. That comes first. Do we have the money is second? You dont borrow money from a private bank with interest or use credit to spread the wealth around. Passing laws should be like convicting someone, everyone must say yes. If one person (Ron Paul) says the bill is unconstitutional, that is violates the constitution and any of the 10 amendments, it should NOT be passed! That is one thing to improve the

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Our faults with this or ignorance to this and blindly believing someone is a conspiracy theorist who simply questions something can lead to the destruction of the very essence of what this country represents, what freedom is and that is freedom of thought & innovation / questioning which is essential to better humanity or make things right going forward. The real war is the info war, the mind control for enslavement, keeping us confused or mislead, preventing us from questioning something and having critical thinking which leads to you being smart, well informed and knowing the truth with certainty in order to be free & independent.
I keep telling people, the enemy is YOU, it is within y ourself. Like William Shakespeare said, "the whole world is a stage and we're just the players of this thing."

It's the IDIOTS that pull the trigger or torture. The cowards. The weak!
The one who is threatened, the one who feels the power is outside them. The one who is out of control! We support the sy stem, we support our own destruction, etc. Mostly by being cowards, not facing the truth which is the only way it would set y ou free. Americans who dont face the truth or truly stand for Liberty are the biggest hy pocrites when they wav e that flag and celebrate 4th of July .

I mean by the majority of y ou who don't speak out against the illegalization of marijuana regardless if y ou desire it or not is the sole reason why our country faces the struggles today that it does. You are hurting y our own self and y our own costs for y our own health care. You understand that y ou all support the illegalization of plant that has been used as medicine since the dawn of time? Its only been since the 1 930s, that Reefer Madness and other propaganda or lies against it all ov er the TV, radio and newspaper that hav e made y ou stupid into creating terrorism by its illegalization. ABC reports it cured cancer, y et y ou people sit around, quietly supporting its illegalization. My mother got breast cancer and thank god she is still aliv e and that y eah she had to hav e surgery and radiation to beat it, not say ing it doesnt work, what Im say ing is there are alternativ es, healthier alternativ es that doesnt fry y our body the way radiation and chemo does. Those methods can kill the cancer, but it can also kill y ou like it does to so many . It hurts all y our normal cells in the body as well. Alternativ es like marijuana dont.

But what bothers me the most is that she beat it, y et the doctor or snake oil salesmen from big pharma talks her into taking a pill for 7 y ears (why 7 ?, the chakras?) which is a toxin and no wonder her bone density is weakening, to which her doctor as told her and instead of stopping it and focusing more on nutrition or what y ou are putting in y our body , she is told to just exercise more, y eah put more stress on it, which I don't know what good that will do if y ou keep putting poison or toxins in y our body , or if y our not nutritioned well. It frustrates y ou because y ou just want her to smoke some pot. But she wont, because we're law abiding citizens and we the sheeple continue to support the illegalization, making it cooler and more acceptable to children, wasting tax pay ing, instead of making money and not only that, but making all our medication, the costs of health care in general, regardless if y ou use cannabis or not, much more expensiv e. Making the competitor illegal driv es the costs of legal health care up, wake up!

The medication y our doctor prescribes y ou is far more expense thanks to the illegalization of marijuana.

The elite (bankers who happen to be the drug lords, controlling Big Pharma, 1 /1 0th of 1 % of the world's population), mind control all of y ou by spreading lies or a v irus, like in a computer, programming y ou. We are a human resource to them or a useless eater. The elite, who happen to be Ashkenazi Jews, think they are God's chosen people, they believ e to be God, they believ e they are the only humans (to be worshiped as God) and the rest of us "gentiles" as animals


no rights, no liberty. Just read what they believe in the Talmud, whether taken out of context or not, they believe it. I'm sure it's taken out of context with "most" christian Jews, but not the elite, who really hide behind that covering up pure evil, a spirit from Satan, not Jesus. They are afraid of what Jesus stands for, openness, Truth, the LIGHT. They are afraid of the light, they are vampires who operate in the dark, where they only know the truth and seek to keep it from you. We are conditioned or programmed from birth with LIES for our enslav ement! Enslav ed since birth. Information stored in a
computer and information downloaded and installed in y our brain, LIES. Yes, why do y ou think they call TV, programming. Do research, real inv estigating, proof, ev idence, seek information v ia the internet and talking to people. Get out there and see the world. Most importantly , seek the truth, face the truth, face reality ! That's the most important thing y ou can DO. Stand for the truth.

"The Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for Good men do nothing!"

..and there is a whole lot of y ou not doing any thing except sticking y our head in the sand, ignoring all the crap that we face daily , all the war, the financial crimes, the murder & y ou care more about football, Dancing with the stars or
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we face daily , all the war, the financial crimes, the murder & y ou care more about football, Dancing with the stars or other non-important issues or distractions, especially foul language use. Out of all the negativ e energy that goes on in the world, y ou get upset when WE get upset about reality and once in awhile use a 4 letter word. I mean that is how much we care and lov e at the same time. You run when y ou hear it or or any thing on this site which blatantly v iolates the 1 st amendment, freedom of speech, the mother of all liberties ov er fighting real ev il and seeking true justice. Something humanity has fought blood ov er. The solution is simple, we must wake up, stand for the truth and show them we are awake to their "game". Stop being naiv e, stop ignoring the big elephant in the room and demand y our freedom.

or is this how the Truth will always be treated?

Like The Day That Never Comes (the truth)

Waiting for the one The day that never comes When you stand up and feel the warmth But the son shine never comes No, the son shine never comes (Truth)
You're annoyed by the long ending of the song? I'm annoyed by the never ending ignorance, over looking the Big Elephant in the room. I notice it so much, that it's now taking a dump on your kitchen table!
People say if I'm so right, why am I still alive? I've done too much, covered too much publicly, it's better that I'm viewed crazy or a nut job by the majority than to murder me which would only highlight everything I'm saying with thousands of exclamation points! And don't ever believe suicide, for I would never take my own life. I enjoy seeing what happens next and fighting against evil, even if I get too lazy to continue trying and/or forced to be poor on the streets. I'll starve to death before I kill myself, which is illegal anyway, go figure!

They'll do whatever they can to suppress my message, I mean I'm not going to be "selected" to be president or placed right on prime time television to wake you all up!
The elite want us all murdered "georgia guidestones", y et they make suicide illegal, how moronic is that? Why not be smart about who is killed instead of murdering people who are NOT lazy and seek to work hard and better the world? No, us truth & peace seekers are too much of a threat to their power or control, that's the real problem. They do eliminate most of us hard working, honest individuals when y ou don't expose them. JFK is a great example, he

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gave a great speech, hinting a conspiracy and seeked to abolish the Federal Reserve, but he wasn't speaking such words that "wake y ou up". He wasn't really exposing the sy stem or game plan the way Alex Jones or my self does. The elite don't "care" about us or overpopulation, reducing the population in more effective way s, if y ou think that is a problem, i DON'T! It's hardly a problem when all 7 billion of us can fit inside the state of Texas with 1/4 acre of land to grow food. That and the whole global warming is a scam, a lie!

Just more taxes, CARBON taxes, wow, stealing more of our MONEY! I mean how do you tax nature? What do plants breathe? Carbon Dioxide! What do plants give us? Oxygen! Yeah, go GREEN! Plant more plants, plant a garden, legalize HEMP. Hemp will yield you FAR more paper in LESS amount of land mass than trees, that's LESS tress you need to cut down, I mean I hate to sound harsh, but I think of Tom Hanks in A League of their own and think, "what are you stupid?". Stop being NAIVE, stop bending over, being PIMPED, lied to, deceived by our politicians. I mean have you seen their salaries? It's a joke!

There is a war on for your mind. -

Remember, Jesus was seeking to Free your mind! He fought against a tyrannical government, seeking Freedom of mind control which is what religion & government is. He never advocated Religion after himself, it was Constantine and the Roman Government owned by the bankers of that time that created the Christian Religion after they murdered him (crucified, death penalty). Free us from this police state. Quotes:
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. - Benjamin Franklin

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed!

Resistance is Victory. Evil must be resisted. (Evil or sin = can be anything to eating unhealthy foods, lying, cheating, murder, theft, rape, etc. It's natural to resist negative energy (murder, raped, being stolen from etc.) to defend yourself, so that you are FREE. Its resistance peacefully, defending yourself sticking up for yourself. Its not do to them what you are resisting, it doesnt mean do to them what you are resisting for you to beat them to it. I dont rape, murder or steal. I dont' care to impose those negatives on others, I treat others the way I want to be treated, but you still fight against it by pulling away and you speak out and talk about it, you show them that you are awake and know their games, know what their thoughts are and its THEM that gets scared and falls to the truth. So dont tell me that those in our country who support the war and go overseas to fight are Christians, they are not, they are more catholic like the Knights Templar in Rome when real Christians were being persecuted.)

Anybody who engages in the evil, FUELS the Illuminati and the New World Order of death system.

If you refuse to correct your mistakes than that makes you consciously evil. We continue to support the LIE in regards to marijuana, so why would anybody expect me to TRUST YOU?
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"Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance, because it is all we know. When we first start facing truth, the process may be frightening, and many people run back to their old lives. But if you continue to seek truth, you will eventually be able to handle it better. In fact, you want more! It's true that many people around you now may think you are weird or even a danger to society, but you don't care. Once you've tasted the truth, you won't ever want to go back to being ignorant!" - Plato (The Republic)

Truth is treason in an empire of Lies! America is not a country, it's a Corporation or an Empire that is on the run!

I love America (what it was founded on), but not my current government & the Corporation that controls it.

I love the Republic, the Constitution & Bill of Rights which gives you Liberty or FREEDOM!

Please help us spread this information. WE THE PEOPLE need the Funds, not the Gov't or Banks. "The Sleeper must Awaken" - Muad Dib

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