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Maturitnf zadanieC.L
Task I Visual stimulus - EI\IWROI\IMENT 1.1Whatcanyou seein pictures A,B, andC? 1.2Do you like the sights? 1.3 What kind of pollution do they porhay?

uRoveir n
Task 2 Topic - FAMILY 2.1 Choosesomeonefrom your relatives you consider to be an interesting person. personality, Describe the person you have just chosen - hisArer appearance, lifestyle,clothing,habits,hobbies,likes dislikes,etc. and 2.2 Describeyour relationshiptowardsthe personaboveor someone your family in in detail. 2.3 Give somereasons why arguments start in your family.

Task 3 Simulation - CULTURE AIYD ART You are having a friend of yours from England for two weeks and he wants to amusehimself. Tell him about different placesin your town and its surroundings wherehe could go to.

n unovnN
Maturitn6 zadanieC.2

Task I Visual stimulus - I{EALTH CARB 1.1 Whatcanyou seein thesefotr pictures? 1.2Whatkindsof doctorsarethere? l.3WhatisthedoctorinpictureAdoingtohispatient?

Task 2 Topic - CULTIIRE AI\[D ART which arepopularwith the young. 2.1 Name someforms of entertainment 2.2 Describeyour favorite form of entertainmentreferring to the influenceit hason you. 2.3 Describea visit to the cinema.Startwith choosinga movie.

Task 3 Role-play- FOOD A dialog ina restaurant. You haveinvited your guestsfrom the USA to dinnei in a restaurant; Ask them about what they would like to have,order the meal and pay for it.

uRovniir n Maturitn0 zadanieC.3

Task L Visual stimulus - SEASONS 1.1 What seasons in the four pictures? are 1.2 What helpedyou identi$ them?

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Task 2 Topic - SPORTS world sportscompetitions. 2.1Namesomesportsor games the greatest and 2.2 Compare advantages disadvantages going in for a sportactively and of the and of watchingor supportinga teamasa spectator. 2.3 Somepeoplearguethat somesportsare so tough and dangerous they should that Commenton their statement. be banned.

Task 3 Situation - EMPLOYMENT You are having a job interview at the moment.Introduce yourself and ask about everythingyou ngedto know aboutthejob.

unovnilr s
Maturitnd zadanieC.4

l.l Describe pictures. the 1.2 What arethesemachines usedfor?

Task 2 Topic - HOUSING 2.1 Somepeoplewould not move into a town at any cost. Otherswould not change living in the city for living in the countryside.Think of the reasonsthese two partieshave,giving both pros and consof living in the crty or the countryside. 2.2 Describethe placeyou live in in detail. 2.3 If you do not like the placeyou live in, describeyour ideal placeto live in.

Task 3 Simulation - MAN AND S(rcIETY Your friend'in Australia celebrated her 20tr birthday two weeks ago and 'unfortunately,you have forgottento sendher a birthday card. You want to correct your embarrassing error by phoning your friend. While calling her, wish her a hqppybirthday,askabouther family, her health,school,her future plansand invite her to comeroundto your placethe next summsrholiday.

unovsN n
Maturitn6 zadanieC.5
Task 1 Visual stimulus - MIILTICIILTIIRAL S(rcIETY

1.1Whatkind of peoplecanyou seein the pictures? them? 1.2 What characterises

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Task 2 Topic - SHOPPING AIYD SERVICES 2.1 Describeshoppingin individual shopsand shoppingin large stores. 2.2 Nameasmany individual shopsaspossible,referringto the most common productsthey sell. you canmakeuseof in your place. 2.3 Referto what services

Task 3 Simulation - TRAVEL Giving dfuections. the streetyou are addressed two foreignemwho would In by like to get to know your city. Explain to them what they could visit and how they would get there.

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Maturitn6 zadanieC.6
Task I Visual stimulus - HOUSING 1.1 Whattypesof houses in the picture? are 1.2 How do thev differ from one another?

Task 2 Topic - IIEALTH CARE, whenyou werelastill andhadto seethe doctor.Describe 2.lTry to remember the you symptomsof the disease sufferedfrom, your visit to the doctorandthe teaftnent you hadto undergo. 2.2 Explain why preventionis betterthan cure. 2.3 Name someminor andseriousdiseases.


Task 3 Simulation - SCHOOL AltD STIJDY A guidedtour of a school.You have somestudentsfrom abroadwho.havecome on an educational to your school.Show them aroundyour schooltelling them about all the sports and educationalfacilities you have available in your school.

Maturitn0 zadaniei. 7
Task I Visual stimulus- SCHOOL AltD STUDY pictures. 1.1Describe whatyou canseein these 1.2Who do you think arethe persons pictureE? in

Task 2 Topic - TRAYEL 2.l Describewhat going on holiday abroad involves (booking the tickets, getting a etc.) visa, packing,preparingdocuments 2.2 Describetavelling by car andtravelling by coach. 2.3 Expressyour opinion on the culture of fravelling on the busesfrom Svit to Poprad when students factorv workerstravel home. and

Task 3 Simulation - CLOTIIES A|II) FASI{ION You are ha{{ng a phone call from your friend from New Zealandwho wants to come to Slovakia in winter to spenda couple of weeks in the High Tatras with you. Advise him what clotheshe shouldbring and what he needsor doesn't need to bring with him.

unovnNn Maturitnf zadanieC.8

Task I Visual stimulus- TRAVEL pictures? 1.1Whatkindsof transport you identifi in these can 1.2Which of themcanbe usedto getto Britain? 1.3 Which of them is the safestandwhich the most dangerous?

Task 2 Topic - SCHOOL AI\D STUDY you havehad from your first gradeup to 2.1 Inhoduceyour schoolandthe subjects now at this school. your typical schoolday. 2.2 Describe 2.3 Give somesuggestions what you would changein your schoolif you could. of

Task3 Simulation- IIEALTH CARE At the doctor.You areworking in Englandandyou haven't beenfeeling quite well in the last two days. You are going to the doctor. Explain to the doctor what is wrong with you and ask if you have to pay for the teatnent and prescriptionand wherethe nearest chemistis.

unovsNr n Maturitnf zsdanie 9 I.

Task I Visual stimulus - SFORTS 1.1 What kinds of sportscanyou identiS in the pictures? 1.2 What sportsequipment you needto be ableto practisethesesports? do 13 Which seasons they practisedin? are

UROVEN B Task 2 Topic -JOBS AI\D EMPLOYMENT 2.1 It is moreandmoredifficult to find a job these for days.Statesomereasons it. 2.2 Discuss whatyou consider idealjob. an 2.3 Explain what/whoinfluencesyoungpeopleto choose their future career.

Task 3 Simulation - HOUSING You would like to give lodgings to some specialtourists and want to advertise your offer. However,you are askedto give someinfo not only about your house, but alsoaboutyour habitsandwhat is typical of yorn household.

unovsN n
Maturitn6 zadanieC.10
Task I Visual stimulus - TOWI\IS AI\ID PLACES places? 1.1Canyou recognise these 1.2 Which of them were madeby peopleand which by nature? 1.3 Which of them is the leastinterestingto you? Why?

UROYEN B Task2 Topic - HUMAN RELATIONS progrcss caused relationsamongpeopleto worsen. We 2.1 Scientificandtechnical has relationships with one another. Discuss how you imagine ideal have difficult relationsbetweentwo friends. 2.2 Describeany of the relationships(with your girVboyfriend or just a friend) you havehad in yotr life. 2.3 Discusswhat the most seriousargument that you had with your friend was about.


You have arrived in England and have just corneround to your English family. You are staying for a couple of weekswith them because you want to attendan English coursethere. They are asking you about how you seethe English. Tell them how you seetheir way of life, what you learnt about them at school (their habits,their stereotype, what they areknown for, etc.).

trnovnNn Maturitn6 zadanie 11 i.

Task I Visual stimulus - FOOD 1.1Nameall the itemsof food you canseein thesepictures. 1.2 Which of them arehealthyand which are unhealthy? Why?

UROVEN B Task 2 Topic - MAN AliD NATURE problemswe haveto facetoday as 2.1Name and commenton asmany environmental possible.(Global wanning, the greenhouse effect, the destructionof the ozone layeretc.) 2.2 Give a few tips on what we canpersonallydo to help the environment. 2.3 Commenton what alternativeenergyresources could useinsteadof coal, oil we naturalgas.


Task 3 Simulation - SLOVAKIA - MY HOMELAI\D You are on holiday and have madefriends with an American couple.They know little about Slovakia and as a result they want to learn somethingaboul it. Give them someinfo aboutour placesof interest culture,customs, lifestyle, etc.


Maturitn6 zadanieC.12
Task I Visual stimulus - f,'AMILY pictures. 1.1Describe these 1.2How would you describe atmosphere eachpicture? the in

Task 2 Topic - DEVELOPMENT OX'SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2.1 Commenton somefields of humanknowledgehumankindhavemadegreat progress in. 2.2 Think of one inventionyou considerto be the greatest the most helpful. or 2.3 Describewhy you havechosen this invention andwhat is so specialaboutit. 2.4 Statesomepros and consof the invention.

Task 3 Simulrtion - WEATIDR Your English friend wants to come and stay in Slovakia for the whole year and doesn't know what kind of weathershe shouldexpecthere.Describeeach season andwhat clothessheshouldbring.

Maturitnf zadaniei. 13
Task I Visual stimulus- SLOVAKIA-MY HOMELANI) placesin the pictures? 1.1 Canyou recognizethe 1.2 Arethey known or unknownto you?

iinovnfi n
Task 2 Topic- MAN AI\[D SOCIETY 2.1 Describe British andSlovaksocietyin termsof the classsystem. job, 2.2 Choose of the groupsand describethe lifestyle of that group.(housing, one food, hobbies,holiday, education, etc.) 2.3 Commenton how you imaginean ideal societyto be.

Task 3 Simulation - THE BOOK - A MAN'S FRIENI) Recentlyyou have read an interestingbook. We would like to know why you like the book and what the story is about.Characterise main characters the and if you know, give someinfo aboutthe author.

unovsN n
Maturitnf zadrnie C.14
Task I Visual stimulus - SHOPPING AND SERVICES can pictures? 1.1How manydifferentshops you identifuin these 1.2Whatkindsof goods they sell? do

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you know (verbal,non-verbal, 2.1 Describehow many forms of communication facialexpressions, etc.). phonecommunication. 2.2 Explainthe pros andconsof e-maiUmobile 2.3 Describecommunication the pastandtoday. in

Task 3 Simulatlon - TOWNS AI\[D PLACES You are a memberof the budgetcommifieewhich is to decideinto which project the money from the EU will be invested.You have a couple of options - sport, edtrcation" culture,entertainmentetc.


Maturitnf zadtnie C.15

Task I Visual stimulus - THE COUNTRY WHOSE LAI\IGUAGE I AM LEARNING 1.1Who is the smilingwomandressed white in the picture? in 1.2 What is the man standingin front of the gatedoing? 1.3 Why arethereso manypeoplein front of the hugebuilding? 1.4 What is the man surrounded with a big crowd of peopledoing?Is he paid for it?

uRovnN n
Task 2 Topic - M^A.SS MEDIA 2.1 Describequality papers(the broadsheets) popularpapers(the tabloids)in and termsof size,headlines, content language. 2.2 Describedifferent sections that canbe found in a newspaper. you 23 Comrnneton which newspaper(s) like readingandwhy.

Task 3 Simulation - EDUCATION You are studying in England and your classmates want to leam about the school system we have in Slovakia. Discuss the individual levels of educatiorgthe yearandthings you would changein your school. organizationof the academic


Maturitn6 zadanie 16 C.
Task I Visual stimulus - EMPLOYMENT peoplehave? 1.1Whatjobs do these 1.2Whatclueshelpedyou to identifutheirjobs? peoplework. 1.3Nametheplaces wherethese

Task 2 Topic -YOUNG PEOPLE AI\ID SOCIETY in 2.1 Describethe lifestyle of teenagers termsof their habits,attitudestowardsthe faits, older generation, time, school,dreamsand ideals,opinions,personal free etc. betweenteenagers thosebetween and twenty and 2.2 Commenton somedifferences thirty. 2.3 Statesomeproblemsthe young haveto facein today's society.

Task 3 Simulation- DEYELOPMENT OX'SCIENCE AIID TECHNOLOGY Try to persuade older personttrat the mobile phone is a useful invention and an thus worth buying.


Maturitn6 zadaniei. 17
Task I Visual stimulus- ROLE-MODELS AI\[D IDEALS peoplerepresent? 1.1 Whatkind of idols do these 1.2 What doesthe picture in the middle represent? do model-idols you think is the mostprestigious? 1.3 Which of these

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Task 2 Topic- FOOI) 2.1 Describe eatinghabitsin Slovakia, Britain andthe USA. 2.2 Discusshealthyfoodsand unhealthyonesin terms of ingredients, preparation, the amountandwhen we eat. you 2.3 Name someinternationaldishes,for exampleItalian or Chinese, havetried in your life. 2.4Try to nameasmanykindsof fruits andvegetables possible. as

Task 3 - X'REETIME Your English teacheris taking a classsurveyof ho'rvyoung peoplespeqdtheir free time. He hasaskedyou thesequestions: r Howdo youngpeoplespendtheirfree time? o What do you like doing in your free time? o How many hobbieshaveyou had up to now? e How much time do you spendon your hobby eachweek? o Whatkind of hobby do you considerto be the most beneficial?

unovnNn Maturitnf zadanie 18 i.

Task I Visual stimulus- MASS MEDIA 1.1 Whatkindsof mediado these pictures represent? 1.2 Whatcanyou seein pictureD?

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Task2 Topic - HOBBIES, FREE TIME AltD LIFESTYLE peoplemay have. varioushobbies 2.1 Describe 2.2Thrrrkof the most suitablehobby youngpeoplecan haveand give somereasons why it is so interesting. 2.3 Explain why somehobbiesaremore useful than others. 2.4 Saywhich hobbiesyou usedto haveas a child andthe hobby/hobbies have you now. 2.5 Discusswhat kind of a hobby you would take up if you had everythingyou would needfor it, for exarrpletime, money,someone's supportetc.

Task 3 Simulation- MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY You have a visitor from day you are travelling by train and your visitor spotsa Gypsycolony out of the tain window. Try to explain to your visitor the hot issueof the Romanypeoplein Slovakia.

uRovrNn Maturitnf zadanie 19 C.

Task I Visual stimulus - YOIJNG PEOPLE AI\D SOCIETY 1.1 What two activities do picturesD and C portray? 1.2 What doesthe rope in the picturerepresent? 13 Describewhat you can seein picture E.


2.1 Think of someplacesin the world wherepeopleof different nationalitieslive side by side.(London,New York) 2.2 Express your opinion about welcoming immigrantsofor example Ukrainians, Pakistanis Albanians,to our country.Give the pros andconsof the issue. or 2.3 List somedifferences prejudices colourof someone's (the amongpeoplettratcause skin, different physicalfeatures, hairstyle,etc.).

Task 3 Simulation - FORMS Of' COMMIJMCATION Welcomea group of students from abroadto your school They are hereto stayfor a coupleof days.Tell them aboutthe programme that you haveprepared them. for


Maturitnd zadanieC.20
Task I Visual stimulus- BOOK-A MAN'S FRIEI\D 1.1 What kinds of booksaretherein the picture? 1.2Whatcanyou seein pictureC? 1.3 What canyou sein picture D?

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Task 2 Topic 20 - TOWNS AI{D PLACES 2.1Name someinterestingplacesyou'would like to visit abroadif you had lots of money. 2.2T\erc arc many beautiful places in our country (castles,spas,caveso mansions, historical towns, etc.). Choossome of them and discusswhy you have chosen them. 2.3 Discusswhereyou would take someforeignersin your local area.

Task 3 Robptey - SHOPFIIIG AND SERVICES , You are in a deparfrnent store and want to buy a pair of jeans, a sweater,a CD player,a tube of toothpaste somefood. ard


Maturitn0 zadanie 21 i.
T a s kl Visual stimulus- MAN AND NATURE 1.1What formsof pollutioncanyou seethere? 1.2Whatmostlycontributes air pollution? to 1.3Why is the bird dead? Whatmight havehappened it? to

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Task 2 Topic 2l - CLOTHING AI\ID X'ASHION 2.1 Comment the choiceof your clothesandaccessories wearon the following on you going to a disco, a sport event,to a friend's party, to the theate, to the occasions: wedding,... 2.2 Expressyour attitudeto fashion(your wardrobe,your favouriteitemsof clothing). 2.3 Discussthe choiceof clothesaccordingto the weather.

Task3 Simulation - IIEALTH Recentlyyou were in a pub with your English friend and you were askedwhy so many young people couldn't entertain without smoking cigarettesand drinking alcohol. Try to explain him/her why they can't imagine their life withow it and discusspossibledangers thesebad habits and give somesuggestions living a of on healthierlifestyle.

uRovnN s Maturitn6 zadaniei. 22

Task I Visual stimulus - CLOTHING AND FASIIION 1.1 What arethe peoplein the upperpicturesdoing?Wherearethey? 1.2 Describethe individual items of clothing the modelsare showingin the pictures.

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Task 2 Topic - TIm COUNTRY WIIOSE LANGUAGE I AM LEARI\ING 2.1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the geographical areas, nations,inhabitantsandtheir behaviour). 2.2 Provide someinfo aboutAustralia as an island continent(its statesand territories, the largestpopulationcentres). 2.3 Talk about someinterestingplacesyou would like to visit in a English-speaking counfY.


Last year you spentand celebrated Christnas in Englandwith your English friend and he wonderedwhetherpeoplein Slovakia spendChrisftnasin a different way. Tell to him/trer about Chrismas preparations,decorations,habits, Christnas dinner,presents...


Maturitn6 zadanie 23 i.
T'askl Visual stimulus - TRAVEL 1.1 Which of the most popular ways of spendingsunlmer (winter) holiday can you see there? 1.2 What are thesepeople doing?



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UROVEN B Task 2 Topic - ROLE-MODELS AftD IDEALS positiveandnegative qualities, 2.1 Discuss differentpersonal vices,virtues. 2.2 Speakof a person you admire, why you have chosenhimlher to be your idol, which qualitiesarethe most importantto you. 2.3 Name somemovie heroes(heroines)that young people admfueand why they do that.

Task 3 Simulation - YOIJNG PEOPLE AIYD S(rcIETY Your English friends have spent a couple of days in our country recently. In addition to their knowledgeabout somehabits of Slovak young people,they were interestedin the ways of spendingtheir leisure time. Talk to them what they like doing, how much time they spendon it and if they sharetheir hobbieswith some other friends.


Maturitnf zadanieC.24
Task 1 Visual stimulus - HOBBIES, FREE TIME AI\ID LII'ESTYLE peoplespend 1.1How do these their freetime? 1.2 What arethey like doing?

UROVEN B Task 2 Topic - THE BOOK - A MAN'S FRIENI) leisuretime. 2.1 Discuss readingbooksasthe way of spending 2.2Talkabout your favouriteraritersandgenres. 2.3 Think of a book you havereadrecently.Give us someinfo of the book.

Task 3 Simulation - FAMILY Imaginethat today it's your lfth birthday.You arehaving a greatparty, a large family gathering,morethan twenty peopleare invited. Surprisingly,you English friend didn't.forget your birthday andhascometo wish you many huppyreturns. Try to introduceyour family mem-bers her, wherethey worlg their hobbiesand to interests.

uRovuN g

Maturitn6 zadanie 25 C.
"l'askI Visual stimulus- MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1.1Describe peopleandplaces (thespecialevent).Wherearethey? the 1.2Comment theirfeelings. on 1.3Whatarethey doing?

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UROVEN B Task 2 Topic - THE COUNTRIES WHOSE LAI\GUAGE I AM LEARIIING 2.1 Speak ofthe USA andits inhabitants. (the secondlargestcountry and its population). 2.2 Present Canada 2.3 Talk aboutthe placesand cities you would like to visit in the world.

Task 3 Role-play - TRAYEL

You are planning a ten-day trip to London. You are calling to the British travel agency, talking to the travel agent.Try to find out the following information: the possibilifies of tansport, accommodation, food the possibility of language course,insui.ance, someindividual trips, total price.


Maturitn0 zadaniei. 26
Task I Visual stimulus - THE IIIIMAN RACE AI\[D NATURD pictures. 1.1Describe naturaldisasters these in 1.2 Which of them seems be the most devastating why? to and

Task 2 Topic - SLOVAKIA - MY HOMELAI\ID populationo 2.1Talk about Slovakia- its geography, culture,history, political system etc. 2.2 Name someplacesof interestin our country. 2.3 Describeour traditionsandthe way of life.

Task 3 Simulation - FOOD You are studyng in the USA and stayrng with an American family. All the mernbers fte family are overweight.They seethat you are slim, so they ask you of to give them sometips on how to keep fit. Talk to them aboutwhat they shoulddo to leada healthierlifeswle.


Maturitnf zadanie8.27
Task I Visual stimulus - HOUSING photographs. 1.1 Describe these 1.2 If you hadto chooseone of theseplacesto live, which one would you chooseand why?

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Task 2 Topic - SCHOOL AI\iD STIIDY your daily routineduringa schoolday. 2.1 Describe 2.2 Describeyour daily routinesduring weekdays weekends. and you would change schoolday routine. 2.3 Think of how the

Task 3 Simulation - HUMAN RELATIONS You are studying abroadand sharinga flat with two other students. Yesterdayyou had alatenight parfy with loud music. You want to keep good relations with your neighbours.Go upstairsand apologise.


Maturitn6 zadaniei. 28
Task I Visual stimulus - JOBS AI\D EMPLOYMENT jobs in the pictures. 1.1Describe summer jobs, which onewould you choose why? 1.2If you hadto choose of these one and

Task 2 Topic - TIIE HIIMAN RACE AIYD NATIJRE 2.1Namemaintypesof climate. 2.2 Describewhat weatherconditionswe havein our country. 23 Explain the effectsof weatheron the humanbody.

Task 3 Rote-play - TRAVEL Ysu cr travelling bDt trdn to London. Starta conversdionwith a passenger sitting

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unovnN s
Maturitn6 zadaniei. 29
Task I Visual stimulus - CIILTURE AI\ID ART 1.1Describe pictures. the 1.2 Therearethreefilm posters.Which of thesefilms would you preferto seeand why? 1.3 What kinds of films do thesepostersadvertise?

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2.1 Name someBritish andAmericanpublic holidaysconnected with history. 2.2 Describepublic holidaysin our country. 23 Describetraditional celebrations Easterin Slovakiaand in other countries. of

Task 3 Role-play- HOBBIES, FREE TIME AltD LIFESTYLE You are working as an au pair in England.Next Srmdayyou are having a day off. Discusssone possibleactivities with your friend. heearc two plans for good or bad weather.


Maturitnd zadanie 30 i.

1.1 Look at the pictures of the famous scientists and say what they discovered invented.

Marie Curie Sklodowska

Pierre Curie

Ch. Darwin

A. Flemming

I. Newton

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Task2 Topic - MASS MEDIA as 2.1 Nameasmanytypesof TV progftlrnmes possible. you 2.2 Commenton eachof the TV programmes havejust listed. programmes you like watching and what benefit you get from 23 Discusswhat TV them.

Task 3 Role-play - CULTURE AI\[D ART You are working in Britain. Your friend has told you about a concert of your favourite pop goup. Croto the information office and ask for details about the concert.

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