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1) The E.

R Model (Entity Relationship Model)

Wedding_Id Wedding_Id*
Contact_Id * Gift_Id* Gift_Id

Consist Consists
Weddin Wedd_Gift Gift


Wedding_Id *

1.1) Explanation of Entity Relationship Model for The Giftland. (Assumptions)

* Wedding consist of Wedd_Gift: A wedding can have more one gift; A Guest can by
more than one type of a gift and more than one quantity of a gift.

* Gift consists of many Wedd_gift; A Gift can be brought by a guest in many


* Wedding has a Contact details; Assuming that wedding couple (Bride and Groom)
dwell together before marriage and also after the marriage.



Wedding (Wedding_date, Groom, Bride, {Address, City, Postcode, Tel_no,

Mobile_no, E-mail}, {Gift_id, Gift_des, Gift_purchased} )

* Introducing Wedding_id it enables to specify a particular wedding record. on the
other hand using Wedding date as primary key can cause chaos to the Giftland,
because, on a particular given date , there may be more than one wedding could
happen. Hence, introducing Wedding_id would be appropriate for the Giftland Gift
shop. Which will uniquely identify wedding.

* A wedding can have more than one gift type and more than one quantity of a
particular Gift type, for instance. Gift K178 Kitchen Scales can be brought by many
guests and could be brought more than one time. Hence Wedding and Gift has been
separated from many to man to one to many relationship, by introducing the
Wedd_gift table.

* Introducing Gift_price will enable guest to choose a gift/s costing appropriate

amount, which they wish to buy.


Wedding-1 (Wedding_id, Wedding_date, Groom, Bride,{ Address, City, Postcode,

Tel_no, Mobile_no, E-mail })

Wedd_Gift-1 (Wedding_id*, Gift_id*, Gift_purchased)

Gift-1 (Gift_id, Gift_purchased, Gift_price )



Wedding- 2 (Wedding_id, Wedding_date, Groom, Bride,{ Address, City, Postcode,

Tel_no, Mobile_no, E-mail })

Wedd_Gift- 2 (Wedding_id*, Gift_id*, Gift_purchased)

Gift- 2 (Gift_id, Gift_price )


* it is more convenient to separate contact details, than having in the Wedding Table,
because for consistence. for instance; If Contact details were to held in Wedding it
would look like these;

Wedding ( Wedding_Date, Groom, Bride, Address, City, Postcode, Tel_no,

Mobile_no, E-mail, Gift_id, Gift_Des, Gift_purchased) these would make table wider
and inconsistent.

Gift- 2 (Gift_id, Gift_price, Gift_des )

Wedding -2(Wedding_id, Wedding_date, Groom, Bride,{ Address, City, Postcode,

Tel_no, Mobile_no, E-mail })

Weddig_id Wedding_date ( A wedding can happen only on one given date at a

time )

Weddig_date Wedding_id ( On a given date only one wedding is possible for

wedding couple.)

Weddig_id ,Wedding_date Groom( One groom marries to one bride)

Weddig_id ,Wedding_date Bride (One bride marries to on groom on a

particular date)

Wedding_id,Wedding_date Address ( Wedding couple lives at the same


Wedding_id,Wedding_date Address ( Wedding couple lives at the same

address and address has a unique city name)

Wedding_id,Wedding_date Postcode ( Bride and groom lives at the same

address, which has a unique postcode )

* Assuming that a wedding couple lives at one address and have a telephone line,
which is unique in its own, Tel_no would be more than enough to store in the
database as it will also store mobile_no and Email id, therefore it is not require to
store more than one Tel_no, also implies to Mobile_no and Email. Having store this
data more than one it would require more data storage, well as it will be inconsistent

Wedding_id,Wedding_date Tel_no (One telephone number per wedding and

is unique)

Wedding_id,Wedding_date Mobile_no (One mobile number per couple,

and it is also a unique)

* (a person can have more than one Email id ) but, Assuming a wedding couple have
an email id, just one from couple either groom’s or bride’s email id.

Wedding_id,Wedding_date E-mail (one email id which is unique)

Wedding -3 (Wedding_id, Wedding_date, Groom, Bride )

Transitive dependency found;

* Address has a unique city name, Postcode, Telephone number.

* A person has one mobile no, and one email Id unique (in this case)

Address City Postcode ( are unique)

Address City Tel_no( are unique)

Address City Mobile_no ( are unique)

Address City E-mail ( are unique)

City Address Postcode ( are unique)

City Address Tel_no ( are unique)

City Address Mobile_no ( are unique)

City Address E-mail ( are unique)

Postcode Address City ( They are unique to each other)

Postcode Address Tel_no ( unique)

Postcode Address Mobile_no (unique)

Postcode Address E-mail (unique)

Hence we separate the transitive dependency to a separate table called Contact.

* Wedding couple can have only one contact details.
* Having Contact_id enable to specify a wedding contact details uniquely.

Contact- 3 (Contact_id, Wedding_id* Address, City, Postcode, Tel_no, Mobile_no,


Wedd_Gift- 3 (Wedding_id*, Gift_id*, Gift_purchased)

Gift- 3 (Gift_id, Gift_price, Gift_des )

Gift_price Gift_des ( each Gift will have a price and a description )

Gift_des Gift_price(Each description will have a price)

Wedding -3 (Wedding_id, Wedding_date, Contact_id*, Groom, Bride )

Contact- 3 (Contact_id, Wedding_id* Address, City, Postcode, Tel_no, Mobile_no,


Wedd_Gift- 3 (Wedding_id*, Gift_id*, Gift_purchased)

Gift- 3 (Gift_id, Gift_price, Gift_des )



Wedding_id Wedding_date Contact_id* Groom Bride

W01 24th/08/2007 C01 Smith John Jones Ann

W02 25th/08/2007 C04 Bain Charles Anna Frank

W03 29th/10/2007 C03 Charles Lara Margate Moore

W04 25th/12/2007 C05 Benjamin Frank Anna Frank

W05 26/02/2007 C08 Gautam Vivek Swarna Shakti

W07 07/07/2007 C06 Rohit Malhotra Mala Raj

W08 13/12/2007 C08 Marcus Trescothick Gwends Abby

Contact_id Wedding_id* Address City Postcode Tel_no Mobile_no E-mail

C01 W01 63 Downing London SW7J70 020893 0777174 electro@yahoo

Street 1 5689 .com

C02 W08 52 Bridge Rd London SW11 020845 0794567 sam@hotmail

K1 7 9874 .com

C03 W03 13 Riverside Manchester M4 K52 0112548 0793147 sandy@yahoo

Rd 6798 9801 .com

C04 W02 59 Holloway London N7 8DB 020845 0798455 way@google

Rd 7 3214 .com

C05 W04 84 Moorgate London EC2M 020857 0799984

Rd 6SQ 9 0149 .uk

C06 W07 100 Minories London EC3N 020854 0795485 marsh@lan.

rd 1JY 7 9004 com

C07 W06 133 London E1 7QA 020854 0798765 earth@

Whitechapel 7 4321 universe
High Street 3694 .com

C08 W05 41 London E1 1LA 020857 0788354 data@system

Commercial 4 3974 .com
Road 3784

Wedding_id* Gift_id* Gift_purchased
W01 K178 1

W02 K144 2

W08 K420 2

W07 C117 8

W01 C242 8

W02 C200 4

W02 H100 1

W06 H101 2

W04 H102 1

W03 H102 1

W05 K178 1

W06 C242 12

W02 H101 1

W02 H103 1

Gift_id Gift_price Gift_des
K178 £30 Kitchen Scales

K144 £40 Kettel

K420 £10 Water Jug

C117 £40 Plate 12

C242 £55 Plate

C200 £70 Tea Cup

H100 £150 DVD Player

H101 £300 28 inch Plasma Flat TV


H102 £1000 LG Mobile phone LG


H103 £1300 apple iphone


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