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Classroom Organization and Routines Holly Rimathe A.

Physical I would like to have student tables so that they are able to share a table with one other student. This would allow for partner sharing of discussion or reading or any other activities we do. The teacher desk would be in the front of the classroom. A white board would be on the wall in the front of the classroom. I would like to have an area with books and materials for students to access for research or allow them to discover what is currently happening in the business world. I would love to have a subscription to The Wall Street Journal or magazines such as Business Week or Inc. Students would need access to a computer and it would be wonderful to have them in the classroom with us. One way to position them would be to put them around the parameter of the room away from student tables. I think having computers too close to students is an easy distraction for them to turn around and use them while the teacher is talking. I would need to have my own computer with equipment that would project the screen on the whiteboard. I would also need something like an Elmo that would project documents as well as project my writing so we can work on things together. I would also put posters on the bulletin boards with vocabulary words from our current unit or other things that pertain to business. There would also be school activity schedules or organizations students can be involved in that would give students more exposure to things that would benefit their future. I want my classroom to be inviting yet organized and professional. And like all teachers, students need tools to help them learn such as computers and current textbooks that will help them be great students now and beyond high school B. Operational 1. Teacher record-keeping procedures -Document student absences and any assignments due daily -File homework that needs graded daily -Record any lesson plan changes as soon as possible -Record student grades -Respond to emails daily 2. Welcoming new students in your room -At the beginning of each new semester: -Ask students to complete a Getting to know you questionnaire -I would also tell students about me so they will hopefully be able to relate to me and feel comfortable in my classroom.

-New students that join during the school year: -Introduce them on their first day to the rest of the class and welcome them publicly. 3. Keeping the classroom orderly and students desks clean -No food allowed in the classroom. -Students responsible for putting chairs back if they move them for group work. -If the student makes a mess, they clean it up.(writing on desk, etc.) 4. Displaying student work (Ive not seen anything from my content area displayed so unsure what to do) -Let students see each others projects. -Allow students work to be displayed in main display area of school, not just the classroom. C. Routines 1. Establishing group rules/expectations -Be on time, be prepared, be productive -Stay on task until teacher dismisses the class. -Bring all books and materials needed for class. -Look on board for todays assignment. -Be respectful to all classmates. -Follow all school rules. -Raise hand to get students to be quiet and pay attention. Silence when teacher is speaking. 2. Using free time -Bring something to read to class each day -No talking during this time as others may still be working 3. Doing homework(late work, make-up work for excused absence) -Make up work: You are expected to make up any missed homework. -Late homework will not be accepted without a penalty. It will drop a letter grade each day it is late. -For excused absence: Let me know as soon as possible if you know you will be gone the day an assignment is due and we will work out a plan for you to turn it in. 4. Dismissing class -Stay on task until teacher dismisses the class. -Students straighten the room before leaving. -Do not pack up early and no standing by the door. Please stay in your seat.

5. Establishing bathroom procedures or getting a drink -It is expected you will take care of any bathroom breaks or drinks between. classes. -Permission will be given if you need to leave during class. 6. Communicating regularly with parents/guardians or care-givers -Weekly or monthly newsletter to parents. -Post updates to school website for my particular classes and send link to parents. Equity Assurances and Policies As a teacher, I must create a safe, inviting environment for all my students. I will strive to have a classroom where everyone will feel comfortable and flourish as a student. One way I will do this is examine the materials I use such as newspaper or magazine articles, to ensure they are not geared toward one gender. I would also look over my assessments or examples to ensure everyone can relate and understand the meaning. For anyone with physical needs, I would ensure my classroom would accommodate any equipment or space they might need in order to be comfortable and have the correct environment for their learning. This might include creating a place for a wheelchair so the student can see the board and extra room for them to move to a computer or to a small group learning session. For those students who might have social or emotional needs, I would learn from their parents the best way to work with their child in my classroom. I would try to do my best to make them feel welcome and to allow the best environment for their learning style. I would also teach the other students how to treat anyone who comes into our classroom with physical or emotional needs. I think it is something that needs to be taught to students. They are not going to know how to treat someone with special needs if they have never been around them or if their parents have not shown them. I do not want to draw attention to the special needs students but want to educate the others as much as I can. I do not have any experience with Talented and Gifted students. But from what I understand, I would get to know these students and find out what interests them and find ways to keep them stimulated yet within the same topic as the rest of the students. The students that are from a different culture would be fun to have in my class. I would love to include information from their country or culture that would make our unit more exciting. I think this an excellent opportunity to teach students about other cultures as well as modeling inclusiveness and the specialty of bringing new thoughts and ideas from other countries so that everyone feels welcome and most of all, valued. Sexual orientation is something that I also feel needs some thought. It is very important that all students feel safe at school and are not harassed by anyone while in my care. I would follow any school policies but I would also publicly address anyone I see harassing anyone for their sexual orientation.

Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics 1. Classroom or school rule infractions. If a student breaks a rule, depending on the severity of the infraction, I would send the student to the principals office. I will not tolerate students who willfully disrupt my classroom and will send them out of my room. 2. Student disrespect to you or to other teachers. This is something else that I will not tolerate. I will reprimand the student and ensure there are consequences for their behavior. I would probably send them to a principals office. I am unsure about how school administrators would like these situations handled but I would adhere to their recommendations. 3. Student conflicts in the classroom. I will not argue with a student in the classroom. I would probably go out in the hall to have a discussion with them about the conflict or talk with them after class, if possible. 4. Student inattentiveness or lack of motivation. This will happen on occasion so I dont think its something that has to be addressed every time. If it continues or seems to last for the whole class, I would have a private conversation with the student to find the cause. 5. Tardiness I would expect school rules would address this. But it would be one of my classroom rules. Possibly a tardy slip from the previous teacher would be the expectation. Allow only so many tardies in a semester (2). If the student cant provide a tardy slip? 6. Disrupting or offending another student during class. This behavior will not be tolerated. I think this student should be removed from the classroom and put somewhere else until the end of class. Student should probably be referred to a principal. 7. Consequences of student cheating. The student cheating would get a zero and parents notified. If someone was showing them their work, they would also get a zero and parents notified.

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