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War in a Bottle
War in a Bottle
War in a Bottle
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War in a Bottle

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The Supernatural Power of Peace

All people contain DNA. Recent studies have revealed that genes remember the past and to a certain extent can influence the present. The environment in which we live influences not only the development of our psyche but also the overall disposition in which genes play a larger role than previously thought.

In Matthew 5:9, Jesus declared: Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God. Just as the Word suggests, it is not the war-makers that are blessed, but the peacemakers.

Whatever we scarcely pay attention to, as being unattractive and not dramatic enough to grab our attention, God chose to astound the world.

First Corinthians 1:25 says, The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

This book deals with the supernatural nature of peace, which actually heals and restores.

More than ever before, the modern lifestyle robs us of peace; as a result, people seek an escape from stress. Some find it in chemical substances; others in time off, relaxation, or meditation. But there is a peace that surpasses human understanding.

Like walking firebombs, which are bottles filled with petrol ready to go off, some people go through life without any purpose. As the title of this book suggests, the bottle must be emptied of all flammable substances; for only then one will find the much-sought-after commodity, which is the healing and restoring power of peace.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 10, 2012
War in a Bottle

Dr. Joseph Luxum

Dr. Joseph Luxum is a preacher and Bible teacher. For more than 22 years he lived in the Holy Land where he acquired a vast knowledge about Judaism and Christianity. As an author of many books Dr. Luxum opens your mind to things not yet considered and in that sense he reforms. His writing style is both academic and frank. He makes a blunt statement and then unravels a wealth of knowledge behind it. To the delight of those who are tired of religious redundancy Luxum combines science with logic and clear grasp of the world from which life emerged. He does not belong to any particular religion, he calls himself a child of God.

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    War in a Bottle - Dr. Joseph Luxum

    The Altered DNA Sequence


    Since time immemorial, wars have impressed certain data into our genes, which we will carry for an indefinite time. Our scarred DNA carries properties that fight rather than contribute to our triumphant development. The moment people hear the word triumphant, they think of war, oppositions and struggles. Can this DNA data be changed? Can it carry different information? And if so, what would influence it to the point of a permanent change?

    Hidden influences upon genes appear to affect every aspect of our lives. At the heart of this new field is a simple yet to some extent contentious idea that genes act as memory banks. However, these memory banks do not remain inflexibly locked. Our genes undergo modifications in accordance with our experiences.

    A family gene pool contains memories of its predecessors as well as whatever they have been exposed to, whatever they have done themselves, or had been done to them. Tragic, painful events leave scars, we say, but these scars are not external. Through my observations I have noticed that those who have lived in peace for centuries have a completely different disposition than those who have experienced many wars. I watched the Swiss and the Polish; the latter are more complex people. I prefer the relaxed Swiss than a sour-faced person, be it a Russian, Ukrainian or Polish. Although Americans were not directly exposed to the ravages of war they carry the patriotic pride element because of the necessary won, or unresolved wars, although the ‘necessary’ sometimes stands in question. The Vietnam War still haunts us. The compulsory draught of our boys ‘scarred and twisted’ even more their DNA strands.

    Whatever your grandparents faced—occupations, hazards, environments, the water they drank, food they ate, and the air they breathed—influenced their DNA. And if that is true, then what you do today could in turn affect your own descendants for generations. The information this book contains may set you on an irreversible course to betterment.

    Caring mothers reduce the likelihood of stress in their children’s lives. Tests on rats have revealed that if the mother inadequately cared for its young then certain genes in her offspring have been permanently marked. The opposite was also studied; caring mothers produced well-adjusted happier young.

    Holocaust survivors carry scarred genes that surface whenever World War II is brought up. A German pastor from Nuremberg once told me that he stayed with a family of Holocaust survivors in Israel and bluntly asked the lady of the house, Why don’t you hate me? He was surprised when he heard her answer, We know how hate feels, and we don’t wish it on anyone. This Christian pastor was just given a practical lesson in peacemaking, which comes in a package that includes care.

    Since the inception of Christianity, the original sin doctrine has been very much alive in almost every denomination. If that were so, then we would be doomed and would not ever recover from what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. If no change is possible, and we can only hope for God’s mercy, then we had better stop preaching, teaching, and writing books. It is not the holding-on to salvation with the skin of your teeth—until the final day when we are about to knock on hell or heaven’s door—but improvement and spiritual growth. There is something to overcome and our ‘genes will thank you’ for it. We can change, even on our own. We do have the power. But also, just as it is in sports, we must find joy in jumping over obstacles.

    When God gave His law to Moses, He did not give a set of rules that would be impossible to follow. If we think so then we would mar God’s real character. Now, is that nice? The impossible was not of God’s making, but of man’s. It is our lack of will rather than our inability to obey God’s law. We have become like merchants; we must see value in everything before we bargain. If you don’t see any value in being righteous, or in peacemaking, would you rather profit from war? If so, then you must die, for those who use the sword die from it? What we practice makes us who we are. The choice has always been ours. But, can dedicated peacemakers make a living from peacemaking? All forms of violence eventually bring death, be they internal or external. Our rather delicate psychologies can’t endure it for too long.

    If I can challenge you and open your eyes making you see a great value in peacemaking, would you buy it? Remember that peace heals and restores. Peace transforms us.

    New information comes your way, and all you need to do is to embrace it and run with it. Don’t convince yourself that you cannot change, or that demons control your life. That’s a copout. As long as you live, everything can be changed. Think about the remorseful thief on the cross; he still had the time. But, the other one, the shameless one, squandered his time of grace. As long as Ananias and Sapphira still lived they could have repented, given up lies and agreed to tell the truth. But, their time ran out and they died without the possibility of change. As long as the king of Judah Hezekiah lived, he could change, and he did. He confessed his sins and wept; God’s response was healing; and then He prolonged his life. Repentance works in a realm of space; therefore grace. Once space is taken, and grace withdrawn, repentance is not possible. After the great trumpet sound, on the last day, no one will repent then, but each will give account of his or her life before God’s throne.

    [Mark 3:28-30] Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin—because they were saying, He has an unclean spirit."

    Ananias and Sapphira ran out of time and died on the spot—that’s a sin against the Holy Spirit. Lying to Him or attacking Him in any way can be detrimental. As long as you can still read what’s written here, you are alive and well, and about to get even better. The right information often saves lives. Anyone having the knowledge of resuscitation, or the life-saving procedure applied to a victim of choking, saves lives; that’s the power of knowledge. The same applies to spiritual matters. People needlessly die after they have kept obeying those malicious war genes.

    Here are some important facts gleaned from recent scientific discoveries.

    For nearly a century, most biologists held firmly to the neo-Darwinian dictum that organisms are strictly determined by their genetic makeup, which is essentially isolated from the environment, so characteristics acquired during one’s lifetime can never be transmitted to the next generation.¹

    If one of your parents had trained very hard to become an Olympic tennis champion, you would not expect to be born with particularly strong arms or be a child prodigy in tennis unless you happened to have inherited the right genes from that parent, and it would not have mattered if he or she trained for the championship or not. That was because genes were supposed to remain constant except for rare random mutations; random in the sense that the mutations bear no relationship to the environment, so your parents’ experience can never influence your life.

    New research reveals that you could be getting not so much the right genes, but retro-genes from your Olympic tennis champion father. That is a very significant finding, because [the] mother’s influence, through the egg cell, and the womb, has long been recognized as an important part of the environmental (non-genetic) input for development, while the father was supposed to contribute nothing before birth except his genes. Now, it appears that the father’s experience, too, could result in retro-genes that might be passed on via the sperm.²

    With Dr. Lahn’s permission (a geneticist at the University of Chicago) I’d like to emphasize some aspects of his research. Dr. Lahn worked with the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research to craft a novel theory about the origins of the Y chromosome, which is widely used today to determine ancestry. Lahn’s paper³ on the recent evolution of the human brain asserts that new versions of two genes are currently spreading through the human population, and that these genes are more prevalent in some geographic regions than others. He has speculated that these genes may be linked to brain size and intelligence and wonders if the mutations—one of which took place roughly 40,000 years ago, the other, 5,800 years ago—correlate with the development of art, written language, and the founding of cities. And he stepped on more than a few toes when he noted that, geographically speaking, the changes had occurred pretty much everywhere except sub-Saharan Africa.

    Scientific data point to the first human habitats arising about 40,000 years ago, and recent discoveries have pushed this date as far back as 100,000 years ago, which would predate the biblical account, creation of Adam (6,000 years ago).⁴ The earlier dates explain the existence of people like the Sumerians (5700-4900 BC) and also Cain’s words to God:  . . . whoever finds me will kill me (Genesis 4:14). Most certainly he was not speaking about his own family, but rather of ruthless people who preceded Adam.

    Dr. Lahn examined the DNA of 1,184 people around the world, although not in racially mixed areas like North America, Russia, and Australia. He estimated that one undamaged variation, microcephalin haplogroup D (V1), first appeared around 40,000 BCE and has since spread to about 70 percent of humans. A second variant of the gene, abnormal spindle-like microcephaly, associated haplo group D (V2), arrived more recently, around 6,000 BCE, and has since spread to 30 percent of humans. It is most common in Europe and the Middle East.

    I call the abnormal gene unusual or unique, for it arose at the same time the great mix occurred—i.e., when God’s new creation and its genetic pool collided with people of a completely different genetic makeup: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward (Genesis 6:4).

    Yes, God permitted it all; otherwise those other, non-Adamic people who made up the rest of the world would have been extinct. A study of purely hereditary structures of the body is no proof at all, simply because it does not examine life itself. We must follow quite a different line of thought. Remember that in Genesis 1:26 the spiritual man was created first! In Genesis 2:7 the physical man was formed from the ground and with him the original human genetic makeup.

    We shall touch on the subject of giants later on. These ancient mysterious people had to be the descendants of Abel and Seth who were allowed to join with non-Adamic women.

    Since 1995 I have meticulously studied these biblical figures and went through a mixture of ideas, and I came to the logical conclusion that although not all giants were of warlike disposition; majority were not even skillful warriors, yet they evoked terror. Those freakish looking creatures appeared at the time of the genetic clash between the sons of God, Adam and his descendants and the non-Adamic people. (6000-5800 AD)

    Only as a point of interest: the land of Nod—described in Hebrew with only two letters NUN and DALET (no VAV)—would point toward India in the East. Put these letters together and you have I-ND-YAH. YUD, NUN, DALET and God’s name YAH derived from YHVH. It is quite interesting to observe that also Abraham had something to do with the Hindu god Brahma. But, since I put all speculations aside my point is strong when I say that when Cain left God’s presence in Eden for the eastern region of Nod he not only married there, but also brought his ways with him.

    Cain was also God’s son, and although he corrupted himself he still carried divine genes. The murderer and liar (John 8:44), was being preserved upon the earth by no one else but God Himself. Cain’s mission was purely physical and his gift was the knowledge of metals especially gold. (The Kenites, Median and Ishmaelites—Cain’s descendents, heavily transacted with gold.) Wars most likely started from him, although these existed before Adam, but the extra dimensional impetus changed the world. When those two genetic pools collided giants were born. Canaan was filled with giants and they built enormous structures in Gath, Hebron, and Bashan (Galilee) and in Salem or the city of Jebus (Jerusalem); and also in Bekaa Valley (today’s Lebanon). Kenites are called after Cain (Genesis 15: 19; Numbers 24:21-22).

    Cain is strangely ignored, perhaps because the biblical record does not trace his descendants. Jesus said in Matthew 7:20 that ‘by their fruits we will know them.’ I personally believe that Jesus referred to the tares, which will be burned up (Matthew 13:30; 40). However, the line of Seth, called the replacement son, is being traced very closely. But, also Seth got mixed with the pre-Adamic people by taking their daughters for wives.

    I do not believe in dualism for God is one, and ALL-not-PART-Mighty. His sovereignty is over all of His creation, and if that concept is impaired then the entire ‘house of cards’ (logic) collapses. The rabbinical sources, regarding the giants, were rather filled with more sensationalism than the truth. Truth cannot ever be sensationalized because when it is; it loses its perfect character. Since the Kenites lived together with Judah (Judges 1:16), and in the Negev (1 Samuel 27:10); it is not so difficult to figure out why they would try to hide their ways, which they inherited from their shifty forefather.

    Many Christians believe that it was Satan’s own plan that the supposedly fallen angels should marry flesh-and-blood women in order to corrupt us. Again, we bump into more sensationalism of cosmic proportions.⁵ How can anyone keep a cool head in this fantastic maze of ideas? (No angel can make any plans. Angels do not possess anything of their own; those are purely human characteristics.) But, this suits the Kenites quite well. Leaving unclosed gaps leaves plenty of room for subliminal mischief. Blame it on Satan and the fallen angels then all you need is to cast them out of people who do not know who they are or where they are going. This game has been going for much too long. Sadly, I must add that I took part in this foolishness for much too long. All angels completely belong to God and do only His bidding.

    I would challenge anyone that stays in this thicket to face me. I guarantee to show each and every scholar of this twaddle the absurdity of it all. The truth will make us free. I am not speculating. For all that I say I have a complete backup. I am willing to engage in any discussions, provided that I have ample time to do so.

    When one interacts with the unusual, one pays attention to details. Thus, some were called Anakim, people with long necks. The Rephaim were known as shadowy figures. The Emim provoked fear, so their names were equated with horror and terror. The name Zamzumim referred to tribes that made noise; they were perceived as evil and frightful.

    When God sent spies to Canaan, upon seeing the giants, some of them trembled in fright. Joshua and Caleb, however, were not afraid. They seemed to be quite amused, for the fear of the Almighty God was already upon all the inhabitants of the land. Joshua and Caleb did not perceive the giants as evil, or aggressive. That perception was in the other spies’ heads. Both Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit, which usually attaches itself to unusual genes (Numbers 14:24). Genes act like tent pegs holding the genetic makeup/tent down. Great spiritual legacy can be created right now through this knowledge.

    Some people get easily frightened, while others remain cool. The difference is found in the stuff they carry: genes, emotions, thoughts, and the inherited characteristics. For example: my oldest brother witnessed the death of his mother in Siberia to where the family was exiled. People were dropped on frozen snow like cattle from the transport trains. A soldier then carved out a number on a tree and said, This is your new address. People started to dig holes in the frozen ground. Within the first month most had died. They lived like rats in the ground. My brother survived. Orphaned and not knowing his father, who at that time was running for his life during WW II; he grew up with strangers who gave him a self-made alcohol (Samogon in Russian) to drink. They brainwashed him with the Communist propaganda—‘there was no God’—but only suffering of unimaginable proportions.

    After the war, in the city of Lodz, some returning survivors took the boy with them and searched for his father. Someone managed to find my father’s address and sent him a note; his son was miraculously found. When my brother was being asked regarding his real father he replied, Stalin is my daddy. His nerves were shot.

    Once I played a scary trick on him, like most kids often do; he could not laugh, but being completely perplexed he chased me threatening to kill me. He was serious. Finally we settled down. I watched him tremble and perspire with cold sweat; his face was as white as a bleached bed sheet. I promised to never do that to him, or to anyone else for that matter since I do not know what they went through in life.

    Moses, Aaron, and Miriam belonged to the priestly family. Moses’ successor, Joshua the son of Nun, an Ephraimite, served under Eleazar the priest. Through the Y chromosome we can trace Jewish ancestry and even determine the origin of Aaron’s tribe and family.

    The biblical record seems to be obsessed with genealogies. Genes carry the original seed, and the Bible is the account of the Adamic seed, (or wheat) mixed with the field (the world) and the weeds, (the tares) and then traced through the patrimonial line down to Jesus and his spiritual offspring.

    Spiritual education can alter our psychological structures and affect our genes. There are two reasons I mention this here. First, we must accept the research of genetics, or continue with those useless squabbles over race and ethnicity. Secondly, we should not be concerned about our physical features so much, or the way we go about our lives, but rather tap into those glorious spiritual genes we have inherited from Adam. Warlike dispositions came from those who interacted with God’s sons, mostly through Cain.

    The epigenetic modifications that occur between parents and their offspring encompass a great variety of mechanisms that influence genes. Translation of the genetic data and the copying of the genetic messages affect us all, for the genomic DNA rewrites itself as we speak.


    A forward movement, or attainment will never contradict theology by the simple reason that it keeps on moving, and while we stop, taking a respite, we continue outgrowing anything frozen in time.

    Speaking in scientific terms, we pay attention to peace, logic, compassion located in our frontal lobe and dwell therein. The limbic system becomes less predominant because we bathe in the essence of God’s love, which dispels all fear. God’s perfect love contains no fear, and this education alone helps us overcome many things that we might be struggling with. Love brings no struggle, only fear and anger does. Fighting against something is also (in short) limbic. Letting go, and being a peacemaker (again in short) is frontal.

    Here, all theological disputes stop, for John’s letter (1 John 1:9) begins with the letting go of all hurt, which means: releasing that ‘limbic wolf’ from its cage, and stepping onto the highway of holiness (Isaiah 35:8) by feeding only the ‘frontal wolf.’ Eventually, one outgrows the old ways and triumphs without a fight by enlarging the territory of peace (1 John 5:18).

    When God speaks with us He speaks face-to-face, and never back-to-back. His presence means face (Paneah or Panim). God spoke with Cain face to face; and when Cain left God’s presence (face) his back was turned to God. From this we learn that God can make Himself localized, through an angel in whom God places His name (Exodus 23:21). We also learn that the LORD God appointed a sign for Cain (Genesis 4:15). This sign we imagine to be the frontal lobe; hence, Cain was wired quite differently from other peoples. The land of Nod, in whose country Cain sojourned, and where he found a wife, was outside God’s presence.

    (An excerpt from How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman, chapter 7, Pages 123-124)

    The emotional circuits of our limbic brains have less plasticity than the frontal lobe. For example, we all get angry or frightened in the same way, but everyone experiences love in surprisingly different ways. Still, it’s not fair to call our reptilian brain primitive, for it too has co-developed with the frontal lobe and now has the ability to adapt and respond with an increased appropriateness to new situations and stress. Other primates do not exhibit this adaptive skill. Unexpected changes frustrate them and they often lash out because the limbic structures in the brain are less flexible, with far fewer connections with their frontal lobe. (End of excerpt.)

    (An excerpt from How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman, chapter 7, Pages 131-132)

    As we have argued throughout this book, most Americans have greatly benefited from their personal relationship with religion, spirituality and God. But, when it comes to sharing our religious beliefs with others, certain problems may arise, especially if we want them to embrace our spiritual points of view. If we use our powers of persuasion to reach a general consensus of belief—which, from an evolutionary point of view, is essential for social cooperation—we are bound to create conflicts with those who hold different religious beliefs.

    The culprit is not religion per se, but what our brain is biologically inclined to do when we encounter people who embrace different visions of truth. One part wants to reject opposing ideas, while another part tries to understand, cooperate, and compromise. In essence, we all have two brains—one selfish and suspicious, another open-minded and kind. Since we live in a world filled with uncertainties, both brains are constantly on the alert.

    Two Wolves


    Once upon a time, or so the Cherokee legend goes, a young Indian boy received a beautiful drum as a gift. When his best friend saw it, he asked if he could play with it, but the boy felt torn. He didn’t want to share his new present, so he angrily told his friend, No! His friend ran away, and the boy sat down on a rock by the stream to contemplate his dilemma. He hated the fact that he had hurt his friend’s feelings, but the drum was too precious to share. In his quandary, he went to his grandfather for advice.

    The elder listened quietly and then replied, I often feel as though there are two wolves fighting inside me. One is mean and greedy and full of arrogance and pride, but the other is peaceful and generous. All the time they are struggling, and you, my boy, have those same two wolves inside you.

    Which one will win? asked the boy.

    The elder smiled and said, The one you feed.

    We all harbor a pack of neurological wolves in our brain. The old ones reside in the limbic system. And they are filled with aggression and fear. They’re fast, efficient, and potentially deadly, and they’ve been running the show for 150 millions years. The younger ones reside in our frontal lobes and anterior cingulate, where empathy, reason, logic and compassion reside. These pups are playful and imaginative, but they are also neurologically vulnerable and slow when compared to the activity in the emotional parts of the brain.

    So, when it comes to making sophisticated moral decisions, which one will win, the selfish brain or the cooperative one? Again, as with the two wolves, it depends on the one you feed. If you allow anger and fear to dominate, you will lose the neurological ability to think logically and act compassionately toward others. In fact, it is nearly impossible to find peace and serenity if your mind is preoccupied by negative, anxious, or hateful thoughts.

    Excessive anger or fear can permanently disrupt many structures and functions in both your body and your brain. These destructive emotions interfere with memory storage and cognitive accuracy, which in turn will disrupt our ability to properly evaluate and respond to social situations. Anger makes people indiscriminately punitive, blameful, pessimistic, and unilaterally careless in their logic and reasoning skills. Furthermore, anger encourages your brain to defend your beliefs—be they right or wrong—and when this happens, you’ll be more likely to feel prejudice toward others. You’ll inaccurately perceive anger in other people’s faces, and this will increase your own distrust and fear. It’s an insidious process that feeds on itself, and it can influence your behavior for very long periods of time. Eventually, it will even damage important structures in your brain.

    Nor is it good for your heart. Regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity—anger, cynicism, hostility and defensiveness will increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and corebrovascular problems. What makes anger particularly dangerous is that it even blinds you to the fact that you are angry; thus, it gives you a false sense of certainty, confidence, and optimism.

    When people use their religion or politics—or even humor or teasing—as a weapon to aggressively disparage others who embrace different beliefs, they unwittingly stimulate the other person’s brain to retaliate with similar aggression. Aggression and hostility shut down activity in the anterior cingulate and striatum—the two key areas of the brain that control anger and fear—and when this occurs, the amygdala takes over, generating a fight or flight response that is spread through every other part of the brain.

    In fact, brain-scan evidence suggests that you won’t even be able to read this chapter without having some of your limbic buttons pushed, because the moment the brain hears or sees words that have negative meaning, your amygdala goes on the alert. Words like anger, fear, selfish, danger, and punish—which are used more than fifty times in this chapter—are neurologically unpleasant, whereas emotionally positive words like love, compassion, and trust activate the striatum and other parts of the brain that are related to pleasure, happiness, peace, and a sense of impending reward. In this chapter we’ll be addressing the positive and negative aspects of fundamentalism, but because the word has become so closely associated with authoritarianism, right-wing conservatism, and terrorism, it is virtually impossible to talk about these important societal issues without stirring up feelings of discomfort. (End of excerpt.)

    We can improve not only our DNA but also our brains with our genes’ improved memories.

    Educated Faith, Memory & Brain Improvement


    The Bible speaks of three kinds of people, the field, the tares and the seed (Matthew 13:38). It is something that can be compared to three dice thrown on the table each turning up a different number. We associate numbers with wealth; the more numbers appear in your bank account the richer you are. Six zeros added to any other number represent a million or millions.

    Each parable of Jesus contains a deep meaning; these are the secrets of God’s kingdom, which many words could not explain. Similes and metaphors—according to today’s knowledge—can only be grasped by a mind that is also able to think in abstracts. Mathematics does not improve our brain as much as abstract thinking. But, this abstract thinking is actually infinite and boundless. It’s been proven that we remember better by associating. For example: you have misplaced buttons, which you have planned to attach to your garment, and have forgotten the place where you have left them. But, if you had associated the place with a skyscraper like Chicago’s Sears Tower; and then those buttons with the huge wheels of a Mack Truck, or an earthmover; then you would have no problem finding those buttons. However, the opposite is with computers, the more data you enter the more you clutter the disc space and eventually you will run out of memory. But, our brain seems to have infinite space; the more you put into it the quicker it works. The more you educate it, the better it remembers and faster it connects. These opposites must be accepted with understanding. The last is first, and the first is last. The great is small, and the small can be great. The rich is poor, and the poor can be rich… A circle has no beginning, and no end. All round objects in space represent infinity; hence, our earth and its moon look endless. They might fall apart, but their debris can be re-gathered, changed, and restored back to their former round shapes.

    Our earth and moon may fall apart, yet they exist in the mind of the Creator, and also in fragments somewhere in space. All fragments in space testify of their origin, which is in the One. Even a minute dust particle can be gathered back to the unit from which it broke off. Even fire itself, which decimates a rock, can be rolled back in time and be reconstituted. Both the fire, and the rock, can return to their former state. Nothing is lost.

    God has the substance of things hoped for, but He does not need to hope for anything for hope represents a need and anticipation, which in turn needs a span of time. God is infinite and timeless. Unlike our thoughts His thoughts are instantaneous; hence in His mind, things are, and hope plays no role. To a physical person, invisible and intangible things seem nonexistent, yet we also have the proclivity to create, and also the capacity that can bring thoughts into visible tangible reality.

    Let’s imagine that you have no brain, you live, but in a vegetating kind of state. You may breathe, but no muscle moves because it has no physical brain to command it and to coordinate any movement. The physical commander is the brain; because of the commander’s absence the entire structure remains motionless.

    Let’s imagine God who is Spirit (John 4:24) having no contour or physical mass. Many people worship His creation as they would worship God; hence, these people keep on attaching body to the Spirit. This need, to touch and physically see, is enormous.

    [Deuteronomy 4:15-18] So watch yourselves carefully, since you did not see any form on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire, so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male, or female, the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water below the earth.

    A blessing awaits anyone who has not physically touched, tasted or seen, and yet has believed, but with what kind of faith, blind or educated; hence also intelligent? We glorify faith itself as something magical, so many nurture only wishful thinking in this regard. A blind faith is fruitless, and it does not come from the disciplined creative part of our being, but rather from the primitive one. Like a Neanderthal that believes that he can make a kill with his javelin; so he stalks and runs toward the prey. If that kind of a faith is also applied to God, and the supernatural works; then one runs, huffs, and puffs but to nowhere.

    [John 20:27] Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.

    An educated faith is quite different from anything else we have ever come across. For example: Philip heard the Holy Spirit telling him to join the Ethiopian Eunuch. Philip did hear, but hearing alone does not do the job. It’s like a flying plane that never lands. Once Philip had obeyed God’s voice, he then landed on the ground and did some work. He shared the Gospel, baptized the man and then went on his way, but then that same Holy Spirit snatched him and transported him to the Azotus street, where another mission awaited Philip (Acts 8:40). That’s an educated, or intelligent faith. That faith must bring forth the intended fruit for which it was sent; it must land on the ground like that plane, which was not only designed to fly, but also to take off and land somewhere else.

    Faith is God’s gift; (1 Corinthians 12:9) this divine power affects the miraculous in our lives. The exclusion of this possibility brings harmful sadness into our lives, which blinds us for we have limited ourselves to just the tangible and the seen. We activate only the natural man and neglect the spiritual man. Just as there is the need to prepare a place for love or

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