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Cell Division

Mitosis & Meiosis

Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc

Basic Biology for Food Tech. Faculty 2012

Eukaryotes divide by a more complicated system called Mitosis This is because: 1. They have a nucleus which must be broken up and then reformed 2. They have their DNA packaged in the form of Chromosomes 3. Chromosomes are composed of Chromatin Made of DNA Strands & Proteins 4. Also contain Nucleosomes containing Histones Proteins the DNA is wrapped around Name for the DNA/Protein complex is Chromatin 5. They usually have more than 1 chromosome (Humans have 23 pairs) 6. They have numerous organelles to equally share

Chromatin / Chromosomes

All chromosomes are duplicated

That means: two copies of each chromosome

What are the copies called? Sister chromatids

Do they contain identical genes?

Yes, but What about meiosis?

Some terminology

Homologous chromosomes Chromatid Double-chromatid chromosomes Single-chromatid chromosomes

When do each of these occur?

The Cell Cycle

Most of the cell's life is spent doing its regular function. Cells divide along a rough time frame called its Cell Cycle. The Cell cycle consists of the folowing steps: G1 (Gap 1) Phase - Cell performs its normal function (cells which do not divide stay in this stage for their entire life span) S (Synthesis) Phase - Here the cell actively duplicates its DNA in preparation for division G2 (Gap 2) Phase - Amount of cytoplasm (including organelles) increases in preparation for division. Mitosis - Actual division occurs

Cell Replicates its DNA/Chromosomes in preparation of upcoming division

Animal Cell

Plant cell

1.Chromosomes Shorten and become visible. 2. Centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell 3. Nuclear envelope disappears 4. Spindle Fibers & Astral Fibers both together are known as the Spindle Apparatus begin to form
Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Chromosomes line up along center of cell called the Metaphase Plate Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers Spindle & Astral fibers are now clearly visible
Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Centromeres break up separating chromosome copies Chromosomes are pulled apart to opposite sides of cell Spindle & Astral fibers begin to break down
Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Telophase (cytokenesis)
Nuclear envelope forms around both sets of chromosomes DNA uncoils Spindle & Astral fibers completely disappear
Animal Cell

Cytokenesis happens with most (but not all) cells Cytoplasm & organelles move (mostly equally) to either side of the cell.Cell Membrane pinches to form 2 separate cells

Plant Cell

Plant and Animal cells divide differently

Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



G1 - Cell grows
S - DNA duplicates G2 - Cell prepares for division

Mitosis - Prophase
Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



1. DNA condenses to form chromosomes

2. Spindle forms

Mitosis - Metaphase
Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



Chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell

Mitosis - Anaphase
Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



Chromosomes separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

Mitosis - Telophase
Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



1. Nuclear envelope forms

2. Cell contents are separated as the cells begin to pinch apart

Spindle forming Centrioles

Nuclear envelope



Interphase Cytokinesis Telophase

Nuclear envelope reforming

Chromosomes (paired chromatids)




Centriole Individual chromosomes



Cells pinch off to form two daughter cells each genetically identical to the parent cell

Putting it all together

Mitosis Questions
1. What does diploid mean? 2. We have __ total chromosomes. 3. In the term 2n, what does n stand for in us? 4. Why does mitosis occur? Major functions? 5. In what cells (general term) does mitosis occur?

Mitosis Questions
6. What are chromatids? 7. What happens in Anaphase to result in each new cell receiving duplicate parental DNA?

A. Phases of Meiosis
1. Meiosis I 2. Meiosis II

B. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis

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Chromosome replicate 2 Cell divisions occur (Meiosis I & Meiosis II) 4 daughter cells are made all are (n): haploid Homologous Chroms separate in meiosis I Meiosis II = Mitosis (chromatids separate)

Gametes sex cells; egg and sperm Homologous Chromosomes - chromosomes in a cell that pair during meiosis because they code for similar genes/features. For example, two chromosomes may have genes encoding eye color, but one may code for brown eyes (from mom), the other for blue (from dad). Diploid (2N) cells (somatic) that have two homologous copies of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one from the father. (Humans = 46 chromosomes) Haploid (n) - the number of chromosomes in a gamete of an individual. (Humans = 23 chromosomes)

Meiosis I

Interphase I
Cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate Chromosomes.

Prophase I
Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad.

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Spindle fibers attach to the The fibers pull the chromosomes. homologous chromosomes toward the opposite ends of the cell.

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Meiosis I

Interphase I
Cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate Chromosomes.

Prophase I
Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad. Crossing over occurs.

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Spindle fibers attach to the The fibers pull the chromosomes. homologous chromosomes toward the opposite ends of the cell.

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Crossing Over (Synapsis)

The chance that any two sex cells will be identical is 1 in 8,388,608!
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Crossing Over
During metaphase 1 homologous chromosomes line-up along the metaphase plate Areas of homologous chromosomes connect at areas called chiasmata




Figure 8.18A

Crossing over contd.

Crossing Over of genes occurs now
Segments of homologous chromosomes break and reform at similar locations. Results in new genetic combinations of offspring. This is the main advantage of sexual reproduction

Chromosome reduction
During anaphase 1, each homologous chromosome is pulled to opposite sides of the cell. Unlike mitosis, THE CENTROMERES DO NOT BREAK.

Meiosis I

Interphase I
Cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate Chromosomes.

Prophase I
Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad.

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Spindle fibers attach to the The fibers pull the chromosomes. homologous chromosomes toward the opposite ends of the cell.

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Meiosis I

Interphase I
Cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate Chromosomes.

Prophase I
Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad.

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Spindle fibers attach to the The fibers pull the chromosomes. homologous chromosomes toward the opposite ends of the cell.

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Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II
Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

Meiosis I results in two The chromosomes line up The sister chromatids haploid (N) daughter cells, in a similar way to the separate and move toward each with half the number metaphase stage of mitosis. opposite ends of the cell. of chromosomes as the original.

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Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II
Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

Meiosis I results in two The chromosomes line up The sister chromatids haploid (N) daughter cells, in a similar way to the separate and move toward each with half the number metaphase stage of mitosis. opposite ends of the cell. of chromosomes as the original.

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Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II
Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

Meiosis I results in two The chromosomes line up The sister chromatids haploid (N) daughter cells, in a similar way to the separate and move toward each with half the number metaphase stage of mitosis. opposite ends of the cell. of chromosomes as the original.

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Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II
Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

Meiosis I results in two The chromosomes line up The sister chromatids haploid (N) daughter cells, in a similar way to the separate and move toward each with half the number metaphase stage of mitosis. opposite ends of the cell. of chromosomes as the original.

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Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II
Meiosis II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.

Meiosis I results in two The chromosomes line up The sister chromatids haploid (N) daughter cells, in a similar way to the separate and move toward each with half the number metaphase stage of mitosis. opposite ends of the cell. of chromosomes as the original.

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Meiosis Summary
2. Meiosis 2
a. There is no more DNA replication b. The chromatids of each chromosome separate and each daughter cell divides c. At the end of Meiosis 2, there are 4 daughter cells from each parent cell. Each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

Meiosis Questions
1. The cells produced in meiosis are _____ (haploid or diploid?) 2. Sex cells are called ________. _____ are produced by males, ____ by females. 3. Whats crossing over and why is it important?

Meiosis Questions
4. In what meiotic stage does crossing over occur?

5. Why are sex cells n, not 2n? 6. If a species diploid number is 50, what is n?

Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis Interphase chromosomes duplicate Prophase homologous chromosomes do not cross over Metaphase chromosomes all lined up in a single row Anaphase chromatids separate
Telophase homologous chromosomes not separated

Meiosis Interphase I chromosomes duplicate Prophase I homologous chromosomes do cross over Metaphase I chromosomes all lined up in a double row Anaphase I chromatids do not separate
Telophase I homologous chromosomes separate

Each daughter cell has the same PMAT repeats. number of chromosomes as the Each daughter cell has half the original cell (diploid, 2n) number of chromosomes as the original cell (haploid, n) and is genetically unique

MITOSIS PARENT CELL (before chromosome replication) PROPHASE Duplicated chromosome (two sister chromatids) Chromosome replication 2n = 4 Chromosome replication

MEIOSIS Site of crossing over MEIOSIS I PROPHASE I Tetrad formed by synapsis of homologous chromosomes


Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate

Tetrads align at the metaphase plate



Sister chromatids separate during anaphase

Homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I; sister chromatids remain together


Haploid n=2 Daughter cells of meiosis I

2n Daughter cells of mitosis


No further MEIOSIS II chromosomal replication; sister chromatids separate during anaphase II n n n n Daughter cells of meiosis II

Figure 8.15

Bacteria and Binary Fission

Thank you

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