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History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

University of Phoenix Material

History of Community Nursing Matrix
Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time: Describe each period briefly. Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. Describe the key health issues. Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. Describe how Watsons Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related. Historical time period Past period 1 Nursing role in community Major health issues Partnerships used Watsons theory

Past period 2

Current period

University of Phoenix Material History of Community Nursing Matrix Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periodsof time in history and the present time: Describe each period briefly. Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community healthnursing.

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

Describe the key health issues. Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. Describe how Watsons Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related.Historical timeperiodNursing role incommunityMajor healthissuesP a r t n e r s h i p s u s e d W a t s o n s theoryP a s t p e r i o d 1 C o l o n i a l periodAmerica1600 1700F e m a l e h e a d o f h o u s e h o l d t o o k care of everyonew a a l n s y o s i c k n e s s t h e y may have. Theyw e r i e t h

r e s p o n s i b l e f o r collection herbsused to help thehealing t y p h u s w e r e

process.Smallpox,yellow fever,cholera,typhoid,a n d m a j o r health issuesd u r i n g

t h i s time period.Early colonialpublic

healthefforts included thecollection of vitalstatistics, improvedsanitation, andcontrol of anycommunicablediseasesintroduced throughseaports(Lancaster &Stanhope, 2008).A n u r s e i s able to detectt h e o t h e r personsc o n d i t i o n

o f being(Watson,1 9 8 5 ) . T h e theory relatest o t h i s t i m e period since itwas essentialfor the femaleh e a d o f t h e h o u s e h o l d t o r e c o g n i z e a n i l l n e s s . I n a w a y , t h e s e w o m e n w e r e diagnosinga n d treatingt h e i r s i c k familymembers.P a s t p e r i o d

2 I n d u s t r i a l R e v o l u t i o n i n America1850-1900H o s p i t a l s w e r e n e e d e d a n d obviously nursesw e r e r e q u i r e d . S c h o o l s w e r e s t a r t e d t o trainn u r s e s t o h e l p t r e a t

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

s i c k people.Urbanizationc a u s e d p o o r s a n i t a t i o n i n t h e b i g citieso f A m e r i c a . ManycommunicablediseasesaffectedNursinginterventions,improvedsanitat ion,economicimprovements, andbetter nutritionwere credited withreducing theT h e c a r i n g m o d e l b e o r t h e o r y c a n a l s o

c o n s i d e r e d a philosophicalandmoral/ethicalfoundation for

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3 2 Noelle Henning

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

people livingi

quarters.incidence of

acutecommunicabledisease by 1910(Lancaster &Stanhope, 2008).professionaln u r s i n g andp a r t o f t h e c e n t r a l f o c u s for nursing

atthedisciplinarylevel(Watson,1 9 8 5 ) . T h e theory showst h e n e e d f o r nursinge d u c a t i o n t o p r o v i d e a strongbackgroundof 2 0 0 0 T oday,

knowledget o a s s i s t t h e patient.CurrentperiodA m e r i c a

nurseslook to their history for inspiration,explanation,and prediction.Information andadvocacy areusedto promote acomprehensiveapproach toaddress themultipleneeds of thediversepopulationsserved(Lancaster &S t a n h o p e , 2008).The shift

fromcommunicabled i s e a s e s h a s changed. Theadvancemento f t e c h n o l o g y a n d m e d i c i n eh a s m a n a g e d m a n y o f t h e d i s e a s e s p a s t . However, wes t i l l int h e

h a v e A I D S , H 1 N 1 and Madh a s increased busy both

Cowdiseases c a r e s . A l s o , a n e w h e a l t h i s s u e int h e p a s t i t 1 0 years, obesity.T h e h t h e s u p e r o f


a d d i t i o n

p a r e n t s w o r k i n g f u l l t i m e h a s l e a d to an increaseo f f a m i l i e s g o i n g f o r q u i c k ,

a n d usuallyunhealthyThe roles of contemporarynurses in theUnited States hasdeveloped fromseveral sourcesand are a productof various ongoingsocial, economic,and political forces(Lancaster &Stanhope, 2008).The addition of anopportunity for governmentfunded health carehas become apolitical issue withmany people for and against it.T h e f u t u r e alreadyr e v e a l s t h a t a l l

h e a l t h carepractitionersw i l l n e e d t o work within asharedframework

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

of caringrelationships;m i n d T h e theory showst h e

b o d y a n d

s p i r i t (Watson,1 9 8 5 ) .

s h i f t

i n n u r s i n g o f

t o researchbasedp r a c t i c e a n d h o w n u r s e s n e e d t o t a k e c a r e t h e patientsm i n d , b o d y and spirit.

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3

History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3


History of Community Nursing Matrix NUR/405 Version 3


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