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TT Economics
BT Production
RT Extraction of minerals

Agriculture Credit
TT Financial economics
BT Credit

Aims of Marxian Systems

TT Marxian systems
BT Philosophic foundations, economic concepts, aim

Banking and Credit
TT Economics
BT Cooperatives
NT Credit Unions

Banks and Banking

TT Economics
BT Financial economics
NT Central banks
Commercial banks
RT Credit and loan institutions

Benefit Societies
TT Economics
BT Cooperatives
Budget Surpluses and Deficits
TT Macroeconomic policy
BT Use of fiscal policy
RT Taxation

Business Enterprise
TT Economics
BT Production
NT Formation and dissolution of business enterprise
Individual proprietorships

Categories of Workers by Racial, Ethnic, National Origin
TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Indigenous ethnic groups
Immigrants and aliens
RT Workers of specifics age groups

Chinese Communism
TT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
BT National variants as schools of thought

Christian Socialism
TT Economics
BT Socialism and related systems
RT Voluntary socialist and anarchist communities

TT Economics
BT Production
NT Special topics
Restrictive practices
RT Agriculture
Extraction of minerals

Combinations of Production
TT Economics
BT Production
NT Mergers
RT Organization of production

Compensation of Employment
TT Labor economics
BT Compensation and other condition of employment
NT Factor affecting compensation
Methods of compensation
RT Compensation differentials

Competition and Restraint

TT Organization of Production

BT Special Topics
RT Finance

Communism (1848-1875)
TT Marxian systems
BT Early Period

Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
TT Socialism and related systems
BT Marxian systems
NT National variants as school of thought

Comparative Studies
TT Marxian systems
BT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)

Conditions Of Employment
TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Hours
RT Workers by age group
Consumer cooperatives
TT Economics
BT Cooperatives
NT Management of consumer cooperatives
RT Production cooperatives
TT Production
BT Business enterprises
NT Government corporations
RT Partnership

TT Production
BT General Production economics
NT Profit
Factors of production as cost of production
Elements in cost calculation

Council for Mutual Economics Assistance (COMECON)

TT Multilateral economic cooperation
BT European multilateral cooperation
RT European Union
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Credit and Loan Institutions
BT Financial economics
NT Insurance companies
Loan brokers
RT Credit

Credit Card
TT Credit

BT Credit instrument
RT Home credits

Critical Works
TT Marxian systems
BT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)

Cuban Communism (Castroism)

TT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
BT National variants as schools of thought

Debt Management
TT Economics
BT Public borrowing, debt, expenditure
NT Replay and redemption
Repudiation and abrogation
RT Public (Government) securities
Public borrowing and public debt

Democratic Socialism
TT Economics
BT Socialism and related system
RT Christian Socialism
Marxian system

TT Banking services of commercial bank
BT General banking services
RT Investments

Dialectical Materialism
TT Philosophic foundation, economic concepts, aims
BT Philosophic foundations
RT Historical materialism

TT Financial economics
BT Interest and discount
RT Interest

Distribution of Income and Wealth

TT Economics
BT Macroeconomics and related topics
NT Functional distribution of income and wealth
Personal distribution of income and wealth
RT National product, wealth, income account and accounting

Early Period
TT Socialism and related systems

BT Marxian systems
NT Communism (1848-1875)

Economic Concepts
TT Marxian systems
BT Philosophic foundation, economic concepts, aims

Economic Fluctuations
TT Production
BT General Production economics
NT Business cycles
Remedial and preventive auction
General production forecasting and forecast
RT Cost
Elements in Cost Calculation
TT General Production economics
BT Cost
NT Kinds of cost
Size of enterprise
RT Profit
European Multilateral Cooperation
TT Multilateral economic cooperation
BT European multilateral cooperation
RT European Union
Council for Mutual economic Assistance (COMECON)

European Multilateral Cooperation

TT International economics
BT Multilateral economic cooperation
NT European Union
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)
European Union
TT Multilateral economic cooperation
BT European multilateral cooperation
RT European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Council for Mutual economic Assistance (COMECON)
TT Economics
BT Public borrowing, debt, expenditure
RT Public (Government) securities
Public borrowing and public debt
Debt management

Extraction of Minerals
TT Economics
BT Production
NT Financial aspects
Production efficiency
RT Agriculture

Food Supply

TT Production
BT Agriculture
NT Food supply in areas
RT Products

Forest Lands
TT Land economics
BT Natural resources and energy
RT Rural lands
Urban lands

Fringe Benefits
TT Compensations and other conditions
BT Other conditions of employment
RT Pensions
Training, worker security

Formation and Dissolution of Business Enterprise

TT Production
BT Business enterprises
RT Individual proprietorships


General Production Economics
TT Economics
BT Production
NT Costs
Economic fluctuations

General Production Forecasting and Forecast

TT General Production economics
BT Economic fluctuations
NT Methods of general production forecasting
Forecast of economic fluctuations

Government Police
TT Investment by field of investment, kind of enterprise, kind of
investor, investment guides
BT international investment
NT incentives and obstacles in country of investment
Incentives and obstacles in country of investor
RT Specific kind of investors by government
Government Policy on the Labor Market
TT Labor market
BT Special topic

TT Compensations and other conditions

BT Other conditions of employment
NT Work day and week
Night, holy day, Sunday holy day week
Leave and rest periods (breaks)
RT Pensions
Fringe benefits
Training, worker security

Individual Tenure
TT Individual (private) ownership and control of land and natural
BT Types of tenure
NT Complete ownership
Qualified ownership

International Assistance (Aid) By Specific Jurisdictions and Groups of

TT Economic development and growth
BT International development and growth
RT Assistance to specific jurisdiction and groups of jurisdictions

International Banks and Banking

TT Financial Economics
BT Banks and Banking
NT For monetary stabilization and balance of payments
For development of resources and production
RT Multiple banking

Investment and Investments
TT Financial economics
BT Financial economics
NT Brokerage firms
Form of investments
International investment
RT Money
National product, wealth, income, accounts and accounting

Kinds of Unions
TT Labor Unions, Labor management, bargaining and disputes
BT Labor Unions
NT Craft Unions
Industrial Unions
Company Unions
RT Revolutions Unions

Labor by Industry and Occupation
TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Proffesional and managerial occupations
RT Labor force and market

Labor Force and Market
TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Labor force
Labor market

Labor Unions
TT Labor economics
BT Labor economics
NT Company unions
Industrial unions
Craft unions

Lakes and Ponds

TT General Topics of water
BT Bodies of water
RT Rivers and streams

TT Organization of Production
BT Special Topics
RT Finance
Competition and restraint


Marxian Systems
TT Economics
BT Socialism and related systems
NT Philosophic foundation, economic concepts, aims

Methodological Schools
TT Systems and theories
BT Schools of economic thought
NT Historical schools
Mathematical economics
RT Pre-classical schools
Classical economics

TT Economics
BT Financial economics
NT Forms and units of money
Gold and silver coins
Paper money
RT Banks and banking
Investment and Investment

Multilateral economics cooperation

TT Economics
BT International economics
NT European Multilateral cooperation
RT Economic development and growth

Macroeconomics policy

National Variants as Schools Of Thought
TT Marxian systems
BT Communism (Marxian- Lenism)
NT Yugoslav communism
Chinese communism
RT Comparative studies

Natural Resources and Energy

TT Economics
BT Land economics
NT Conservation and protection
RT Renting and leasing land and natural resources
Subsurface resources

Nontax Revenues
TT Economics
BT Public finance
NT Revenues form rents and franchises
Revenues from public lands
Revenues from deposits, investments, loans
Revenues from lotteries

Oil and Nature Gas

TT Subsurface resources
BT Fossil fuels
NT Oil
RT Coal

Organization of Production
TT Economics
BT Production
NT Private Enterprise
Public enterprise
System of production
RT Business enterprises and their structure

TT Compensations and other conditions
BT Other conditions of employment
NT Pension reform
Pension of specific industries and occupations and groups of
industries and occupations
RT Fringe benefits
Training, worker security
Personal (Individual) Income Taxes
TT Taxes and taxation
BT Income taxes
NT Self employment income
Interest income

RT Personal property taxes

Philosophic Foundations
TT Marxian systems
BT Philosophic foundation, economic concepts, aims
NT Dialectical materialism

Philosophic Foundation, Economic Concepts, Aims

TT Socialism and related systems
BT Marxian systems
NT Philosophic foundation
RT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)

TT Systems and theories
BT Schools of economic thought
RT Pre-classical schools
Classical economics
Methodological schools

Pre-Classical Schools
TT Systems and theories
BT Schools of economic thought
NT Ancient and medieval theories
RT Physiocracy
Classical economics


TT Production
BT General Production economics
NT Price theories
RT Costs
Economic fluctuations

Production Efficiency
TT Production
BT Agriculture
NT Mechanization
Agricultural methods
Harvesting Methods
RT Factors affecting production

Public Finance of Specific Continents, Countries, Localities in Modern

TT Economics
BT Public finance
RT Public borrowing, debt, expenditure

Public (Government) Securities

TT Economics
BT Public borrowing, debt, expenditure
NT Replay and redemption
Repudiation and abrogation
RT Public borrowing and public debt
Debt management

Qualifications and Personal Characteristic of Labor Force

TT Labor Force and Market

BT Labor Force
NT Qualification Labor Force
Personal characteristics labor
RT Systems of labor

Replay and Redemption
TT Public borrowing, debt, expenditure
BT Public (Government) securities
Public borrowing and public debt
Debt management
RT Repudiation and abrogation

Saving and Investment
TT Macroeconomics and related topics
BT Factor affecting income and wealth
RT Investment

Scientific Socialism
TT Marxian systems

BT Early Period

Schools of Economic Thought

TT Economics
BT Systems and theories
NT Pre-classical schools
Classical economics
RT Theories of wealth
Theories of property

Solar Energy
TT Energy
BT Primary forms of energy
NT Financial aspects of solar energy
RT Nuclear energy

TT Organization of Production
BT Special Topics
RT Finance
Competition and restraint

Specific Policies
TT Production
BT Economic development and growth
NT International assistance (Aid) by specific jurisdictions and
groups of jurisdictions

RT International development and growth

System of American Origin

TT Economics
BT Socialsm and related systems
RT Systems of English origin

System of English Origin

TT Economics
BT Socialism and related system
NT Utopian socialism
Fabian socialism
Guild socialism
RT System of French origin
System of American origin

Systems of French Origin

TT Economics
BT Socialsm and related systems
NT Saint-simonism
RT Systems of English origin

Systems, School, Theories of Economy

TT Economics
BT Economics
NT School of economic thought
RT Economic situation and condition

TT Macroeconomic policy
BT Use of fiscal policy
RT Budget surpluses and deficits

Theories of property
TT Economics
BT Systems and theories
RT Theories of wealth

TT Other conditions of employment
BT Training, worker security
NT Apprenticeship
RT Worker security
Regulation of worker conduct

Trotskyite Doctrines
TT Marxian systems
BT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)

Value of Money

TT Financial economics
BT Money
NT Factors affecting fluctuations in value
Stabilizations measures
RT Monetary standards

Water for irrigation
TT Other natural resources
BT General Topics of water
RT Water for transportation

Women Workers
TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Working mothers
Women workers in specific industries and occupations and
specific groups of industries and occupations

Workers by Age Group

TT Economics
BT Labor economics
NT Person aged 21 trough 35
RT Women workers

Workers of Specific Age Group (Young People)

TT Labor economics

BT Workers of specific age groups
NT Specific aspects of employment of young people
Employment of specific kinds of young people
RT Young people in specific industries and occupations
and specific groups of industries and occupations

Yugoslav Communism
TT Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
BT National variants as schools of thought


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