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b. documentation c. formulations and coding d. verification and validation 6. The manual system which was prevalent in the organizations before industrial revolution was slowly transformed into_________by means of computer and related electronic instruments. a. electronic form b. analog form c. digital form d. electrical form 7. The texts and ____in electronic forms are effective in communicating ideas from source to destination. a. images b. representations c. ideas d. graphics 8. The usage of ______ for data storage and processing the data is an integral part of MIS. a. electronic media b. none of the above c. electrical equipments d. electronic gadgets 9. A___________information is easy to process further. a. management

1. MIS aids in _____the information generated by various departments of the organization. a. shifting b. integrating c. designing d. distributing 2. MIS has a major impact on the functions of any ____. a. management b. project c. individual d. organization 3. MIS helps in identifying a proper mechanism of storage of data. a. storage b. collection c. distribution d. elimination 4. MIS is mainly designed to take care of the needs of the managers in the organization. a. officers b. laborers c. managers d. executives 5. The last stage of transformation from manual system to digital form is a. review

b. structured c. generated d. unstructured 10. Every transaction may be considered to generate . a. data b. report c. output d. information 11. In___________systems there is direct interaction of the operator and the TPS system a. reporting b. offline c. batch d. online 12. The nature of information at the _____is highly structured. a. tactical level b. strategic level c. management level d. operational level 13. The nature of information at the_________is highly unstructured. a. tactical level b. management level c. strategic level d. operational level 14. The system which supports such information and its flow may vary according to the nature of the a. function b. area c. classification d. application

15. ____ are mainly observed at the bottom level of the management. a. Transactions b. managers c. decisions d. supervision 16. ________may further be classified as online systems or batch systems. a. Transaction processing systems b. On line analytical processing systems c. Knowledge based systems d. Executive information systems 17. MIS classification depends on the following aspects : functionality, utility, area of application, ______ and ______ . a. people and usage b. size and infrastructure c. organization structure and people d. processing type and frequency of usage 18. MIS classification depends on the following aspects : functionality, ____, ____ , processing type and frequency of usage . a. people , usage b. organization structure and people c. utility , area of application d. size , infrastructure 19. The ____ and ____in electronic forms are effective in communicating ideas from source to destination. a. ideas and concepts b. representations c. graphics and charts d. text and images

20. The data from the database is _____and ______ by using different tools and techniques. a. sorted and tabulated b. processed and analysed c. tabulated and analysed d. manipulated and tabulated 21. A complete business systems requires models from three different perspective Interaction model, _____ model and _____ model. a. data, state b. entity, state c. global, state d. class, state 22. A complete business systems requires models from three different perspective State model, _____ model and _____ model. a. class, interaction b. entity, interaction c. data, interaction d. global, interaction 23. A complete business systems requires models from three different perspective class model, _____ model and _____ model. a. class, global b. global, interaction c. entity, interaction d. state, interaction 24. The object which inherits properties is said to belong to a class called the _____ class and the object class from which the properties are derived is called the ____ class. a. upper , base b. middle , base c. derived , base

d. lower , base 25. "Consider the following statements:P)Transactions are mainly observed at the bottom level of the management.Q) Examples of TPS are Intelligent systems, robotics, neural networks etc. Which of the following is correct ?" a. Statement P is True and Statement Q is False b. Both are false c. Statement P is False and Statement Q is True d. Both are true


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