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Relationships: Love and Freedom - Osho Be the first - Relate is one of the greatest things in life: to love, to share.

To love is overflowing with love and need to share you have to have (love). Who is connected and has no respect. The freedom of another is not invaded, he remai ns independent. Owning is to destroy all possibilities of relating. Relating is a process. Relationship is different to relate to: it is complete, fixed, dead. Before we relate to ourselves and listening to the heart for life to go beyond t he intellect, logic, dialectics and discrimination. It is good to avoid nouns an d verbs to emphasize. Life is made up of verbs: to love, sing, dance, relate, to live. The Other Within You - Nothing hurts more than when a dream is crushed, a hope dies, the future becomes dark. The frustration is a very valuable part in spiritual growth. The new psychology is based on the experiences of the oldest s chool, tantra. Anyone who is dependent on someone, that person hates. Jealousy When there is sexual attraction and jealousy comes in is because there is no lo ve. There is fear, because sex is an exploration. Fear becomes jealous. You can not love someone non-free because love exists only if freely given, if not deman ded, forced and taken. The more control, more "kill" the other. The causes of je alousy are within us, outside are only excuses. Love can not be jealous. He is a lways confident. Confidence can not be forced. If it exists, it follows her. Oth erwise, it is better to separate, to prevent damage and destruction and be able to love another person. When we love someone, we trust will not want another. If you like, no love and nothing can be done. Only through the other we become awa re of our own being. Only relate to a deep love for someone rings and shows its depth: thus we find ourselves. Another form of self-discovery, without the other , is meditation. There are only two ways to reach the divine, meditation and lov e. From Sex to Samadi - We only have an energy that, in the lowest, is sexual. R efined, it becomes the alchemy of meditation and it is love or prayer. Sex is th e most important phenomenon of life. It is natural, requires no concern. Suppres sion is hiding energies preventing its manifestation and transformation. To date no company faced the sex of course. The sex shows that are dependent. Selfish p eople are against sex (?) In it there is always the risk of rejection. In it we become animals because natural. When we accept the past, the future becomes an o pening. Tantra uses sexual act towards integrity, if we move him meditatively, w ithout control, with madness, no time, no ego, of course. Tantra is a long way f rom sex to samadhi. Samadhi is the ultimate goal, sex is just the first pass. On e becomes a Buddha when sex is transformed into Samadhi. Good move on sex, but t o remain an observer. Meditation is the experience of sex without sex. Sex is an end in itself and present. Loveless lovemaking is rushed. No rush, being in thi s, goes up for communion, surrender, spirituality, relaxation, flow, fusion, ecs tasy, Samadhi. No need to ejaculation. The more we see, the more our eyes can se e, are more perceptive. "The man and woman are two poles different, the positive and negative energy. Their meeting results in a circuit and produces a kind of electricity. Knowledge of this power is possible if the p eriod of copulation can be maintained for a longer period. Then a heavy load, pr oducing a halo of electricity will evolve by itself. If the currents in an embra ce of bodies are whole and complete, you can even see a glimmer of light in the darkness. "Relationships as a Mirror - Love relates, but not the relationship, w hich is something over. He is like a river flowing endlessly. There are flowers of love which bloom only after long intimacies. Relating to mean that we are alw ays beginning, always trying to make ourselves known. The joy of love is in the exploration of consciousness. When we investigated the other, do the same us. de epened in the other, we have dug ourselves. We have become mirrors to each other and love becomes a meditation. The more we discover, the more mysterious the ot her becomes: love is a constant adventure. When you're in love, language is not necessary. Love does not enslave, not possessive or demanding. He releases, allo wing fans to fly high, toward God. When we appreciate our loneliness, we have be come meditators. Only those who can be happy alone can contribute with the happi ness of another.True Love - When there is no dependence on maturity or love, n

o need. It uses another, which is unloving. Nobody likes to be dependent, becaus e addiction kills freedom. Men always want women who are "less" than them. Matur ity comes with love and ends with the need. Love is a luxury, plenty. You have s o many songs in my heart, that you must sing them, no matter if there are those who hear. When we are authentic and have the aura of love. If not, we love to ot hers. Who falls in love is not love, and thus can not give. Who is mature does n ot fall in love, but it rises. Two mature people who love each other, help each other become more free. Freedom, moksha, is a higher value than love. That is wh y love is not worth it to destroy. Loneliness and Solitude - In solitude we are constantly delighted with ourselves. She is blessed, a deep fill, which keeps us focused and grounded. She is independent. Everyone is an end in themselves. Nob ody is there to be used. Who's at the peak of solitude only to attract those who also is alone. Two lonely stare at each other, but two who knew the solitude lo ok for something higher. If you are happy with themselves, they become companion s. The words happiness and events have the same root in English. Because happine ss just happens. To be happy you have to let it happen. The way of love must be taken with tremendous awareness and consciousness, with tremendous love. After e ach deep experience we feel lonely and sad: it is a great love or a meditation. So many avoid deep experiences. Solitude is nice and free. It is a time when the other is not necessary. After the love that freedom is possible. Love brings so litude and aloneness brings love. Already loneliness does not create love, only necessity. It can kill. Two loners can not relate because it does not occur out of necessity. Solitude is a flower blossom, it is positively healthy. Only love gives courage to be alone. Only then accumulated energy to boil over and turn in to love. Alone, accumulated love, celebration, dance, energy, pleasure, life. On ly the excess energy enables orgasm, which is a relief, but celebration. When lo vers turn away, regain their solitude, beauty and joy. The joy it brings a need to share. Passion is very sma ll in the face of compassion. Solitude is to move in and love is moving out. Bot h moves are enriching. Ending a relationship - where there is consciousness, the re is revolt against the mechanical repetition. Totality is the foundation of fr eedom. Sympathy is not love. You do not solve problems within the mind, for she is the problem, which can not be solved with answers, not an intellectual proble m, but existential. Instead of thinking it is better to enter the silence, which is the gate way to the deity. Relationship is not love and love is no relations hip. This is ready and open and love is flowing. Relationship is structure; love is unstructured. Love is a process, a state of being. People do not need loving relationships. The relationship becomes necessary when love is absent, he repla ces it. It takes great courage to remain open, without creating a relationship. Love happens, we will not make it happen: we can only become available. Love com es from nowhere, like a bump and is only possible between equals. If we choose s omeone who is afraid of further because we also have. When love deepens, enhance s freedom. Rise in love is a learning, a change, a maturity. It's something spir itual. Who is wise not to impose your idea on anyone. Life is uncertain, uncerta inty is your own spirit. Only death is certain. We should never ask about others ' problems. Marriage - No one is born to another. Love and freedom go together. It is an expression of love. "Giving" Freedom is trust. The growth needs freedom . Of all the arts, love is the more subtle and needs to be learned. Love is happ iness, harmony, health. A great lover is always ready to give love and is not wo rried you'll be getting back or not. Love has its own intrinsic happiness. The m ore we love, the more likely the right person does, because the heart blossoms. Real love makes us happy and harmonious by the mere presence of another. Love is forever. If present, grows. He knows the first but not the end. Two unhappy peo ple who join multiply its misfortune. Friendship and Be Friendly - Love comes fr om the Sanskrit lohba, greed. Friendship belongs to the temple and not the store . We should be friendly with everyone: people, animals, plants and create friend ships not necessarily.Friendship is love without biological character. The enl ightened people have more enemies than the non-illuminated, for the blind who se es not forgive and not forgive the ignorant who knows. Be friendly, loving, genu

ine, innocent without cause is sufficient to trigger many egos against each othe r. Meditation and Love - Who wants harmony in love must learn to be more meditat ive. Love is blind himself, who sees is meditation. Good fights substitute for u nderstanding. Conflicts exist due to lack of understanding. Words medicine and m editation have the same root. Medicine heals the body, matter and meditation hea ling the soul, the spirit. Love is a meditation and it blossoms into love. Medit ation is a state of bliss, no thought, serenity and silence. It is self-discover y and the need to share: love. Meditation is a state of no mind, pure consciousn ess. We must learn the trick of not to engage with the mind, the art of staying indifferent. Maturity is knowing something in us that is immortal: meditation, w hich knows God. The mind knows the world is obsessed by the clouds that come and go. Meditation search the sky, which is permanent. We must seek the inner sky. Meditation can become eternity, is relaxing in itself is a state of no desire, n o-action, undisciplined spontaneity, without direction, control or manipulation. It has no goal, is at present, is immediacy. Meditator becomes silent, quiet, because med itation brings peace. It is the tree that grows without seed, as it is magical, mysterious. Who leaves the past is meditative. In meditation is living the momen t, nothing interferes, and attention is total, because there is no distraction, just awareness. Who find love meditate because meditation makes us love and love makes us meditative. Love and Commitment - When we love someone we do not admit that love can end and, if it exists, there's no legal arrangement. Marriage is necessary because there is no love. Love is the fragrance of a heart meditative, quiet and tranquil; lust is blind passion. There's no better love. If it is, is perfect. If it is not perfect, is not love. Who wants to know love, you should meditate. Only mystics know. He is one of the many attributes of God, who is als o compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, etc.. Who is centered, is meditative. Love is overflowing joy, a state of being. Fear is the opposite of love. Hatred is love reversed. We reach out in love, trust, expanded. In fear we close, we doubt, kn uckle. Love Yourself - To love one must know. Hence, the meditation and love is primary, secondary. As the sun radiates light without focus, meditation radiate love without focus. Loving yourself is meditation, is to be authentic, accept it with. That's prayer is gratitude. Love begins with self-love, the acceptance of self, of everything and everyone. Acceptance creates the environment in which l ove blooms. And the confidence starts in confidence, which is independence. Who is independent, learns, matures and turns with the changes. Love is more changin g phenomenon of life: as a flower that opens each morning. Only the self can lov e and be loved. Faced with a problem that matters most is knowing exactly what i s not their problem and solution. A New Dimension of Love - Love is real and authentic than us. Every love affair is a new birth. The ego is like darkness, but when it comes to love light, the d arkness goes. Choices must be for real, painful and worse and not by the comfort able, convenient and bourgeois. Love lifts us out of ego, and the pattern of the past and it seems confusing. Go crazy once in a while is the basic need to stay sane. When madness is conscious, we can return. All mystics are crazy. Love's a lchemy because first strip the ego and then gives the center. Love is hard, but receiving love is almost impossible, because the transformation is larger and eg o disappears. It is the yearning for the divine that prevents any relationship s atisfaction. The most creative people are more dissatisfied because they know th at more is possible and is not happening. Love first: it is an object-oriented. Love 2: it overflows, it is not driven by an object. It's a friendship that enri ches the soul. Love 3: subject and object disappear: a person is love.

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