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A Clnderella SLory

"Once upon a time in a far away kingdom, lived a beautiful little girl and her widowed father. Ok, so it wasn't that
long ago, and it wasn't a far away kingdom. It was Forks, Washington, and it only looked far away because of all
the fog and mist. But to me, growing up, it was my kingdom."
Bella smiles as she looks back at times like that, remembering the times when Charlie would drive her up to Port
Angeles, playing baseball and learning how to curve the ball just right as she pitched.
"Even though I was raised by a man, I never felt like I was missing out on anything growing up, I loved Charlie,
and learning from him, how he learned things just felt right. I was the luckiest girl in the world."
Smiling, she looks back to her eighth birthday, remembering everyone at the diner, all of her friends and her
family. She had Jasper on her left, her dad on her right, and all of Charlie's friends at the diner too. Esme was
there too, helping with the planning and baking the cake.
"Everyone kept saying, 'make a wish, Bella, make a wish.' But what did I have to make a wish for? Life was
perfect," Bella sighs, smile still on her face. And then.
Holding up the camera to take a picture, Charlie was bumped into, by a woman who wasn't paying attention; she
fell right into his open arms.
"I guess Dad thought I needed something. he thought I needed Tanya."
The wedding was small and simple, elegant because she wanted it so, but simple because Charlie wasn't exactly
the type to want a big thing. They got married at City Hall. Along with Tanya came her twin daughters; Jessica
and Lauren.
"My. out-of-step-sisters," she says. "But as long as my dad was happy, then so was I. It was going to take some
adjusting, but it would be like a fairy tale.
.Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale."
"He took her hand, and then he kissed it, then he swooped her up onto his horse. And then the beautiful princess
and the handsome prince rode up to his castle, where they lived happily ever after," Charlie read, lying in bed
with Bella, reading her a good night story.
"Do fairy tales come true, Dad?" Bella asked, looking up as Charlie closed the fairy tale book.
"Well," Charlie said, scratching at his jaw. "No, they don't. but dreams do."
"Do you have a dream?"
"Yeah," he smiled, wrapping an arm over her shoulder. "My dream is for you to grow up, go to college, and then
build a castle of your own."
Bella smiled, thinking about that for a second. "But Dad, where do princesses go to college?"
"Where princes go," he nodded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Princeton."
"That's where I'll go then," she smiled, giggling into her father's side. "Maybe I'll meet my prince charming there."
"You know Bells; it's not all about finding your prince. It's about fulfilling your dreams, and standing up for what
you believe in. It's like I always say, 'never let the fear of striking out-"
"Keep you from playing the game," Bella finished. "I know, Dad."
"Just remember, this book," he patted the book in his lap. "It may contain important things you might need to
know, later in life."
Bella smiled, and sighed as Charlie kissed her forehead. "Now, go to sleep," he whispered. "I'll see you in the
"My kingdom came crumbling down the night Forks got its first crippling blizzard of the year. I'd begged my dad to
stay with me, to keep me safe in my bed, but he left anyway as Tanya yelled out for him."
"'ll be right back," he told her, rubbing her cheek. "Don't be afraid."
"I lost my best friend that day, and from then on, the only fairy tales I had, were the ones I read about in books."
Because Charlie hadn't left a will when he died; Tanya got everything. She got the house, the cars, and to her
dismay, she got little Bella too.
Tanya forced Bella up into the attic of the house, a smaller, cramped space. Bella watched as Jessica and Lauren
took over her old room, replacing her fairy tale wall paper with Pepto pink paint and ugly purple furniture.
Bella didn't really mind it too much, being in the attic. It was a welcome separation between herself and her step-
family. As the years passed, Bella grew up, and eight years later, she was getting ready to graduate. She studied
hard, still following her father's dream of Princeton, all the while waiting on her step-family. She was like a
servant in her own home, making breakfast, doing laundry, cleaning the house.
Jessica and Lauren were as terrible as ever, ridiculously unintelligent, ditzy, and not exactly popular. If Bella could
think of two worse specimens, she'd. well, she couldn't actually. There weren't any.
Sometimes, when Tanya was gone, or Bella needed a little extra cash, she went to work for Esme, one of her
father's most trusted friends.
Esme was the type of woman who never showed her worries. She was always smiling, and calm. Since Charlie
died, her main priority had been to watch over Bella, keeping her safe from Tanya's unruly mood swings.
Working for Esme was one of Bella's favorite things. Even though she could only put time in before school, and
after she'd finished Tanya's chores, Bella reveled in the time she spent with Esme. With Esme, it was like Charlie
was still around; like her whole world hadn't crumbled then instant Charlie got killed.
"Bella Marie, you're going to be late!" Esme called. "What one earth are you still doing here?"
"I'm almost finished, I swear Esme."
"I don't care if you're finished. Your number one priority is going to school! My number one priority is school."
"But I can't come back today! Tanya's got me doing something at home, and I don't want to leave this."
"Bella," Esme said, putting her hand on Bella's shoulder. "I can finish. Your father would want you at school, so
Leaving the office, Bella drove straight to her best friend's house. Jasper Whitlock had been in Bella's life since
before she can remember. She can't remember a time where Jasper wasn't there. Not one good memory she had
was void of him. She picked him up every day, well. every day since he crashed the other two cars his parent's
had gotten him.
Supposedly, this taught him how to appreciate what he had. He thought of it as more of a form of torture. Sure,
Bella was his best friend, but that old, beat up truck of hers. well, it was a beast, and an embarrassment, even
for him.
The best part about the morning was when Bella got to see Jasper moon over Rosalie Hale and Alice Brandon,
(mostly Alice though.) Alice was on the cheerleading squad, as was Rose, and both were cream of the crop in high
school elite terms.
While Jasper wasn't hideous (far from it) he wasn't popular by association alone. He was in the drama club, and
because of it, in high school hierarchy, he was severely cut down, regardless of his six-foot-one, medium build,
blonde hair, and mysterious southern accent.
"Why do you talk like that again?" Bella asked, getting out of the car as Jasper swooned over how mighty fine
Miss Brandon was lookin' today.
"I'm a method actor, Bella, you know this. I have to get into character. This is my studying, this is my homework,
and as I will be portraying a Confederate soldier in the F-H-S Fall Play, I have to practice. This is like doing
calculus equations," he nodded. "Honestly Bella. I thought we were friends. You should know this."
Bella sighed and bumped shoulders with him, walking down the halls.
"Edward!" Alice called out, walking right in front of Bella and Jasper, completely disregarding them. "Edward! You
will not believe what we're doing tonight!"
"I swear," Bella groaned. "People like Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Alice; they're like.
programmed to find each other. It's ridiculous. Really."
Continuing down the hall, Bella and Jasper carefully avoid the popular people holding court and head off to the
quad by the science building. Almost there, Bella ran straight into Mike Newton.
"Hello, Mike," she smiled, looking at the ridiculous Star Wars shirt he was wearing.
"Hello, Isabella," he grinned. "You're looking prettier than Princess Leia chained to Jaba."
"Thank you," she smiled back, ducking her head with a blush.
"Ah!" Mike sighed. "Have to go; we're holding a Jedi council before homeroom. Catch you later?"
"Sure thing, Mike. May the force be with you."
Waving his hand in what Bella assumed was a Jedi hand move, he walked away, leaving Jasper and Bella alone
trying to decide exactly what just happened.
When Bella's Sidekick chimed, Jasper groaned and bowed formally. "I bid you adieu milady. Your secret admirer
waits for no one."
Blushing crimson again, Bella flipped open the phone and headed over to an empty bench, looking down.
PRINCEtonWA: Where have you been? We haven't talked in ages.
PRINCETONFRKS: We talked this morning.
PRINCEtonWA: What are you thinking about right now?
PRINCEtonWA: I'm thinking Banner's a head case.
PRINCEtonWA: I wish I could hear your laugh. When can we finally meet?
The rest of the day was hellish for Bella. She'd studied the night before, cramming for her biology test, and
thankfully, passed with an A, but still she was drained. The highlight of her day was her free period. She went to
the library, sat at one of the computers, and signed into AIM. Right away, a new message popped up.
PRINCEtonWA: How's your day been?
PRINCETONFRKS: Ridiculous. Crazy step mom, work, school, exams, and trying to avoid the hierarchal courts.
Do you ever feel like you just don't belong?
PRINCEtonWA: Absolutely. I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. Then I think of you.
PRINCETONFRKS: Do you think we've ever met?
PRINCEtonWA: I don't know, I mean, our schools not too big, and I can eliminate the guys right? So. maybe?
The rest of the day passed in a blur, and after finishing all of Tanya's grueling chores, Bella finally found herself
able to relax and got back on the computer to talk to her prince.
PRINCETONFRKS: Have you told your dad about Princeton yet?
PRINCEtonWA: Not yet. I haven't even told him I want to be a pianist yet.
PRINCETONFRKS: My father always told me to follow my dreams. You should tell him.
PRINCEtonWA: Not mine. My father's already planned out everything. He wants me to go to Dartmouth and
become a doctor, just like him.
Hours passed with idle chit chat, quotes from famous writers, talking about trivial things, little nothings that came
into her head. Times like these were the ones that Bella lived her day for. Talking to her anonymous prince was
one of her newest and most favorite past times.
PRINCETONFRKS: It's 2AM! We should go to bed.
PRINCEtonWA: Only if you promise me something.
PRINCEtonWA: Meet me at the homecoming dance. I'll be there at eleven. Waiting for you in the middle of the
dance floor. Sweet dreams, Princeton girl.
PRINCETONFRKS: Sweet dreams.
The next afternoon, after class, Bella and Jasper headed to the batting cages. The best thing for Bella's rage and
frustration was America's Favorite Past Time. After hitting a few balls, all of which narrowly escaped Jasper's
head; Jasper tossed down his mitt and said, "Enough!"
"Bella, you're my best friend. You should just meet him."
"But what if he doesn't like me?" she asked, tossing the bat aside. "Maybe our relationship is meant for cyber
space only."
"Look, just go to the dance. I'll go with you, as your escort," Jasper grinned.
"You will?"
"Consider yourself taken that night, Lady Swan; you've got yourself a date."
"You're the best, Jazz."
"So, I'll pick you up tonight, right? Eight?"
As she was getting home, Bella sighed and headed into the backyard. Tanya, sunbathing, stood up and said, "Hey
Isabella, I need you to help clean up my office tonight, the door's open, I'll come by and check in a few hours."
"Oh, Tanya, tonights the fall dance, I can't."
"Isabella, I never ask you to do things that I think will jeopardize you in some way, and if you want to go to
Princeton, you need to earn your tuition. Just clean up the office."
Sighing, Bella groaned and headed back out to her car to get to the office. Her office was in the same building as
Esme's so fortunately it wasn't too terrible. The court from school had come into Esmes; trying to get dresses
made for the dance, and unfortunately, Bella was right in their way.
"Excuse you," Rosalie sighed. "How about you get out of my way? I'm trying to get my dress here."
Bella sighed, told Esme goodbye, and headed off to Tanya's office to clean it up. After filing all the documents,
cleaning the windows, and replying to Tanya's emails, Bella was getting ready to tackle the reformatting of all of
Tanya's client's files. It was something Tanya had mentioned a million times, but this time, actually insisted on.
"Bella, honey," Esme called, walking into the office. "Jasper's out here, he's dressed as Zorro."
"The one and only," Esme laughed. "He said he's your escort. I'm a little offended. You didn't ask me to help you
with your dress. I want to see what you're wearing."
"Oh Esme, I can't go. I've got so much work to do, there's no way."
"Nonsense," Esme said, pulling her out of her seat. "You're going, and that's final."
"But I don't even have anything to wear. It would be impossible for me to go now."
"Uh huh," Esme said, nodding. "I make dresses for a living Isabella. Your father would want you to go. I'm sure
I've got something."
Three hours later, and Bella was dressed. The dress was white, almost like a wedding dress. It was tight in the
bodice, like it had been made for her, and flowed out with endless amounts of sparkling tulle. Esme had even
altered it fast enough so that she could wear flats with it, "Even though it was made to be worn with heels."
Zorro bowed formally, "Your chariot, milady," and escorted them out of the building, down to his father's
To say that Bella was nervous would be an understatement. Her head was spinning, her breathing was shallow,
and her cheeks were flushed red with anticipation.
"Bella, earth to Bella," Jasper said, waving his hand in front of her face. "We're here, and it's almost eleven."
Getting out, Jasper walked to Bella's side of the car and opened the door for her, winking as he tied on his mask.
"Now you," he reminded, pointing to his face.
Bella nodded, and slipped the mask on, careful to avoid her curly brunette ringlets. Esme had taken so much time
getting her hair perfect, Bella didn't want to ruin it.
"You look stunning," Jasper said, a lazy smile pulling at his lips. "Absolutely stunning."
"You don't look so bad yourself, handsome man," Bella teased, taking Jasper's hand to get out of the car. "Now,
let's get this over with."
Any confidence she had, in that fleeting second in the car, was completely gone by the time she'd walked into the
doors to their high school gym. It was crowded full of people, all dressed up, dancing on the basketball floor.
"Maybe this is a mistake," she whispered to Jasper, pulling the cape she'd stolen from him earlier around her body
tighter. "This is a really bad idea."
"No it isn't. You know this will work out, just give me my cape, and get going, it's almost time."
Taking a deep breath, Bella removed Jasper's cape, handing it back to him, and took her first hesitant steps
toward the middle of the dance floor. After a few careful strides, she stood directly under the tacky disco ball,
marking the center of the gym, her meeting point for her rendezvous with her prince.
"Hello beautiful."
Taking another deep breath, Bella turned around only to be face to face with Mike Newton. "Mike?"
"Not tonight, dearest, for tonight, I am Luke, Luke Skywalker."
"It was you? You're my prince?"
"I've traveled the galaxies to find you," he nodded, grabbing her hand. Pulling her into him, he held her close and
danced with her, awkwardly, blabbering on about the force.
"Mike, I mean. Luke, I'm thirsty."
"A drink for the beautiful princess. You shall see the return of the Jedi," he said, making that awkward hand
movement again.
Once he was gone, Bella sighed. "I knew this was too good to be true."
Turning around again, Bella found herself face to face with Edward Cullen.
"Edward? Edward Cullen?"
He nodded. "My costume doesn't leave me much anonymity, does it? You're Princeton Girl, aren't you?"
"You're my prince?"
He smiled, soft and crooked. "I am."
"This is a mistake, I'm sorry," Bella shook her head, walking away, careful to pull her dress up out of the path of
her clumsy feet.
"Wait, no, please," Edward said, pulling her back. "Don't go. Please. Just, just go on a walk with me."
Reluctant, Bella thought about it for a second. "Do you even know who I am?"
"Of course I do. You're Princeton Girl. You're the girl who gets me, who understands me. You're everything I've
ever looked for, and now I've found you, just. Just go on a walk with me."
Nodding, Bella took Edward's hand in her own, and walked with him as he led her outside, into the empty foyer.
"Will you tell me who you are if I guess it right?" He asked, looking down at her.
"Maybe," she grinned, blushing red and looking down.
"Well, how about twenty questions?"
"Make it five," Bella replied.
"I, my dear lady, will take whatever you will offer," Edward beamed. "Alright first question. Would you rather have
a Big Mac or a can of Slim Fast for lunch?"
"What kind of question is that? A Big Mac."
"You've successfully eliminated half of the female population at Forks High, princess."
Blushing, Bella looked up at Edward, only to flush deeper and look away.
"No," Edward whispered. "Don't hide yourself from me." Placing his fingers under her chin, she was forced to meet
his gaze. "How could I ever forget eyes like yours?"
Shaking her head, she groaned. "Next question, please."
"Did you vote for me for Student Body President?"
"Good, a girl with a good head on her shoulders, I like that," Edward grinned, kissing the knuckles of Bella's right
"Were you upset that it was me?"
"No," she shook her head. "Surprised, yes, but not disappointed."
The night wore on slowly, with them walking hand in hand throughout the campus, and then dancing in the
gazebo where the two of them could faintly hear the music from the gym. Only when her cell phone chimed did
Bella realize what time it was. "Oh! I have to go!" She shut off the alarm and turned around to get out of his
"What, are you on a curfew or something?"
Bella nodded, "Or something. But Edward, thank you. Tonight was amazing."
"Wait," Edward called grabbing for her hand as she turned away. "Now you know me, but I don't get to know
"Edward, I have to go," she sighed sadly. "I. this has really been the best night of my life, I assure you."
Turning around, she ran away, as fast as she could in that dress to find Jasper. When she finally got back to the
gym, she was amazed with what she saw. Jasper had Alice Brandon - dressed as a wood nymph- pushed up
against the wall, lips locked together. Her hands were tangled in his hair, and his were shamelessly high up on the
backs of her thighs.
"Jazz," Bella called, pulling at his shirt sleeve. "Jazz, I have to go. Hurry up, please? Tanya's gonna kill me if I'm
not back in time."
Groaning, Jasper pulled back, staring down into Alice's eyes. "Farewell, beautiful temptress," he whispered down,
leaving one last lingering kiss on her lips.
On their way out, Edward came running into the gym, calling out for her, begging for her to come back. "Princess,
Bella turned once, then looked at Jasper and ran out the door, unknowingly dropping her cell phone on the steps
as they left.
Stopping where the phone hit the ground, Edward picked it up and groaned in defeat, kicking at the step above
"I want details, Whitlock," Bella told him as they ran to the car, "But right now, I have to get back to Tanya's
office before she does."
Revving the Mustang to life, Jasper put it into gear and sped down the highway, back to Tanya's office.
"She had to pick up the ditzy duo," Bella said. "But that won't take long, and then she'll be at her office to check
on me."
"Tanya is one of the worst people I have ever met in my life. Not only does she make you a slave in your own
home, but because of her, my make out session with Alice Brandon got interrupted. I didn't even get to tell her
who I was."
"She doesn't know?"
"No, of course not," Jasper shook his head. "We may not be the Jedi Elite, but we definitely aren't in the Court.
There's no way I could tell her who I was. What about you, I saw you walk out with Edward Cullen, is he your
secret admirer?"
"Yes," she grinned. "He's my prince. I. I didn't tell him Jazz."
"What?" Jasper asked, gasping. "I can't believe you!"
"No, you can't be mad. I didn't tell him for the same reason you didn't tell Alice, Jazz. If he knew it was me, if his
princess was Bella Swan, he'd never look twice."
"That's a lie, Bella. You're perfect."
"Jazz," she groaned. "Don't do that shit with me right now. You and I both know we're not in the same circles as
the hierarchy."
Bella and Jasper barely got back to the office before Tanya did. Bella just had time to untie her mask, pull a shirt
on, and slide behind the desk (hiding the flowing skirt of tulle) and pulling a Mariners hat over her head to hide
the curls. Tanya flew in moments later, looking down at Bella with a sinister smile on her face.
"Are the files converted yet, Isabella?"
"Not quite, Tanya, almost though, if I come in this weekend, they'll be done."
"Good," Tanya spat. "Stay another hour, then come home. My girls are gonna need their laundry done before
school in the morning."
"Yes, Tanya," Bella sighed, clicking the mouse absently on the screen.
Tanya left shortly after, and it was then that she realized she didn't have her phone.
The next morning, Bella picked Jasper up, same time as usual, and groaned. "I dropped my phone last night,
Jasper. I don't know what happened to it."
"I think Cullen picked it up," Jasper shrugged. "I mean, he bent down as we were running away, and then kicked
at the stairs. He's got to have it, right?"
Bella groaned. "What if he recognizes me today?"
"Then you tell him it's you."
Jessica and Lauren, the wonders that they are, had already set a plan in motion that was foolproof. Or well,
Jessica and Lauren proof, because not even they could mess this up.
They'd gotten together with some of the guys from the baseball team, and some of the ASB members and decided
to put on a skit for the pep rally. Everyone in school was talking about the princess that left Edward Cullen alone
at the dance. Everyone was baffled as to who she was, except for four people.
Jessica had gone up to remind Bella to do their laundry that morning, but when she got up to the attic, Bella was
already in the shower, her laptop open, emails open. Deciding to do some deleting, pranking, Jessica sat down
and looked down at the emails.
The latest was from PRINCEtonWA.
Now you know 'm Edward Cullen, and still don't know you. t's gravely unfair. 've waited so long to know you,
please, tell me who you are. won't give up.
Gasping, Jessica forwarded the emails to herself, and left the scene before the water even turned off. Of course,
she told Lauren all about it, and then the two of them decided on a plan of action.
The skit was going to be a pep skit, to get Forks High ready for their match against the Wolves this weekend.
Edward Cullen, as ASB President, would be there, and if Lauren's idea pulled through, so would Bella.
It was just a matter of time.
The PA sounded fifteen minutes before the pep rally. "Princess, if you're listening, Edward Cullen will be waiting
for you at the pep rally, please show up."
Fifteen minutes later, everything was set and ready to go.
Lauren, dressed in a Forks High ASB shirt, pulled her hair up and hid it behind a baseball hat. Jessica was wearing
one of Bella's old shirts, a Mariners' jersey with SWAN written across the back. Everything would be perfect.
Once the student body was seated, the skit began, and Jessica started to read off lines from the emails and
instant messages shared between Edward and Bella. Lauren and she acted out certain emails, and from the
bleaches, next to Jasper Whitlock, Bella Swan was crimson.
"But what Edward Cullen didn't know, was that his 'princess,'" Jessica spat. "Was none other than little old Bella
By the look on Edward's face, he had no idea, and when he scanned the crowd for her, Bella knew the look on his
face was the reason she never told him. With Jasper's help, she got out of the gym, and ran to her truck, Jasper
following behind her closely.
"Did you see his face, Jasper? Did you? I told you this would never work out."
Jasper and Bella headed over to Esme's shop and ditched the rest of the day. When Tanya found out, she came
straight over to punish Bella.
"Isabella, you little ingrate. I do everything possible to keep you clothed and sheltered, and here you go
disgracing me and ditching school."
She continued to rant on about how Bella was an ungrateful slob, and how she'd have to work double time to
work off being grounded. Eventually, Bella snapped.
"No!" Bella yelled. Both Esme and Jasper gasped. "I'm done, Tanya. I'm done, do you hear me? I'm done with
your family, I'm done with your chores, and your rules, and your office. You never wanted me anyway."
Tanya laughed. "And where do you think you'll go?"
"With me," Esme spoke up. "Charlie was one of my best and truest friends, and the only reason I put up with you
and your ways was because I was looking out for her. Bella is an angel, and you," she seethed, "Are so ignorant
you can't even see it! She'll stay with me."
With that, Esme, Jasper, and Bella left, heading back to the Swan house to help her pack.
It didn't take too long, as Bella really didn't have too much to pack, and once everything was in the back of her
trunk, she and Jasper followed Esme's Mercedes to her house.
It was the start of a new life. Bella felt empowered.
The next day at school, everyone whispered about Bella behind her back, in front of her face, walking past her in
the halls, everywhere. She'd run into Edward once, in the middle of the hall way, only to see him scoff. She
turned on her heels and ran.
Two more days of this, and Bella was done with the whispers and the teasing, and she desperately needed her
phone back.
She walked into the boys' locker room, hands on her hips and found Edward sitting next to his brother Emmett in
the last row of lockers.
"Cullen," she said, and both looked up. Emmett laughed something like, 'there's a girl in here for you,' but turned
around as soon as he caught the look on her face.
"I want my phone back," she said, holding her hands out. Standing, he went to his locker, and tried to say
something as he handed it back to her. "No," Bella shook her head. "I didn't tell you who I was because I knew
this would happen. What happened to the boy in those emails?" She asked, but didn't wait. "I know he's in there
somewhere, but I can't wait around for him. Waiting for you, is like waiting for the sun to shine in Forks."
With that, she turned around and left the locker room, pushing the cell phone into her back pocket. As soon as
she was out, Jasper was there, running down the halls to meet her.
"Esme called me and told me what you were planning. Are you ok?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "I got my phone back, I think I'm ok."
Wrapping his arm around her, Jasper kissed the top of Bella's head and headed out to the quad, getting ready for
the rest of the day. When they sat down, Bella barely had a minute to catch her breath before Alice Brandon and
Rosalie Hale were standing in front of them.
Jasper went rigid, and when Bella looked up, clearly indifferent, Alice asked, "Did you really just get your phone
back by going into the lockers?"
"Yes," she said plainly. "If the man won't come to the mountain.."
Alice laughed, but Rosalie stopped her. "Was it your intention to humiliate our best friend, or was it just a plus to
have your step sisters read his private thoughts out loud in front of the school?" Alice's face instantly hardened.
"Hey, no," Jasper said, pulling out of his reverie. "That wasn't Bella's fault."
"Jazz, don't," Bella shook her head. "It won't help."
Alice scoffed. "I don't know what he saw in you, even in cyber space."
"I don't know what I ever saw in you, Alice Brandon, what I thought I had at the dance means nothing to me now,
I thought you were different," Jasper shook his head. "But no, you're just as Court as the rest of them. Bella had
nothing to do with Jessica and Lauren's stupidity, and if you cared enough to ask instead of accuse, you'd know."
"What did you have at the dance?" Rosalie asked, sizing him up.
"Enough," Bella groaned. Standing up, she pulled on Jasper's sleeve, "Come on, Zorro, let's get out of here.
Esme'll be at the office, let's just go there."
"Zorro?" Alice gasped. "You were Zorro?"
Now it was Jasper's turn to scoff, and then he wrapped his arms around Bella protectively and led her out to the
parking lot.
"Jazz, you just told off Alice Brandon."
"I know," he grinned. "I feel so relieved. I mean, I don't even feel bad for yelling at a lady."
"You gentleman," Bella laughed, starting the ignition on her truck, heading to Esme's shop.
The drive was quiet, and while Esme was upset that they weren't at school, she was secretly happy that Bella and
Jasper had stood up to the hierarchy of high school.
That night, Bella started going through some of the boxes she'd packed, and came across that old fairy tale book.
Charlie wasn't lying when he said there were important things in it. When she cracked open the book, Bella found
a legal document, Charlie's Living Will. In it, it clearly stated that everything was Bella's, and it even had Tanya's
signature on it, as a witness.
Calling in the District Attorney, Esme and Bella got everything situated, and sold Tanya's car, as well as Jessica
and Lauren's.
Things were looking up again.
Next week at school, Jasper and Bella were no longer the topic of conversation, now the names on everyone's lips
were Jessica and Lauren. See, Tanya had struck a deal with the DA, saying that if they were to get out of town,
and never try to contact Bella, Tanya could repay her debt to society back in her hometown of Denali.
Esme happily took custody of Bella, and because of the hasty move, rumors spread like wildfire about the twins at
Forks High.
Without the trouble of people talking about her, Bella found school almost normal, except every time she entered
the halls, he was there. She'd deleted her AIM account, and closed her email. Edward Cullen had single handedly
broken Bella's dreams in fairy tales, the tiny thread she held on to. Now though, she tried not to let it get to her.
So what, she tried, and maybe kind of sort of fallen in love with Edward Cullen.
He was exactly who he said he wasn't, who he tried not to be.
It was a random Tuesday, about a week later. Talk of Jessica, Lauren, and Tanya had died down, and things were
back to normal. Mike still told her she was prettier than Princess Leia, Jasper still had the accent of a Confederate,
and Bella still studied her ass off to get into Princeton.
That Tuesday though, while Jasper and Bella sat in the cafeteria, discussing the Spanish lecture they'd just gotten
out of, conversation stopped as Alice Brandon sat down next to Jasper.
"I've been waiting for you," she said quietly.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting?" Jasper said, ending the apology in a question, taking a bite of his apple.
"I want to apologize, Bella," she said, looking over at her. "What I said was wrong, and I'm sorry I bought into all
the rumors."
Shrugging, Bella smiled, "Don't worry about it, Alice, it really doesn't matter anymore."
"It does though, Bella. For four years, I've been the voice of the elite, and here, in my time to use my voice for a
good purpose, I just helped to spread the rumors about you. Edward was so upset about all of it, and then, when
"Enough Alice," Edward Cullen said, walking to the table.
"Bella Can I talk to you. alone?" He looked over at Jasper, almost to get permission.
Jasper looked to Bella, and then back up at Edward, eyes narrowed.
Bella stood, and walked out to the quad with Edward, hands in her pockets, idly counting the number of steps it
took for her to keep up with his long strides.
"Hey look, the suns out," she commented as they got outside.
"Bella, I'm sorry," Edward said, turning to face her. "My complete lack of action in all of this proved everything
about myself that I hate. I should have talked to you, and then, I tried to email you, but it kept returning it to me
and. I just. I don't know what to say to make you understand how sorry I am.
"I uh," he stuttered. "I talked to my dad. I told him I didn't want to be a doctor, I. He's happy for me, kind of. He
was so set on it, he thought I wanted to follow in his path, I just. He was shocked, but. I got accepted into
Princeton, Bella. I applied, and I did it because of you."
Bella looked up at him, smiling. "I knew you'd get it."
"Please say you forgive me, Isabella Swan, I need you in my life."
"I forgive you, Edward Cullen, but I'll take back my forgiveness if you ever call me by my full name again."
Laughing, Edward scooped Bella up into his arms and twirled her around, effortlessly, leaning forward to catch his
lips in hers.
"And they all lived happily ever after. Well, sort of. t's not an ever after, but it's a start. Esme, she met Edward's
father, Carlisle, and now they're semi-dating, and trying to keep it from Edward and me, but we know-they're
not subtle.
"Jasper and Alice have been together since that random Tuesday in the cafeteria. Rosalie and Emmett finally
accepted me and Jasper into their group, to join their table, and because of everything that happened, the
hierarchy kind of disbanded.
"High school is just a stepping stone, it's the poison apple, or the finger prick in my fairy tale, and next year,
when Edward and go to !rinceton, 'll be fulfilling my father's dream, and in the process, writing out the rest of
my fairy tale."
The End

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