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Date: 2/20/12 Aristocratic Literature (10th-11th century) Begin to get written records of old literature that was composed

for the upper classes. Establishes the types of literature that are still in modern literature and video games. 3 Kinds of Literature: Epics Arthurian Courtly Love EPICS Tend to get written down relatively late. But many of them derive from events that happen from before the first surviving manuscript. Beowulf Was there ever a single author? Epics are very long Chansons de geste = songs or deeds Hildebrandslied Earliest manuscript known was in Spain was around 1100 Earliest extensive piece of the French language there is. Many epics were first sung then written down Very military, very male oriented. Richard Wagner ARTHURIAN About King Arthur. Was there Arthur? He couldve been a Romanized Celtic general Jeffery of Monouth (From Wales) wrote some of the first Arthurian tales. Became very popular very quickly. Knightly quests The most famous of all, the QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL Begins in the early 12th century COURTLY LOVE Becomes prominent in late 11th and early 12th century Troubadour (Singer of the tale) Much shorter. Love songs (Like a 7 minute modern pop song) Arabic poetry (Lyric poetry about love) This is the moment at which the modern conception of love comes into Western culture.

Before the late 11th or 12th century people usually didnt talk about love. The Roman poetry about love was a lot more about sex than love. Its a really new phenomenon. Difficult to document much in the way of our modern concept of love in any works during this time. Clearly a love story. Mostly about unrequited love (In love with the kings wife) and she is very cold to you. About being in love and being miserable. Andreas Rapellanus (The knight should be respectful of his lady) Superiority in the Middle Ages In Indo-European societies long before the Middle Ages relationships of superiority and insubordinates have been very important. Romans patrons (superior) and clients (inferior) It is a shame for the rest of your life if you survive a battle where your lord is killed. Even if your lord is wrongfully attacking your kinsman, you cannot interfere. Poitou Aquitaine Southwest third of modern France. The count treated everyone horribly. Buried treasure belonged to the duke. Major ideological theme. Economy is not fully monetized. If peasants give up fighting in the war, they are seen as less than a free man.

2/22/2012 Problems with warbandsTypical person with land that wanted to control warband -cant pay troops, promise troops land eventually when ready for household --- beneficial for both lord and fief (population and complications) -- fiefs never in theory hereditary (in actuality it occurred) Continuation of Loyalty Homage and Fealty (loyaly)----symbolic position that dependent assumes relative to lord Cant give away church land Clergymen generally kept in confidence in administration no children, vacant every generation literate Fealty- (charters late 10th century)

honorable safe useful easy he makes life good person under god council and aid in above things

Knights dependent or subordinate Provide military service garrisoning castles (sometimes knight have fiefs) Escorting king King can demand money and help (3 occasions) ransoming ones self knighting of eldest son marrying off eldest daughter Fiefdom fief becomes heritable--- no need to do very much service (little as possible) (king eventually start preferring mercenaries because they will do more than minimum) Scrutage- payment for people not to go to battle England or Holy land- Top down (every single person) --- Europe is widespread but does not include everyone Tenament/ Fiefdom (better words, feudalism doesnt exist) peasants do manual labor and pay rent Upperclass tenants dont pay rent generally are vassals/ knights If fief dies and oldest son isnt old enough to hold fiefdom-----land is temporarily taken back --kid taken into lords house until old enough Anglo Saxons- all free men were bound to fight Lands allied to no one- Allod Felony- feudal traitor (one that doesnt do lords bidding or acts against lord)

---If lord treats vassal badly-- he should lose his lordship, king should become direct lord

When king Richard dies 2 heirs Arthur John Hugh de Lusignon is Johns vassl, John runs away with bride (Isabella) 1216- John died, Isabella returns and marries Lusignon son (lolz) 987- Capicians succeed Carolingians 1100- French monarchy very weak and slowly becomes strongest modern monarchy Spelling of historical people- Philip -Philip Augustus (during 3rd crusade)- exploits Western Europe and gains control of common day france -Louis 9th- (Saint Louis)- 1228 becomes king, dies 1270-------very pious, very just ( 2 crusades) -1285- Philip 4rth- Papel politics, Avaignon (destruction of knights templar) -1315- revolts against Philips heir-- Sm. charter created (dont last) Anglo shires (similar to counties now) Burrows- Alred the great takes over burrow from Danish- becomes urban eglomerations National system of taxation (1062 abandoned, then later henry 2nd ) (saints that isnt a martyr is a confessor) 1300- England becomes reduced monarchy Hugh Cape-on----find a way to find father to son succession (crowned in fathers lifetime) --only works if sons are loyal to fathers

Religion Popes elected by cardinals bishops, abotts, abbesses appointed by pope priests- celebate (in theory but not generally in practice)- appointed by bishops Reform of Papacy

Investiture fiefdom homage implies subordination Simony- buying and selling of offices in church Nicolaism- clerical marriage (orthodox allows priest marriage) -Henry III sets down popes (tires of 3 people calling people calling themselves pope --- Leo IX (1049-54) Schism during Leo From Gegory onwards- Pope claims to be superior over all (including kings) -Gregory VII (1073-85) (1st antipope.pope that later was never considered pope) attack to route cause of simony and nicolaism----no lament power in church in appointing Urban II (1088-99) Alexander III (1159-81) Innocent III (1198-1216) -4rth lateran council -creed (good Christian) - allows priests into ordeal -communion, confessions once a year, mass forced -secrecy of confession -preaches 4rth crusade 2 swords doctrine- pope- spiritual sword king- temporal sword Translation- locally recognized as saint by popular acclaim Canonization- officially sanctioned saints Papal curia (court)- process of nomination to curia to make someone a saint beatification- recognizes likely hoodhood of someone becoming a saint----allows local veneration Councils 4 lateran councils Hierarchy of Court- up to pope Concordance of discorded canons- unite problems with disagreements Problems of power in churchincrease of power= decrease in love and respect

Emphasis on how you feel versus what you do Ordersfrayers military lay men/ women A lot does not change -theology -basic orginazion -litergy --- mostly strengthened doctrine

Old style benedictions are proud Cistercians1st monastery Citeaux- 1098 - take in educated men -conversus (person non educated)-- do ag labor - really good at ag (only take undeveloped land- no tithes) governed of all abbots of monasteries (meeting) 1125- 1st women monastery order of savigny absorbed by cistercians Augistinian Canonspriests who are in groups not singular Monks- cloister Fryers- not cloistered Franciscans- order of fryers ---- no possessions Town versus City city= bishop, town doesnt have one London only about 50k people Most cities were Roman cities (hence they have a bishop)

Serfdom- all things owned are actually claimed by the lords 4 major groups of outsiders in europe -muslims-heretics-jews-lepersJews-spread of jews in roman empire -explusion of jews in western Europe (brittain 1290) -france, germany, spain (1492) -better for jews to be ruled by muslims than christians -from crusades on-- persecution increases of jews ----ideas that jews used children in sacrificial rites (Christian children into bread) -partial hatred of jews----jews tend to be moneylenders -physical and ghettoisazion of jewish living (especially after 1300) 4rth Lateran council -tithes must be paid when aquired Lepers3rd Lateran council- decreed separation of lepers from normal community 14th-15th century demographic, economic, social changes 2 great demographic shock - 13teens-change in weatherwidespread famine (10-15% of Europe probably died) -1350s- black death (about 50% fatality rate) 3 main types of developments -monarchs get stronger -empires become almost modern borders -east- state formation for first time (some delayed, some more rapid)

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