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Adding Symmetrix Devices

1 . Look for free space To check for available free space before you begin, enter the following command:

symconfigure sid SymmID list freespace -units CYLINDERS | MB

where: SymmID = The ID of a specific Symmetrix the symconfigure command is to be executed against. For example, to see how much free space is available on a Symmetrix with an ID of 000000012345, execute one of the following commands:

symconfigure sid 12345 list freespace -units CYLINDERS


symconfigure sid 12345 list freespace -units MB

2 . Build a command file that will be used to add the device The create dev command is used to add or create a Symmetrix device. The syntax for this command is: create dev count=n, size=Cylinders, emulation=EmulationType, config=DeviceConfig, [, data_member_count=nn] [, remote_config=DeviceConfig, remote_data_member_count=nn, ra_group=n, [dynamic_capability=[dyn_rdf | dyn_rdf1_only |dyn_rdf2_only], ] [, attribute=ckd_meta | savedev [in pool PoolName] [member_state=ENABLE | DISABLE], ] [, disk_group_num=nnn, remote_disk_group _num=nnn]; where: count = The number of devices to create. size = The size of the device needed in number of cylinders. In Symmetrix DMX models, a cylinder of an FBA device contains 1920 512-byte blocks, or 0.98 megabytes. In earlier Symmetrix models, a cylinder of an FBA device contains 960 512-byte blocks or, 0.468 megabytes. To calculate the number of cylinders, use one of the following calculations: Blocks 960 or (Device size in megabytes) x 10242 (960 x 512 bytes) or (Size in megabytes) x 2.1333 Note: Devices to be used as BCV devices, SRDF devices, or metamembers will need to precisely match corresponding device sizes. Use symdev/sympd show or symdev/sympd list cyl commands to see relevant device sizes. For additional information about sizing devices in cylinders, refer to Chapter 1 of the Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Array Management CLI Product Guide. emulation = The device emulation type, which currently must be fixed block architecture (FBA), CELERRA FBA, VME512 FBA, or CKD-3380, or CKD-3390 for z/OS environments. config = The desired device configuration type. For possible values, see the Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Array Control CLI Product Guide.

data_member_count = The number of data members when creating RAID 5 or RAID 6 devices on a Symmetrix array with Enginuity version 5772 and higher. The user should set the value to 3 or 7 for RAID 5 (3+1) and RAID 5 (7+1), or 6 or 14 for RAID 6 (6+2) and RAID 6 (14+2). remote_config = The desired remote SRDF configuration (if any). Managing Configuration Changes remote_data_member_count = The number of remote data members when creating RDF RAID 5 or RAID 6 devices on a Symmetrix array with Enginuity version 5772 and higher. Set the value to 3 or 7 for RAID 5 (3+1) and RAID 5 (7+1) or, 6 or 14 for RAID 6 (6+2) and RAID 6 (14+2). ra_group = The RA group number in the SRDF environment. dynamic_capability = The type of dynamic SRDF device to create. Possible values are: dyn_rdf Creates a dynamic SRDF device. dyn_rdf1_only Creates a dynamic R1 SRDF device. dyn_rdf2_only Creates a dynamic R2 SRDF device. The specified dynamic capability will be applied to the local device and the corresponding remote device will be assigned a complementary dynamic capability, according to the following:
Local device Remote device dyn_rdf dyn_rdf dyn_rdf1_only dyn_rdf2_only dyn_rdf2_only dyn_rdf1_only

attribute = The desired device attribute. Possible values are: ckd_meta When creating a device with an emulation type of CKD-3380 or CKD-3390, this indicates that the device should be a striped metadevice. CKD metadevices must be created in sets of four devices. savedev When creating a device, this indicates that the device should be a SAVE device. The device will become part of a pool of devices that are used with TimeFinder/Snap for virtual device Snap operations. PoolName = The name of the SAVE device pool. It can be from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters long and include hyphens ( - ), and underscore ( _ ) characters. The name DEFAULT_POOL is reserved to represent the container of all unpooled devices. member_state = States whether the SAVE device(s) being added should be enabled or disabled in the pool.
Managing Configuration Changes

disk_group_num = When creating a device, this option allows you to specify a disk group. A disk group is a set of physical disks set aside to be used to create devices of the protection level. Disk group usage may improve the performance of some configurations. To see how disk groups are organized in your configuration, use the following commands:

symdisk -sid SymmID list -by_diskgroup

& symdev -sid SymmID list -diskgroup(nn)
remote_disk_group_num = When creating a device, this option allows you to specify a remote disk group.

Using a text editor, such as Notepad or the UNIX vi Editor, create a command file that contains one or more create dev commands. (For this procedure, a file named adddevices.cmd is used.) For example, to add four new Symmetrix devices to Symmetrix array 000000012345 as two-way mirrored devices with a size of 1100 cylinders (516 MB) using FBA emulation, and to create the hypers to support the new devices in disk group 1, create a command file that contains the following line: create dev count=4, size=1100, emulation=FBA, config=2-Way-Mir disk_group=1;

Note: If the Symmetrix array being used contains an EA, CA, or EF adapter, a value for the mvs_ssid parameter must be provided so any new FBA devices created are not seen as part of an existing subsystem ID group. If that is the case, a command line that looks more like this should be used instead: create dev count=4, size=1100, emulation=FBA, mvs_ssid=1, config=2-Way-Mir disk_group=1; 3 Commit the command file used to create the device(s) Commit the command file created in the previous step (and activate the device creation command) by executing a symconfigure command that looks something like this: symconfigure -sid SymmID -file CmdFile -v -noprompt commit where:
SymmID = The ID of a specific Symmetrix the symconfigure command is to be executed against. CmdFile = A file containing one or more create dev commands.

For example, to commit the commands in a command file named adddevices.cmd against a Symmetrix with an ID of 000000012345, use the following command: symconfigure -sid 12345 -file adddevices.cmd -v -noprompt commit When this command is executed, you should see output that looks something like this: .
A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait... Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.

Processing symmetrix 000000012345 { create dev count=4, size=1100 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=2-Way Mir, mvs_ssid=0, disk_group=1; } Performing Access checks..................................Allowed. Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed. Submitting configuration changes..........................Submitted Validating configuration changes..........................Validated. New symdevs: 0918:091B Initiating PREPARE of configuration changes...............Prepared. Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes................Queued. COMMIT requesting required resources......................Obtained. Step 002 of 078 steps.....................................Executing. Step 004 of 078 steps.....................................Executing. Step 004 of 078 steps.....................................Executing. ... Step 111 of 151 steps.....................................Executing. Step 114 of 151 steps.....................................Executing. Step 151 of 151 steps.....................................Executing. Local: COMMIT............................................Done. Terminating the configuration change session..............Done. The configuration change session has successfully completed.

It is important to note that when creating devices there is no impact on I/O activity.

4 .

Verify that the desired devices were created To verify that the desired devices were created, enter the following command: symdev sid SymmID list where:
SymmID = The ID of a specific Symmetrix the symdev command is to be executed against.

For example, to see if new devices were successfully created on a Symmetrix with an ID of 000000012345, execute the following command: symdev sid 12345 list The devices that were just created should be displayed at the bottom of the list produced.

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