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Unlock the Demo Level: At the Start Screen press: Up, Down, Right, Left, X, X, X You will now

be able to play the level that was available on the free Demo disc prior to the games release. Unlock Bonus Stage: At the Title Screen press: L1, Up, R1, Down, L2, Right, R2, Left Restore Health: Pause game and then press: Up, down, Right, Left, Square, Square, Square All characters: Press L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Left, L3, R3 at the title screen. All story mode missions: Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3 at the mission selection screen in story mode. All multi-player mode missions: Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3 at the mission selection screen in multi-player mode. All mission layouts: Press R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1 at the mission selection screen. Toggle special abilities: Press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 + L2 and press Up(2), Down(2). Release L1 + L2 and press Square(2), R1, R2. Bonus Rikimaru stage: Press L1, Up, R1, Down, L2, Right, R2, Left at the title screen. Hidden level: Press Up, Down, Right, Left, X(3) at the title screen to unlock the level used in the games demo. Recover health: Press Start to pause game play and press Up, Down, Right, Left, Square(3). Unlock all items: Hold R1 + L1 and press Up, Square(2), Left, Square(2), Down, Square(2), Right, Square(2) at the item selection screen .

Increase items: Hold R2 + L2 and press Square(3), Up, Left, Down, Right at the item selection screen Unlimited item capacity: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square(3), Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, Up, Right, Down, Left at the item selection screen. Although you can only still carry six different items, you can have an unlimited amount of those specific items. Display score and time: Press Start to pause game play, then press Right(2), Left(2) on controller two. Increase score: Press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 + R1 and press Right(2), Left(2) on controller two to add 100 points to your score. B-side dialogue: Hold L1 + R2 and press Down, Square, Up, Square, Right, Square, Left, Square at the opening screen with the Tenchu logo. Select Options, then Audio, then Language to access the BSide option to play the game with joke and outtake-style dialogue. Increase Items: At the Item Selection Screen hold R2 + L2 while pressing: Square, Square, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right Unlock All Missions: At the Mission Selection Screen press: L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3 Unlock all Characters: At the Title Screen press: L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Left, L3, R3 Unlock All Layouts: At the Mission Selection Screen press: R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1 Unlock all Items: At the Item Selection screen hold R1 + L1 while pressing: Up, Square, Square, Left, Square, Square, Down, Square, Square, Right, Square, Square. Versus Characters: How to unlock all Versus characters for Multiplayer: Tesshu Beat every level with Rikimaru and Ayame Taijima Beat 1st level with either Rikimaru or Ayame Nasu Beat 1st level with Rikimaru or 2nd level with Ayame

Hamada Beat 2nd level with Rikimaru or 3rd level with Ayame Jonin Red Beat 3rd level with Rikimaru or 8th level with Ayame Jonin Blue Beat 4th level with Rikimaru or 8th level with Ayame Chibot Beat 6th level with Rikimaru or 6th level with Ayame Kunoichi Beat 9th level with either Rikimaru or Ayame Kagura Beat 8th level with Rikimaru or 9th level with Ayame Kenpo Bouzu Beat 8th level with Rikimaru or 9th level with Ayame Semimaru Grandmaster every level of Rikimarus Jinnai Beat 6th level with Tesshu Onikage Beat 5th level with Rikimaru or 6th level with Ayame Ninja Dog Grandmaster every level of Ayames Tatsumaru Beat 10th level with either Rikimaru or Ayame Mr. D Ceo Beat Through the Portal (extra mission) with Rikimaru Easy kills: Once you got the last special attack (Wrath Of Heaven), use it to take out Bosses. Throw a smoke bomb in front of them, because it takes time to charge. Also make sure you have plenty of health potions. Rikimarus move is the longest, while Ayames is fast and deadly.

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