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Abortion= less than 20 wks Fetal death= more than 20 wks Preterm=less than 36 wks Stages of delivery Stage1:

cervical dilation up to 20 hrs (1-2 centimeters per hour) Stage 2: complete cervical dilation which takes about 2 hours (10 cm) Stage 3: delivery of placenta which takes about 30 min Stage 4: observe mom for preeclampsia or hemorrhage (mysopostal is provided to prevent bleeding)

APGAR TEST (DONE AT 1 MIN & 5 MIN AFTER DELIVERY)\ If APGAR is below 4 must do complete work up on baby. Must do work up on sepsis or neurological. If APGAR is between 4-7 in first and 7+ in second, no problem A=Appearance Pink (2) Blue Cyanotic (centrally blue 1,) P=pulse Above 100 (it is normal so give it 2) 80-100 (1) Less than 80 (0) Must do EKG to rule out heart block G=grimace (facial movement) Strong grimace (2) Mild (1) Weak to no grimace (0) A=activity All 4 extremities flex (2) Partially flexed or 2 extremities flex (1) Flaccid (0) R=respiratory Strong (2) Moderate (1) Mild/No (0)

Chapter 25 1. Picture of nephron, urinary system (pg 965) and will need to label. Label granulosus cell and be very familiar with that area in picture 2. Know the flow of urine- through what structures it goes by Nephron, Collecting Duct, Minor Calyx, Major Calyx, Ureter, Urethra 3. Know what parts make up the renal corpuscle Bowmans Capsule & Glomerulus 4. Why is there increase of water permeability in the collecting tubule or collecting duct?

It is due to an increase in the production of ADH 5. What type of cells make up the urinary bladder? Transitional 6. What causes the kidney to produce and secrete renin? By a decrease in the blood pressure 7. Know the function of the urinary system It DOES: helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the composition, volume, and pressure of blood regulates blood glucose levels and produces hormones maintains blood osmolarity It DOES NOT: Eliminates solid, undigested wastes and excretes carbon dioxide, water, salts, and heat 8. Know what gland sits on top of the kidney ( its half size of eyeball) Adrenal 9. What is in between the pyramids? What artery is in between your medulla and cortex? Interlobal in between pyramids, arcuate in between medulla & cortex 10. Know some information of the ureters, what it does? What it is? What kind of cells does it have? The ureters are capable of peristalsis like that of the gastrointestinal tract. They are trilayered (mucosa, muscularis, and adventitia). 11. Renal corpuscle

12. What is the functional unit of the kidneys? Nephrons 13. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is responsible for what? Regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling systemic blood pressure 14. Know what does the male urethra do and where it is, what does it serve The male urethra serves both the urinary and reproductive systems but at different times The male urethra is longer than the female urethra The male urethra is a passageway for both urine and semen 15. What acts as the initiation for urination (aka micturition/voiding)?

The stretching of the bladder wall 16. Angiotensin: know the sequence from renin to angiotensin to angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2

17. Why do we have to secrete renin?

18. Know how does alcohol act as a diuretic? Inhibits the release of ADH 19. Know diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, DKAwhich one involves an antidiuretic hormone? Diabetes insipidus: A disease caused by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) by the pituitary gland with symptoms of polyuria is Diabetes mellitus:

20. Know the flow of urine Pelvis of the kidney to ureter to bladder to urethra 21. What is the function of the loop of Henle? Form a large volume of very dilute urine or a small volume of very concentrated urine 22. Why does the fetal kidney not have to work very hard? The placenta allows the mother's urinary system to clear the waste from fetal blood 23. Describe the kidney function in older adults (70 yrs above)? Do they lose ability to use? Does it atrophy? Kidney function decreases due to kidney atrophy. 24. What occurs in the ascending tube in the loop of henle? Thick segment moves ions out into interstitial spaces for reabsorption 25. In terms of angiotensin, what choices are important for hormone regulator of electrolytes? Which choices help with electrolyte reabsorption and secretion? Is it angiotensin 1 or angiotension2 or other? angiotensin II and aldosterone

Chapter 27

26. Picture of a little sperm (pg 1037, diagram A)know and label (mitochondria, DNA, etc etc) 27. Know chlamydia Chlamydia is caused by bacteria that can often be asymptomatic or bring on a wide variety of symptoms. 28. Know genital warts

29. Know syphilis 30. Know genital herpes Genital herpes is caused by a virus that may cause intermittent lesions. 31. Know gonorrhea 32. Know which involves Human papilloma virus

33. Know which causes urethritis in males

34. Know which one is involved in PID

35. Dartos and cremaster muscles, what do they do They regulate the temperature of the testes. 36. What allows sperm to move in ductus deferens Peristaltic contractions 37. What allows male ejaculation The action of the bulbospongiosus muscles 38. What is the most important risk factor for testicular cancer in young males? Nondescent of the testes 39. Anterior pituitary secretes what gonadotropin hormones?

40. The hypothalamus secretes a hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete these other hormoneswhat hormone is this?

GnRH from the hypothalamus causes FSH and LH release from the anterior pituitary 41. What is the primary function of the uterus? Receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum 42. Where does fertilization occur? Fallopian tubes 43. How is the egg and the sperm similar? They have the same number of chromosomes 44. Know secondary sex characteristics in the male? What is NOT secondary sex characteristic in the male? development of body hair lowering of the voice increasing mass of the skeleton 45. How do testes react to body warmth? They move away from the pelvic cavity. 46. What are the effects of estrogen? (Know everything about it?) Growth of the breasts at puberty 47. If you stimulate progesterone, what does that stimulate? What does progesterone do? Preparation of the mammary glands for lactation 48. What cells make testosterone? Interstitial cells 49. Know the function of the vagina serves as a passageway for menstrual flow is the birth canal receives semen from the penis during sexual intercourse 50. Male sexual response, what occurs? Erection is the result of vascular spaces in the erectile tissues filling with blood. 51. What is the function of testosterone? Which is not? Function:

stimulates the male pattern of development contributes to male sexual behavior and spermatogenesis stimulates protein synthesis NOT a Function: stimulates mammary gland development 52. Which hormone inhibits FSH in males? inhibin 53. What happens during normal menstruation? blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease 54. How come semen doesnt go into the urinary bladder? The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes. 55. What hormone is absolutely necessary for ovulation? LH 56. What STD infection is false? Syphilis is caused by a virus that may lead to death if untreated. 57. A boy who has not passed through puberty sustains an injury to his anterior pituitary so that his FSH no longer secretes. His LH is normal. After he reaches maturity what do you expect him to be? Is he sterile? What happens to him? Be sterile 58. If you have low LH what does that cause in a normal male? decreased testosterone secretion 59. Prostate cancer is what? Facts about prostate cancer sometimes a slow-growing cancer that may never represent a threat to the patient Chapter 28 60. When is it when the sperm is fully functional (when able to fertilize egg)? They cant be functional until THIS happens? they undergo capacitation 61. What causes milk ejection or let down? oxytocin

62. Frist 3 months of pregnancy estrogen and progesterone keeps the uterine intact. It also prepares mammary glands to secrete milkwhat structure allows that to happen? corpus luteum 63. What does relaxin do? relax the pubic symphysis 64. Proteases and acrosinhow do they function? They act to break down the protective barriers around the egg, allowing the sperm to penetrate. 65. What hormone maintains the corpus luteum? human chorionic gonadotropin 66. Which method is the most unlikely to producing a child? ectopic implantation 67. What is the fossa ovale before it becomes fossa ovalis (before it closes)?

68. What is ligamentum arteriosum before it becomes a ligament?

69. Know about the ductus venosus ductus venosus becomes ligamentum venosum 70. Implantation involves what? embedding of the blastocyst in the uterine wall 71. Know the umbilical arterywhat does it carry? waste products to the placenta 72. Onset of labor may be a result of all of the following factors, except aspirin and similar drugs 73. Basic statement about fertilization Millions of sperm cells are destroyed by the vagina's acidic environment. 74. In terms of mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermwhere does muscle tissue develop? mesoderm

75. In terms of mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermwhere does neuronal tissue develop? ectoderm 76. What happens to fossa ovalis when baby takes its first breath?

77. What other factor helps the sperm move besides the flagella? reverse peristalsis of the uterus and uterine tubes 78. What hormone is not produced by the placenta? inhibin 79. Know fetal alcohol syndrome Alcohol can pass through placental barriers 80. What is acg hormone and what does it do?

81. If complication in first trimester, what hormone is typically at fault?

82. What type of skin changes occur with pregnancy?

83. Figure your estimated dates of confinement, estimates dates of conceivement 84. Know what is considered abortion, what is considered fetal demise 85. Know the different stages of trimester 86. Know different types of eruptio placenta? What is placenta previa? 87. What is given to the mother for making immune response for the fetal blood? 88. What is the difference between eclampsia and preeclampsia? 89. What size of cervix at delivery Nolegravida=not prego, never been prego Prima gravida= first pregnancy

Multigravida= more than 1 pregnancy Parity= # of pregnancies has 20 wks

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