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RECAPITULARE I. Simple Present Tense (prezentul simplu) se folose~te pentru a exprima aqiuni obi~nuite, repetabile.

Unele verbe se folosesc doar la prezentul simplu, acestea neavand fo rma continua. lata cateva exemple: He often goes to the cmema. Do you sometimes visit your mother? They don't like to listen to the radio. 2. Folosim Present Continuous Tense (prezentul continuu) pentru descrierea acelo r actiuni care se desTa~oara chiar in momentul vorbirii, respectiv pentru descrierea aqiunilor diferite de cele obi~nuite. Complementele de timp utilizate cu acest timp verbal sunt: now, this (week, month, year), today. Acela~i tllnp se folose~te pentru descrierea actiunilor care se vo r desTa~ura in viitorul apropiat. De exemplu: Mary and John are having breakfast now. Is he eating at a restaurant this week? We are not gomg to England next week. 3. Folosim Simple Past Tense (timpul trecut simplu) pentru exprimarea unei aetiu ni care s-a desfa~urat la un moment definit in trecut. De exemplu: We watched a good film yesterday. Where did you go last year? She didn't show me her house when I visited her last week. 4. Conjugarea verbulul to have: have we have you have you have he has they have she has it has

"" LECTIA 11-PARTEA INTAI , Sa invatam cateva cuvinte referitoare la vreme: cold > [kauld] -rece, racoros the sky > [DZa skai] -cerul cloud > [klaud] -nor fog > [fog] -ceata wind > [Uind] -vant strong > [stron(g)] -tare, putemic heat > [hi:t] -caldura (putemica), canicula temperature > [temprit~ar] -temperatura, febra weather-forecast > [lIeDZar fo:rka:st] -prognoza vremn, buletin meteorologic shawl > [~o:]] -qarra coat > [kaut] -haina, sacou boot > [bu:t] -gheata, cizma Repetati cuvintele, dar intr-o alta ordine; fiti atenti la pronuntie: heat > [hi:t] -caldura (putemica), canicula coat > [but] -haina, sacou At the sky > [DZa skai] -cerul fog > [fog] -ceata cold > [kauld] -rece, racoros shawl > [WI] -e~arra cloud > [klaud] -nor weather-forecast > [UeD/ar fo:rka:st] -prognoza vremii, buletin meteorologic temperature > [temprit~ar] -temperatura, febra boot > [bu:t] -gheata, cizma wind > [Uind] -vant strong > [stron(g)] -tare, putemic 2

Cititi cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii in care au fost introduse cuvintele n oi: It's very cold today. Put on your coat. The wind was strong yesterday. She doesn't like heat. We want to listen to the weather-forecast. There are many clouds in the sky. This is my best shawl. Do you like high temperatures? There is usually fog in winter. Where are my boots? > [Its veri kiiuld tadei] > [put on io:' kautJ > [D/a "ind "oz stronig) iestardeiJ > [~i: daznt laik hi:tJ > ["I: "ont tu liSll tu DZa "eD/ar fo:'ka:stJ > [D/ea' a:r mcni klaudz III D7a skalJ > [DZis iz mai best :;;o:IJ > ldu iu: laik hal tcmpri t~a' z] > [D/ea' lZ 1U:J uali fog in "intar) > ["ear a:rmai bu:tsJ -Azi este foarte rece. -Pune-ti haina. -leri vantul a fost puternic. -Ei nu-i place caldura. -Vrem sa ascultam buletinul meteorologic. -Sunt multi nori pe cer.

-Aceasta este e~arfa mea cea mai buna. - Iti plac temperaturile ridicate? - De obicei iarna este ceata. - Unde imi sunt cizmele? Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte invatate: Nu 0 vad in ceata. Ce temperatura este in mai? Azi cerul este albastru. Este haina lui? Lor Ie place caldura. Luna este acoperita de nori. Poti citi prognoza vremii in ziar. Sunt scumpe aceste cizme? El a vrut sa-mi cumpere 0 e~arIa ieri. Nu-mi place vantul puternic. Nu-i da (lui) ceai rece! -I don't see her in the> fog. -What > temperature is it in May? -The> sky is blue today. -Is it his >coat? -They like>heat. -The moon is behind the >clouds. -You can read the >weather-forecast in the newspaper. -Are these >boots expensive? -He wanted to buy me a >shawl yesterday. -I don't like >strong wind. -Don't give him >coJd tea! 3

4-catolic(dereligie) -pre~edinte-Sotuleiesteamerican. -Cineestepre~edinteleRomaniei? >ThewindIStoostrongtoday. -Sorameaesteinfirmiera. -Elestebrutar. -Eaestedactilograra. -Eusuntcatolica. -Cineestepre~edinteleRomaniei? >CanIputonthiscoat? >ThereISfoginLondontoday. >Ican'tseethesunthroughtheclouds. >WhattimeIStheweather-forecastontheradIO'! >WasItcoldyesterday? >IsthesunhIghinthesky? >MyfatherboughtmeavcrynIceshawlyesterday>Imustbuyboots. >OurchildrenhaveahIghtemperature. >Lastmonthwehadheat. -pecer>[prezidant] >[kETSlik] Retinetlexpresia: intheskypresidentCatholicWhoispresidentofRomania? WhoisthepresidentofRomania? HerhusbandisanAmerican. Heisabaker. Mysisterisanurse. IamaCatholic. Nupotvedeasoareleprintrenori. AziesteceatalaLondra. Cdndvorbimdespre0funcfiecarepoatefiindeplinitiidoarde0singuriipersoana,atundpute mneglijafolosireaarticoluluihotiirdtthe. Laceoraestebuletinulmeteorologiclaradio? Sheisatypist. Ieriafostrece? Numeleproprzi;;iadjectiveleprovenitedinacesteasescriuintotdeaunaculiteramareInli mbaenglezii. Lunatrecutaafostcanicula. inPropozifiileanterioareapar~icdtevacuvintenoi: Trebuiesacumparcizme. Vantulestepreaputernicazi. Tatami-acumparatieri0e~arrafoartefrumoasa. Potsaimbracaceastahaina? Soareleestesuspecer? Traducetiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimbaengleza: Copiiino~triaufebramare. Articolulnehotardta/anestefolositintotdeaunainainteasubstantivelorcaredenumescoc upafii, religiisaunafionalitii!i.Deexemplu:

in aceasta lecrie vomface cuno\~tinra cu un timp nou: Present Perfect Tense [pre zant pii:rfikt tens], adica prezentul perfect. Acest timp se confunda deseori cu Simple Past Tense (ti mpul trecut simplu), de aceea va sugeram sa acordari 0 atenrie deosebitafolosirii sale. Inainte de a continua, repetati verbele neregulate prezentate la sfar~itullectie i 10. Folosim Present Perfect in ca::ul unor evenimente care s-au terminat chiar acum sau ceva mai devreme, sau care au inceput in trecut (de exemplu: last week) $i se continua \~ i in prezent (cu repercusiuni asupra prezentului). De multe ori, momentul desfii$uriirii acriunii nu este specificat cu exactitate. Construcria propoziriei la timpul Present Pefect este urmiitoarea: Pronume + verbul + forma a III-a + ... personal auxiliar a verbului sau substantiv have/has principal She has bought a dog. -Ea ~i-a cumparat un caine. have seen that house. -Am vazut casa aceea. We have been at home. -Noi am fost acasa. in propozirie. verbul auxiliar este reprezentat de forma corespunziitoare a verb ului to have, care nu poate fi tradusa ad literam. in cazul unui verb regulat. la fel ca $i in cazul timpului Simple Past, verbului se adaugii sufixul -d sau -ed. Cititi propozitiile unnatoare: I have had a temperature. > [ai hEv hEd a tcmprit~arJ -Am avut febra. She has taught me English. -Ea mi-a predat engleza. My parents have smoked > [mal ]1carants hEv smaukt -Parintii mei au fumat a lot of cigarettes. a lot av sigaretsJ o multime de tigari. I have known about his > [al hEv noun abaut hlz -$tiam de mama lui. mother. malY~11 J She has looked for her coat. >[~i: hEz lukt 1'0:' ha: r kautJ -Ea ~i-a cautat ha ina. They have waited for > [[Yel hEv "c/tld 1'0.' -Ei m-au a~teptat acasa. me at home. mi: Et haumJ 5

TraducetiinIimbaenglezaunnatoarelepropozitii,folosindprezentulperfect: A!dturidecOlllp!emente!edetimpthis...(week,month,...),today,tonight,fo!osimtimpu !PresentPerfect.1~1acesteca::urivorbimdespreevenimentecares-aupetrecutintrecut,d arcareau!egiiturdcupre::entu!.Acestecomp!ementedetimpsegiisesc!ainceputu!sau!a.~ far~itulpropozi{ieiDeexemp!u: -Insearaaceasta(noi)amfostlacinematograf. -Aziamfostacasa. -Ea~i-aIacuttemelesaptamiinaaceasta. -Azi(eu)amlucratingradina, >Shehascometouswith10hn, >YOlih'1\e(IIlinktomllchbee!. >Ihaveforgottentobringyouthis. >Jhayethought<lboutIt. >Iha\'caskedhelformysha\\I. >\""chaycbroughtthescncwspapers. >Wehavetalkedtothem. >Wehaycheardthe\\eather-forecastontheradiO. -They>havegIvenusaverynicecar. >IIhasheen\el)cold. >Ihavewnttenalettertohun. >Wchaveworkedw1ththesepeople. -I>havev.aitedforyoualongtime. -We>haveheardaboutit. -They>haveaskedmeformoney. -Father>has\\rittenalettertome. >[SI:hEzdanha:1haumllo:1kD/ISlll:k] 6>[UI:hEvbl.nEtlYasinamatanalt] >[alhEybi:nEthaumtadei] >[ta(!<~1alhEvUaIktinD/aga:1dn] Shehasdoneherhomeworkthisweek. Wehavebeenatthecinematonight. Ihavebeenathometoday. TodayIhaveworkedinthegarden. Noiamadusacesteziare. Aibautpreamultabere. Eaavenitlanoicu10hn. Amuitatsa-tiaducasta. I-amscris0scrisoare(lui). Noiamlucratcuace~tioameni. I-amcerut(ei)e~arfamea. M-amgiinditlaasta. Eimi-aucerutbani. Afostfoartefrig. CompletatiurmatoarelepropozitiiinIimbaengleza: AmauzltlaradiObuletmulmeteorologic. Te-ama~teptattimpindelungat. Amauzitdespreasta. Amvorbitcuei. Ne-audat0ma~inafoartefrumoasa. Tatami-ascris0scrisoare.

Completati propozitiile in hmba engleza cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului (Ia Present Perfect): Azi am cumparat flori. -I >havc bought flowers today. Saptamana asta ne-am vizitat parintil. -This week we >havc visited our parents. Anul acesta am platit casa. ~ We >havc p,lId for the house this year. Am trimis aceasta scrisoare saptamana -I >havc sent this letter this week. aceasta. Luna aceasta am vazut cateva -This month we >havc watched filme la televizor. some films on TV. Azi am vorbit cu sora mea. -I >have talked to my sister today. Traduceti in limba engleza unnatoarele propozitii: Parintil no~tri au plecat azi in Anglia. > Our pal ents have gone to England tod ay. Saptamana aceasta am cumparat un sacou > This \vcek I have bought a coat and a s hawl. ~i 0 e~arfa. In seara acesta Maria a vizitat-o pe sora > Mary has \ ISlted her husband'S sist er tOl1lght. sotului el. Azi am vorbit cu tata. > We ha\ e talked to our father today. Saptamana aceasta am avut febra. > I ha\ e had a temperature this \\ eek. Vara a fost foarte racoroasa in acest an. > The summer has been very cold thIS y ear. In aceasta seara i-am scris 0 scrisoare > Tonight I havc \\ ntten a letter to my friend. prietenului meu. Anul acesta (noi) am fost la Londra. > ThiS yeal wc have been Il1 London. Sora mea a predat engleza anul acesta. > My sister has taught English tIllS year . In aceasta saptamana am lucrat dupa amiaza. > ThiS \\ eek we ha\ e worked Il1 th e afternoon. lata alte cuvinte noi legate de starea vremii: outside > [auts31l1] -afara foggy > [fogi] -cetos to blow > [tu bbu] -a sufla, a bate (despre vant) sunny > [sanl] -insorit low > [lau] -JOS awful > [o:ll] ~ crancen, teribil, ingrozitor windy > [Uindl] -vantos, cu mult vant cloudy > [k13u(li] -noros (innorat)

Repetati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine: awful > [o:tl] -erfmeen, teribil, ingrozitor windy > ["indi] -vantos, eu mult vant low > [lau] -JOS sunny > [sam] -insorit outside > [autsaid] -afara cloudy > [klaudi] -noras, innorat foggy > [fogl] -eetos ~ Verbul to blow este un verb neregulat. Cele trei forme ale sale sunt urmatoarele : blow > [blau] blew > [bIu:] blown > [bHiun] Am introdus euvintele noi in urmatorul dialog. Cititi propozitiile ~i aeordati 0 deosebita atentie pronuntiei: What weather was it > ["ot "cDZa! "oz it -Cum a fost vremea ieri? yesterday? Icstafdet] It was awful. We had a lot > [It "OZ o:tl "i: hEd a lot -A fost ingrozitoare. A plouat' of rain. 3\ rem] foarte multo Did the sun shine? > [did DZa san ~am] -Soarele a stralueit? No, it didn't. The sky > [nau It didnt DZa skai -Nu. Cerul a fost foarte innorat . was very cloudy. "OZ ven klaudi] Was the temperature low? > ["oz DZa tempnt~af lau] -Temperatura a fost seazuta? Yes, it was very low. > [ies it Uoz veri lau -Da, a fost foarte seazuta. And it was windy. End it Uoz "indi] ~i a fost vant. Was it foggy? > [Uoz it fogi] -A fost eeata? Yes, in the morning. > lies III DZa mo:'ninlgl] -Da, dimineata. Did you go outside > [did iu: gau autsald -Ai fost ieri afara? yesterday? iestafdelj No, I stayed at home all day. > [nau ai steid Et haum 0:1 -Nu, am stat toata ziu a acasa. del] 8

Observa!ifolosireacuvantuluiitcureferirelastareavremii: Tradueetiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimbaenglezafolosindeuvintelenoi: -Afosteeataieri? -Azivremeaestefrumoasa. >ThetemperatureISlow,butitisn'tfoggy. >InthemorningItwaswindyandcloudybutnowitISsunny. >ThewindIsn'tbloWIng. >ItISnicetoday. -Aeumesteinsorit. >Howistheweathertoday? -Ieriafostvant. >Ithmkwecanhavedmneroutside. 9Wasitfoggyyesterday? Nowitissunny. Itisnicetoday. Itwaswindyyesterday. Cumestevremeaazi? Azivremeaestefrumoasa. Nusuflavantul. Credeaputemsaeinamafara. Temperaturaestejoasadarnuesteeeata. Dimineataafostvant~iinnorat, daraeumesteinsorit. Verifieatidaeaatiretinuteuvintelenoi.Tradueetiinlimbaengleza: ~;Iafara.;,'>outside~.t4'~ ~f)L-~ I"""'Iljos,seazutT>low1--10-01-12-l'-== innoratlQJ>cloudyvantos,(eu)vant~>windyinsorit,(eu)soare~>sunnyeetos,(eu)eeata>f oggy

10-Lastyearwe>gavethemourbooks. -Thesun>hasshonetoday. -They>haveen!l:redthisbuilding. -J>knewheralongtimeago. -Mary>hassentalltheletterstoday. -Lastweekastrongwind>blew. -They>wantedtodoityesterday. -We>haveseenalotofplants. -YesterdayI>boughthimacoatandashawl. -YesterdayI>walkedtowork. -We>knewaboutitaweekago. -Todayit>hasbeenafoggyday. -Eilucreazainca. -Ieriammerscuma~ina. -EilocuiescinstradaGarii. -Aziamfostinora~. -Acumconducemspreest. Soareleastralucitazi. AnultrecutIe-amdatcartilenoastre. Amcunoscut-ocumulttimpinurma. Ierii-amcumparat(lui)unsacou~i0e~arIa. Eiauintratinaceastacladire. Eiauvrutsafacaastaieri. Mariaatrimistoatescrisorileazi. Jeriammerspejoslaserviciu. Wehavebeenintowntoday. Speramcaexemplele~iexercitiilev-auajutatsaintelegetideosebirilecareexistaintrece ledouatimpuri.Dacatotu~imaiavetiuneleneclaritati,repetatiinca0datamaterialeqiei. Wewentbycaryesterday. Saptamanatrecutaasuflatunvantputemic. TheyliveinStationStreet. Amvazut0multimedeplante. Inurmatorulexercitiuyomface0comparatieintreutilizareatimpurilorSimplePast~iPrese ntPerfect. CompletatipropozitiileinIimbaenglezacufonneleverbalecorespunzatoare: Aziafost0zicetoasa. Urmeaziiditevaexempleincarenusefolose~tearticolulhotiiriitthe: Theyarestillatwork. Wearedrivingeastnow. Noi~tiamdespreastainurmacu0saptamana.

LECTIA 11 -PARTEA A nOVA , Sa continuam lectia cu diteva cuvinte noi: stamp > [stEmp] ticket > [tikit] novel > [novl] telephone > [telifaun] tram > [trEm] tram stop > [trEm stop] bus stop > [bas stop] tlower > [tlaua'] bank > [bEn(g)k] calendar > [kElindaf] secretary > [sekratri] purse > [pii:'s] Repetati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine: tram > [trEm] bank > [bEn(g)k] ticket > [tikit] purse > [pa:'s] stamp > [stEmp] novel > [novl] tlower > [ /laua'] bus stop > [bas stop] calendar > [kElindaf] tram stop > [trEm stop] ,.ecretary > [sekratri] telephone > [telifaun] 11 -timbru -bilet -roman -telefon -tramvai -statie de tramvai -statie de autobuz -tloare -banca -calendar, almanah -secretar(a) -portofel, geanta, po~eta -tramvai -banca -bilet -portofel, geanta, po~eta -timbru -roman -tloare

-statie de autobuz -calendar, almanah -statie de tramvai -secretar(a) -telefon

Cltl~1 cu voce tare urmatoarele propozitii in care apar cuvintele noi: She has bought seven stamps. We have tickets for the bus. They didn't have a telephone last year. She is Peter's secretary. We must go there by tram. The bus stop is at the corner. She gave me flowers yesterday. Where is the tram stop? There is a calendar in the kitchen. The bank is opposite Peter's house. I have seen your purse on the table. He read this novel last week. > [~i: hEz bo:t scvn stEmps] > lUi: hEy tikits fo f DZa bas] > [D/el didnt hEy a tclifoun la:st lIaT] > [~I: iz pi:ta'z sckratri] > lUi: mast gilU D/eal bai trEm] > [DZa bas stop iz Et D7a ko:'na'] > [~i: ge/v 1m: HauaTz IcstaTde/] > ["eaT IZ fYa trEm stop] > (O/eaTiz a kEl indaf in DZa kit~an] > [O/a bEn(glk iz opaZlt pi:taTz halls] > [ai hEy sl.n 10:' pa:'s on D'a tcibl] > [hi: red OIlS nov1la:st ui:k]

-Ea a cumparat ~apte timbre. -Avem bilete de autobuz. -Anul trecut ei nu avem telefon. -Ea este secretara lui Peter. -Trebuie sa mergem acolo cu tramvaiul. -Statia de autobuz este pe colt. -Ea mi-a dat flori ieri. -Unde este statia de tramvai? -In bucatane este un calendar. -Banca este vizavi de casa lui Petre. -Am vazut portofelul tau pe masa. -El a citit acest roman saptamana trecuta. Completati propozltiile cu cuvintele nOll invatate: Fiica ei este secretara. Putem merge cu tramvaiul? Ieri te-am a~teptat in statia de autobuz. Iti plac romanele lungi? Vita-te in calendar. Sunt putini bani in portofelul meu. In piata este 0 statie de tramvai. Nu este telefon aici. Ea a adus bJletele cu ea. Du-te la oficiul po~tal ~i cumpara timbre. Putem merge impreuna la banca? Pune florile pe biroul ei. -Her daughter is a >secretary. -Can we go by >tram? -Yesterday we waited for you at the >bus stop. -Do you like long >novels? -Look at the >calendar. -There is little money in my >purse. -There is a >tram stop in the square. -There is no >telephone here.

-She has brought the >tickets with her. -Go to the post-office and buy >stamps. -Can we go to the >bank together? -Put the >flowers on her desk. 12

Traducetiinlimbaenglezacuvinteleurmatoare: telefon>telephonestatiedetramvai>tramstopstatiedeautobuz>busstoproman>novelporto fel>pursebanca>banktramvai>trambilet>tickettimbru>stamp~floare>flowercalendar>ca lendarsecretar(a)>secretarySaneintoarcemdinnoulautilizareatimpuluiPresentPerfect Tense.Folosimacesttimppentrudescriereaevenimentelorpetrecuteintrecut~icareinclud maimultsaumaiputinmomentulactual, alaturidealways,ever,never,~ijust,precum~ialaturideurmatoarelecomplementedetimp: recently>[ri:sntli]-recent,decurandlately>[leltli]-recent,decurand,inultimavreme already>[o:lredi]-dejayet>[iet]-inca,dejasofar>[saufa:f]-panaacum,deocamdata~ Complementuldetimp"yet"seaflaintotdeaunalasfar~itulpropozitiei,"sofar"lainceputu lsaulasflir~itulpropozitiei,iarcelelaltecomplementedetimpsegasescinainteaformeia Ill-aaverbuluisaulasflir~itulpropozitiei. CititicuvocetarecomplementeledetimpcaresefolosescalaturidePresentPerfect: ever>[eva']-vreodata,candvaalready>[0:lredi]-dejaalways>[o:l"eiz]-intotdeaunalat ely>[leith]-recent,decurand,inultimavremesofar>[saufa:']-panaacum,deocamdataneve r>[nevaf]-niciodatajust>[dJast]-tocmaiyet>[let]-inca,dejarecently>[ri:snth]-rece nt,decurand13

Iaracum,completatiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimbaengleza.Retinetiloculcomplementelo rdetimpinpropozitie: InexempleleurmatoareobservaticumestefolosittlmpulPresentPerfect~icomplementelede timpinvatateanterior: -Amauzitdespreelinultimavreme. -Noitocmaiamcinat. -Inultimultimp,noiammuncitfoartemult. -Niciodatanuamvazut-opefataaceea. -Le-aplacutintotdeaunaaceastacasa. -Eiauconfectionatdejazecebiblioteci. >Sofar1havegonetoworkbycar. >Maryandherhusbandhaveopenedashoplately. >John'smotherhasrecentlyspokentohIswIfe. >Shehasjustgoneforawalk. >WehavealwayswantedtogotoEngland. >Ihavealreadywrittenfiveletters. >Shehasneverlovedherhusband. -We>haveseensomenicetownslately. -They>havealwayswalkedintheparkintheevening. -They>havejustbroughtthesechairs. -Sofarwe>haveworkedinthemorning. -We>havealreadyhadtwodogs. >[alhEvha:'dabauthunIcitlI] >[UI:hEvdjasthEddina'] >[DZeihEvo:lredlmeldtenbukke/Slz] >lDzelhEvo:lue1zla/ktDZlshaus] >[L1};hEvua:'ktalotri:sntli] >[alhEyneva'sl.nD7Etga:'l] Maria~isotuleiaudeschisdecurandunmagazin. Panaacumm-amduslaserviciucuma~ina. Amscrisdejacinciscrisori. Eanu~i-aiubitniciodatasotul. MamaluiJohnavorbitrecentcusotialui. Eatocmais-aduslaplimbare. Wehaveworkedalotrecently. NoiamvrutintotdeaunasamergeminAnglia. Folosireacomplementelordetlmpyet~ieverlatimpulPresentPerfect0vomprezentainlectia 12, ciindyominvataformareainterogativului~ianegativului. 14Ihaveheardabouthimlately. Ihaveneverseenthatgirl. Inultimavremeamvazutcatevaora~efrumoase. Wehavejusthaddinner. Eitocmaiauadusacestescaune. Noiamavutdejadoicaini. Panaacumamlucratdimineata. Theyhavealwayslikedthishouse. Traducetiinlimbaenglezapropozitiiledemaijos: Searaeis-auplimbatintotdeaunaprinparcoTheyhavealreadymadetenbookcases.

lata un nou grup de cuvinte. Fiti atenti la intelesul ~i la pronuntia lor: next to > [nekst tll] -aproape de, langa early > [a:'1I] -devreme late > [!elt] -tarziu to get on > [tu get on] -a (se) urea to get off > [tll get oil -a cobori to say > [tll sei] -a spune Acelea~i cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine: late > [Ieit] -tarziu to say > [tll sell -a spune to get off > [tu get oil -a cobori early > [a:'lJ] -devreme to get on > [tLl get on] -a (se) urea next to > [nekst tLl] -aproape de, langa Formele verbelor to get on ~i to get off sunt identice cu acele forme ale verbul ui to get pe care Ie-am prezentat in lectia anterioara. Verbul to say face parte din grupa verbelor neregulate. Cele trei forme ale sale sunt urmatoarele: Forma I Forma a II-a Forma a Ill-a say > [sei] said > [sed] said > [sed] Sa introducem in propozitii cuvintele recent invatate. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare ~i fiti atenti la pronuntie: It is too early to go to > [it lZ tLl: a:'li tll gau tu -Este prea devreme pentr u the cinema. D'a sinama] a merge la cinematograf. She has already got on the bus. > [~i: hEz o:lredi got on D/a bas] -Ea s-a urcat deja in autobuz. We visited her late in the evening. > [UI: vizltid ha:' leit in DZi i:vnin(g)] -Am vizitat-o seara tarziu. Their house is next to > [DZel' hallS iz nekst tll -Casa lor este aproape de ban ca. the bank. DZa bEn(gJk] I must get off at this stop. > [ai mast get of Et DZis -Trebuie sa cobor la acea sta statie. stop] He is saying it is very late. > [hI: iz se/m(g) it iz veri -EI spune ca este foa rte tarziu. !elt] 15

>Ithasbeenverycoldtoday. >HehasJustsaIdhecan'tgowithus. >Didyoubuythiscaryesterday? >Ihavelookedformymother. >Imustputonacoatandashawlbecauseitiscold. >Ourchildrenhavehadahightemperaturetoday. >Oldastrongwmdblowyesterday'~ -Elaintarziatdimineatalamiculdejun. -Afostpreatarziu,casamergemacolo. -Autobuzulaintarziatieri. -1must>getoffatthefourthstop. -Ialwaysgetup>early. -Canyousit>nexttome? -Shecametous>lateintheafternoon. -Mascolintotdeaunadevreme. ->Geton!Icantakeyoutothebank. -She>saysthishouseistooexpensive. 16Hewaslateforbreakfastinthemorning. ThebuswaslateyesterdayComplementuldetimplatepoateaveamaimulteintelesuri. Ialwaysgetupearly. inlimbaenglezacomplementulcircumstantial(deexemplu"early") unneaza,deobicei,dupaverb: Itwastoolatetogohere. Ierivantulasuflatcuputere? Ieriaicumparataceastama~ina? Azicopiiino~triauavutfebramare. Aziafostfoartefrig. Eltocmaiaspuscanupoatemergecunoi. Lasfiir~itullectieivomrepetaintreagamaterie.Traducetipropozitiileurmatoareinlimb aengleza: Amcautat-opemamamea. Trebuiesaimipun0haina~i0e~artapentrucaestefrig. a(se)urca>togetontarziu>lateaspune>tosayaproapede,langa>nexttoacobOrl>togetoffde vreme>earlyEaspunecaaceastacasaestepreascumpa. Potisatea~ezi1<lngamine? Eaavenitlanoidupa-amiazatarziu. Urca!Potsateducpanalabanca. Savedemincemasuraatiretinutcuvintelenoi: Trebuiesacoborlaapatrastatie. Eurnascolintotdeaunadevreme. Completatiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimbaengleza:

Pana acum am citit trei romane. leri a fost 0 zi insorita. Nu-mi plac diminetile cetoase. Seara mergem afara. Imi place sa citesc romane engleze~ti. Pot sa cumpar bilete de cinema. Poti sa-mi dai doua timbre? Am cumparat un telefon ro~u pentm bucatarie. Dimineata am vazut-o in statia de tramvai. De ce i-ai dat ei flori? Azi secretara mea a uitat sa-~i ia portmoneul. Ace~ti oameni au telefon? De unde pot cumpara un calendar? EI nu a mers niciodata la ~coala. M-am lasat deja de fumat. Tocmai am luat micul dejun. Am fost acolo dimineata devreme. De ce ai intarziat ieri la serviciu? Trebuie sa te urci la aceasta statie ~i sa cobori langa oficiul po~tal. Trenul are 'intarziere? > I have read three novels so far. > It was a sunny day yesterday. > I don't like foggy mornmgs. > In the evening we are going outside. > I like to read English novels. > I can buy tickets to the cinema. > Can you give me two stamps? > We have bought a red telephone for the kitchen. > I saw her at the tram stop in the morning. > Why have you given her flowers? > My secretary has forgotten to take her purse today. > Have these people a telephone? > Where can I buy a calendar? > He has never gone to school. > I have already stopped smoking. > We have just had breakfast. > I was there early in the morning.

> Why were you late for work yesterday? > You must get on at this stop and get off next to the post-office. > Is the train late? "We have just had breakfast" "My secretary has forgotten to take her purse today" La sffir~itullectiei, iata obi~nuitul exercitiu de pronuntie: [ au] [e] [i:] [ai] low best eat buy ago west keep sky show seven teach high coat get feet tie 17

1811.2.2.Candfolosimacesttlmp: -Eusuntcatolic. -Eaestedactilograra. -Cineestepre~edinteleRomaniei? -Eaacumparat0ma~ina. -So\ulelesteamencan. -AZIamfostacasa. -Cineestepre~edinteleRomaniei? boughtadog. formaaIII-a+ averbuluiprincipalhasverbulauxiliarhave/hasShehasboughtacar. Ihavebeenathometoday. Pronume+ personalSheVerbulauxiliarestetohaveconjugatlaindicativprezent.Dacaverbulprincipa lesteregulatatunciprime~teterminatia-dsau-ed,iarformaIUlesteidenticacuformaaIlladindiqlOnar(SimplePast). HerhusbandISanAmencan. 3.Folosimdeasemenea,timpulPresentPerfectalatundecomplementeledetimpalways,never, ever,just,recently,lately,already,yet,sofar. WhoisthepreSidentofRomanIa? 1.FoloslmtimpulPresentPerfectpentrudescriereaaC\IUnIlortrecute~iincheiate: 2.TimpulPresentPerfectsefolose~tealaturidecomplementeledetimpthis(week, month,...),today,tonight.Acesteaseaflala'inceputulsaulasfiir~itulpropozitiei. Complementuldetimpyetseaflaintotdeaunalasfiir~itulpropozitiei,sofarlainceputulsa ulasfiir~itulpropozltiei,iarrestulcomplementelordetimpsegasescinainteaformeiaIll -aaverbuluisaulasfiir~itulpropozitiei. Dacavorblmdespre0functlecarepoatefiindeplinitadoarde0smgurapersoana,atunciputemf olosisauomltearticoluluihotaratthe: WhoispresidentofRomania? 11.2.1.Propozl\laseconstruiqteastfel: Sheisatypist. IamaCatholIc. RECAPITULAREALECTIEI11,11.1.inainteasubstantivelorcaredenumescocupatia,religiasa unationalitateasefolose~te'intotdeaunaarticolulnehotadita/an: 11.2.ThePresentPerfectTense(prezentulperfect)

] 1.3 Artlcolul hotarat "the" poate fi omis in urmatoarele situatii: We went by car yesterday. -Noi am mers ieri cu ma~ina. They are still at work. -Ei lucreaza inca. We are driving east now. -Noi conducem spre est. We have been in town today. -Noi am fost in ora~ azi. They live in Station Street. -Ei locuiesc in strada Garii. 11.4. Complementul de timp "late" poate avea mai multe intelesuri: It is late. -Este tarziu. The bus was late yesterday. -Ieri a intarziat autobuzul. He was late for breakfast in the morning. -EI a intiirziat dimineata la micul de jun. 19

TEMA PENTRU ACASA 11 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 20 Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii: They have already read this book. Peter has been late for school today. He was a secretary three years ago. My brother has made a nice bookcase for his mother. They have already been in England. I have talked with her lately. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii: Nu am vazut-o niciodata pe sora tao Tatallui este pre~edintele Romaniei. In ultima vreme am vizitat cateva tari frumoase. Ei au intarziat intotdeauna la ~coala. Imi place sa rna scol devreme. Am taiat cinci copaci din gradina noastra. Corectati gre~elile din propozitiile de mai jos: I never saw this town. They were at home all day today. ~ She wanted to go by the car yesterday. I have already drinked the beer. She has so far written two books. They have bought this nice house three years ago.

""LECTIA12-PARTEAINTAI, Cadeobicei,yomincepe~iaceastalectieinvatiindcuvintenoi.Cititi-Iecuvocetare~ifiti atentilatraducerealor: floor>[flo:r]-podea,etajcarpet>[ka:rpit]-covorf100rlamp>[flo:rlEmp]-lampacupicio rcurtains>[ka:rtinz]-perdele,draperiiceiling>[si:Iin(gl]-tavanfireplace>[faiiFpl eis]-camin,~emineuwall-paper>[Uo:1peipar]-tapetsocket>[sakit]-prizapicture>[pikt ~ar]-tablou,picturaarmchair>[a:rmt~eaT]-fotoliusettee>[seti:]-canapeaAcumrecitit icuvinteleintr-oaltaordine: curtains>[ka:rtinz]-perdele,draperiisettee>[seti:]-canapeafloor>[flo:r]-podea,et ajfireplace>[faiarpleis]-camin,~emineusocket>[sakit]-prizafloorlamp>[flo:TIEmp]lampacupiciorcarpet>[ka:rpit]-covorceiling>[si:lin(g)]-tavanwall-paper>[Uo:1peip ar]-tapetarmchair>[a:rmt~eaT]-fotoliupicture>[pikt~aT]-tablou,pictura21

Safolosimcuvintelenoiincadrulunuidialog.Cititipropozitiilecuvocetare: -~iperdelele? -Da,~inutrebuienici0lampapetavan. -Credeatrebuiesapunemeanapeaualanga~emineu. -Cameraaceastaestegroaznica. After... -NuIevreauaiei. -Inplus,(eu)vreausapunfotoliilelangamasa. -Cezicideuncovorgalben(pepodea)? -Trebuiesafiecafenii. -~ieevreisafacieuaeestetablouri? -AvemmulteprizeIncamera, a~aeaputemavea~ilampieupieior. 22>[UIolsau"anttuputDZaa:fmt~eafzneksttuDZatelbl] >[DZelmastbI:braun] >[DZisru:mlZo:fl] >[UlTSm(g)kUI:mastputDZaseti:neksttuDZafalafpleis] >["I:mastolsauhEy"mt"a:Ipelpaf] >["atabautDZabi:ftmz] >[JIdaunt"ODtDZemhiaf] >[L1i:hEymemsokltsInDZaru:msauL1i:kEnhEyflO:flEmps] >[iesEndD'eafmas(bl'nauIEmponDZasi:lm(g)] >[End"atduIU:"anttudu'"iDZDZI"Zpikt~afz] >["otdu1U:T'in(g)kabautalelauka:fpitonD'aflo:f] Ialsowanttoputthearmchairsnexttothetable. Whatdoyouthinkaboutayellowcarpetonthefloor? Theymustbebrown. Idon'twantthemhere. Before... Whataboutthecurtains? WemustalsohavewhItewall-paper. Ithinkwemustputthesetteenexttothefireplace. Thisroomisawful. Andwhatdoyouwanttodowiththesepictures? Wehavemanysocketsintheroom,sowecanhavefloorlamps. Yes,andtheremustbenolampontheceiling.

23Completatiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimhaenglezafolosindcuvintelenoi: Re{ine{iconsfruc{iacareapareintr-unadinpropozi{ii: -Thechildrenaresittingonthe>tloornow. -Whendidyoubuythis>wall-paper? -These>curtainsaretooexpensive. -Didyouhavea>fireplacethen? -Ihaveputa>floorlampnexttothewindow. -Isawaverynice>pictureyesterday. -The>setteeisinthecomeroftheroom. -Ihavealwayslikedtositinthis>armchair. -The>socketisbehindthatchair.. -Mustthe>ceilingbewhite? -WherecanIbuya>carpet? -nutrebuiesafien!ci0lampapetavanAveaiatunciun~emineu? Verificati-vadacaatireu~itsavainsu~iticuvintelenoi.Traducetiinlimbaengleza: Prizaesteinspateleaceluiscaun. Deunclepotcumparauncovor? Acesteperdelesuntpreascumpe. Plafonultrebuiesafiealb? Ieriamvazutuntabloufoartefrumos. intotdeaunami-aplacutsastauinfotoliulacesta. Canapeauaesteincoltuleamerei. Candaicumparatacesttapet? theremustbenolampontheceilingCopiiistauacumpepodea. Ampus0lampacupiciorlangafereastra. canapea>settee lampaeupicior>floorlamppriza>sockettapet>wall-papertavan>ceilingcov or>carpetpodea>floorperdele>curtams~emineu>fireplacetablou>picturefotoliu>armcha ir

2.Afew[aflu]-catva,cativaUnamteasubstantive/ornUl1uirabile): 1.Alittle[alitl]-putin,catva,ceva([nainteasubstantivelornenumarabile): -Atiscrispanaacumdouascrisori? -Nuacititniciodataaceastacarte? -ACltlteavreodataaceastacarte? -Aivazutdejaacesttablou? >Ihl\ewealreadysecnt\\0plctUles') >Hasshebeen<itworktoday') >HasmymothereveIlikedmyhusband? >HavetheytaughtmeEnglish') >Hasshealreadyhadbreakbst') Ihavesmoked>afewcigarettestoday. -Bringme>ahit]ewall-paper. -Ivisited>afewfriendsyesterday. -Suntditevastidepepodea. -Canyougiveme>aItttlemoney? -Estepu!inapamepemas~l. >[hEvIU:o.lrcchsl:nOilSpikt~a'] >[hEzSl:neva'redO/ISbuk] >[hEz~I:eva'redOilSbuk] >[hEvIU.litntu']cta'zsaufa:'] 24Hassheeverreadthisbook? Haveyouwrittentwoletterssofar? HassheneverreadthiSbook? Haveyoualreadyseenthispicture? Thereisalittlebreadonthetable. Shehasbeenatworktoday. Wehavealreadyseentwopictures. Mymotherhasneverlikedmyhusband. Wehavewrittentwoletterssofar. Shehasalreadyhadbreakfast. TheyhavetaughtmeEnglish. TrecetiurmatoarelepropoZitillafonnamterogativa: Thereareafewbottlesonthefloor. ShehasneverreadthiSbook. Bnngmesomewall-paper. InlocuitladJectivulsomecualittle/afew: Cltitipropozltlileurmatoare: IhavealreadyseenthiSpicture. SaneIntoareemdinnoufatlll/pulPrescntPerfect,~lsainvafamcumsejormuleazaIntrebaril e,~iraspunsunle. Canyougivemesomemoney? Formammterogatn'ulprmlIl\'erSllll1e:verhulauxilwrhave/hasocupaloeulsubleetulUl.i araeestatreeepefoeulafdotlea. Ihavesmokedsomecigarettestoday. IvIsitedsomefriendsyesterday. :;Itlmeapronumelenehotdratsomepoatestainall1teaunuisubstantivnumarabil(Inaeestea :areinfelesuldeciitva,di!iva,ni~te,unii)sauInalllteaunuisubstantivcaredenume,~te unobieeteeIll! areformadeplural(inaeestco:('uin(elesuldepu!in,ceva,ni~te).Putemfolosiaeestpronu mecasinonimulaltordouapronumelIehotanlte'

25Laformareafntrebiirilorcomplexea~eziimpronumeleinterogativfnainteaverbuluiauxi liar: -CeaIacuteapfmaacum? -Cineaspusasta? -Undeaivazut-opeaceastafata? -Citecan;iaiadus? -Yes,I>have. -No,I>haven't. -Yes,>theyhave. -No,>theyhaven't. -Yes,>shehas. -No,>shehasn't. -Yes,>ithas. -No,>ithasn't. >[UothEz~i:dansaufa:'] >[UeathEviu:si:nDZisga.'I] >[hu:hEzsedDZis] >[haumenibukshEviu:bro:t] Pronumeleinterogativwhen-"cand"nusefolose~teinintrebarileincareverbulestelatimpu lPresentPerfect. Whathasshedonesofar? Whohassaidthis? Havetheywantedtobetherefirst? Wherehaveyouseenthisgirl? Howmanybookshaveyoubrought? Hasthesecretaryforgottenabouttheletter? Haveyoualreadythoughtaboutit? Hasthesunshonetoday? Haveyoucutyourhair?No,Ihavenot.>[nauaihEvnot]-Nu. No,Ihaven't.>[nauaihEvnt] HavetheyalreadyNo,theyhavenot.>[nauDZeihEvnot]-Nu. boughtthishouse?No,theyhaven't.>[nauDZeihEvnt] HasshealreadybeenNo,shehasnot.>[nau~i:hEznot]-Nu. inEngland?No,shehasn't.>[nau~i:hEznt] Propozitiilenegativeseformeaziicuajutorulcuviintuluino.apronumeluipersonal.aform eicorespunziitoareaverbuluiauxiliar~lacuviintuluinot.Structurahavenotpoatefipres curtatii, devenindhaven't[hEvnt].peciindformaprescurtatiiconstruc!ieihasnotestehasn't[hEzn t]: Completatiurmatoareleraspunsuriscurte: Haveyoucutyourhair?Yes,Ihave.>[iesaihEv]-Da. HavetheyalreadyYes,theyhave.>[iesDZeihEv]-Da. boughtthishouse? Hasshejustcome?Yes,shehas.>[ies~i:hEz]-Da. Riispunsulafirmativseformuleaziicuajutorulcuviintuluiyes.apronumeluipersonal~iaf ormeicorespunziitoareaverbuluiauxiliar:

Formelenegativesepotfolosi~ilaformulareapropozi{iilorfntregi: Inexercitiulurmatorcompletatipropozitiileinlimbaenglezacupartiledepropozitiecare lipsesc: -Incanumi-auvazutcasa. -Eanuacititincaziarul. -Nuamvizitat-oincapemama. >Themoonhasn'tshoneyetthisnIght. >Haveyoualreadybeenathome? >HassheheardItyet? >Fatherhasn'tgotupyet. >Ihaven'ttalkedtoheryet. >Thetypistshaven'tcometoworktoday. >Wehaven'tsentthIsletteryet. -Where>haveweworkedthisweek? -Where>hasPeterbeentoday? -Who>hasgivenmealittlebeer? -What>havetheyhadlately? >rOzelhEvntSI:nmaihausICt] >[~I:hEzntredOzaniu:spclparlet] >[aihEvntvlzitldmaimaDzariet] Formeleverbuluitohavesepotprescurtadupticumurmeazti: IhaveI've>[a/v]wehavewe've>[Ui:v] youhaveyou've>[IU:V]youhaveyou've>[iu:v] hehashe's>[hu]theyhavethey've>[DZeiv] shehasshe's>[~l:Z] ithasit's>[its] Lunaincanuastralucitnoapteaaceasta. Wehaveworkedintheofficethisweek. Incanuamvorbitcuea. Dactilografelenuauvenitazilaserviciu. Eaaauzitdejadespreasta? Complementuldetimpalreadynupoatefifolositinpropozitiinegative,intimpcecomplement uldetimpyetnupoatefifolositinpropozitiiafirmative.Inschimb,ambelecomplementecirc umstantialepotfifolositelaformareainterogativului.Retineti,complementulcircumsta ntialyetaredouaintelesuri: deja(inpropozitiiinterogative)~iincanu(inpropozitiinegative). 26Aifostdejaacasii? Nuamtrimisincaaceastascrisoare. Shehasgivenmealittlebeer. Peterhasbeenathometoday. Traducetiinlimbaenglezaurmatoarelepropozitii: Tatanus-asculatinca, Shehasn'treadthenewspaperyet. Theyhaven'tseenmyhouseyet. Theyhavehadadoglately. Ihaven'tvisitedmymotheryet.

Traducetiinlimbaenglezaurmatoarelepropozitii.Folositiforrne1eprescurtatedacaeste posibil: SainvatamacurnciHevaprepozitii.incercatisaretinetifoloslrealorIncontext; under>Landa']-subover>[ama']'-peste,deasupra,peacross>lakros]-de-acurmezi~ul,pcp arteacealaltafrom>[from]-dela,dinby>[b:ll]-(chiar)liinga,cuEisuntlangafereastra. ~Amastadelamamamea. -Deobiceilucramdela~aptelatrei. -Aduunscaundinbucatarie. -Ciiineleestesubmasa. -Tabloulestedeasupralampii. >\Vherehayeyouputthisplant? >Shc'salwaysliked!lowers. >We'vetalkedtohimrecently. >l"vealreadyunderstoodit. >Howmuchcoffeehaveyoudrunktoday? >Haveyouevertriedtostopsmoking? >Ihaven'tthoughtaboutityet. >Wehaven'twatchedteleviSIOnrecently. >Hebasn'tcomeyet>[alhEYitfroml1\<limalYa'J27>rlYadog:11:anda" IYaie/hi] >[l:mnl~1at~e,l'fromD/akit.,an] >[lYcia.'haiD/a"indau] >l[Yapiktsa'il:am'arIYatEmp] >["i:IU:Juali"a:'kfroms('vntuT'ri'] Thepictureisoverthelamp. Saintroduceminpropozitiicuvintelerecentinvatate: Weusuallywork[romseventothree. Thedogisunderthetable. Bringachairfromthekitchen. Theyarebythewmdow. Undeaipusaceastaplanta? Amvorbiteuelrecent. EIi-auplacutIntotdeaunat1orile. Elnuavenitinca. Amintelesdeja. Ihaveitfrommymother. Aiineercatvreodatasatela~idefumat? Calaeafeaaihautazi? incanum-amgfmditlaasta. inultimavrernenune-amuitatlatelevizor.

-Biroulestedeparteacealaltaapletii. -Eltraverseazastrada. ;' ))) /I-Theplaneisflying>overthetown. -Aretheseflowers>fromyourhusband? -Thearmchairsare>bythewindow. -Putthattable>acrossthewindow. -Ourcatlikestosit>underthesettee. 28Repetaticuatentiegrupuriledecuvintecareurmeaza: [a.f][au][al][u.] earlyknowfireplacetoocurtainslowshinebluebirdgoskyyoufirstovermywhoAcesteflorisu ntdelasotultau? Pisiciinoastreiiplacesasteasubcanapea. FotoliilesuntHingafereastra. Avionulzboaradeasupraora~ului. Punemasaaceeavis-ii-visdefereastra. Completatiurmatoarelepropozitiiinlimbaenglezacuprepozitiilecarelipsesc: Theofficeisacrossthesquare.>[DZIofisizakrosDZaskUeaf] Heisgoingacrossthestreet.>[hi:IZgaum(g)akrosDZastn:tJ

LECTIA12-PARTEAAnOVA, Cititicuatentieurmatoareledialoguri.Repetatiexercitiulpanaretineticorectpronunti a~iintonatia. Cuvintele~isilabeleaccentuatesuntscriseculitereIngro~ate. Mary: Peter: Mary: Peter: Mary: Peter: Barbara: John: Barbara: John: Barbara: John: Barbara: John: Tom: Barbara: Tom: Barbara: Tom: Barbara: Tom: Mary: Peter: Mary: Peter: Mary: Barbara: Peter: Barbara: Peter: Barbara: Peter: Didyouheartheweather-forecastontheradioyesterday? Yes,Idid.Itwastoocoldyesterdaytogoforawalk. Anditwasfoggy,too. Ihaveneverlikedtowalkinfoggyweather,buttheheatinsummerwasalsoawfulforme. Doyouwanttohavebreakfastoutside? No,Idon't.Ithinkthetemperatureisverylowoutsideandthewindisblowing. Tomhasalreadyputonhiscoatandshawl. Wehaveaverynicehouse. Yes,youhave,andthereisanicesetteeintheliving-room. Wehaveboughttwoarmchairssofar,andIwanttobuyafireplacetothebedroom. Haveyoueverseenafireplaceinthebedroom? No,Ihaven't. Lookwecan'tputthefloorlampnexttothetablebecausetht:reisnosocketthere. Yes,Iseethat.Butyou'vejustboughtnice,greenwall-paper. Iwantedtobuyaredtelephonetoo,buttherewaslittlemoneyinmypurse. Andwhataboutthosepicturesonthewall? Theyarealsoverynice.Ihavealwayslikedthesepictures. Lookatthecalendar.IsitSundayorMondaytoday? TodayisSunday. Thenwecangotothecinematoday. Firstyoumustbuytheticketsandthenwecangotothecinema. Ihaveboughtthcm.Andwecangobytram. Isthetramstopacrossthesquare?

Yes,itis.Ithinkwemustgetoffatthefourthstop. Peter,agirlhasjustenteredthehouse! Whoisshe? Ithinksheisasecretary. Doesthissecretaryworkinabank? Ithinkshedoes,butshehasbroughtyoualetterfromyoursister. Peter!Whathaveyoudonesofar? I'vebeenatworktoday.Why? BecauseIwanttogototheshopandIwanttobuybootsforme. lt'stoolatetogototheshopnow,andyoucan'tbuythosebootsbecausetheyaretooexpensive. ThenIwanttobuysomeflowers.Wherehaveyouseenthoseflowers? Isawthemintheshopnexttothebank. 29

In ultimul exercitiu yom recapitula cele invatate pana acum. TraducetI urmatoare le propoZltii in limba engleza: Cand au adus asta? > When did they bring it'! Ei vor sa rna invete sa citesc. > They want to teach me to read. De ce mi-ai luat florile? > Why have you taken my flowers? Cine a vrut sa cumpere casa aceasta? > Who has wanted to buy this house? Acum cautam 0 canapea frumoasa ~i > We are looking for a nice settee and cioua fotolii. two armchairs now. Vezi acest avion deasupra parcului? > Do you see this plane over the park? Inca nu am vorbit cu el. > I haven't talked to hun yet. Am incercat sa-i opresc. > I tried to stop them. Cand m-am ureat in autobuz, I-am vazut > \Vhen I got on the bus I saw my brother . pe fratele meu. El a venit deja. > He's already come. Ai condus vreodata ma~ini mari? > Have you ever dnven big cars? In ultima vreme nu Ie-am scris serisori > Lately we haven't written letters to prietenilor no~tri. our friends. Azi ne-au pus cateva intrebari. > They have asked us a few question today. I-ai platit lui deja tapetul? > Have you paid him for the wall-paper yet? Ieri am auzit buletinul meteorologic. > We heard the weather-forecast yesterday. ,., Statia npastra de autobuz este pe partea > Our bus stop IS across the street. cealalta a strazii. Pana acum am scris doua scrisori. > I have written two letters so f . EI nu ~i-a uitat mciodata prietenii. > He has never forgotten hiS fnends. Cine a facut asta? > Who has done it? La ce ora ai venit acasa? > What time did you come home'l Vita-te la florile de langa fereastra. > Look at the flowers by the window. Nu au cumparat inca perdele in cea > So far they haven"t bought curtains de-a doua camera. for the second room. Sora mea a cumparat recent cateva carti. > My sister has recently bought a few b ooks. Cand le-ai aratat casa noastra? > \\'hen did you show them our house? 30

31Somepoatefifolosit~iinloculaltordouapronumenehotarate: 2.Afew[afill:]-catva,ca!iva(lnainteasubstantivelornumarabile): -Yes,Ihave. -Suntciitevasticlepepodea. -Haveyoualreadyseenthispicture? -Undeaivazut-opeaceastafata? -No,1havenot. -Estepu!inapainepemasa. Wherehaveyouseenthisgirl? Haveyoucutyourhair'! Ihavealreadyseenthispicture. Haveyoucutyourhair? Thereisalittlebreadonthetable. Thereareafewbottlesonthefloor. Constructiahavenotpoatefiprescurtata~idevinehaven't[hEvnt],iareonstructiahasnotd evinehasn'tlhEznt]: 12.2.5.LatimplllPresentPerfectpronllmeleinterogativwhen-dndnupoatefifolositlafor mulareainterogativllilli. I.Alittlelalitl]-pu!in,catva,ceva(lnainteasubstantivelorcarenusuntnumarabile): 12.2.4.LaformareaIntrebarilorcomplexea~ezampronumeleinterogativInainteaverbuluia uxiliar: AmInvaiatcapronumelenehotanltsomepoatestaInainteasubstantivelornumarabile(Inaces tcazarein!elesuldedtva,dtiva,ni~te,unii)~iinainteasubstantivelorcarenuauformadep lural(Inaceastasituatiecusemnifica!iadeputin,ceva,ni~te). 12.2.1.FormulaminterogativulpnninversareaordiniiverbuluiauxiIJarhave/has~iapronu meluipersonalsauasubstantivuluicufunqiedesubiect: 12.2.2.Formulamraspunsurileafirmativecuajutorulcuvantuluiyes,apronumeluipersonal ~)aformeicorespunzatoareaverbuJuiauxiliar. 12.2.3.Formulamnegaiiaeuajutoruleuvantuluino,apronumeluipersonal,afonneicorespun zatoareaverbuluiauxiliar~iaadverbuluinot. 12.1.Some,afew~ialittle. 12.2.Intrebarile~IraspunsurilelatimpulPresentPerfect. RECAPITULAREALECTIEI12,

12.2.6 Complementul circumstantial already nu poate fi folosit in propozitii neg atIve, in timp ce complementul circumstantial yet nu poate. fi folosit in propozitii afirm ative. Ambele complemente circumstantiale pot figura in propozitii interogative, aviind sensuri difente. 12.3 Formele conjugate ale verbului to have pot fi prescurtate in felul urmator: I have I've [aiv] we have we've [Ui:v) you have you've [IU:V] you have you've [iu:v] he has he's [hi:z) they have they've [DZeiv] she has she's [~I:Z] it has it's [its] 12.4 Prepozitiile in limba engleza Folosirea in mod corespunzator a prepozitiilor trebuie retinuta in context. under > [andaf] -sub over > [auvar] -peste, deasupra, pe across > [akros] -de-a curmezi~ul, pe partea cealalta from > [from) -de la, din by > [baiJ -(chiar) liinga, cu 32

TEMAPENTRUACASA12A.TraducetiunnatoarelepropozitiiInlimbaramana: 1.Theyhaveneverbeenthereinwinter. 2.Wehavealreadyboughttwofloorlamps. 3.Therewereafewannchairsinthelivmg-room. 4.Haveyoualreadyseenthesepictures? 5.Theyhaven'treadthenewspaperyet. 6.Thebusstopisacrossthestreet. B.Traducetipropozitiileinhmbaengleza: 1.leriamlueratdela~apteladoua. 2.Clndalcumparatperdelele? 3.Cateaserisoriascriseapanaacum? 4.Inultimavremenuamvorbiteuel. 5.ElaureatdejaInautobuz. 6.Adu-mi0eea~cadeeafeadinbucaUirie. C.Completatiprepozitii1ccorespunzatoareinpropozitiiledemaijos: I.Yesterday1gotniceflowersmyhusband. 2.Howmanynovelshavetheyread__"_far? 3.Therearesomeclouds__thesky. 4.Thesetteeisnextthefireplace. 5.Putacoat.Itisverycoldtoday. 33

VERBELE NEREGULATE DIN LECTIILE 11 SI 12 ,, forma I-a forma a II-a forma a III-a blow >[blau] blew >[blu:] blown > [blaun] say > [sei] said > [sed] said >[sed] 34

VOCABULARULLECTIILOR11SI12,, across>[akros]-de-acunnezl~ul,peparteacealalta,vis-a.-visalready>[o:lredl]-dejaa nnchair>[a:rmt~ear]-fotoliuawful>[o:tl]-crancen,teribil,i'ngrozitorbank>[bEnlg1k ]-baneatoblow>[tllblall]-asufla,abate(d.vant) boot>[bu:tJ-gheata,eizmabusstop>[basstop]-statiedeautobuzby>[bail-(chiar)langa,C llcalendar>[kElinda']-calendar,almanahcarpet>[ka:'pltJ-eovorCatholic>[kEl'iJk]-c atolic(a) celtlllg>[si:lin,gl]-tavancloud>[klaud]-norcloudy>[klalldi]-IIlBorat,norascoat>[ but]-haina,sacaucold>[kauldJ-reee,racoroseurtams>[ka:rtInzJ-perdele,draperiiearl y>[a:'11J-devremeafew>[ilfill:J-ea(iva,eiitevafireplace>[faia'plelsJ-eamin,~emin eufloor>[no:'J-podea,etajfloorlamp>[no:'lEmp]-lampacupiciorflower>[tlalla']-floa refog>[fog]-cea(afoggy>[fo)!i]-cetos,cuceatafrom>[from]-dela,dintogetotf>[tllget oil-acoboritogeton>[tugeton]-a(se)ureaheat>Ihi:tJ-caldura(puternica),caniculi! e>[lettJ-tiirziu35

lately>[leitli]-recent,decUfClnd,inultimavremelow>[lau]-jos,scazutnextto>[nekstt u]-aproapede,Ifmganovel>[novl]-romanoutside>[autsaid]-afaraover>lauva']-peste,de asupra,pepicture>[pikt~a']-tablou,picturapresident>[prezidant]-pre~edintepurse>[ pa:'s]-portofel,geanta,po~eta...~ recently>[ri:sntli]-decurand,recenttosay>[tusel]-aspunesecretary>[sckratri]-secr etar(a) settee>[seti:]-canapeashawl>[~o:l]-e~arIathesky>[DZaskai]-cerulsocket>[sokit]-pr izasofar>[saufa:']-panaacum,deocamdatastamp>[stEmp]-timbrustrong>[stron(g)]-tare ,putemicsunny>[sani]-insorit,cusoare-\-.telephone>[tehfaun]-telefontemperature>[ tempnt~a']-temperatura,febraticket>[tiklt]-bilettram>[trEm]-tramvaitramstop>[trE mstop]-statiedetramvaiunder>[anda']-sub. wall>[Uo:l]_0zid,peretewall-paper>[Uo:lpeipa']-tapetweather-forecast>[UeDZa'fo:' ka:st]-prognozavremii, buletinmeteorologicwind>[lImd]-vantwindy>[llindl]-vfmtos,cumultvantyet>[let]-inc a,deja36

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