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Useful I nform at ion on one of t he Deadliest diseases of our t im e: CANCER

1. Every person has cancer cells in t he body. These cancer cells do not show up in t he st andard t est s unt il t hey have m ult iplied t o a few billion. When doct ors t ell cancer pat ient s t hat t here are no m ore cancer cells in t heir bodies aft er t reat m ent , it j ust m eans t he t est s are unable t o det ect t he cancer cells because t hey have not reached t he det ect able size. 2. Cancer cells occur bet ween 6 t o m ore t han 10 t im es in a persons lifet im e. 3. When t he persons im m une syst em is st rong t he cancer cells will be dest royed and prevent ed from m ult iplying and form ing t um ours. 4. When a person has cancer it indicat es t he person has m ult iple nut rit ional deficiencies. These could be due t o genet ic, environm ent al, food and lifest yle fact ors. 5. To overcom e t he m ult iple nut rit ional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplem ent s will st rengt hen t he im m une syst em . 6. Chem ot herapy involves poisoning t he rapidly- growing cancer cells and also dest roys rapidly- growing healt hy cells in t he bone m arrow, gast ro- int est inal t ract et c, and can cause organ dam age, like liver, kidneys, heart , lungs et c. 7. Radiat ion while dest roying cancer cells also burns, scars and dam ages healt hy cells, t issues and organs. 8. I nit ial t reat m ent wit h chem ot herapy and radiat ion will oft en reduce t um or size. However prolonged use of chem ot herapy and radiat ion do not result in m ore t um or dest ruct ion. 9. When t he body has t oo m uch t oxic burden from chem ot herapy and radiat ion t he im m une syst em is eit her com prom ised or dest royed,

hence t he person can succum b t o various kinds of infect ions and com plicat ions. 10. Chem ot herapy and radiat ion can cause cancer cells t o m ut at e and becom e resist ant and difficult t o dest roy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells t o spread t o ot her sit es. 11. An effect ive way t o bat t le cancer is t o st arve t he cancer cells by not feeding it wit h t he foods it needs t o m ult iply. CANCER CELLS FEED ON: a. Sugar is a cancer- feeder. By cut t ing off sugar it cut s off one im port ant food supply t o t he cancer cells. Sugar subst it ut es like Nut raSweet , Equal, Spoonful, et c are m ade wit h Aspart am e and it is harm ful. A bet t er nat ural subst it ut e would be Manuka honey or m olasses but only in very sm all am ount s. Table salt has a chem ical added t o m ake it whit e in colour. Bet t er alt ernat ive is Braggs am inos or sea salt . b. Milk causes t he body t o produce m ucus, especially in t he gast ro- int est inal t ract . Cancer feeds on m ucus. By cut t ing off m ilk and subst it ut ing wit h unsweet ened soya m ilk cancer cells are being st arved. c. Cancer cells t hrive in an acid environm ent . A m eat - based diet is acidic and it is best t o eat fish, and a lit t le chicken rat her t han beef or pork. Meat also cont ains livest ock ant ibiot ics, growt h horm ones and parasit es, which are all harm ful, especially t o people wit h cancer. d. A diet m ade of 80% fresh veget ables and j uice, whole grains, seeds, nut s and a lit t le fruit s help put t he body int o an alkaline environm ent . About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh veget able j uices provide live enzym es t hat are easily absorbed and reach down t o cellular levels wit hin 15 m inut es t o nourish and enhance growt h of healt hy cells. To obt ain live enzym es for building healt hy cells t ry and drink fresh veget able j uice ( m ost veget ables including bean sprout s) and eat som e raw veget ables 2 or 3 t im es a day. Enzym es are dest royed at t em perat ures of 104 degrees F ( 40 degrees C) . e. Avoid coffee, t ea, and chocolat e, which have high caffeine. Green t ea is a bet t er alt ernat ive and has cancer- fight ing propert ies. Wat er- best t o drink purified wat er, or filt ered, t o avoid known t oxins and heavy m et als in t ap wat er. Dist illed wat er is acidic, avoid it .

12. Meat prot ein is difficult t o digest and requires a lot of digest ive enzym es. Undigest ed m eat rem aining in t he int est ines becom e put refied and leads t o m ore t oxic buildup. 13. Cancer cell walls have a t ough prot ein covering. By refraining from or eat ing less m eat it frees m ore enzym es t o at t ack t he prot ein walls of cancer cells and allows t he bodys killer cells t o dest roy t he cancer cells. 14. Som e supplem ent s build up t he im m une syst em ( I P6, Florssence,Essiac, ant i- oxidant s, vit am ins, m inerals, EFAs et c.) t o enable t he bodys own killer cells t o dest roy cancer cells. Ot her supplem ent s like vit am in E are known t o cause apopt osis, or program m ed cell deat h, t he bodys norm al m et hod of disposing of dam aged, unwant ed, or unneeded cells. 15. Cancer is a disease of t he m ind, body, and spirit . A proact ive and posit ive spirit will help t he cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bit t erness put t he body int o a st ressful and acidic environm ent . Learn t o have a loving and forgiving spirit . Learn t o relax and enj oy life. 16. Cancer cells cannot t hrive in an oxygenat ed environm ent . Exercising daily, and deep breat hing help t o get m ore oxygen down t o t he cellular level. Oxygen t herapy is anot her m eans em ployed t o dest roy cancer cells.

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