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Photo-Chemistry-Of-Vision: 1.

The Retina-Contains both a) b) 120-million-Rod-Cell; 60-million-Con-Cell;

Bio-Phy#P.g-8; 2. The Rods-Cell contains Rhodopsin; 3. The Cones-Cell contains Photosip; 4. When Light strikes on Rod-cell,then it cause to Activated Rhodopsin; 5. Rhodopsin consists of Scotopsin+11-CisRetinal(Vitamin-A) PROCESS: 1) When a Photon strikes on Rhodopsin so,its separated Scotopsin & its Activated 11Cis-Retinal; 2) Then 11-Cis-Retinal converted into Alltrans-retinal,then All-trans-retinal converted into Lumi-Rhodopsin; 3) The Lumi-Rhodopsin converted into Meta( )-Rhodopsin-I;

4) Meta( )-Rhodopsin-I converted into Meta( )-Rhodopsin-II; Bio-Phy#P.g-9; 5) Meta( )-Rhodopsin-II will Activated the transducin(Protein-molecule ) & Meta( )-Rhodopsin-II also Catalyzed the Exchange-reaction of GTP to GDP; 6) Meta( )-Rhodopsin-II connected the ); Bio-Phy#P.g-10; 7) The 2-Transducin-subunit( with GDP; 8) The Remaining sub-unit of Transducin( 9) This [GTP+ ) is connected with GTP]-molecules; ]-complex-molecules joined molecules & formed [GTP+ ) released GDP with Transducin(Protein-molecule

with Un-activated form of Phos-Pho-diester-ase(enzyme) which cause to Activated the Phosphodiesterase-enzyme;

For (-Ve) Peak[Hyper Polarization Pules]: Bio-Phy#P.g-11; 1) When Phosphodiesterase-enzyme activated in Photo-receptors[Rod-Cells]; 2) Then, Its cause to decrease the releasing level of Cyclic-GMP(cGMP) by Rod-cells; 3) When the Releasing-level of CyclicGMP[cGMP] will decreased so, it cause to closed the (Na+/Ca+)-channels in the Rodcell(Photo-receptors); 4) Then,due to the Absence of +ve ions (Na+/Ca+) inside the Rod-cell; 5) Then,the membrane-Potential of Rod-Cell tend to become more ve inside the Rod-cell membrane; 6) By this a ve Peak will appears inside the Rod-cell membrane; For +Ve Peak: Bio-Phy#P.g-12;

1) The Rod-cell release the GABA(NeuroTransmitter) towards the Bi-PolarNeuron,before the existing of ve Peak in the Rod-cell; 2) Function-Of-GABA: The GABA cause to stop the bipolar-cell to flow the VisualInformation(Bio-electric-Potential) to-wards Ganglial-cell & to the Brain; 3) When,the ve Peak appears in the Rodcells,Its cause to decrease or Tend to stop the releasing rate of GABA towards the bi-polar-Neuron; 4) When the GABA tend to stop by Rod-cell; 5) Then,Bi-Polar-cell cause to flow the Visual-Information(Bio-electric-Potential) towards Ganglial-Neuron & to Brain; Bio-Phy#P.g-13; 6) Then,the +ve Peak is Appear in the BiPolar-Neuron & in Ganglial-Neuron & in Brain;



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