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Implantation of the Blastocyst Completed during the second week Embryoblast That produce a bilaminar embryonic disc Embryo

yo disc Composed of epiblast & hypoblast Gives rise to the germ layers that form all the tissues and organs of the embryo Extraembryonic structures Amniotic cavity Amniom Yolk sac Connecting stalk Chronic sac Synctiotrophoblast Invades the endometrium connective tissue Supports the endometrial capillaries and glands Cells displace endometrial cells in the central part of the implantation site Produces a hormone human choronic gonadotrophin hCG o Maintains the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum in the ovary during pregnancy and forms the basis of pregnancy test Endometrial cells Under goes apoptosis (Programmed cell death) Proeolytic enzymes Produced by the Synctiotrophoblast Decidual cells Degenerate adjacent to the penetrating synctiotrophoblast Synctiotrophoblast engulfs these degenerating cells providing a rich source of embryonic nutrition Cytotrophoblast A mononucleated layer of cells Mitotically active Increasing mass of synctiotrophoblast They fuse an lose their cell membranes Synctiotrophoblast Rapidly expanding Multinucleated mass Amniotic cavity A small space appears in the embryoblast Primordium of the amniotic cavity Amnioblast Separate from the epiblast and line the amnion which encloses the amniotic cavity

Embryonic disc Circular bilaminar plate of cells Two layers o Epiblast Thicker layer Consisting of high columnar cells related to the amniotic cells Forms the floor of the amniotic cavity Continuous peripherally with the amnion o Hypoblast Consisting of small cuboidal cells adjacent to the exocoelomic cavity Forms the roof of the exocoelomic cavity Contionous with the exocoelomic membrane Primary yolk sac Membrane together with the hypoblast Extraembryonic mesoderm Cells from the yolk sac endoderm form a layer of connective Lacunae Isolated cavity Corpus Luteum An endocrine glandular structures that secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy Embryotroph The fluid in lacunar spaces Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm Lining the trophoblast Covering the amnion Extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm Surrounding the yolk sac

Summary of implantation Implantation of the blastocyst begins at the end of the first week and is completed by the end of the second week The molecular event relating to human implantation are just beginning to emerge Cytokines, steroid hormones and various growth factors are involved in implantation

The zona pellucida degenerates (DAY 5) Resulting from enlargement of the blastocyst and degeration caused by enzymatic lysis The lytic enzymes are released from the acrosomes of the sperms that surround and partially penetrate the zona pellucida

The Blastocyst adheres to the endometrial epithelium (DAY 6)

The trophoblast differentiates into two layers synctiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast (DAY 7)

The syncytiotrophoblast erodes endometrial tissues and the blastocyst starts to embed in the endometrium (DAY 8)

Primary chronic villi develop (DAYS 13 & 14)

Blood Filled lacunae appear in the syncytiotrophoblast (DAY 9) The defect in the endometrial epithelium gradually disappears as the epithelium is repaired (DAYS 12 & 13)

The blastocyst sinks beneath the endometrial epithelium and the defect is filled by a closing plug (DAY 10)

Lacunar networks form by a fusion of adjacent lacunae (DAYS 10 and 11)

The syncytiotrophoblast erodes endometrial blood vessels , allowing maternal blood to seep in and out of lacunar networks therby establishing a uteroplacental circulation ( DAYS 11&12)

Summary of Second week Rapid proliferation and differentiation of the trophoblast are important features of the second week These processes occur as the blastocyst completes its implantation in the endometrium The changes results from the adaptation of these tissues for implantation are known as the decidual reaction Concurrently the primary yolk sac forms and extraembryonic mesoderm develops. The extraembryonic coelom later becoes the choronic cavity The primary yolk sac becomes smaller and gradually disappears as the secondary yolk sac develops CHANGES The amniotic cavity appears as a space between the cytotrophoblast and the embryoblast The embryoblast differentiation into a billaminar embryonic disc consisting of epiblast related to the amniotic cavity and hypoblast adjacent to the blastocyst cavity The perichordial plate develops as a localized thickening of the hypoblast, which indicates the future cranial region of the embryo and the future site of the mouth, the prechordial plate is also an important organizer of the head region. THIRD WEEK Rapid development of the embryo from the embryonic disc during the third week is characterized by Appearance of primitive streak Development of notochord Differentiation of three germ layers The third week of embryonic development occurs during the week following the first missed menstrual period Gastrulation Formative process by which the three germ layers and axial orientation are established in the embryos Converts bilaminar to trilaminar embryonic disc Beginning of morphogenesis (development of body form) Significant event occurring in the third week Begins with formation of primitive streak Bone morphogenetic proteins Essential role in this process Three Germ Layers Embryonic ectoderm o Gives rise to the epidermis, central and peripheral nervous system, retina Embryonic endoderm o Source of epithelial linings of the respiratory passage of gastrointestinal tract Embryonic mesoderm o Gives rise to smooth muscular coats, connective tissues and organs o Forms most of the cardiovascular system

o Source of blood cells and bone marrow, the skeleton, striated muscles, and the reproductive and excretory organs Important processes during gastrulation Formation of primitive streak Formation of germ layers Formation of notochord Primitive streak First sign of gastrulation An opacity formed by a thickened band of epiblast As the streak elongates by addition of cells to its caudal end , its cranial end proliferates to form Primitive node Concurrently, a narrow groove Primitive groove develops in the primitive streak Primitive pit small depression in the primitive node Mesenchyme Tissue consisting of loosely arranged cells suspended in a gelatinous matrix Formed shortly after primitive streak appears Forms the supporting tissues of the embryo Connective tissue framework of glands

Mesenchymal Cells Ameboid Actively phagocytic Mesoblast Undifferentiated mesoderm Forms the intraembryonic or embryonic mesoderm Cells from the epiblast displace the hypoblast forming the intraembryonic or embryonic endoderm Remaining cells form the intraembryonic or embryonic ectoderm Normally the primitive streak undergoes degenerative changes and disappears by the end of the fourth week Notochordal process and notochord Notochordal process Some mesenchymal cells migrate cranially from he primitive node and pit Forming a median cellular chord Notochordal cord Acquired lumen through the process Prechordal plate The notochordal process gorws craniallt between the ectoderm and endoderm until it reaches it The primordium of the oropharyngeal membrane

Nueral tube formation Neural plate appears as a thickening of the embryonic ectoderm cranial to the primitive node The nueral plate is induced to form by the developing notochord A longitudinal nueral groove develops in the nueral plate, which is flaked by neural folds Fusion of the folds forms the nueral tube, the primordium of the central nervous system Neuralation is the process of the neural plate formation and its infolding to form the neural tube Nueral Crest Formation As the neural folds fuse to form the nueral tube, neuroectodermal cells migrate dorsolaterally to form a nueral crest between the surface ectoderm and the neural tube The neural crest soon divides into two masses that give rise to the sensory ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves Other nueral crest cells migrate from the neural tube and give rise to various other structures Somite formation The mesoderm on each side of the notchord thickens to form longitudinal columns of paraxial mesoderm Division of these paraxial columns into pairs of somites begins cranially by the end of the third week The somites are compact aggregates of meenchymal cells from which cells migrate to give rise to the vertebrae, ribs and axial musculature During the third week the number of somites present is an indicator of the age of the embryo Formation of intraembryonic coelom the coelom (cavity) within the embryo arises as isolated spaces in the lateral mesoderm and cardiogenic mesoderm the coelomic vesicles subsequently coalesce to form a single, horseshoe-shaped cavity that eventually gives a rise to the body cavities, the peritoneal cavity Formation of blood vessels blood vessels first appear in the wall of the yolk sac, allantoris and chorion. They develop within the embryo shortly thereafter Spaces appear within aggregations of mesenchyme blood islands The spaces soon become lined with endothelium derived from the mesenchymal cells These primordial tubules sprout and unite with other vessels to form a primordial cardiovascular system Toward the end of the third week, the heart is represented by paired endocardial heart tubes that are joined to blood vessels in the embryo and in the extra embryonic membranes By the end of the third week, the heart tubes hve fused to form a tubular heart that is joined to vessels in the embryo, yolk sac, chorion and connecting stalk to form a primordial blood cells hemangioblasts are derived mainly from the endothelial cells of the blood vessels in the walls of the yolk sac and allantoris Fetal and adult erythrocytes probably develop from different hematopoietic percursors

Completion of chrionic villi formation Primary chronic villi become secondary chrionic villi as they acquire mesenchymal cores Before the end of the third week, capillaries devlop in the secondary chrionic villi, transforming them into tertiary chrionic villi Cytotrophoblasic extensions from these stems villi join to form a cytotrophoblastic shell that anchors the chrionic sac to the endometrium The rapid development of chrionic villi during the third week greatly increases the surface area of the chorioin for the exchange of oxygen and nutrients and other substances between maternal and embryonic circulations

Embryoblast Epiblast Trilaminar Embryonic Disc

Endoderm Epithelial parts of Trachea Bronchi Lungs Epithelium of G.I Tract Pancreas Liver Urachus Urinary Bladder Epithelial parts of Pharynx Thyroid Tympanic cavity Pharyngotympanic Cavity Tonsils Parathyroid Glands

Mesoderm Head Cranium Connective tissue of the head Dentin Paraxial Mesoderm Muscles of the head Striated skeletal muscles Skeleton except cranium Dermis Connective tissue Intermediate Mesoderm Urogenital system Lateral Mesoderm Connective tissue of the muscle of viscera Serous membrane of pleura Primordial heart Blood & lymphatic cells Spleen Supra (adrenal) cortex

Ectoderm Surface Ectoderm Epidermis Hair Nails Cutaneous Mammary glands Ant. Part of pituitary glands Enamel of teeth Internal ear Lens of eye Nuero Ectoderm Nueral Crest Cranial & sensory ganglia & nerve Medulla of suprarenal gland Pigment cells Pharyngeal arch cartilages Head mesenchyme & connective tissue Bulbar & conal ridges in heart Nueral Tube CNS Retina Pineal body Post. Part of pituitary gland

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