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ALTA IR - 806 - February 3, 2006 Part 1: Meta Data - The Sheeple Look Out* Terra - Global Storms* Markets

- Subsumed in Conflict* Commodities {formerly Silver entity} - Marriage Vows in the Gulag* Populace/USofA - Itchy, Twitchy, and Compressed, A(nother) Long Hot Summer* Conclusion: Part 1

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 02.03.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 11.136 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Meta Data - The Sheeple Look Out Buckminster Fuller must have been something of a pain-in-the-ass. He was always insisting on clarity of expression in order to effect clarity of thought. One of his more profound thoughts of clear insight was that there is no up or down within universe, only in and out. Here on earth, while we persist in the fiction of a fixed "up" and a fixed "down", the reality is that these are relative terms with little meaning. Usually what is meant by 'up' is actually 'away from the center of the planet', and conversely 'down' is toward the center of the planet. One might think a curious distinction with little pragmatic difference, but this issue of 'up' versus 'out' becomes key according to our meta data layers.

A meta data layer is one where an aspect/attribute set is so common within the modelspace that it is found in nearly all entities, and has its common, supporting aspects/attributes cross linked to each other. These meta data layers appear to lay over human behavior like a blanket, providing a common theme seemingly running through the circumstances of global human life. Now, as rational beings, we realize that all patterns apparently perceived are entirely done so within mind, and as such, any projection of themes is merely a conceit for cogitation. However, the apparent blanketing effect of our perceived meta data layers does provide valuable thinking tools in examining the contexts of today's circumstances, and the developing details of tomorrow and beyond. One of these details of language is showing up within the meta data layers as a cross layer linked set of lexical shifts. At the core of these shifts is the 'looking outward/overhead' which is appearing as a signpost in the developing meta data layer merging shown within the modelspace over the course of late Summer, 2006. This 'looking outward' aspect is fully populated and is correct and complete within our processing which means that it has enough supporting aspect/attribute data set bulk to convince us that a genuine trend is emerging. The data at this point in the processing is suggestive of a 'blame it on space/sun/solar system' level of emotion developing over this year. The 'looking outward' data set is not, at this time, indicating space alien invasion, or such. However, it appears that developing 'out of season/extra-seasonal' weather shown extending well into June/July will be cause for much pointing of fingers skyward both in bespoke 'frustration/fear', and 'rage/powerlessness'. We have noted in previous ALTA reports of 2005 that the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' as well as 'aggression/militancy' were some of the more dominating themes which emerged from our work. Further we were more or less correct in interpreting how these meta data layers would impact such entities as the Bushista and Populace/USofA entities. Again, our more or less correct projections of thematic structure for a context of events was driven by the shapes of the entities and the cross linked layers of data. These data layers continue to evolve to no-one's surprise, and are in the midst of some flux at this time. We do see some signs of growing mass within the 'outward looking' aspect which may be indicating that the 'weather' on a global scale may intrude on human emotional pressures toward species self destruction. There is plenty of evidence of human stupidity pressure within the modelspace, so no worries on running out, but maybe plans for mutual assured destruction will be put off due to developing weather circumstances. As an interesting connection, much of the mass of the 'looking outward' aspect is participating within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. We are projecting that the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression/militancy' along with several of the smaller impacting layers are on a path toward a joining which appears to complete/begin on August 31, 2006. At that time, our progressed modelspace shows that the layers blend, and are then dominated by the aspect of 'conflict' which is fully populated with supporting aspects/attributes. Another one of the words within the 'conflict' lexical set is 'war', a further possible choice is 'contention/struggle'. All three of these top descriptor aspects have the same emotive sums, quotients, and qualities. We have taken to offering 'conflict' as the best fit, given the diversity of the supporting layers. The chart below is our 'four year projection of emotional tensions' which has been annotated to show the changes impacting the various meta data layers and their scope of immediate influence.

In the chart below, we are presenting the same timeline, and the same emotive tension values, but with the addition of the entities and their primary aspects overlayed in colored bands/text.

We have much more on the shifting meta data layers which will be covered in Part 2 and Part 3, but for now we must move onto some of the details showing in the current progression of modelspace. Terra - Global Storms As per usual the Terra entity is the largest in both immediacy values and longer term emotive sets. As noted above, we have a new aspect/attribute set showing up within the meta data layers which we are translating as 'outward looking' or 'focusing attention off planet'. This is primarily appearing in the 'weather' aspects in the various entities including both the Populace/USofA and GlobalPop, as well as Markets, Terra, of course, and Commodities {ed note: renamed entity which holds the silver/gold/energy associated language}. As of this processing, most of the immediacy values for the Terra entity fall into the 'weather' sub set, as may be expected given the manifesting climate change globally. Of the non-weather lexical descriptors gathering to the Terra entity, one-third or so are related to 'earth/ground movements/shifts'. These are 'local' associations, and include things like mudslides, train derailments, mine accidents, building collapses, and 'local' earthquakes. In processing the data, especially the immediacy values which are numerical statements of 'the ability of the current emotional state to carry forward in time', and which are used as predictors of 'emotional base for future reaction to events', it is not surprising that 'weather' dominates. As may be noted in the map below, {ed note: link is here}

a concentration of new values reflecting the impact of 'weather' on human lives is not unexpected given the current state of global climate. We can see how much of the planet is cloud covered, hidden by inclement weather of record breaking status almost every place on the globe where records exist to be broken. Conversely to the popular understanding, in this period of 'global warming', half of all the records are being broken on the cold side of the equation in the northern hemisphere. The extreme nature of the winter's impact on the northern hemisphere will show up throughout the year both in the continued manifestation of 'extra-seasonal/out-of-season' weather, as well as the 'economic' hang over caused by both infrastructure destruction, and energy consumption. In the image below, weather as color coded bands is seen at a global level. Note that the dark purple, northern hemisphere is our current 'energy sink' into which the species is pouring petroleum.

Another bit of intelligence to be extracted from the climate maps of the globe is the current pattern layout of both major wind systems as well as the loss of impact of ocean currents. Note the blue arrows indicating the equatorial counter flow.

Unlike years of the last century, we no longer have the ocean current counter-balance which was a dependable moderator of extreme weather conditions. Over the years of this century we have had ocean current degradation such that effectively four of the major ocean currents are no longer functioning as counter-balance to the jet stream cooling winds. These former rivers-of-heat in the oceans include the Gulf Stream and Northern Pacific currents, as well as the mid-Atlantic deep water current and the 'Japanese' current of the Pacific. In all cases the lack of heat moderation from these former currents has created a situation in which the dominant controlling component of weather is now within the atmosphere, rather than ocean generated. This has led to the current climate alteration. We can expect that new climate patterns will be "announced" by more extreme weather occurrences. This natural effect of balancing within the closed complex system which is climate here on earth has always transitioned between long term patterns with extreme weather periods. Our data is currently showing a phenomena not noticed previously in which the Terra entity has its impact values sum to a total which is higher than the total of the impact values of all of the other entities

combined. These periods are brief, and begin by showing a large number of new values accruing to the Terra entity. These impact values appear suddenly within the model, and unlike some of the other trends seen within the modelspace, the accretion of new language sets which bring along the new impact value summations are short-lived. In other words, the Terra entity values for impact intensity scale rapidly, and just as rapidly fall. Unlike previous longer term trends, the intensity values drop off in accretion rates faster than they appeared. We are currently inclined to interpret this effect as indicative of a series of 'climate/weather' incidents of some significant level of impact, and expressive of a significant level of 'violence' or 'disruption' in human lives. The rate of accretion and fall-off of values suggests that our larger aspect of 'out-of-season/extra-seasonal' is to be punctuated with specific incidents of 'climate sitting/pressurizing {on} cities/towns'. The modelspace is showing that the speed of the accrual of these intensity values is matching the apparent impact during the release state. As the modelspace is progressed forward it is tempting to see the rapidity of the values accretion as reflective of the types of descriptors being seen in the arriving aspects of 'violence', 'sharp', 'quick', 'destructive', 'unexpected' and others of similar nature. In the chart of long term emotive value trends, we have placed markers showing the appearance of the various shifts in immediacy/intensity within the Terra entity, sub set 'climate/weather'. These are indicated by the red circles.

As is shown in the chart, the red circles are also all 'release state' emotive tension sums. This is opposed to the 'building state' emotional tension sums seen in the rising blue line within the chart. The interpretation is going to a series of climate related events which have the same sort of emotional impacts in totality as the Katrina/FEMA disaster. As the Katrina/Fema disaster happened as a 'release state' event within a period of 'building state' emotional tension, we can surmise that the same sort of impacts will ripple out from the 'climate/weather' release states shown; which is to say, that the 'release state' of emotions associated with the 'weather' events/circumstance will add to the total emotional tension within the surrounding or subsequent period of 'building' tension. Also please note that yellow circles have been placed at the areas of the emotional tension chart where the Terra entity has reached a total emotive sum which is equal to, or exceeds the sum of the emotive values of all the other entities combined. Even though the modelspace is in general dominated by the emotional values arising from the populace entities, and even though the meta data layers are stating that 'conflict/war' dominates after August 31, 2006, nonetheless, the Terra entity is going to assert itself frequently into the stew of global emotions. Probably *not* in a good way. The appearance of the Terra entity within the modelspace has developed a new aspect/attribute set, one which is rising both in immediacy, and long term impact values, and whose primary aspect can be interpreted as 'global storm'. Within this aspect are suggestions that an 'image {of} concrescence/cohesion/collectedness' will appear which will show a 'storm/weather system' which is 'global/planetary' in 'span', and which will 'flare across {the} globe/planet {as a} fever'. It would appear from our few geographic references that this 'global storm' will originate in the 'pacific ocean, north' and will reach from China to New York/East Coast USofA in a single band which then goes on to circulate

around the planet until as the mythic planet-girdling snake, Oroboros, it completes the circle to bite its own tail. If it were not for the examples of planet spanning storms seen on Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, it would be very easy to dismiss the idea of a similar storm here on Terra. However, given these examples, many of which are recent to this century, and given the extraordinary nature of the new energies affecting our solar system, the interpretation favors the idea of a very large storm indeed. The lexical structure of the data suggests a not-too-far-distant occurrence of first a large, complex weather system growing to 'cover/blanket {the} waves {of the} northern Pacific ocean', and then it will grow to cover/affect the USofA. Following an apparent slow-down/hiatus in growth, it will gain some energy, and then extend its reach all the way from the East coast of China over the USofA and the Atlantic, to affect Europe/North Asia as well. The modelspace suggests that this is merely the 'first' occurrence of 'planet blanket/covering storms', and that others, including some in the southern hemisphere will follow. Much of the newly acquired data sets for the 'climate/weather' sub set of Terra entity all contain a supporting aspect/attribute of 'reversal'. The 'reversal/upheaval' aspect is also seen affecting many of the sub sets of the Populace/USofA, Bushista, and Markets entities as well. It may be that a new meta data layer under this aspect is developing. As an aspect the 'reversal' lexical structure has yet to reach meta data layer status, but this may yet develop as this may be the beginning of the appearance of a long term impacting, and deeply affecting, aspect which may yet propagate to most entities. Such behavior was seen in the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer in that it grew out of a handful of entities, eventually spreading as a moodier throughout the rest of modelspace. We may yet see 'reversal' as such a layer. At this point it clearly is a dominant modifier for Terra as well as the more human focused entities.

Markets - Subsumed in Conflict The Markets entity, that is to say the linguistic proxy for those markets where paper representations/abstractions are traded, has gathered clear aspects/attribute sets indicative of very large scale shifts in 'orderliness', as well as parallel aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of a 'loss of balanced motion'. This latter can also be extracted from the lexicon under the secondary descriptor set as 'volatility/change exceeds capacity'. In both cases, the aspect/attribute sets are rising in prominence within the Markets entity as the modelspace is progressed through February and into March. We note that the descriptors which accrue to the Markets entity over the early part of February {ed note: derived from immediacy value set} are replete with supporting sets for imagery such as 'suspicious feelings/emotions dominate/control'. This in turn is supported by sets going to the idea that 'no friends/compatriots {will} join {you/self}' as 'failure {to} maintain balanced motion reveals/exposes cause/motivation {for} suspicion'. This area in turn is supported by descriptors which reinforce the idea that a 'loss' of 'balanced motion' leads to 'tipping too far/extreme motion' and that in turn 'exposes rot underneath'. Further, through cross links we note that the Bushista entity, intent on 'covering/hiding weakness' will 'perform unexpected acts' in an effort to 'hide the floor cracks'. This is seen as being one of the proximate supporting causal events which produce the 'suspicious feelings' on the part of the 'neighbors outside' {ed note: foreigner also fits as a translation}. These 'emotions' will be 'decried' by the 'officials/officialdom' as 'meaningless', and that will be all it takes to set off the storm within the Markets entity. As the modelspace is moved forward, we note that an alignment of primary aspects within the Bushista entity goes to the idea of 'cloaked {in the} army', or as we would idiomatically say it, "wrapped in the flag". Unfortunately a similar alignment is also taking place within the Markets entity. That is to say that the current, rising aspect of 'loss of balanced motion' transitions over the course of the month of February toward a new dominant aspect of 'army' or as we noted above "cloaked in the army". Perhaps a better translation of the lexical clues would go to the idea that the 'army' somehow participates within the markets, however, that seems improbable so we will stick with the translation of 'cloaked in the army'.

Further details within the data set go to the idea that 'paper goods/abstractions' will be 'impressed into service'. This appears as a late February accretion set which is headed by the aspect of 'ensemble/craftguild'. This in turn is supported by 'martial music controls/dominates' as well as other sets which go to the idea of an 'intrusion' by 'militant forces'. We are also noting that just prior to the appearance of the largest supporting aspect/attribute set for the 'loss of balanced motion' set, there is a brief dominance of the entity by the 'short-lived pleasures' data set first seen in ALTA 106. This data set had been previously interpreted as indicating some form of 'sex/sexual' based scandal, peripherally connected to 'finance/economics' which would appear in early February. This data set is still active within the immediacy values, and as noted, briefly flares into prominence just prior to the 'loss of balanced motion' aspect receiving a very large supporting set which nearly doubles its emotional sum totals. There are a number of supporting structures within the dominate aspect of 'loss of balance' which go to the idea that 'universal/accepted/common laws' will be 'broken'. We note that there are conflicting supporting aspects for 'broken' in which we find both 'brazen' and 'hidden/concealed'. These are both treated as equal modifiers for the aspect of 'broken' and may be suggesting an attempt to 'brazen it out' after the 'hidden breaking {of the} law' is exposed.

Commodities {formerly Silver entity} - Marriage Vows in the Gulag The Commodities entity has many cross links to the Markets entity as may be expected. However a rather unexpected lexical development has been encountered in which those cross links which originate within the Markets entity, and which terminate within Commodities entity, are almost completely reversed both in their lexical constructions, and in the emotive sums which derive from the lexical structure. As an example, we have the origination of a cross link within Markets where it takes off from the aspect/attribute set of 'oppression' and which terminates within the Commodities entity at 'explosion'. The majority of the cross links from Markets are found to contain reversals within the Commodities data set. Further, the Commodities entity has a rising aspect of 'desirous to wed' which itself is a reversal of the 'short-term pleasures' found within the Markets entity and from which an originating cross link appears. In the case of 'desirous to wed' we are specifically within a lexical structure which does *not* contain shortterm value based words or phrases. This is another way of stating that this data set is weighted with long term values over immediacy of impact values, and is more indicative of 'commitment' rather than 'lust' or 'greed'. In this data set we find that supporting aspects/attributes go to the idea of the 'long standing' such as 'mountains' and 'trees' {ed note: our recent experience excepted}. Further we note the complete absence of short-term, or immediate impact structures which would support the 'greed' or 'lust' constructs so frequently found in Markets entity. The interpretation is for a distinct level of change to manifest over these next few months in which the mind set of humans abandons 'paper' and 'secures stores/storehouses'. The idea coming through is for a very rocky late Winter which will bring 'financial storms and scandals' in early Spring. At that time the dominance of the Commodities aspects with 'growth' value words, and the lexicon of longterm commitment begins to outpace the growth of the Markets entity values. While specifically *NOT* in any way co-related to price of either commodities or paper abstractions, these relative rates of growth for supporting aspects do suggest that new directions with very long lived trends are appearing this year. The emotional values within the Commodities entity are reaching the archetypical 'generational' level and thus are indicative of 20/twenty plus year manifestations. Even as the modelspace is progressed through this period of 'wedding vows' and 'wedding desires' accruing during February/March, we note that the data sets, unlike our usual processing, show a sudden change ahead. The modelspace shows the Commodities entity move forward through Winter, and into Spring, {ed note: Spring wedding, how nice} only to encounter a late Spring/early Summer 'oppression' aspect which appears both unexpectedly and rapidly. This may be part-and-parcel of the earlier ALTA reports suggesting a 'gun/weapons' confiscation program echoing the 'long night of broken glass' in that the data set is very

closely parallel within both emotive tension sums, and durational values. Or it may be that the data sets are referring to a more complex period of 'oppression' in which gun/weapon confiscation will be merely one component, with other forms affecting such areas as markets/commodities. In any case, our Spring wedding of emotional attachments to 'actual things/manifest goods/commodities' will soon find itself all wrapped up in a period where 'oppression dominates'. Now, for clarification let us note a number of items about the current state of the modelspace. First, the 'oppression' that is shown taking place is not also shown as succeeding, in that the data suggests a shortlived phenomena, more of an 'attempt' rather than an 'accomplished fact'. Further this wave of 'oppressive behavior' is also coincident with the sudden rise in 'secrets revealed' meta data layer language as well as being one of the very key supporting sets for the 'rebellion/revolution' language seen all this last year in previous ALTA reports. And not to kick the horse while he is down, the 'oppression' behavior is both intertwined with Bushista via cross link, and the 'army' aspect discussed earlier. So our suggested interpretation is that our 'spring wedding/emotional bond' with commodities will be taking place in the shadow of Gulag, and at this point, it appears to be a 'government' run facility. Other aspects which need mentioning within the current data set are that the many references in last years ALTA reports to 'restricted movement' which may also be translated as 'encounter with scarcity' are definitely supporting players within the 'oppression' sub theme showing up within Commodities.

Populace/USofA - Itchy, Twitchy, and Compressed, A(nother) Long Hot Summer Much of the Populace/USofA entity is being re-shuffled as the new data we have processed is loaded into modelspace. It is not unknown for the aspect/attribute sets to re-arrange themselves as the new lexical sets are loaded into the model. Usually in such cases, existing aspect/attribute sets will shift over to supporting a newly emerging trend, that is, existing lexical structures will end up being placed in supportive and subordinate positions relative to new aspects. This is occurring now, but what we are finding unusual is the sheer extent of the such a realignment. Over thirty/30 per cent of the separate, stand-alone aspect/attributes are now found as supporting aspect/attribute sets for other values. This rate of internal realignment has not been seen before. At most, the realignment rates would be found to be about three/3 to five/5 percent in even the most volatile of entities such as Markets. The suggestion is that during our next small emotional building period of March through August, some very long lasting, and large scale emotive trends will manifest. These trends, as shown by both of our populace entities, Populace/USofA and GlobalPop, will center around the key aspect of 'rebellion'. Several points to note before we move on; first, the GlobalPop entity, a proxy for humans *not* living in the USOfA, has far less of either emotive intensity value sums, or long term impact/duration sums for this 'rebellion' aspect. It is present in GlobalPop, just not anything close to the value levels seen in Populace/USofA. Also we need to note that 'rebellion' has been showing in the modelspace for some time now, almost two/2 years. Further, the aspect of 'rebellion' within the lexicon is the top level of a set which contains over 4300 references which range from 'rebellion/active' through 'revolution/active' to include 'civil disobedience/active' and also 'civil unrest/passive'. Further the intensity value sums as well as the durational value sums are suggestive of a very active expression of this aspect by the populace of the USofA. Our durational values suggest that the 'rebellion/revolution' will be one in which 'chaos beckons/calls' and that much of the 'officialdom' will 'sit in fear {on the} edge awaiting {the} plunge {into the} abyss/chaos'. Within the modelspace, the visual image of the progression through the remnants of Winter, and into Spring, seems to suggest that of a 'slow burn' which will be punctuated by some very 'hot spots' of activity. One of our key indicators still is the 'rejection by all' of the 'dollar/usofa'. This may well be part of the unknown context creation components that we are seeing for the Spring equinox and beyond {ed note:see charts above}. However, if the 'rejection by all ' of the dollar, which has been part of the ALTA series data sets since January 2005, does manifest during this 'context creation' period, it would appear from our data set to be a relatively minor player in the events. There is even some language which comes into the

Populace/USofA entity via short-term immediacy values which suggests that by the time of the new context, the 'dollar repudiation' will already be a done deal with most of the immediate emotional impacts already absorbed. We also need to note that much of the 'rebellion/revolution' language is showing up with cross links over to other entities such as Bushista where we find that it terminates in 'repression/oppression'. Further cross links from these terminating lexical structures go to the echo event of the "Night of Broken Glass", though they tend to settle on the aspects of 'confiscation/theft-by-officials' and 'weapons'. Again we need to note that the data set has more geographic references to Europe, specifically France, than to the USofA, but only marginally so. The interpretation that we are placing on this is a 'weapons round-up' which will arise separately in both countries. Or at least the appearance of the "laws" which would allow the movement by government in this direction. Concentrating for a moment on the largest section of new data for the Populace/USofA entity, we find ourselves in late March, just at the Spring equinox, give or take a couple of days. At that point a 'wave of rebellion', or a 'cresting of anger' is shown within the Populace/USofA entity. We also find that 'violence' and 'crisis' are two of the more dominant aspects with both having very high immediacy values for that time, as well as very long durational values which extend the perceived impact well into January of 2007. At this point in our modelspace we also are seeing a new aspect rising which is 'resistance'. Given the supporting data set for this aspect, some of the possible interpretations include the idea of a mainstream media mention of the word 'resistance' being applied to a more-or-less organized movement against the entrenched powers that be. Or an alternative is that a 'self organizing collective' will call itself some appellation which will include 'resistance' within the name. In any case, the aspect of 'resistance' which appears at that time is supported by a very robustly populated data set, and it is almost immediately extensively cross linked to other entities. Some of the supporting aspects/attributes for 'resistance' include imagery such as 'pictures/video {of the} first/premier violence {will} prompt/induce spontaneous cheers', an apparent indication of some level of mainstream media coverage. Further down in that same lexical structure, and taking the cross links into account, we come up with an impression of some act of 'defiance' in which the Powers-That-Be are 'ridiculed/rejected' and in which 'deliberate/calculated insult/aggression' against the 'USofA dollar' is performed. An interesting aside is the suggestion from the data set attributes that at some point a video or other picture of the 'act of defiance' will be broadcast, and as seen from cross links in both Markets, and Bushista, the 'officialdom' will 'be running {with/in a} vein {of} cold sweat' or alternatively, will 'run cold sweat {through} their veins'. The cross links in both entities also confirm that the immediate response will be one of bespoke 'fear' which will be very shortly followed by 'violent repression'. Again we note that this area is heavily participatory within both the 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression' meta data layers. Further the cross links begin to form on this aspect of 'violent rebellion' just as the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer begins it dramatic upward ascent within the Bushista entity. While we have no specifics at all, we also need to note that some of the elements which support 'rebellion/revolution/rejection' as an aspect do include 'assassination' as a supporting aspect. And as the 'repression/oppression' aspect also contains 'assassination' as a completely supported aspect/attribute set, one interpretation of the data suggests that 'assassination' may be used by The-Powers-That-Be in their attempt to 'repress rebellion' within the 'disorderly {ed note: from their viewpoint} populace'. We also need note that 'assassination' as an aspect is completely participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and thus an alternate interpretation is that some past assassination has its secrets revealed at this time, and thus the emotional energy resulting from the 'disclosure {of} evil/immoral/illegal acts' of the past will add to the already tense situation by further pressurizing the emotional state of the populace. Speaking to the 'state of mind/emotional stability' of the Populace/USofA at this time, that is from late March in through the Spring and Summer, we note that aspects for 'agitation', 'froth', 'rage', 'disturbance' appear as fully populated aspect/attribute sets which are then seen to gather strength in both impact and duration values as the modelspace is moved forward toward Fall. The levels of these 'agitations' are shown within the supporting aspect/attributes to be bordering on 'violent' and 'destructive', if not actually manifesting as such, the mood of the populace will at least be seen as tending toward 'explosive reaction', or 'temper unleashed' at the perceived 'continuing repression {of} national character/ideals'. Hmm. Sounds like an echo of the "long hot summers" of the 1960's and the anti Vietnam war protests.

In this time, that is our approaching "long hot summer", while we do have a disavowed war to protest, the impression of the data set is actually not focused on the Iraq war. As a component, it is clearly participating within the emotional stew that is hanging under the 'resistance/rebellion' aspect, but is does not appear to be key causative factor for action. Rather, given the idea of a June/July 'reversal of fortunes' within Iraq, and given the lexical sub sets within both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop, it would appear that the Iraq war is merely one of several important components. We must note that an alternate interpretation could be made that 'reversals of fortune" are indicating a major military defeat for the USofA on one of the many fields of 'conflict' in which it is engaged, and that the resulting emotional impact of the defeat on the populace is what is being seen as a 'motivator/activator' for the 'rebellion'. This interpretation would seem to have some support from both the Bushista entity, and the Markets entity. Further the interpretation would also be in line with the other data which suggests that 'renouncing/denial {by} officialdom {of the actual} conditions/state {of the} effort' will be a proximate cause for 'violent reaction' on the part of some members of the populace. We note that other detail data sets would also support the idea of 'blatant/aggravating denial' on the part of officialdom as to the 'reversal of fortunes' is a proximate cause for 'riots/violent demonstrations'. Much of the language we have accruing to the Populace/USofA entity over the course of the Summer and leading up to our meta data shift to 'conflict' on August 31, 2006 is curiously focused on 'civil rights'. However much we may find racial or gender wording within the supporting data sets for 'rebellion', we must note that these levels are completely overtaken by a more general form of 'human rights' along the lines of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. Much of the language at this point also goes to again suggest that we have entered a new era, or are on its cusp, wherein one of the most effective forms for human organization will be the 'self organizing collective'. This aspect of 'self organizing collective' has been showing up for many months within previous ALTA reports, and we suspect it will become a meta data layer over time just based on its prevalence within many of the entities. As a note on detail, and repeating the caution that our timing sucks {ed note: timing is the weak area, consistently off a bit}, we do have some periods which are showing up flare-like within the Populace/USofA entity over the course of the progression of the modelspace. These are March 23 through to April 15. Within this period we have a smaller peak curve which begins on April 6 and lasts through to April 12. In both cases the dates are associated with the appearance of 'turmoil/chaos' as an aspect. We have some geographic references for the East Coast, USofA, with as-expected numerically larger references for New York. The suggestion is from this entity, that large emotive building tensions will result from the immediate impact of the changes which come with the 'new context' which we show as being created on or near the Spring equinox. A note on the next few days. We have lexical structures coming through in the immediacy values which suggest a period of 'sadness/grief' or 'sorrow' will settle in on the Populace/USofA over the course of the first part of February. This was shown in previous ALTA reports, and the immediacy values of this processing does confirm that it is still developing. Much of the language at the moment, and its time of accretion within the modelspace suggest that February 10th will show some hints as to the cause of the 'sorrow'. We also need to note that the data set are showing echoes of the State of The Union speech will keep surfacing from the 10th of February through to the end of the month. Conclusion: Part 1 Thanks to the generous efforts of George Ure, aka PimpDaddy, we have a number of new subscribers. For their benefit, over the course of the next few weeks reports, we will be providing older charts, and glossary material. Hopefully this will provide some necessary background from which to begin twisting the mind around our material. We do understand that at its best, it is clear as mud. Our report this week is being posted with some haste, which means that for now, due to its size, we will not include Bushista entity within this report. This is due to the forecast 'big whumpin storm' coming to our region, the early rains of which are already here. We expect to lose power, and also connectivity, and felt we should serve our subscribers better by getting a slightly smaller report out now, rather than potentially

be delayed for days in posting. Please accept our apologies for the delay in presenting the Bushista material. It will be one of the first sections of Part 2 due next Saturday. The manifesting global weather/climate changes are catching up to us all, and have been felt locally in some severity these last few weeks. We will continue to work around the problems imposed by weather, and as such, while we have a regular posting schedule, it may be made moot by developing circumstances. Any changes to the schedule will be sent out by email as soon as is possible. For those who sent in queries, I have included a couple of photo's of the damage resulting from one of the many trees which came down this week. The pictures below show the studio, or its remnants, and the tree top which did the dirty deed. The other picture is of the bottom 20/twenty feet of the tree to show that it had healthy roots, but the ground is so saturated that roots, mudball, and all just popped right out of the dirt. Noting that when one tree of this size {in excess of 200 feet} falls, the wind flow changes and all the others must be examined for new risks. We have a number of newly risky trees down now, and hope to get the rest down before the winds hit later today. So, pictures below, and Igor and I will sign off now to rush around furiously attending to preparations for forecast hurricane-strength winds over the next 24 hours.

Part 2 is expected to be posted by late Saturday, February 11, 2006, universe allowing.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 806 - February 11, 2006 Part 2: Meta Data - Global Antibodies Waaaay Up* Bushista - Shared Anxiety* Context Creation - Descriptor Set, Small worm in the skull * Terra - Essential Restoration Part 2: Conclusion - Three Waves Increasing*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 02.11.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 23.927 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 (maybe 7) part report series from this data set.

Meta Data - Global Antibodies Waaaay Up Very rarely in human activity do we actually measure the primary focus of our interest. This is to say, that with the exception of the three primary directions in material space, and our laughable attempts to measure 'time', we usually end up having to measure a 'thing' which we take as the indicator of the actually 'thing' in which we are interested. Take for example any medical subject, such as the health of the liver. We never actually measure the health of the liver in any manner (ayurvedic medicine excepted), rather we either are measuring some small component as a proxy for a process (enzyme activity, for example), or we are measuring some indicator we think may point to disease or malfunction. In the medical field, such measurements are frequently pointed at critters we have labeled "anti-bodies". Now we note that these are not composed of 'anti-matter', nor are they 'bodies', and in fact, these critters are most frequently immune system responses which we are assuming are generated by the presence of the physical body of the infective agent, and thus we call them 'anti-bodies'. We could just have easily tagged them as 'pro-bodies' as they are taken as positive indicators of the presence of a presumed disease organism. Ain't language fun? Our human tendency for use of a particular, singular, measurable component as an indicator or proxy for a more complex process assumes many things, one of which is that a single "snap-shot" such as a numeric representation of the presence/absence of anti-bodies, can be taken as an accurate representation of the state of the complex system/process as a whole. Assuming that this approach is valid, we have applied such a measure to the planet as a whole in past ALTA reports in the form of UFO reports. Without regard to the nature of the UFO's being reported, we merely note them as a 'global antibody' suggestive of some state of the global human condition. Global antibodies are waaaay up. And this is probably *not* a good sign.

Again we note that what we have is really not the thing itself, that is, a UFO, but rather a report of the thing. Still though, in the grand tradition of medicine, we too take our 'ufo antibody' as a proxy for a larger, fantastically more complex system/process, and merely note that since the year 2000, UFO reports are up 1000/one thousand times over the number of reports within the previous decades by any numeric analysis made. Further the number of UFO reports globally has increased steadily since 2000, and each subsequent year, including our nascent 2006, have set new records for UFO viewing/reporting incidents. Not that we have a clue as to what UFO's may 'mean', and noting that the human inclination to project 'meaningfulness' on universe is a real inclination of the species, but we do note that within 2006, in some geographic areas, already there have been more UFO reports than have been seen in all of 2005, and last year was a record UFO sighting year. Further we note that the Sumatran earthquake/tsunami, as well as the Katrina/Rita/FEMA hurricanes were pre-sayed by UFO reports (as well as meteors and other bright flashies in the sky). Now we also need to examine the recent reports of UFO activity over those parts of the planet currently experiencing extreme cold weather, as well as the flurry of the reports over the european continent, and most specifically, the mountainous regions of the central Alpine ridge {ed note: Suisse, Italian, French Alps}. Curiously timed visits by these particular anti-bodies, what with the soon to open Olympic games in the region. Again, while we have a large, and increasing number of UFO anti-body reports, we are still not quite sure just what is being indicated by their presence. Much is made about UFO's appearing over sites subsequently visited by natural disasters, but also many sightings are made of UFO's over all forms of energy centers, such as nuclear plants and nuclear weapons depots. It is worth noting that this apparent association between UFO reports and energy centers has been broken these past four years with the majority of sightings reports being *NOT* associated with military or commercial energy facilities, and instead the visitations are focused now on population centers, and regions prone to earthquake/volcanic activity. While it is true that we do not know much which we could enumerate about UFO's as antibodies, and while any discussion as to "why" the recent changes in UFO report sites have occurred is only the rankest of speculation, one thing that is quite valid is the quantifiable increase in reports, as well as the significantly larger geographic range of such reports. So global antibodies are waaaay up, and showing up all over the planet, we just don't yet know why.

Bushista - Shared Anxiety We have noted in ALTA reports of 2005, those series prior to Fall/Winter, that a 'wounding' would come to the Bushista entity in late Fall/early Winter, and that the 'wounding' of the Bushista would be 'transferred' to the Populace/USofA. One item of note is that the manifestation of the domestic spying does fit with the wording. The Bushista entity was 'wounded' by the accusations, and in turn, has tried to put the 'wounding' back onto the people as a method of self-preservation They have done so by the expedient path of the super-paternal "it's for your own good" claim, backed by endless recitation of the "fear mantra" with which they attempt to manipulate the sheeple. As with all public exhortations, if the audience does not pick up the chorus, the chanting shills on stage begin to sound as shrill and lonely voices in the vast emptiness. Without the emotional response from a participatory crowd, performers on stage are reduced to the self-delusional acting out aberrant behavior for a disbelieving audience. The current state of the modelspace with the 806 data input, but before any progression of the modelspace forward, has both Bushista and Populace/USofA sharing the same dominant long term aspect/attribute set. This can be taken as a backward looking indicator that indeed the previous ALTA reports were correct and the emotional state of the 'wounding' of the Bushista entity has been 'pushed onto' the populace, at least as far as indicated by the mainstream media. However, beginning with the very start of forward progression, a divergence appears between the Bushista entity and Populace/USofA entity. Shortly thereafter, a second noticeable gap appears between Bushista and Markets entity.

In both cases our starting point for Bushista and the Populace/USofA entities is with the long term aspect/attribute set of 'awaiting developments/anticipatory state'. Now we have to be clear that long term values are effective in a range that extends from 2/two months out to about 18/eighteen months. In this case our first appearance of the longer term value set would place this timing to about the end of March, or very near our previously cited 'context creation of unknown type'. The data set now is still within the parameters shown in previous processing, in that it is focused at the Spring equinox or shortly thereafter. The aspect of 'anticipatory state' is fully populated, and contains aspect/attributes going to the imagery of 'fractured attention {due to} awaiting developments'. Further, just one layer down within this set, we note that human body part references are appearing and these are the ultimate in archetypical language clues within our work. The data shows that 'fractured attention/anxiety' will 'lead to bad digestion, complaints {of the} stomach' within the Bushista entity as 'waiting wears tempers thin'. Further, the Populace/USofA also holds the 'awaiting developments' lexical set internally where it is also going to the idea of 'anxiety {over/because of} pending events'. And as with the Bushista entity, the shared state is also showing signs of 'digestive upset' within the Populace/USofA. This is of a particular focus as outside of bespoke fear {ed note: frequently only recognized after the event/circumstance}, the 'stomach', or 'digestion' is seen as the human archetypical residence of the fear related emotions. So late March is now showing within the data set as being a time of 'anxiety {over} future {events/circumstances}'. And this is co-incident with our previous lexical clues for a coming 'context creation' period on or around the Spring equinox in late March. As noted, the juxtaposition of 'shared anxiety' is only a momentary state within the modelspace. As soon as the modelspace is progressed forward into the very last days of March, the dominant aspect/attribute sets of the Bushista entity diverge from both Populace/USofA and Markets. It needs also be noted that the shared aspect/attribute set of 'awaiting {future} developments' is not shared in its entirety. Also both entities contain their own version of the aspect/attribute set, each with separate emotive quantifiers and modifiers. So our interpretation is that while late March will bring a period of 'shared anxiety' which will grip both the Bush group and the populace in general, the anxiety will be focused on two separate emotional threads. Unlike most shared lexical sets, we have very few cross links between these two entities which again would support an interpretation of a 'shared period/time of emotional anxiety/distress, but with differing emotional sets'. At the numeric level, the Bushista entity, in late March and as the modelspace is progressed through into April, undergoes nearly an 80/eighty per cent churn in emotive values. This suggests a 'froth' or 'whipped about' period as emotions are not stable, and subjected to external pressures. As a contrast, even through the 'context creation' period, the Populace/USofA entity only has a churn of slightly less than 20/twenty per cent. In the case of the Bushista entity, the emotional churn is indicating that much of the 'anxiety about/over future events/circumstances' will be focused on 'internal conditions/social order/structure' of the Bushista entity, and not particularly externally concerned. Let us restate this last; our interpretation of the lexical set would indicate that the anxiety of the Bushista entity is mostly concerned with how they will fare as a result of the "what-ever" pending event/circumstance. This is to say that the entity shows very little concern for how others will fare in the common 'shared anxiety' experience. As we examine the data set at the point of its inception, which is to say, just after the modelspace is loaded, but before any progression forward, we note that the Bushista version of the dominant aspect of 'anxiety over future' is both focused on the 'immediate', which is to say, the end of March, and thus our likely period of 'context creation', and is based on the supporting set of aspect/attributes which has, at its top layer, 'thin ice'. However, before continuing the examination of the lexical structures supporting the Bushista's on 'thin ice', a brief excursion into the always fun world of charts and graphs may help illustrate the inter-connection, but not inter-dependence of the Bushista and Populace/USofA shared anxiety during the 'context creation' period.

The chart above shows the emotive tension values of the Bushista entity, derived from the long term value set. This set begins its focus near the end of March, and the chart picks up values with the initial load date of March 27, 2006. As can be seen from this chart, and noting its very fine level of emotive tension granularity, the Bushista entity has a very rapid, and proportionally large step up in emotive tension beginning on March 28,2006. This continues through two plateaus over the course of the next two days, but on a rising trend line, and then begins a very precipitous emotional "release" on March 31, which continues on through the month of April. The chart presented below shows the same extracted value set for the Populace/USofA entity, and covers the same period of time.

We can note that while not identical, and with the Populace/USofA starting at a much higher level of emotional tension {ed note: likely a side effect of being lied to frequently}, the chart nonetheless does "echo" the tension jumps of the Bushista entity in the main. Though we note that the rise in emotive tension is nearly straight up within the Populace/USofA entity on March 28, and then levels out to a more gentle sloped up trend line before going through two "bridge forms" of emotional tension builds which replicate, fractal fashion, the plateau's seen in the Bushista chart. A "bridge form" is a chart reference developed by a few sharp Russian psychologists to describe the emotional response of humans to 'shock' or 'surprise'. They hold that humans first experience an immediate jump to a maximum possible level of emotional response which then "works its way down to suit actual, manifesting circumstance". The postulate is that the human body first floods the system with fight-or-flight hormone complex, which then is assimilated or used during the subsequent 're-ordering to the new, immediate reality' of the manifesting circumstance. If the threat or shock actually demands an extreme response, the hormone complex of adrenal related substances will continue to be supplied in adequate volumes after the initial "flushing". This hormonal supply gives an instant boost to the body should it be necessary for running or fighting, and presumably to the brain as well for it to begin integration of the new circumstance. The "bridge form" is represented by a vertical bar which measures the total volume of the initial flush of hormones/emotive response, followed by a trend line which may or may not exceed the total height of the vertical bar, but which starts off at some lower point on the

vertical bar than the maximum. This is conceptually how one can visualize the response of the human mind/body system to actual, or real shock/surprise. It has worked well for our work in the past, and our prolog analysis programs are on the search for such patterns as they are indicative of, as defined by our Russian compatriots, ' a sudden mental context change, such as may be produced by a shock of manifesting change larger than usually encountered, and requiring a re-ordering of mental tasking to assimilate'. Within the Bushista emotive tension chart we see several "bridge forms" as is indicated in the annotated version below.

Again noting both the granularity and the higher starting point, we have the annotated Populace/USofA chart below.

We can also note that the Populace/USofA seems to have a slight lead time on its anxiety over the Bushista entity by perhaps as many as 8/eight hours. Hmm. Given the recent Katrina situation, not a good sign. In examining the whole of the 'context creation' period, a chart of the total emotive tension of the modelspace for this same period has been prepared. It shows the impact of all of the additional entities including Terra, GlobalPop, Markets, et al. This chart is below.

Again we note that this chart has a much higher total emotive starting point, and is spread a bit on granularity, however, the general trend holds even in the dilution of the data set by the other entities. This form of fractal-like follow through suggests an interpretation leaning toward a more global affecting set of circumstance. This is not to say that there is support within the Terra entity for a 'globe changing event'. That is, again, a restatement, we do *not* have, as of this stage of the processing, a very large contribution to the above chart from the Terra entity. Yes, it does participate, but in the main, the contributors to the 'context creation' period would appear to be mainly human, though there are few contrary indicators which are suggestive that the 'turmoil/chaos' within human social affairs may well be played out against a background of 'unlikely/remote possibilities' within planetary climate systems. To return to the Bushista entity, as the modelspace is initially progressed, the primary support for the 'shared anxiety' within the Bushista entity is supplied by a supporting aspect/attribute set which is topped by 'thin ice'. Of a note is that we have had the Terra entity repeatedly suggesting that 'un seasonal' weather is pending, and that 'spring {will not} be spring', so seeing that 'thin ice' shows up in March is also troubling as a reference. Further, the supporting set for the 'thin ice', as we go further down into the detail layers has aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of 'cold thickens, ice gathers, thickens/stiffens'. In turn this area is supported by directly held aspect/attributes within Bushista of 'thin ice too weak {to} support travels/journeys', and with 'ice thickens {in} Spring, walked/traveled over, not natural'. Hmmm. The Bushista entity, also within the 'shared anxiety', and parallel with 'thin ice' has three other, primary level aspect/attribute sets. Within one we have a top level descriptor of 'square/cubical construction', while in the second we have 'smoldering fire erupts/ignites under course/way for high position', and the last is that 'purple blood flows over yellow earth/ground'. In all of these three additional supporting aspect/attribute sets we have completely populated lexical structures with extensive internal cross links. Of note as well is the 'smoldering fire ignites' is heavily cross linked to many other entities, and in all cases terminates in 'fire' as an aspect. Also the cross links first come into existence on this descriptor set within our March 28-31 context creation period which is discussed separately within this part of the 806 report. As within the manifest universe where the Bush karma is now dominate, at least as far as mainstream media in the USofA would have it, our modelspace is also currently dominated by Bushista entity. Second only to Terra entity in size and growth, the Bushista entity is suggesting that the appearance of the 'context creation' period will be a very pivotal one for it as an entity. There are repeated sub sets which accrue as the modelspace is advanced from mid April toward Summer which go to the idea of 'death' and 'change' within the Bushista entity. As bespoke emotive descriptors, these two aspects are within the highest levels of the archetypical behavior inducing lexical structures within our model. Under the 'death' aspect/attribute set as it appears within Bushista in late April, the supporting sets converge around 'naked', and 'oppression'. In the case of the 'naked' aspect, we also find in support 'stripped', 'denuded', 'retrieved/re-grasped', 'handled', 'bare', 'cleaned trunk' and 'torn-off/removed'. Under the 'oppression' aspect the supporting sets go to 'pressured', 'pushed down', 'held down', 'impressed upon', 'repressed', and others of the same ilk. These two sets themselves are linked by supporting aspect/attribute sets which go to the imagery of 'bare naked {in the} dark valley/rift' and 'no success 3/three years

on/forward', and 'pressed/repressed/oppressed {by} pushing down', as well as '3/three years oppression, scarred, naked skin'. These aspects are also participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and are also emergent values from the impact of the 'context creation'. In other words, these values have no precursors within the data set, do not accrue to already existing lexical summed values, and are apparently "triggered" by the 'context creation' period. Under the 'change' aspect which comes into the Bushista entity along with the 'death' aspect, the data goes to the idea that ' consequence {of} ignorance {is} forced/shocked/sudden change'. This is reinforced for several layers down as we see that the data suggests 'ignorance induces/triggers remorse {when} surprise face'. It is also at this point that the cross links show a very large growth rate in the lexical structure previously noted which goes to the idea of 'destruction {of} religion/religious institution'. This area is extensively cross linked both internally to the 'ignorance' aspect and externally to several parts of the Terra entity. The Terra entity links are terminating ones with the points of origin belonging to the Bushista entity.

Context Creation - Descriptor Set, Small worm in the skull If we extract the data sets which are impacting around the late March through early April 'context creation' period, and examine these in isolation from their originating entities, the first item to pop into consciousness is that the dominant aspect is 'fire'. This aspect dominates both in total number of references, as well as total emotive sums. The descriptor set for 'fire' occupies over one-third of the total data set in volume. The lexical structure for 'fire' comes from a number of the entities and includes some specific supporting sub sets. These supporting sub sets include references to 'architecture', and within this set, references to 'transportation hub, station, central'. While one might think of 'central station' in New York as an instance, we have over 600/six hundred individual geographic references for 'central station' which do not include New York. In fact, the largest group of geographic pointers collectively go to the Netherlands/Holland. The second largest group of geographic references go to Germany. The USofA is 13/thirteen on the list. Not withstanding the geographic descriptors, the 'fire' and the 'architecture' lexical sets both contain wording suggestive of a 'fire {which} destroys beyond salvage {a} centrally located transportation exchange'. The 'architecture' lexical set contains references to 'stone {subjected to} heat {and} converting/altering {to} burnt dust'. There are further lexical sets in support of 'fire' which contain aspect/attributes such that imagery of 'burning stone dust pollutes breathing, lye floats'. The data set for the 'context creation' period includes a wide range of subjects, presumably to be affected by the dominating aspect of fire. Specifically we note that other, primary, but not dominant aspects include 'antarctica', 'constitution', 'exploration {of} unknown lands', 'religion', 'marries future king/president', 'discovery {of} new oceans', 'battles', 'waves sink multitudes', and 'coup/regime change'. Some of these descriptors are bound by supporting sets to specific regions or other limiting lexical sets. For instance, under 'coup/regime change' the geographic references, as well as the repeated references to 'king' as 'caliph' would be pointing toward a Middle Eastern country for the 'regime change' location. There are some pointers to 'Turkey' and the 'armies of Turkey', but these may be more archetypical than actual given the cultural-historical relationship of the Ottoman Empire/Caliphate and the Arab states. Within the 'context creation' structure, as the modelspace is progressed forward, the lexical changes indicate a general move from 'repression' toward 'preparation {for} new status/context'. It is unusual to have the 'context creation' aspect being used as its own supporting aspect. As far as we can remember this has never previously occurred within our analysis. The 'context creation' lexical structure is unique in several other ways which also go to the idea, again also expressed within the data set, of a 'selfcreation/self-awareness shift'. And, extracted and viewed in isolation, with all the cross links eliminated as participants within the emotional sums for the structure, we still find that the long term value set for 'context creation' shows a multiple year impact which extends beyond the scope of the modelspace, or out further than June of 2008.

An examination of the 'context creation' supporting aspect/attributes begins and ends with 'storms over the mountains, rage in sight of self'. This structure is both the top level and terminating support structure, again, a very unusual occurrence. We find within the lower levels of supporting aspect/attributes such imagery as 'bird, with spread wings, covers the earth'. Perhaps, given the status of the planet at the moment, an indicator for a pandemic, however we note that the idea of the "global pandemic" is very high on the TPTB list of things to sell to the sheeple for population control, so while still a possibility, we must downgrade the potential, given the very high level of conscious discussion about the subject within the data sets. Nonetheless, we do have repeated 'bird' supporting aspects. Many of these references are slightly obscure and the image would be as in 'ten birds in sky, each hand holds {a/one} bird dead', as well as 'bird chants the planet, woe resounds circulates the planet/globe/earth'. Further on down within this area we have 'concealment required, hide in sight, covered, honor cannot be gained'. As if not cryptic enough, we can go deeper and note that 'natural bird appearance changes, 10/ten in sky, movement to the north by west'. This in its turn is supported by 'spread wings flow over changes', as well as 'mourning {is the} concern/occupation'. Within the 'mourning' aspect, the data set holds cross links back to 'chant rebounds around planet', and within its supporting set the data goes to the idea of 'inconspicuous, reflecting back, but/absent hate/aggression, birds {of the} marsh, dead under the moon'. Hmm. Probably not a good indicator. As the 'context creation' data set is moved forward over the course of April, and into later Spring, early Summer, the data set undergoes some very significant changes, as well as changing its relationships with other entities. As the new context is solidifying the data set goes to the idea that 'visit progenitors/ancestors {in/with} disguise/mask', and 'bird {from/out of a} dangerous altitude, danger'. Note that 'danger' occupies two places within this set and is extensively cross linked. So while 'danger' is seen throughout our 'context creation' area, and the structure is also replete with references to 'bird' we do not show any pointers which go to 'disease'. This must force our thinking to examining the idea of 'bird' in some other, probably way less obvious, archetype. Within this examination, the data insists by repetition and reinforcement that we not forget 'repression' as the central theme of the lexical set. Further the set contains repeated, even duplicated, references to 'mistakes', and 'being aware {of the} mistake {of the} current path/direction', as well as 'deviant heart runs wild, status lost/discarded'. Well, all that is just about as clear as mud. Stopping the modelspace progression near the point of mid April, there is the formation of a noticeable bulge of data within several of the supporting sets. This bulge is the accretion of new forms of 'disguise' or 'covered by deceit', or 'deception attempted', as well as many new aspect/attributes going to the idea of 'different {from} appearance'. This is still all within the 'repression' main lexical structure, and is under the sub set aspect of 'bird'. The repeated references are usually taken as a pretty sure indicator within our interpretations, the problem which presents itself here is that the idea of 'deception' being applied during the formation of a new context is a bit like saying that animals need oxygen; true, but not very enlightening. Living in the age of deception, one just naturally assumes it is out-and-about, and thus is one of the stable background elements against which reality must be judged. However, apparently our data is indicating that the context creation will involve deception at a number of levels, but, that sometime near the middle of April, much of the 'mask' will be removed. This is an interesting juxtaposition as the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer seems to reach the knee of the "J" curve just about that time. Time being what it is, we may well be seeing the crossing or meeting of several dominant themes of our new century collide during the formation of the new context being forecast. Returning to the very elusive nature of the new context, we do note that as the modelspace is progressed forward, the dominant aspect of 'repression' shifts to 'preparation/readiness/calm' within the last few days of March and seemingly is well settled in by mid April. This 'preparation' or 'calm/peaceful' is a strange shift, given that the data set still is chock full of 'danger' and 'risky' references. And again, contrary to the 'peaceful' nature of the new dominating aspect, the data set is also acquiring pointers to 'heart runs wild, bursts', and 'pulsations dominate, crush' as well as 'racing heart strains resources'. These sets are completely supported, and robustly populated. Again, this contrast of 'peace' versus 'chaos/danger/risk' at the dominant

aspect versus support levels is unusual. Igor and I will do a model-of-model data reference check to discover if this structure has ever been seen previously. There is also a very large data set which is added in early April time frame which is topped by the dominant aspect of 'deviance', and which contains repeated, self-reinforcing references to 'deviation' though more in a clinical, physics sense that what may be expected of descriptors for a 'deviant personality'. Does that make sense? The 'deviation' is seen as 'global', and is very much populated with lexical sets for 'mathematics' and 'science'. This structure appears subsequent to, and at the same level as the many 'bird' aspects. It is also at the same level as the secondary pointers to 'risk/danger', but is two levels higher than 'rage, racing heart'. Not that any of that is particularly meaningful. The data set also has a number of small lexical structures which participate within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, though since we are examining this data in isolation, that is to say, all the extracted 'context creation' data, we cannot tell where these small structures are hung within the entities. Nonetheless, most of the several thousand aspect values which accrue over the early part of April are participatory within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. Further, many of these early ones suggest that 'awareness/insight {to the} nature {of the} crisis/change-state {is} known'. This is about as clear a suggestion as the data can get that the 'danger is now known' and this *could* be connection that brings about the 'preparation/calm' aspect later in the process. Not to gloss over the previous note of both 'fire' as dominant aspect at the point the data set is loaded into the modelspace, nor its focus on 'stone architecture', we nonetheless have to come back to the data set in motion. While this data is extracted from the set as a whole, and is viewed in isolation for what details may be revealed, and while noting that this necessarily removes the various entities-of-origin as further context pointers, we can summarize by saying that with the data set at rest, and just initialized, the dominant aspects/attributes suggest 'fire' within 'stone architecture'. Then as the set is progressed, in short order 'repression/oppression' appears with extensive support from 'bird', 'danger', 'deviance', 'disguise' and 'risky altitude'. As the modelspace is advanced through the middle of April, the higher level of aspects shift and 'preparation/calm' becomes the dominant descriptor in the set. After April 15th, the details of the 'context creation' period fade as, presumably, the context is now firmly in place and beginning to "play out" or manifest. As a reinforcing note we do have the incredible increase in 'secrets revealed' emotional sums which also takes place after mid April. As an extension of the activity of the context creation period, and as noted above, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is most active beginning with the end of March 'new context period'. The data set suggests and explicitly states that around this time a 'confluence joins {bringing/creating} new flows {within} social order'. Coincident with the context creation period and subsequent months, our data shows that 'aggression' and 'secrets revealed' merge over the course of Spring/Summer to reach a point where on or around August 31, 2006 both of these meta data layers {ed note: as well as many smaller meta data layers} are subsumed into the new 'conflict' meta data layer which will dominate everything from that point until late in May of 2007. Equally co-incident with the end of March creation of context period and the merging/morphing of meta data layers, we note that this is the period shown for the rise of 'contention/conflict' between the Bushista, and both populace entities, Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop. This is the period where 'rebellion/revolution' as rising aspect/attribute set, firmly plants itself within the Populace/USofA. This is the period when Bushista responds with bespoke 'fear' based on 'sudden insight {of being} hated/reviled'. This last is a curious bit of lexical structure as it is small, but nonetheless fully populated. It is also short-lived, popping into existence around April 2/3 and then winking right out, as though acting merely as a marker or trigger for awareness of waves already lashing at our social shore. Again, a curious note, which leads to an interpretation that some very small incident/event will trigger and 'all out of proportion/excessive' response on the part of Bushista which in turn, 'blows away fog', and seriously initiates the 'river of secrets revealed'. This in turn, as a sub theme within the context creation is at the nexus of the formation of the new social pressures which will exist through Spring/Summer. The data set shows that the 'pressures for change, deep' will begin as a secondary wave to the context creation and will, in their turn, send off other waves which

the data shows will still be affecting circumstance/emotions in February of 2007. Further the data set, cross links included, suggest that 'hidden rebellious/rejection feelings/emotions' are to be 'let loose in howling rage, riot, violence' this Summer as a reasonably direct result of the actions taken by Bushista in early April. These actions are shown as being 'pushed {into} shape/manifestation' by the 'national/countrywide pledging {of} revolt'. Apparently the small event or circumstances which will 'shock' the Bushista at this time will lodge like a worm in the skull, resistant to 'trepanning screws'. Our context creation data set is indicating through the high amount of the data which is cross linked {ed note: nearly 90%} that it marks not only a 'period of change' which is interpreted here as producing a new context, but also is showing that the 'impetus/pressure/motivation' for change will arise in a very visible way for the populace entities, though we also need note that this 'change wave pressure' is clearly more dominant within the Populace/USofA. Further the data set could be interpreted as though describing a time much like an echo of the 'long hot summer' in which 'change' as a palpable emotional pressure is felt throughout the country. In our current data set, this appears to extend its reach around the globe. Terra - Essential Restoration Upon returning to the entity version of modelspace, the only clear indication of participation within the 'context creation' period appears within the Terra entity. When we follow the trail of the 'deviation from norm' component within the view of the 'context creation' we find that this lexical structure originates within the Terra entity. Further the structure is actually a supporting element to an aspect of 'transformation'. The 'transformation' aspect, as the modelspace is moved forward, goes to the 'global storm' aspect previously reported. It would appear that 'transformation', an out-growth or response to 'deviation from norm' is a part of the global climate change, and also seems to begin on or around the period of the 'context creation'. There are some supporting aspects/attributes which begin to accrue near the end of the second week in March. These then gain mass as the modelspace is moved forward. The role played by the 'deviation from norm' is suggestive of a situation where a global indicator of "climate health" goes awry such that it is 'seen beyond {the} horizon', and in turn is causative of 'perplexity' , 'confusion', 'aberration', and 'conflict' as seen in terminating cross links to both the Populace/USofA and GlobalPop. There is much language within the supporting set which goes to the idea of 'reduction to essence' or 'return to essence', or 'naked {and} afraid', and 'failure {from/with} superficial display'. Much of the language is negative when summed, and through the cross links to the populace entities, we note that the result of the 'deviation from norm' will be perceived in ways which range from inducing 'fright, shock, standstill' to the exactly opposite emotional set of 'aggression, unreasoning response'. As the modelspace is moved forward into April and beyond, the Terra entity suggests through the newly acquired values that the 'deviation from norm' will be partially responsible for, or required in the 'hiding sun, clouds blanket sky'. The indications do not suggest this to be massive chemtrail spraying, but rather a more earth caused 'cloud hides sun' effect. The perception from the way in which the values are added is that at some point there will be very real apprehension about 'sky views' to the point that the issue will occupy the mainstream media. The only really solid geographic indicators for participation within the Terra component of the 'context creation' seems to be centered in Antarctica. Much of the language around the 'antarctica' descriptor set is dualistic in the sense of going to both 'fire' and 'water'. The suggestions are clearly for much more volcanic activity, and resulting damage to the ice shelves with resulting impact on the water. We have a further lexical set within the Terra entity, just below the rising aspect of 'deviation from norm' in which the aspect is 'manifest/come true/display-self', and the attributes go to 'unexpected' or 'unexpected change {in} circumstance/events'. This aspect is cross linked as a point of origin internally back to the Terra entity, 'antarctica' sub set. The implications are that a point will arrive where the 'unexpected has come true in Antarctica' which is shown within our data set as resulting in 'ripples {of} consternation/fear/chaos' through human society. The supporting sets within the 'antarctica' sub set which

are the terminating points for these cross links are dominated by 'danger', which in turn is supported by 'dangerous situation, legs hobbled, ground cracks, walking impossible, sit down'. Hmmm. Ok, think I will. The Terra entity, sub set aspect/attributes of 'transformation' and all its cross linked aspect/attributes, when charted, produces the graph below.

It can be seen that the Terra entity is operating at a much higher level on the emotive tension scale than the others entities referenced. Further, the chart shows that the swings in emotive tension over the pre-Spring equinox period are very sharp, defined, and jagged, if somewhat muted in effect. Then the period of 'context creation' is encountered and the acquisition of data sets jumps dramatically. Within the chart the impact of the various data sets are shown. Each of the vertical lines represents the arrival of a new lexical structure within the supporting chain. The sums for data sets are calculated as they arrive on the scene and thus the vertical lines. These lines are the summation of the values as each in turn is encountered, folded into the result, and tabulated. So those days indicted with vertical line marks show the summation of the 'emotive tension values' of 'duration' divided by 'intensity/immediacy of impact'. These charts are produced in this manner such that we do not lose sight of the emotive impacts of individual supporting structures as they are acquired within modelspace. In contrast, examine the chart below which highlights the visual impression given if only the peaks and valleys are followed.

We have deliberately kept the charts to the format above, as it is the more usually descriptive format. However, for our interpretations, we use the previous chart with the vertical lines as indicators of where to seek for new data structures within the entities. It provides a much more cluttered view of the modelspace, but is always more instructive. Part 2: Conclusion - Three Waves Increasing

Our focus, driven by some small level of accuracy playing out from previous ALTA reports, and sharpened by the recent manifestation of 'duality' within the markets, has been the 'context creation period' of the very end of March. One point of this focus is the lexical clues which suggest that the 'actions/responses/acts' that occur within the creation period itself will be but the first of '3/three waves' each an 'expanded/enlarged/augmented echo' of the previous wave. The last of the waves will not fade away until the very end of January, 2007. As we are entering a period when meta data layers suggest the potential for 'violence' to beset humans, either from one another or from universe in general, it was our thinking to pay as much attention to the two key regions of time of end of March, and end of August. In this part, we obviously focused on the nearer of the two, and have been able to glean some small level of intelligence from the cosmic jumble that we mine. Before we let this subject/time period rest, it may be instructive to consider that the 'duality' currently affecting the Markets entity is arguably manifesting within the global asset markets as we see a further split in the two largest of asset classes, paper versus commodities. Again it is possible to argue that the 'duality' emerging during this release period has also been evident in both the Populace/USofA and the Bushista entities as well as their underlying manifesting reality. As the emotional stability of the planet was indeed affected on February 3 with the propagandistic use of the offensive islamic focused cartoons, then arguably the emotional release period as described in previous ALTA reports has itself manifested. While this can increase confidence in further projections for the emotional waves being forecast within these reports, it must always be understood that this is a work in progress, with constant tweaks of the both the lexicon and programs, so at any point we are likely to hose the whole thing, making all of the subsequent interpretations wrong. But, for a brief moment, if we suspend disbelief, then one apparent interpretation would have the coming Spring and Summer being a very emotionally choppy time pretty much globally, though apparently worse in the USofA than elsewhere. Further, much of the USofA turbulence is to involve the 'military' and the Bush Wars of Aggression. The data set clearly points towards a time of 'failure' at a 'systemic/core/cellular' level, which will produce very great pressures, both emotionally, and socially on everyone. At a personal level, the advice to 'keep your head', even though proffered by an apologist for empire, will nonetheless serve individuals well. It would not be surprising to find that 'actions/acts' of 'rebellion/revolt/revolution' will be happening, or at least the rumors of such. After all, for the mass of the sheeple, also known as the 'nebbish', if it does not happen on teevee, it has not happened. And that is what those who 'would be king' are counting on. However, as we will discover, universe has a really quirky sense of humor and just loves to provide humans with examples. Something tells us here at halfpasthuman, that quite a few new universe jokes are on the way. And to a planet near you. Now we must all learn to laugh, the alternatives are not very palatable. Besides, the doofuses at the top of the pitiful pile of humans *actually* think they control things. Hahahahahahaha!

Part 3 is expected to be posted by late Saturday next, the 18th of February, universe allowing. Igor says thanks for the cookies, but his wife is becoming irritated with his expanding waist and shrinking self esteem so the sweets binge is over. At least it will be when I finish that last piece of cherry pie calling from down in the kitchen. Cliff and Igor

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 806 - February 18, 2006 Part 3: Meta Data - Conflict, Sucky Timing* Populace/USofA - Too Weak for the Task* Terra - USofA - On the Road Again* Terra - Context Creation Contribution, Giant Mutant Space Goat Farts* TPTB - Dred Companion Returns with Fellow Traveler* Conclusion: Part 3 - South Pole More Stink*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 02.18.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 31.44 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 (maybe 7) part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Conflict, Sucky Timing

As has been noted in previous ALTA reports of last year, as well as previous sections of this series, and as is shown in the chart below, the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression/confrontation' have merged along with other lexical descriptors and formed 'conflict' as a meta data layer.

As we had first noticed some years back when the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer first formed, these data sets creep into all of the entities slowly, until, becoming ubiquitous, they can be extracted and analyzed for their effects on the entity in relation to other entities also sharing participation within the meta data layer. At this point in the processing, we have noted that the modelspace is showing the gradual subsumation of the 'secrets revealed' layer, as well as the 'aggression' meta data layer. The lexical structures which supply these elements to the meta data layer, as they exist in all the various entities, have begun to drop to supporting status to a new lexical descriptor structure which has been emerging over the last five months, the 'conflict' layer. Neither the 'secrets revealed' nor 'aggression' layers actually disappear, rather it can be seen as more of their influence becoming less visible in the chaos of the newly rising aspect/attribute set for 'conflict'. The migration of these two layers to supporting structures under 'conflict' seems to make some sense in that part of the 'aggression' supporting lexicon is 'confrontation', and as we know with humans, 'confrontation' frequently leads to 'conflict'. Further, the 'secrets revealed' layer also has lexical support as being intimately involved with generating 'confrontation', usually with the parties who have been wronged in the 'secret' which has just been 'revealed'. An unexpected dimension to the 'conflict' meta data layer arises in the participation of the Terra entity within this layer. The data set within Terra which goes to the 'conflict' layer is very clearly indicating a meaning several layers down within the lexicon for this aspect/attribute, and that is 'conflict for survival/life' or the basic struggle against hostile environment in a nastily accident prone universe. The participation of the Terra entity within the 'conflict' meta data layer is proportionately representative given the size of the Terra entity. Further reinforcement of the 'conflict with harsh nature/universe' meme comes from the extensive cross links which originate within Terra, and seemingly bind the two populace entities, Bushista, as well as most of the minor entities to a very uncertain future here on earth. A question has come in about how we reach our timing clues. What we do is to base the modelspace X axis on a weighted average of the quotient of the "immediacy of impact" value and the "duration of impact" value. Note this is 'emotional impact'. So as an example, we have four sentences below: Geo. Ure's ex-spouse repossessed his classic Daewoo vehicle. Geo. Ure's ex-wife has stolen his automobile. Geo. Ure's ex-wife took his car. George's ex jacked his ride.

In each of the sentences above, the subject is the same, the object the same, as well as the participants. What differs is level of details, and for lack of a better characterization, the "formality" of the language used. If the sentences are examined, read, and the reactions to them noted, one should find that the top sentence provides far less immediacy of emotional impact. The bottom sentence should provide the largest of the emotional reactions. The reverse should also be found to be true for the "duration of emotional impact" in that the more formal or legal the language used, the longer the subject is likely to hold some emotional impact of however much reduced total value. Having analyzed over 300/three hundred thousand words and phrases, we then placed numeric representations on those words for the 'immediacy' values, as well as for the 'duration of impact' values {ed note: among other value sets attached to the words}. These are then divided to provide our "timing clue". The processing each week results in new time extensions to the modelspace, and new immediacy values. We take the extension of the range of duration values, do some tweaking, and then use this as the far end of the modelspace. The modelspace is then loaded. Modelspace is an Intellicad CAD program set up with a 3 dimensional scale representation. It looks like an aquarium on the screen, with each dimension being 60 units in size, and with each unit having 100/one hundred thousand sub units. The time axis, X, has had its sub units reduced in the display to only show hours or days depending on the view desired. Then the lexical elements, that is to say, each "aspect" word found is placed within the virtual aquarium of modelspace as a single pixel. Colors are assigned to denote the emotional sum of the aspect. As each "aspect" word is placed as its representative pixel color, it is shown near the pixel marking the current position of the complex structure of descriptors {ed note: words or phrases} which define an entity. Cross links are indicated as black joining lines. Each aspect word/pixel will be placed within the modelspace over the point on the X or time access where its "immediacy divided by duration" value has it relative to the starting point of the modelspace for that run. Clear as mud? Basically what happens is that a word, say 'jacked' has a high immediacy value, and a lower durational value, which will place it toward the left side of the screen, or in a more "immediate" time frame within the modelspace. And the associated attribute words lifted from the area in which it, 'jacked' was found will be attached or carried along to be examined during the interpretation. As may be expected, some, perhaps even most, aspects have attribute sets far too deep to realistically examine during the interpretation. Further, much of the associated attributes may be, and frequently are, meaningless. So a series of processing filters are run to reduce the mass we have to examine, as well as to hopefully distill those data sets which are more meaningful. Toward this end, we seek those words which are changing, either dropping away, or coming into association with the various aspect words. Again, these are tied to our timing clues by simple maths taken against our value sets. Please note that the assignment of all values to the words within the lexicon is entirely arbitrary. While recent additions of non-roman alphabet language words have had some assistance in attaching numeric values, most were done entirely in-house. It is this element in particular which is 'made up as we go along'. We do use a number of references, both psychological, as well as linguistic to place our descriptors within their initial emotional values, but even here the range and methods are completely of our own design. Of course this is both the most difficult part of the linguistics work as well as the area most prone to misleading results. Not errors, or mistakes, because we have not a clue as to a 'good result' by which to measure these values, rather we merely end up with misleading interpretations. This home-grown linguistic assessment vulnerability is why there will be continued pointers within the interpretation noting that our timing sucks. Frequently the data set is later manifestly accurate, just off by a few weeks. In those forecasts where we have gone to the effort to refine the windows-of-time for manifestation, we have usually be either ahead of the manifestation, and with an error rate of a day to about 3/three weeks. Thus is revealed our lack of complete understanding as to relative import of various descriptor sets juxtaposed to a further limited understanding of time and material manifestation. But we do what we can with what we got. And sometimes it actually *appears* to work. Populace/USofA - Too Weak for the Task

George Bush is fond of saying that he 'is protecting the American people'...well, one could argue this on so many levels but really it is only necessary to point out that one incompetent human can hardly protect nearly 300 million humans from anything. Further the idea expressed by those currently, and seemingly incharge of human events, aka the 'elite', that the nature of a nation is one wherein the populace is 'ruled and protected' by the government is sorely mistaken, and about to be proven thus. It has always been the case that the citizenry/community/nation protects itself, and incidentally, its government, *not* the other way round. The data is currently showing a large shift of 'interest' or 'direction/focus' for the Populace/USofA just following the end of the March context creation period {ed note: direct effects of which extend until April 15,2006}. Part of this shift will be a 'majority yell against movement' which will be directed towards the government. This 'yelling/shouting/objecting' will prove to be 'too weak for the task' however, and the government will proceed and will 'precipitate disaster {from the} clouds'. Oddly enough, it would appear that being 'too weak for the task' at this point actually is one of the prime elements propelling the populace toward 'rebellion/revolution' later. The aspect/attribute set for 'too weak' contains numerous cross links to other areas within the Populace/USofA entity, many of which terminate at 'rebellion/revolution' or 'rejection'. As a minor lexical note, usually we find that the chain of descriptors goes 'rebellion' at the prime level, then 'revolution' as the first alternate, then various levels all headed as 'rejection' at the third level and below. At this time though we have a numeric sum which brings us to the lexicon and back to 'rejection', but in this case, as a primary or first level. This would suggest an interpretation, based on this descriptor split, as well as the movement of the various entities within the modelspace as it is progressed forward, that a "two-fer" sort of split arrives within the populace of the USofA. In this case, it would appear that when 'rebellion/revolution' begins to manifest as a dominant social theme, some portion of the population will be 'standing {for the} powers-that-be' while being 'opposed {by the} majority', but also noticeable by their absence, will be a third group which will be 'rejecting/distancing' from both groups. This third group is described by the aspect/attribute sets as being 'rejecting' of the-powers-that-be, but also 'not participatory' within the rebellion itself. While the data indicates this group will 'favor the outcome {of the} revolution', for various reasons, will choose not to participate. This apparently arises from three separate memes within the 'third group'. One meme is focused on 'damage {to the} triumvirate religions' {ed note: we take this 3way religion reference to mean moslem/christian/judaism}. Yet another meme has to do with some form of 'larger endeavor' which includes any of a number of 'end of civilization scenarios', and the last meme apparently has to do with 'deeper war' as though suggestive of 'war within war' which explicitly *could* be interpreted from the aspect-to-supporting aspect chain. It would appear that even without this 'third' part of the populace participating, that the 'status quo' is doomed by both weight of numbers of opposition {ed note: nearly 30/thirty to one/1 suggested to stand in opposition}, and by the totality of emotive sums. The data set is very clear in showing that 'weakness/too weak' now is destined to 'force strength {from the}thighs/groin' later. We also note that as the modelspace is moved forward over the course of Spring, and into Summer, the number of body part references scales up dramatically within the Populace/USofA entity, and only slightly less within GlobalPop. These body part references are taken as the ultimate in archetypical language. Then comes body process references, then everything else. The references typically go to very primal emotive states-of-being, as well as shifts between same. As such, we pay very special attention to any human body part/process statements that arise within the data set. As the modelspace is progressed through late Spring, the number of such references more than doubles. As the modelspace is progressed into late Summer, and towards the autumnal equinox, the number of such references goes up nearly 8/eight fold. Hmmm. Probably *not* a good sign. In support of the 'rebellion' language there is a curious aspect/attribute set which is headed by 'water'. This set is summed to 'misfortune' within the lexicon. Further support arises within the 'water' set by the large number of cross links over to Terra entity, many of which also terminate in 'water' references of some form. Also within the Populace/USofA entity there are internal cross links back to the 'water' reference suggesting that some how a 'water' episode will be a driving or motivating force which leads further along the 'rebellion/rejection' path.

As the data set is examined, and as the modelspace is moved forward through the vernal equinox {ed note: nearly exact on March 20, 2006 at 18:19 UTC}, the aspect of 'unusual' supported by 'occurrence/situation' actually acquires a supporting set which suggests an interpretation of 'unusual situation peak/climax' which in turn is supported by 'rising waters', and that in its turn is supported by 'danger'. The data set shows that just as the 'unusual {has} reached peak' that the 'rising waters crest {over} heads/man-height' and that 'tasks {are dropped as} people flee'. This is a very complex lexical structure with internal suggestions going to a 'sacrifice' which will become 'seen/known' globally, which suggests video footage of the 'sacrifice {of} life {that} others may prevail/survive'. This whole area is extensively cross linked over to 'misfortune' which in its turn runs out a number of cross links over to various parts of the Terra entity. The indication is clearly for an interpretation of a 'water/flooding' event in which pictures of someone sacrificing themselves for the good of others will provide a 'global view/look' at 'humanity/human nature'. If the same lexical set of 'weakness/too weak {for the} task' is examined from its cross links, the interpretation shades toward the idea of an 'isolation {from the} common, by the powerful, which creates/invites instability'. This area is also cross linked back over to the 'rebellion' aspect within both of the populace entities. While we have data for the ThePowersThatBe entity, it is not yet loaded within modelspace, however the temptation is to provide an interpretation in which a 'haves' versus 'have-nots' rebellion/war begins. In this case the lexical description for the 'have-nots' is replete with references to nothaving 'information' or 'secrets'. And not so coincidently the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer seems to be reaching a peak of the wave within several entities. The implication from the data set is that a few 'secrets' leaked out around the equinox will fuel an emotional 'episode' within the populace during an emotional tension building phase of this small plateau period {ed note: Feb.23-Aug. 31}. Further that the whole of the situation is exacerbated by the emotional wave within the populace running into the 'encounter with scarcity'. It appears from the modelspace that the context creation period, while ending around April 14th, can act as a marker for the 'beginning of completion' of larger cycles. As the Populace/USofA entity and modelspace are progressed forward through Spring, the number of references for 'scarcity/restricted movement' escalate, as do the number of aspect/attribute sets for 'deprivation'. Both of these lexical structures continue to build all through the rest of the year, and as may be expected, both contribute significantly to the emotional tensions. A very large increase in language going to 'restricted movement/scarcity' comes up following the autumnal equinox, co-incident with a very large increase in lexical structures for 'rebellion', as well as the first signs that 'rebellion' will separate from 'conflict/war' later in the Fall. We also note that the first of the 'encounters with scarcity' which appear to be a Summer phenomena, also are coincident with a rise in attributes under the internal aspect of 'exhaustion'. Many of these new attributes can easily be interpreted as petroleum related as the whole of the newly accrued values hang under 'energy'. So the values being acquired as the entity and modelspace move forward over Spring, and into Summer point to a 'hastening end' for 'energy supplies', as well as 'barren {of} resources, energy exhausted'. Much of these newly acquired values are complete, and cross link back to 'termination/calcination/completion {of} production/flowering'. As we move further through the modelspace and the progression past the Summer Solstice, the language for 'energy exhaustion' moves as a structure to hang under 'sags/droops/fails-to-support', and this in turn is already supported by 'breaking/weakened' or 'breaking point'. This aspect/attribute set is in its turn supported by 'burden grows excessive', and that is supported by 'structure {of the} thing, breaks under burden growth'. This area has extensive cross links over to both the Markets entity, and the Bushista entity. In both cases the point of origin within the Populace/USofA entity is at the 'willful disregard {of} danger/dangerous conditions' aspect. A very troubling part of this entity is that support for this aspect clearly goes to the idea that 'plunging/pressing forward hastens catastrophe'. Then as if that is not offputting enough, the supporting sets go to the image of 'flood time' and 'lake/water above tree-tops' which lead to 'temporary isolation'. This area terminates in a caustic reference to 'returned {to contact} shocks senseless'.

If we are interpreting the acquired data sets, and the movement of the Populace/USofA entity correctly, then events of some 'catastrophic' nature this Summer will provoke a 'splitting' of the populace which will become very visible. The level of visibility will be, if the data set and our interpretation is correct, so large as to dominate national identity going forward. This 'splitting apart' *appears* to come out on a 'have-nots' versus 'ensconced powers' sort of new view of national affairs, however we need to be cognizant of the other 'minority third' of the populace referenced above. So apparently some are willing to make a separate peace and concentrate on other, perhaps larger issues. The larger issues which will occupy at least some large portion of the 'third with-held' are shown as including 'terra' problems from the very extensive, almost invasive, cross links. While the lexical support area for the 'third with-held' or 'non-participants' is hugely complex, and chaotic, especially as to motivations, the effect will be that a small, minority third of the population will not participate at a willing emotional level within the 'rebellion' and subsequent 'conflict chaos' which follows. We also need to be aware that the 'context creation' period is shown as the first 'wave in the pond' and that subsequently two additional waves, each larger than its predecessor, will follow in the same emotional tone. There are also sufficient lexical structures under 'violence' and 'sudden shock' associated with the 'context creation' and the following two waves to suggest that the coming level of changes forecast here will not be subtle. Terra - USofA - On the Road Again The Terra entity, sub set 'continent, north america' is suggesting by the loading pattern for intermediate/short term emotive values, that the "emotional tension building period" of roughly Spring and Summer will include yet another 'excursion {of} treading time {on the} roads/highways'. The method by which these values have been fitting into the entity, as well as the values themselves are very reminiscent of the forecast which described the Katrina/Rita/Fema disaster of 2005. The Terra entity is accruing the values at approximately the same pace as was seen in 2005, and many of the values are also within the same range. This is to say that we have the same sorts of data sets indicative of 'abandoned goods/cartage {seen/viewed} in large number/quantity {on} roads/overpasses'. The data also goes to the idea of 'living on/treading time/waiting on hard/harsh stone, looking up'. Further our data sets gather more pointers to yet another period when large numbers of people will be forced out 'on the road again', very much involuntarily. The timing of our data model is always suspect, that having been noted, it would appear that the data set is forecasting an early and nasty storm season for 2006. Much of the descriptor set which is included within the 'millions walk amidst abandoned luggage/cartage' goes to the idea of 'plants newly budded', as well as 'initial flowering'. These and other timing clues suggest sometime past the vernal equinox, but prior to the autumnal one. The general indications are for early summer, or 'summer just blossomed'. The data set shows a very large amount of churn for the Terra entity as a whole beginning just after the end of the 'context creation' time frame which extends about to April 14th. At that point the Terra entity begins a process of changing out some of its data sets at the rate of 5/five out of 6/six primary aspects. A very large level of change for any entity, and within the Terra entity, just the sort of activity noted which led to the 'two cities/mountains of people' to be destroyed forecast for 2005. These large churn rates for any entity represent a significant change in the emotional quotient around the subject. They are particularly troubling when noted within the Terra entity as large scale emotional changes around the subject of 'terra/earth/ur'h/gaia' have not, in recent past, been associated with good things. Within the data set now, and specifically referencing 'continental north america', we have data suggesting that once again the 'populace will travel, calm first, danger last'. Within the 'danger' aspect, as a supporting aspect/attribute set obtained via cross link, our old "friend" the 'dred companion' is re-appearing. Taken as a reinforcing meme to the thread of 'millions of feet move over black stripes', the 'dred companion' has, in the past, been associated with the large scale evacuations seen in 2005. Terra - Context Creation Contribution, Giant Mutant Space Goat Farts

Usually parts 3 and 4 of each ALTA series provide the farthest look out possible. This, noting our sucky timing discussion above, is a natural artifact of our processing method wherein we process for immediacy values for parts 1 and 2, and then switch over to longer term value sets until parts 5 and 6. However at this point we noticed that the Terra entity had a very large number of short term {ed note: 3 weeks to 3 months of sucky time estimate} values accruing during the processing last week so a section of that was carried out over the weekend and into this section of the report. This shorter term value set was of keen interest in that it appears to join the entity just prior to the March 'context creation' period against which much of this series has been run. This new cluster of values within the Terra entity bulge out between March 25 and April 14, and are very heavily cross linked to the Press entity. The interpretation of the cross links goes towards the idea of a Terra based event which grabs the global Press attention, and contributes in some way toward the 'context creation' period chaos. While this area does not show any cross links of merit over to the TPTB or to Populace/USofA references to 'dred companion', we are able to see immediately that the top level aspect of this set goes to 'travels together' or 'does not come alone'. The secondary aspect layer goes to 'rain' and has a parallel set which is headed by 'thunder'. In both cases the cross links to the Press terminate at 'word' and sub set of 'deeds manifest, words follow'. The point of origination within Terra entity is sub set 'weather/climate', and while there are repeated references to 'thunder and storm', the far more powerful aspect is 'failure' which has both very high immediacy value sums as well as longer term duration sums. As supporting attributes 'failure' has 'thunder energy not fed/supplicated'. This in turn has a supporting set going to the idea of 'movement brings no advancement, energy too commanding/overwhelming' and it in turn is supported by 'bound/forced failure'. Also under 'failure' the supporting aspect sets run to 'disasters', and 'caution', and 'danger' as well as 'disturbed' and 'off kilter/topsy'. An interesting connection appears within the Press entity which suggests that much language will be 'spewed/flooded' out in an 'attempt to disguise'. Hmm. Sort of sounds like the press will be out crying 'believe me, not your lying eyes'.... This area of the Terra entity clearly is participatory to the 'context creation'. It has also resisted presenting details which might illuminate {ed note: pun intended} the mysteries of the 'unknown' in so far as the new 'context' is shown. This may well be due to our *not* having the proper wording within a descriptor set. Our processing very much depends on having at least a minimum of a definition for a context in order to find it within the data retrieved. This is a case of not being able to find gold without knowing what it looks like in advance. So if our lexicon does not have a descriptor set which fits the data coming in, it is not possible for the processing to capture it in a meaningful way. If, as an instance, the new context shown emerging within the modelspace, is that the residents of planet earth have to live with the effects of Giant Mutant Space Goat Farts drifting into our atmosphere, and our data set does not have any model for 'space goat, giant, mutant', then we might still get the 'farts' reference, but would not have it in any meaningful manner. Make sense? So without the proper descriptor in place for 'space goat, giant, mutant' we might just get the data hinting at 'big stink coming' without having the ability to place it other than vaguely in some entity. Thus we will miss the real, global importance of the 'big stink coming', and instead seek elsewhere within the data set for meaning about the new context. And thus another reason why we miss much of the rather obvious placed in our paths by universe. We are not looking in the right direction. It should be noted that while we do have 'stink' as a part of the supporting set for 'thunder', it is 9/nine layers further down in the supporting hierarchy, and does *not* have any space goat lexical attachments, farts or others. As a final observation on the Terra contribution to the 'context creation' period, there is some debate between Igor and George and I as to possibilities. A determining factor appears to be the global impact of the new context. One possible scenario could be that global awareness of a stated probability of sudden global catastrophic climate collapse (SGCCC) would or could provide the necessary context which would have the emotional levels we are finding within our admittedly flawed summations. Both Igor and George think I am totally wrong, and each are looking for an event of some kind which would create a new context,

much as the WTC attacks on September 11, 2001 created a new context from that point forward. We have little to offer in the way of support for either view at this point. Still it is worth noting that the emotional sums associated with the context creation period continue to rise. When these are linked back to the lexicon, it is reluctantly noted that they link to 'violence/violent action', sub set of 'unexpected results/occurrence'. However, please be aware that while humans naturally associate 'violence' with other humans, it is entirely possible that terrestrial violence is being indicated. Whew, now doesn't that feel better?

TPTB - Dred Companion Returns with Fellow Traveler Within the data set for the entity ThePowersThatBe (TPTB), we have a singular knot of data points which were instantly recognizable once the modelspace was loaded and begun in its progression. The 'dred companion' has returned. The point that the data cluster clearly indicated this specific element was during the last days of the 'context creation period'. The lexical structure for the 'dark one, dred companion {to} she {who is} blind/lame' firmed up within the TPTB entity over the course of April, and into May. Thereafter, the structure appears to be quite fixed, and as far as the progression was able to continue, that is, up through the late Summer and into Fall, this element still persists. In a curious reinforcement of the Terra entity forecast of more evacuations, aka 'on the road again', the data set for TPTB entity goes to the idea that 'dred companion, friend, emerse/merge/join {the} flow {of} tribes {and are} lost {in the} masses'. The lexical structures for the 'dred companion' as it appears within this series processing is showing that a 'friend' or 'fellow traveler, unaligned, companionable' will 'walk through {the} border of weeds' with the 'dred companion'. The rising aspect/attribute set for this lexical structure goes to the image of 'charity/gifts' being 'given out/dispersed along the road {by the} traveler {to/with} the dred companion'. These 'gifts' are supported internally as being 'necessities, foods, bandages/succor-for-harms' which are 'distributed without favor'. A minor part to this last is that the data is suggesting that at some point the 'fellow traveler' is in a position to 'discover' that 'the gifts {were/are} being hoarded'. This supporting area of the aspects/attribute set could in interpreted toward the idea of 'instant judgment, gifts withdrawn/seized, coventry/exclusion pronounced'. Within the internal structure of the TPTB entity, we note the repeated presence of the 'exclusion' aspect set, though with a differently populated supporting attribute data set in each instance. As the modelspace is progressed, and the 'dred companion' references begin to be acquired by the TPTB entity, there arises another clustering about the lexical structure headed by 'exclusion'. When examined it reveals that TPTB will or is battling internally. This internal 'confrontation' is shown as 'erupting' or 'manifesting' into 'hidden warfare'. Apparently this 'purge' is something of a 'true believers' attempting to 'dispel' the 'addicted ones/personalities'. The details suggested by supporting aspect/attribute layers go to the idea that 'IT/culmination {is} near' and that a sizable part of the TPTB is very 'displeased/repulsed' by the 'actions/behavior' of the 'addicted ones'. Probably not news to anyone involved, but the data suggests that there never was any intention to bring the 'addicted ones' on the 'carry forward' {ed note:reference obscure, treated as a descriptive label or noun, alternately interpreted as 'lifting over/upward'}. This 'duplicity' within the internal structure of the TPTB entity will or could be visible to those who would look shortly after the appearance of the 'dred companion' and his travel'n buddy. As a reminder, the 'dred companion' structure is one of those which arises in serendipitous mode of the processing. The TPTB {ed note: ThePowersThatBe} entity is composed from lexical descriptor sets extracted from such sites as are run by the 'power elite'. An example might be the 'council for foreign affairs' or others of its ilk. These sites were scoured by our software to extract the 'self descriptor' sets as well as the 'common emotional tone' values which are used in entity definition. As the 'dred companion' is again seen, albeit briefly before 'disappearing within/amidst the masses on the roads', the TPTB entity should provide some diversion for those who care to observe as the entity will be

exhibiting some very uncharacteristic behavior. The data suggests that 'those who seek to expel' the 'addicted personalities' will find themselves in a situation where they have 'overestimated their strength'. The initial open 'battle/conflict' will demonstrate that 'assessments {were/are} wrong'. This initial 'contact/contest of strength' will bring about a sudden shift in 'effective tactics/flow' of the 'confrontation', but not its end. The group seeking to 'expel' or 'exclude' the 'others' will show some 'shock' at their 'inability to overcome apparent weakness', and will then 'proceed walking on toes'. This 'painfully slow, bones creaking' progress of the battle should bring more 'witnesses to the theater'. There will be no apparent success within either group in spite of the 'manifestly apparent/perceived advance'. Therein lies a clue, no doubt.... The TPTB entity as a whole is clearly showing signs of strain, perhaps even of a split. However at this point in the processing, all the way through the progression of the modelspace, none of the details suggest that one group will triumph over the other. Rather the reverse is indicated, sort of a 'balancing act/balanced motion' or 'conflict of equals' in which 'war is waged, no success'. There are suggestions within the data set that at some point following the first 'open attack' the '5/five judges' will become involved, and the data goes to the idea that they, the 'five judges' will 'decide in favor of weakness'. This 'judgment' will be 'pronounced', and according to the supporting structures, this will be in spite of the 'five judges recognizing/grasping {the} danger {in siding with/supporting} weakness'. The data set, at its deeper levels, and with cross links included, goes to the idea that 'they know/realize', but are 'helpless/hopeless' in the 'face, hooks in mouth, genitals {in} hand'. Hmmm. Seems like a better interpretation would go to 'balls in the vise'. Even though outnumbered, and under attack, the 'weak ones, addicted personalities' will 'hold on desperately'. The data set shows the 'tenacity' is derived from 'fear of {being} devoured'. Again, here we find yet another form of the 'exclusion' aspect/attribute set. In this case going to the 'fear of exclusion' which apparently equals 'fate worse than, or leading to death' for TPTB members. As the TPTB entity is moved forward within modelspace, the 'battles' will become increasingly open over the course of Spring and into Summer. Our timing always sucks, but the best guess at this point is that prior to the August 31, 2006 shift in meta data layer prominence, we will see the next appearance of the 'dred companion'. Modeled from the bespoke fear lexicon within the source material for TPTB, the 'dred companion' may well represent an archetypical relationship between the personalities of the selfproclaimed "elite" and those other humans not of their perceived class/race. However, the descriptor set within the data is very explicit in presenting language describing an actual person. Whenever the 'dred companion' references have appeared, we have always gotten the 'big around as is tall', and 'dark man, dred aspect'. This last has been accompanied by 'dredlocks', as well as 'dred {in the} cloth' and other references such as 'suited dred', 'blooded dred {but} no flesh ties/binds'. This last 'no flesh ties/binds' has been interpreted as archetypical references to vegan-ism. There are other aspect/attribute descriptor sets which also reinforce the idea of an actual personality, vegan, black, short, muscular, and dred-locked, however, these are rare and the whole of the composite descriptor set emerges from the bespoke and secondary fear pointers within the lexical groups used by the self-styled elite within their publications. The appearance of the 'fellow traveler' within the data set does not provide any descriptors which would/could be focused on a physical description. Rather we are given action sets, such as 'distribution {of} gifts', and 'pointing out/toward wounded/harmed'. It should be noted that the continuation of the accretion of values for 'conflict' within all of the entities is the manifestation of the meta data layer. We not only find 'conflict' between the populace and TPTB, but now, even within the TPTB the 'conflict' is moving towards an open manifestation. EXTREMELY worth noting, as when elephants fight, it is the rest of us who need to worry about being squashed. Conclusion: Part 3 - South Pole More Stink We have a number of small entities within the modelspace. Most are descriptor sets based on rather abstract concepts. However some are place holder collections or "bags" for extraneous data outliers which have some common connections. One of these is for the 'south pole'. While containing links back to Terra entity,

sub set 'antarctica', this set does not concern itself with the terrestrial aspect of the 'south pole' so much as the 'magnetic' or 'space' based relationship to the 'pole'. The 'south pole' entity has been gaining word weight. That is, both new lexical associations, and new, larger, emotive sums. Further there is a very large and apparently expanding set of cross links between the 'south pole' and the Populace/USofA entity. Again, curiously, and not related to 'space goats', mutant or otherwise, we do find a 'stink' layer is present both within the origination point in 'south pole' entity, and in the termination point of some of the cross links within the Populace/USofA entity. We have little processing of the longer term values yet, but some of the longer range, short term summation totals suggest that some time during Summer, these cross links will begin to emerge. Hopefully they will not bring along a 'big stink', but we will see. There are also noteworthy connections to NASA, and both the 'south pole' entity, and 'stink'. Hmmm. Maybe something won't pass the "smell test". We expect to have the processing complete and the interpretation for Part 4 posted by late Saturday, February 25, 2006. It might be late due to inclement weather. The processing this past week had been repeatedly interrupted by power outages at either the servers or our interpretation/modeling stations and thus impacted its length. No reason to suppose that the rest of Winter will be any less impacting up here. We are still planning for a 7 part series this run due to both data volumes and the irregular processing forced on us by power/weather issues.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 806 - February 24, 2006 Part 4: Meta Data - Part Deux - Manifestation of Echoes of the Long Night of Broken Glass, Sucky Timing and Where we Screwed Up* Markets - Mountains of Ignorance* Gold, Iran, Pole Shift - Naked Beauty - Lustrous Dewdrops, Pale Winged Horse, Garden Draped in White* Populace/USofA - Karma Road Trip, Hiding Under the Bed* Bushista - Reflecting Eyes* Conclusion: Part 4 - Green language*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 02.24.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 45.092 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 (maybe 7) part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Part Deux - Manifestation of Echoes of the Long Night of Broken Glass, Sucky Timing and Where we Screwed Up ALTA report series 106- Part 6, (posted 11.26.2005) mentioned, as shown in this quote below (along with chart) , the probability of an 'echo' in the emotional meme sense of the Long Night of Broken Glass... Quote - ALTA 106 - Part 6. Meta Data - Echoes of the Long Night of Broken Glass On November 9, 1938, the Nazis unleashed a wave of pogroms against Germany's Jews. In the space of a few hours, thousands of synagogues and Jewish businesses and homes were damaged or destroyed. This event came to be called Kristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass") for the shattered store windowpanes that carpeted German streets. The pretext for this violence was the November 7 assassination of a German diplomat in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, by Herschel Grynszpan, a Jewish teenager whose parents, along with 17,000 other Polish Jews, had been recently expelled from the Reich. Though portrayed as spontaneous outbursts of popular outrage, these pogroms were calculated acts of retaliation carried out by the SA, SS, and local Nazi party organizations. Citation: Kristallnacht Link

What makes the above reference pertinent is the suggestion from our meta data layers that an 'echo' of this period is coming and is due as the emotional release period shown on our charts reaches the end of February, 2006. Around the 23rd the modelspace shows that language indicative of some similar events arises. As they have the karma, and as our geographic references center there, we have placed our echo of the Long Night, once again in Europe, though given recent events we may find that the players in the roles have changed and it will be the muslims as both the victims and the accused instigator of what will be once again seen as a "spontaneous outburst of popular outrage". It may be that the appearance of this echo will be within the USofA. If so it would provide support for other language echoes we find which include the appearance of much of the same language in proposed, and feared right-to-bear-arms hysterias currently floating about in the cyberspace spew. The curious element is the appearance, now, of echoes of language found in 1938 from 2 inter-related events/circumstances. In the second case, the following link provides a sample of the language now reappearing, but from its original source. No guns bitte.

End of quote - ALTA 106 - Part 6. Now we can note that the 'echo' is manifesting. The article at this link is both raising the subject of gun control, placing it first within a global context, and then focusing on the effects on the USofA.

U.S. Gun Rights at Issue in United Nations Effort BY BRUCE ALPERT c.2005 Newhouse News Service \ WASHINGTON -- Expressing concern that the United Nations' efforts to stem international gun running could impede the rights of U.S. gun owners, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., is proposing legislation to bar financing for the world organization should it infringe on Americans' Second Amendment rights.

Of course we need note yet once again our sucky timing. The first reports of this started surfacing on February 21, not the 23rd as we had posted in November of 2005. The issue of a few days either side is much more demanding than one would first think. First, it demands that we continually re-examine our fundamental array values which weight our lexicon. This is a result of our suspicion that emotional "tonalities" are constantly in flux. Again, in other words, if we assign a duration value range of 20 days to 59 days for a particular word set as a result of analysis, we have to continually re-examine the range for this grouping as we have found evidence that the various values for duration, impact, et al, do change. In this particular instance, back last November, we were dealing with the last week's processing which includes the "immediacy value set" for the last of the data gathered during the run. Again, in other words,

we provide interpretation beginning in the 9/ninth or 10/tenth day of the data acquisition, however that acquisition will continue for another several weeks, gathering both immediacy values, as well as longer term values during the whole of the time. So by the time we reach part 6, we have both un-interpreted longer term values, and the last of the immediacy values gathered in the last days of the data acquisition. It was the last of these immediacy values which led to the forecast in late November, 2005, of an 'echo' of an emotional period that we chose to characterize as 'long night of broken glass' due to both its ethnic component as well as the gun control component of that time period early last century. Okay, so we were using immediacy values to forecast this echo some 3/three months away. As the immediacy values are always considered to be 'used up' within a set period of time, that is to say that they have far less of a carryforward, or duration-of-emotional-state-going-forward potential, and as they are very short term kinds of values, it has been easier for us to assign more accurate numeric representations for the probability of manifestation, and in what time period. Such accuracy led us to the posting, just about 5/five days prior, of the accident in the Summer Olympics. However, this posting in November was a tad bit more complex in that what is being referenced is not an event, but rather the first appearance of an emotional wave {ed note: defined as meme group around a collective subject, and all containing variants on the emotional sums}. We need to note that the emotional wave of 'gun control' at a global level, with specific Populace/USofA focus has manifested, and though 2/two days prior to the day our forecast indicated, we are at least satisfied as it was primarily Populace/USofA entity data which led to the detection of the emotional wave. Again, the complexities mount as now that the wave/echo has manifested, it has its own "energy" or "resonance" levels, and will continue to be felt/manifest in the longer term, even though the immediacy values used to forecast its appearance have been "used up" so to speak. Make sense? So now we have to go back to the lexicon, track down the value set, and adjust the "fuzzy" side of the predicate calculus for date range probabilities within the 'immediacy' value set for 'impact', 'duration', 'intensity', 'e-range', 'w-range', et al by reducing by two days. Then, we hope like hell we haven't forgotten something or otherwise screwed things over in the code, and start running the processing again on new data on the *assumption* that we have acted out our roles in a *positive* feedback loop. Thus it may make a bit more sense when the modelspace starts getting out of whack, and why our timing is sucky. Language changes faster than we can keep up within the lexicon. Another aspect of how we get things wrong has to do with the nature of the emotional wave itself. We currently have the 'cartoon riots' emotional wave manifesting, and now the 'gun control' part of things with both an international and USofA flavor to it. So back in November, we had a glimpse of a picture which included 'muslims', 'riots', 'emotional angst', 'destruction', and lastly 'gun control'. Thus it can be seen that we *assumed* the 'gun control' was an outgrowth of the 'moslem rioting', and ergo, since had already detected some 1930's emotional wave echoes, made a forecast that the 'gun control' and the 'rioting' were causally related. Which, as we now know from today's headlines, is not the case. They are temporally linked, but beyond that, our interpretation was flawed. So as readers of these entertainments, constantly bear in mind that these reports are necessarily only a bestguess approach, and will always have an element of error as we are chasing language changes, thus will always be playing catch-up, both in timing, and emotional context. There are some areas of the reports which are slightly less flawed than the rest. Usually this includes the 'emotional tones' of the period. We can note with some satisfaction that, as the chart from last Fall indicates, we forecast these coming few months to be an emotional tension building period which we characterized as 'simmering'. At this time we have several recent incidents that will provide fodder for the period. These include the recent USofA Port Sale issue, which looks to have at least short term legs, and then there is the reappearance of legal issues facing White House personalities, as well as developing legal showdowns over key issues. Further, several of the issues have religious overtones which, as our data has been indicating for some time, will 'blow up' in the faces of the participants later this summer as the first step in a long wave of several years in which religion undergoes transformation globally.

As the planet, and its human, and other occupants receive and react to the extra energy pouring in from galactic central, we expect some significant per centage of the population to 'go mad' as the data set has been suggesting for nearly 2/two years. The impacts of the energy is very likely to be similar in nature to other energetic effects on humans, such as 'sun madness', or 'full moon madness'. Other examples include the various named winds in regions of the planet which cause unusual effects in humans which frequently include bizarre, aggressive behavior. Examples of these are the 'santa anna' winds in California, and the 'mistral winds' of central Europe. Frequently these winds contain extra-ordinarily high levels of either negative ions or positive ions. In either case, it is the sudden shift in local atmospheric electrical potential which causes the emotional excitement within the human, and the subsequent response to the stimulus. The whole of the solar system is now being stimulated with new energies. The level of in-pouring of these new energies can be counted on to increase for at least 6/six more years. The types of new energies would also appear to be increasing along with volumes. Responses to these new energies are already affecting the planets in the solar system... all the planets. Humans will not be immune from these energies, and can be expected to react to them, probably inappropriately. Our data is currently supporting this concept of entering a time in which emotional 'excitement' levels start to rise and fall to levels not recently seen. As with much of this 'madness of crowds', the individual *does* have some control over their personal reaction to circumstances, especially when they become aware that external sources are impacting their thought processes/emotions. Once aware, the individual within the mad crowd can take what actions seem appropriate to work their way safely out of the collective reaction, which is so typically, unreasoning violence. And speaking of unreasoning violence, the bombing on February 22, 2006 of the Shia' Mosque of the Golden Dome in Samara, while early as regards to timing once again, has begun the 'emotional tension building period' with a rather abrupt transition. Further, this event/plot has the emotional "weight" or energetic mass to continue forward, precipitating both the 'reversal of fortune' shown for the USofA militarily this summer, as well as the 'international crises' which will beset the Bushistas and the rest of us twice this summer prior to the meta data shift to 'conflict/tensions' beginning on August 31, 2006.

Markets - Mountains of Ignorance As the modelspace is progressed beyond what we are terming the 'context creation period' of the end of March through about April 14th, the new context apparently will show itself within the Markets entity. As the Markets entity is moved through this time along with modelspace, it replaces nearly all of its dominant, or primary aspects, as well as all of the lowest tier supporting aspect/attribute sets. These have been replaced with a newly dominant 'ignorance' aspect which is complete, correct, and fully populated, as well as new supporting tiers also going to ignorance. At both the top and the bottom of the 'ignorance' aspect, the data set is indicating that 'ignorance {of} new flow/circumstance' will apparently lead to 'hunting pigeons {in the} dense woods at night', or, as we have interpreted this phrase in the past, 'a damn dumb thing to do', or a 'colossal mistake, with potential life threatening implications'. Our dim assessment of the linguistics is actually reinforced within the data set supporting aspect/attributes by the bespoke aspects of 'regret', and 'stupidity {due to/arising from} brazen willful ignorance'. The data set also has the 'ignorance' as an aspect supported by the aspect of 'restricted movement', *or* 'encounter with scarcity'. The lexicon and emotive sums are the same for both of these phrases, and they both fit with the supporting structures so the choice is difficult. What is reasonably clear is that the 'encounter with scarcity' or 'restricted movement' will impact Markets as a whole shortly after the Spring equinox. This may well be part of the new context, and even involved within the context creation itself, but in any event, in the subsequent Spring months, the controlling aspect for Markets is seen as being a 'mountain/summit of ignorance' which leads to 'actions prior to consultations' and this in turn brings 'regrets' at a very large level.

The data set also goes to the idea that 'proper regularity' is out of whack, or 'wonky'. Further supporting aspect/attribute sets produce 'mistake' as a constant aspect set either directly held or through internal cross links within the entity. The whole arrangement of the new data sets, their accretion pattern, and their position within the entity suggest that a 'mistake' in 'action' external to the Markets entity will produce conditions of 'inappropriate regularity' within the markets. Further the 'action/mistake', whether taken in response to the new context, or during the period of the creation of the new context, will be so egregious, so immature a decision, as to call fundamental principles into question. And just at the wrong time. As we have a continued manifest world sensitivity to energy, any actions which produce a 'restricted movement' on energy will impact the markets. The actions projected within the supporting aspect/attribute sets go to the idea of 'immaturity' and 'wet behind the ears'. As the modelspace is progressed over the course of Spring, it appears that the new context is 'pressing in' while 'denying fertility' which is to be found elsewhere. This structure, and its relationship to 'restricted movement' are suggesting that *perhaps* the "alternative-to-dollar bourse" movement does become successful. As we have the data set for this now, and it is processed from both immediacy value sets, as well as short term sets {ed note: 3 weeks to 3 months inclusive}, we could project an interpretation which has *no* military action being taken against the Iranians relative to their nuclear ambitions, then along comes the end of March, and the Iranians open up their Euro denominated oil bourse which precipitates the first of the two large scale international crisis shown for this Summer. This first crisis could severely pressure the dollar, and the USofA markets, which could pressure the Bush ministration into responding with their customary high quality thinking. From there it is the usual course of events. Much of the new supporting aspects/attributes sets are populated with descriptor sets going to reinforcing the idea of 'ignorance' which will come to 'rule' the thinking, and will produce a 'restricted movement' or 'encounter with scarcity'. The supporting sets are quite clear in having 'negative' or 'regret' based supporting aspects themselves, and are cross linked to 'no positive outcome/manifestation' at the top level of the entity. The idea is quite clear from the data that 'ignorance' will indeed cause some regrets. As this entity is heavily participatory at a low level in the context creation period, it is likely that the suggestion coming through the data is going to the idea that 'hidden forces' are manifesting in areas in plain sight, but 'willful/brazen actions {taken from/in} ignorance' are 'blinding most {from} secrets revealed'. However, if the modelspace is correct, even the most 'willfully ignorant' will be aware by Summer that 'things change'. As the modelspace is progressed in through June, and across the boundaries for the two international crises, the continuing data set churn replaces the primary aspect of 'restricted movement/encounter with scarcity' with '10/ten days of change'. This aspect in turn is supported by aspect/attribute set of 'darkness envelops' which also has a secondary descriptor within the lexicon of 'power outage'. Hmm. The data further says that 'closed/shut-off screens surround {the} alcolytes' and this in turn is supported by 'enclosed in darkness', and 'light is obscured'. We need to also note that this whole area is reinforced by a large accrual of values going to 'watching intently {with} suspicion and anger'. Hmm. Any possible clues here do you think? Also brought into our data stew, mostly through cross links, we have aspects/attribute sets going to the idea of 'plots' and 'party intrigues'. Both of which are supported by a common link over to the 'solar eclipse' of late March. In one link the 'darkness' which 'appears over the sun' is seen as the 'starting point/time'. This is in turn supported by data sets indicative of a 'summer completion'. The data set continues to support 'restricted movement' even at a much lower level than primary aspect all through the shift from March through Summer. During the transition from its primary status, the 'restricted movement' shifts to become supporting aspect for a number of separated areas within the entity. The idea may be that a general 'restricted movement' or 'scarcity due to lack of transport' may be shifted over the course of months to smaller areas which will still be impacted even in late Summer. At a very high level and in summary, the modelspace is forecasting that against a background of two, interlinked international crises, and a reversal of fortune militarily, will be the actions taken based on 'mountains of ignorance' which will arise from an apparent failure to notice that things have changed, e.g. 'the context creation period'. This in turn is linked to 'actions taken' prematurely, which are based on nonconsultation, and are so immature and ineffective in scope as to call into question some of the base

operating principles of the markets. Oh, and likely many of the trigger points are energy, and speaking of that, it sure looks like a 10/ten day period which includes a power outage will precipitate very large levels of change, at both the top and bottom of the markets. And let us not forget that 'plotters/partisans' abound at all levels, and the data suggests some of them are getting agitated around the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006. Gold, Iran, Pole Shift - Naked Beauty - Lustrous Dewdrops, Pale Winged Horse, Garden Draped in White A rather odd linguistic shift has taken place in which three very unlikely entities or quasi-entities in the case of the 'pole shift' have each decided to hold the same linguistic set at the initial load of the modelspace and for a brief time thereafter as the modelspace is progressed forward into Spring. These three entities are 'iran', 'gold/silver', and 'pole shift'. In the case of the latter, this persistent/consistent meme has nearly enough linguistic structure to be its own entity, however, we suspect it is not reliable in that so much conscious speech is directed to the subject as to muddy the waters of any linguistic change. Nonetheless, as the modelspace is loaded with the short-term through extended long-term value sets, a very distinct, and eye-catching visual presented itself as the three entities each started at the same cluster point, and then held the point for a time within the progressing modelspace. Of the three, the Gold/Silver entity released the spot first, making a transition to a new aspect/attribute structure in Spring, shortly after the equinox. Next the 'iran' entity shifted as the modelspace approached the Summer solstice. And finally, following the autumnal equinox, the 'pole shift' entity moved off the cluster and into a new linguistic structure as primary aspect. This is most unusual and has not occurred before within the processing. The aspect/attribute set central to all three entities is 'naked beauty'. Also an unusual aspect set in that it has a very diverse set of supporting aspects/attributes which describe 'naked beauty' as an emotional expression not unlike "nature's grace" or 'shibumi'. Within this expression are two distinct 'appreciations' as the Chinese would note. The first 'appreciation' is when one stumbles into awareness, and is "stunned into silent appreciation at natures' elegant simplicity". In this case, the human is observer, while in the second 'appreciation', the human is participant in that they have accepted the "grace of nature as flow", and have learned to harmonize with the motion such that they become a seamless part of the shibumi of the circumstances, and subsequently learn to appreciate shibumi as both observer and integral participant of the experience. As noted this is a very unusual aspect set. The 'naked beauty/shibumi' set is complex, difficult in that it presents many facets of emotional participation, and is prone to misinterpretation. Be warned that this aspect is composed of predominantly non-roman character set words/phrases which presents difficulties of nuance. Taking the three entities in turn by length of participation with the lexical set, we note that the 'gold/silver' sub set has 'inner beauty' as a core, supporting aspect. This aspect itself is supported by 'dew glistens in golden drops {in the } early sun {of} spring/equinox'. A not unfavorable aspect/attribute set, it also contains supporting structures further down which go to the idea that 'outward appearance/dewdrops rises/evaporates {in/under} heat {of the} early sun'. Further down the supporting chain we find that 'vanity arises from exaggerated notion {of} beauty', but this is tempered by 'reflections {of} scarcity mirrored {in} desire/avariciousness'. The Gold/Silver entity, as noted is the first to move off the 'naked beauty' lexical cluster, and it does so shortly after the modelspace progresses beyond April 14th. No real change appears prior to that, or if it does it is effectively masked by the general churn of all the entities as they digest the context creation of the time. As the Gold/Silver entity is perceived to begin moving post April 14th, the shift goes toward an aspect of 'decrease'. This is an 'out and out decrease' as it is described by the data set, but please note that this may *NOT* be describing price. Rather several probable interpretations emerge from the data set. These include supporting sets which push the interpretation toward the idea, brought in through cross links, that a 'scandal' will 'erupt' as 'violence triggers {the} emergence {of} secrets revealed' such that 'numbers disappear/decrease, out-and-out decrease'. Admittedly a bit vague, however we need to note that the 'outand-out decrease' aspect set contains attributes going to the idea of 'substantial holdings', and this, as it is cross linked to the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' points our interpretation toward the idea that a secret about the 'absolute numbers' or amounts of gold/silver will manifest at that time. Further we need to note

that the section of supporting aspects/attributes within the 'naked beauty' aspect which are held by the Gold/Silver entity, and which go to 'decrease' over this period, are 'internally' focused. We are taking this 'internally focused loss of absolute numbers' as a pointer to other than price. We well could be wrong in this interpretation, but there are 'externally focused' sections of the entity which are not involved in the movement to decrease. Caution needs to be exercised throughout the period of April 14th onward as the 'naked beauty' aspect, a complex structure, is very pointedly suggesting that if one cannot appreciate the 'shibumi' of it all, then one will lose sight of the subtleties presented in the apparent simplicity. In this case the Gold/Silver entity is clearly showing that 'naked beauty/shibumi' is an 'inter-related' thing. The data itself appears to suggest that all three entities need to be considered within this context, and as part of the context. While it is easy to see, as an example, how Iran's actions may influence the price of gold, it is difficult to project how the idea of 'pole shift' might be influencing Iran's actions. Nonetheless, the 'naked beauty' aspect held by Gold/Silver entity also holds as a supporting aspect/attribute set, 'moves only with each other'. This is reinforced with parallel lexical structures which include 'not an independent object', as well as 'connection of equals'. This last has supporting sets linking the 'equals' back to both 'pole shift' through a geographic reference to the 'south pole/antarctica' within the Terra entity, and over to 'iran', again through a Terra entity cross link to 'earthquakes'. When we extract just the Gold/Silver section here, and look at its descriptor set in total, it would appear to suggest that the 'shibumi of the form exists only within the context of the contents'. Under the 'form' aspect we have several supporting sets which go to the idea of 'vanity', and thus may be indicating a cautious approach to any apparent changes in numbers as being only 'cosmetic', however, an equally appropriate interpretation would be to examine the cosmetic changes to see if they are 'existing only' as a result of actual significant changes in content underneath. If the perceived changes are indeed 'content' based, then perhaps this other supporting aspect/attribute set within the Gold/Silver entity is made clear. In it we find that 'shibumi invites participation', and under that 'harmonize {with the} hidden circumstances, shibumi permeates'. Both of these supporting aspect sets terminate in 'good fortune'. The second of our entities to share the 'naked beauty' aspect set on start up, the 'iran' sub set of data, leaves its relationship with 'natures grace/shibumi/naked beauty' about the time of the Summer solstice. As there are '3/three' days of visually apparent lack of movement of the sun along the plane of the ecliptic from the point of view of an earth bound observer, there also appears a slight stall in the motion of this entity after it leaves the 'naked beauty' behind. While the 'iran' sub set is under the influence of the 'naked beauty' aspect set, it has a very poetic set of reinforcing aspects which include things like 'winged horse', and 'riding pale horse', as well as other references to 'white' and 'light'. In the main, the 'iran' entity association with the 'naked beauty' aspect suggests an interpretation in which Iran 'offers aid to friends', and is 'twice received well as friends'. Further we find that the 'aid convinces friends {to return to} simplicity'. There are further supporting sets which go to the image of a 'natural disaster' of some sort on the borders of Iran or at least close enough such that they offer 'aid/succor' to the near-by victims, and in the process of 'delivering {their cousins} from harm, twice', are themselves changed such that 'pursuit of external brilliance' is 'abandoned/relinquished in favor of simplicity'. There is much language indicating an internal to 'iran' debate about the 'wisdom' of 'giving up the comforts/skills' which might have been obtained, but a reasoned approach prevails, at least in our data set, and 'peace {of} mind {arising from} true relationships/humanity' is the indicated changed state of the aspect for Iran as the entity leaves the 'naked beauty' data cluster behind. The 'pole shift' entity structure, again noting it is suspect due to so much conscious discussion of the subject, nonetheless stays with the 'naked beauty' aspect the longest of the three entities and does not move to another dominant aspect until after the autumnal equinox. As with the 'iran' sub set, the 'pole shift' carries many supporting aspect/attribute sets under the aspect of 'white' which is itself a supporting aspect to the 'naked beauty' dominant aspect. In this case there are no 'pale white horses', but rather references to 'white hills and valleys' which would seem to be most appropriate for a 'pole shift' entity. Indeed, these 'white hills and valleys' are supported by 'dressed in simple white adornment/covering'. This aspect of 'white' also is

'light' related, and carries 'light' as a secondary descriptor for the set as a whole. From there, the 'white/light' set reference within the 'pole shift' entity is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to the idea that 'celestial motions indicate movement' and 'transformation restores {everything/all things} to essence'. Hmmm. Ok, fine. But when? We still are showing repeated references within other entities including Terra entity for 'unseasonable' weather, as well as 'extra' or 'beyond' seasonal weather with descriptor sets which go to the idea of 'too much' seasonal weather. All of these sets are independent of any links to 'pole shift' or such, but at their core, all contain references to 'out of season' weather motions which are all, in turn, supported by some references to 'sun, moon, planets, stars' and their motions. In the 'pole shift' entity sub set we do find that the data set finally moves off of 'naked beauty' and over to 'fixed limitation'. This aspect is another odd one containing descriptors for both 'limitations' as in 'limited to movement supported by joints/flexors', and 'limitations of measurement'. This last is also taken, with cross link support, as indicating 'measurements limit thinking {if} celestial regularity {is not} known'. In the supporting set for the 'fixed limitation' are also aspects going to the idea that 'realization' will 'prod/produce/induce progress/motion of the feet'. A curious, and perhaps not so nice cross link goes from 'motion of the feet' above, to the 'millions of feet' which are 'on the road again' within the Terra and populace entities. This sort of cross entity reinforcement could merely mean that a 'realization' of the 'reality/potential' for a 'pole shift' causes relocations. It need not point to the actual occurrence of the 'pole shift' to generate the same level of emotional sums. Merely the thought of being caught in further coastal calamity as a result of even hurricanes would be enough emotional angst to form the data set we have now. So we may be looking at a forecast of early, and perhaps permanent evacuations of further coastal areas in anticipation of very strong, or numerous storms, against a back drop of discussion of 'pole shift'. But let us also note that the hotter the subject is with conscious, emotional language, the more prone to error is our interpretation. Populace/USofA - Karma Road Trip, Hiding Under the Bed The Populace/USofA entity, as the modelspace is moved forward past the Summer solstice, is apparently going to much more occupied with 'war' potential than with 'pole shift' impacts. So we have a competing set of entities in so far as the motivators which 'put millions {of} feet on the road again'. This description is *not* referencing a mass summer vacation, and specifically is *not* referencing much movement by vehicle at all, and is specifically pointing to having to 'walk the roadway'. And just a note in passing, to be picked up later in Bushista, that *everyone* will be taking a karmic road trip this year. With le' grande Bush out-and-about to Pakistan and India during early March, the Populace/USofA is showing, through very high levels of accretion of immediacy values, that events will tend toward the dramatic, both around the traveling Bush and here in the USofA. As the Populace/USofA entity builds its new values during the loading of modelspace, we were able to observe that immediacy values predominate, a not unexpected situation given that we are leaving a 'release period' and going into an 'emotional tension building plateau', but surprisingly, we also find that short-term values and the long-term value sets all shaded down toward the immediacy end of the range. In other words, the highest degrees of change noted within the descriptor set for the Populace/USofA are all pointing for very near term values. This is in spite of the processing approach in which we usually seek for longer term value sets for parts 3 and 4 of the run. So in spite of the method which favors longer term impacting linguistic shifts in the 5/five to 18/eighteen month range, we ended up seeing much of the growth in the Populace/USofA entity in the very short term range of 4/four days to 3/three weeks. It would seem that the data set is expressing a period of 'upset' and 'chaos' going with some intensity from February 28th through to about March 12th, bearing in mind our sucky timing. It would also seem the data set is suggesting that we *not* be surprised by 'sudden' or 'swift' changes of a 'violent' nature during this time. The Populace/USofA entity is clearly choking on immediacy values which are suggesting that despite the plateau like nature of the time, the emotional tension building period will be very rocky, or as the data set would have it from aspect/attribute imagery 'choppy, violent'. It is also worth noting that cross links both

internally to the entity and from Bushista and Markets suggest that the 'boiling' emotions within the USofA will not be in isolation. Further the modelspace is suggesting that 'reason hides under the bed' during this period of emotional building, and that 'indecisiveness rules'. The whole of the aspect/attribute set goes to the idea that 'chaos abounds, choppy/violent times, order disintegrates', and that during this period, the 'officialdom' will be seen by the populace to be 'cowering under the covers/hiding in bed' when 'faced with decisions'. Further the data set would seem to be indicating that the 'rebellion' against the Bushista's and TPTB gets its real start during the Bush travels. The rising aspects in the Populace/USofA entity all go to 'political will sagging {into} indecisiveness' while within the 'populace, the sincere soldier demands order {in the} face {of} fragmenting rebellion'. This area is seen continuing along through the Populace/USofA entity as the modelspace is progressed through Spring and into Summer. It should also be noted that a few months after the 'conflict' meta data layer formation shown for August 31, the 'rebellion' core which we have within Populace/USofA separates its 'militaristic/war' elements from the many 'conflicts' which are besetting the Bushista entity. One interpretation *could* go to the idea that during yet-another-bush-war-of-aggression, the populace of the country rises up to reassert ownership. Yet another variant of this theme, especially given the mid-term elections this Fall, is that the populace does so through the ballot box and chucks out the groups en toto. Either way, or some other variation, we find that within the Populace/USofA, about end of September to mid October, the 'rebellion' aspect/attribute set loses its cross links to the Bushista 'wars' data set, and is clearly set to manifest on its own. In so far as the 'rebellion' aspect/attribute set is concerned, there is much that argues against a voter style rebellion being the proximate cause for the emotional values that we are seeing. In addition, the data set itself is expressing the rebellion in terms of 'violence' and 'rage', while also indicating that 'danger' and 'damage', as in damage to 'property, history, tradition, lies' will be happening with some regularity during the expression of this 'rebellion via rage'. So not too much like what we might suppose we would see if the action was to be all in the voting booth. And if that were not enough, it should also be noted that the GlobalPop entity is also participating in the general chaos of 'rebellion' during this time. However that entity does not have as clear cut a division between its 'war' aspects, and its 'rebellion' aspects. One interpretation that makes some sense in light of the depth of descriptors for the 'rebellion' would go to a scenario of a global rebellion against corporatist/new-world-order kind of thinking. One key element of this has to do with the 'sheeple look out' discussion in a previous part of this series. We are still noting that some 'information', which starts to manifest during the 'context creation period' of late March within the modelspace, seems to act as a global trigger on releasing the 'rebellion' meme into active manifestation. As we have repeated references to 'space' and 'sol/sun/solar system', it would seem probable that some global or even solar system wide impacting news will bring out the currently suppressed 'awe', 'wonder', bewilderment', and 'rage' which are shown as bespoke elements within the supporting sets. Again, as there are many cross links over to the Terra entity, much of the rebellion would seem to be focused not on mere human political abstractions, but rather actual planetary mismanagement issues. Much of the 'rage' and 'violence' aspects/attributes sets are supported by either directly held aspects for 'suppression/control {of} news/information', or through cross links to the same sets as terminators in other entities. The modelspace is giving a very straight forward indication that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer will peak for the two populace entities sometime in late Summer, and will bring out some information which will not only 'incite violent rage' and 'rebellious acts {against} authority, commercial interests', but will continue to still resonate within the two populace entities for over 10/ten years. Bushista - Reflecting Eyes Unlike previous emotional tension building periods, these immediate few months extending out to August 31 when we have a very sharp rise upward in tension values, are showing that the tensions will be held in some form of stasis or stall without small corresponding releases as we go along. It would appear from the movement of the various entities through the modelspace as it is progressed forward that from March through to late July, the tensions will build globally, and further will become interlocked with each other in this thick ropey mat.

As we load the modelspace, the Bushista entity is indicating that 'upset', and 'out-of-control' will be the twin emotional watch-words for Bush during his trip to Pakistan/India in early March. The entity acquires a number of new aspects/attribute sets upon loading, and carries these in some form through most of March. Much of the new values are centered on 'agitated state', and other word sets going to the idea of 'emotional pressures'. The Bushista entity accrues some very interesting aspects for early March, including a fully populated set headed by 'reflecting eyes'. This set has cross links back to the GlobalPop, and to a far lesser extent, Populace/USofA. The cross links would tend to modify the aspect toward an interpretation of Bush having to 'confront/face' his 'reflection in the eyes of the global populace'. Hmm. Now that can't be good for him. This and other aspects suggest that during the trip, 'delays', and 'missed appointments', and 'badly spoken words', will 'wrap' his travels like 'paper covering {a} box'. The Bushista entity also contains data going to the idea that the 'trip from hell' will include 'riots' and 'protests' on a scale so large that even Bush won't be able to ignore the 'stench of bile' directed his way. The language suggests both actual 'smoke' and figurative 'bad breath' tainted with 'belching bile' will be blowing Bush's way. And, according to our data set, the travels will be the easy part of March for the Bushista entity. The data suggests that while the Bush is away, the 'plots' will be put in play. These appear to be mainly 'political retribution'. The entity acquires a number of data sets going to the idea of 'continuation {of} building {international} tensions', as well as 'expression of {presidential} pathology' which begin to join the entity during the first few days of March. These are fully supported aspects and are accompanied by many bespoke emotional sets including 'mistrust', 'ignorance, willful', and 'imagined, enemies'. As noted on charts in previous parts to this series, the Bushista entity is shown with very high levels of emotional tensions during this time, much of which is internally generated. The data set continues to confirm that a 'stalemated' or 'stalled/hamstrung/stuck' Bushista will not be able to do itself any good at all during the month of March. Further it would appear that universe is planning some small-mind-capturing local events to keep Bushista busy while the context creation/change occurs over the course of March 28 th through April 14th, such that once again, Bush will be the *last* to wake up to smell the reality. Again, the entity suggests that reality will be biting the Bushista's pretty hard all through March, and April. Then things will get really tough as we move toward the twin international crises forecast for Summer. The 'reversal of fortune' aspect with its modifier of 'military/army' and supporting sets of 'adventure/expeditions' and the cross ties both internally to Bushista, and externally to Populace/USofA entity is suggesting that the late Spring, and early Summer period is the point of 'maximum' or 'complete' reversal, but that even in early March, the 'reversal of fortune' aspect has come to sit within the Bushista entity. This 'reversal of fortune' appearance here, with only internal cross links, is going to 'political' and 'officialdom' fortunes rather than 'military' at this point. The 'military' modifier is acquired later in Spring. The manner in which the 'reversal of fortune' aspect grows suggests something of a snowball effect in that each of the separated aspects within the supporting structure each grow over time with seeming continuing momentum of their own. An interpretation would be that the various 'secrets revealed' to this point are continuing to grow, and that as we move forward through the last of Winter and into Spring, the rate of the 'secrets revealed' will accelerate, with each of these new revelations also continuing to grow. Conclusion: Part 4 - Green language It is likely that 'green language' will become a much more discussed subject over the next few months. Initial contact with this concept will, in many cases, arise with the first encounter with Fulcanelli's Message/Mystery. Much of the mystery focuses on the 'Cyclic Cross at Hendaye' on the coast of France, near the border with Spain. A few good books on the subject can be found at various outlets such as Amazon {ed note: one good, cheap one is "A Monument to the End of Time"} . Basically the idea is that Fulcanelli, one of the last 'initiated' alchemists, in 1920's discovered this cross created 400 years or so earlier, and on which, in alchemic 'green language' could be found a description of not only the how of the planet's next trial, but the timing, and a place of safety.

The idea of green language fundamentally comes down to language via metaphor, or symbolic association. Much of the metaphors are designed to make the initiated reader of the language seek the same sort of reference in yet another language than the one of the writing. Clear as mud? Well the idea is to actually take the initiated reader into the same words in other languages or to other words, via a circuitous association, in the same language. Whew. That helped I bet. In aid of further confusion, the chart is offered below concerning the 'green language'.

Now much of 'green language' is intriguing in that it is designed to reveal, but only to those already in the know. This technique has been used by secret societies through out the ages in order to be able to 'safely' convey information about subjects, aka 'the secrets' around which the society is based, which cannot be discussed in the open. Hmm, much like secret politician speak. And as with politicians, in green language, words are *never* what they seem. The examination of the cross at Hendaye by Fulcanelli provides a very good read into green language and is interesting in many different ways. The revelation of Fulcanelli's message is that the cross comes to us with the same information as is found in the most secret of books of the secret societies, and that is, that earth will face a 'trial by fire' in two separate forms in the near future. The details may be significant enough to warrant reading through the various authors interpretations of the Fulcanelli material, but at its core, the mystery says we will have a fire problem in the northern hemisphere on December 21, 2012, which coincidentally is the date of the end of the Mayan Long Count, as well as the end of the Kali Yuga, and several other calendar systems. The 'fire' according to the cross at Hendaye will come from the sun which is being affected by both interstellar dust, and galactic "super wave" radiation. While we have recent planetary evidence that things is not quite 'normal', and thus a lot of humans are jittery about the future, and while the less-than-astute-minds at NASA and other space agencies have let out some information concerning and confirming that the solar system has indeed moved into an 'inter-stellar dust cloud', and while we have GRB's {gamma ray bursts} of unprecedented strengths and frequency recently, it should be noted that no 'official' has yet to come out and confirm any of the information postulated from Fulcanelli's message. Nonetheless, the 'place of safety' which is noted in several of the books about the Fulcanelli message is in the highlands of the Andes, and is so designated because humans survived the last go round of global catastrophe at this location. Thus the 'authors' of the green language texts on the cross at Hendaye are really saying 'here is where people came through it last time'. Fulcanelli, and others therefore assume that the text on the cross is accurate. However the text is biased and states that this is the 'single point of safety'. Which, as practioners of green language know, is its own layer leading even further down the most bizarre of rabbit holes. But returning to the idea of green language itself as this is the knot holding together the whole of the net of "logic" around such subjects as the cyclic cross at hendaye, and the idea of a precessionally related planetary catastrophe as the "secret" at the heart of the various secret societies, we should note that, yes, the 'green language' is real. It has existed for millennia as far as anyone can determine, and is indeed a staple in the tools of the secret societies, with evidence for it found in published writings by and about such groups

as those who practice 'illuminated' astronomy. So, taking it that far, yes, green language is valid. Does this make the conclusions drawn using it valid? Well, that is the real question. Given how our data sets are gathered, we think that the rise in references to 'green language' out-and-about on the net are going to increase, and thus this brief discussion of the subject for those not yet aware of Fulcanelli, and his message. As the mass of references grows, we suspect that some part of this story will be mainstreamed in just a few short months. Both Igor and I find the timing of the appearance of the 'green language' as a descriptor set to be exquisite as it arrives on the scene just as 'secrets revealed' begins to rise from the knee of the "j" curve in a number entities including both Bushista, and TPTB. While we read green, we try to not speak green, and so will be back with part 5 of this series on Saturday, March 4, attempting to lay bare the 'secrets revealed' within the language universe urges on us daily.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 806 - March 4, 2006 Part 5:Meta Data - Jumpy Humans, Blow the man down* Terra - Dem Floods, Empty Nets* Markets - Cracks, Barriers, Big Feathered Ass Down the Hole * Gold/Silver - Spring Pulse, Summer Lust* Bushista - Reversal of Fortune* Conclusion: Part 5 - Spring 2006 Emotive Tension Values (chart)* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 03.04.2006

Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 56.001 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 (maybe 7) part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Jumpy Humans, Blow the man down The whole of our work depends on the language changes which humans make in their "normal and accustomed' weekly lexicons of about 12/twelve thousand words. Why should these humans desire and manifest linguistic change frequently when the basic information being communicated, as well as the subject matter being discussed, does not? Again, the basis for our work. As a necessity we maintain a 'model of modelspace' or MOM which is used to filter out reflections of our postings as well as tending to other tasks. One of these other tasks is to 'notice and inform' the humans here at halfpasthuman when the language is making an abrupt shift in any way. Such shifts happen occasionally in our experience. One such shift has been ongoing these last two runs. This is a shift in the ratios of 'immediacy' value words versus shorter term or long term language. The shift has grown in favor of 'immediacy' valued words. In the past, we have observed this effect just prior to manifestations in which large scale emotional changes emerged. At this point, the apparent increase in immediacy values over longer term values *may* be related to our 'context creation' period shown at about March 28th, co-incident with the eclipse of the sun the next day. However, as the shift toward immediacy value predominance has been occurring over a course of 3/three months, we have a suspicion that the value set ratio is being affected by the large jump up in emotional tension co-incident with the first appearance of the new meta data layer, 'conflict' on August 31, 2006. The best definition that we have for the effect we see within the language of shifting ratios relative to future length projection is as a 'jumpiness' indicator. There are conscious attempts to poll the same sort of information such as 'consumer confidence' wherein the interviewee is queried for emotions relative to future prospects. We have a similar scale based on the ratio of the three types of linguistic elements and their time impacts. So as the immediacy value ratio increases, assuming that it does so at the expense of the short and longer term values, then we can say that the 'natives/humans are getting jumpy' out and about in the world. Such a period is now. Them natives is getting restless, and the internet is drumming away with the signals that the global forest has a 'quiver going' as the expression goes. Could this be a reaction to the forecast 'conflict' meta data layer emerging? Yes. Could this be a reaction to the increase in space goat farts, aka "grb's" or gamma ray bursts? Yes. Who knows? But what is known is that the effect is measurable, and is currently ongoing. So something is disturbing the animals in the global forest and they are not pleased about it. Taking a minute to bring to your attention the emerging 'rebellion/revolution' language within the general press, even mainstream media, we need to note that this is but the beginning, and that according to our modelspace, shortly after the emergence of the meta data layer for 'conflict', so in mid to late September, the 'rebellion' meme separates from the 'conflict' meta data layer to emerge as its own meta data layer. This is shown as causing problems for all kinds of folks, but what can you do? Can't tell humans anything. Much like children, even adults just refuse to listen. Moving on to the 'conflict' meta data layer, we can note in recent press releases that Argentina (land of silver) is hardening its attitude over the Falklands Islands (really the oil there) again. And that other conflicts are starting to emerge more into the mainstream press. Examples such as mainland China verse Taiwan will increase as we go forward through Spring and Summer. We also expect to see echoes of the

Russo-Japanese wars emerge, though this time there are indications the relationship will take the form of an alliance, likely built around energy and access to Pacific ports via Japan. This is in spite of the general move toward 'conflict'. The Russo-Japanese relationship itself may be involved in future conflict, but in the immediacy values the focus is positive, and non-confrontational. Troubling issues arise within the whole of the meta data layer for 'conflict'. If extracted and examined on its own, the context that seems to be created is a globe at war. However, in this case the war is being fought at many different levels, some fiscal, and it can be argued that the real underlying war is 'globalists' versus the rest of us. In the case of our modelspace, at least as far as we can project forward, the 'conflict' layer exists all through the rest of 2006 and well into 2007. However, there are indications that the 'conflict' layer will burn itself out relatively quickly. Perhaps by mid 2007. The lexical sets also show that while not the only player in the meta data 'conflict' layer, the USofA will certainly be involved completely in working out its 'conflict' issues. The data is suggestive of both external and internal conflict. Will the 'rebellion' meme emerge as an actual shooting war in the USofA? Hard to say. It could be that the levels of emotional energy around 'rebellion' with 'usofa' geographic references are indicating a wholesale 'rebellion' at the ballot box this coming Fall, and the subsequent cleaning of the House/Senate. And the emergence of a 'reformation movement' in a non-violent fashion which then impeaches and imprisons many members of officialdom at all levels such that the Powers-That-Be who operate behind the scenes are actually impacted. It could occur non-violently. Eyah...sure. In any case, violent or not, the levels of emotional values within the data sets for the emergent meta data layer of 'rebellion' are second only to 'conflict' in supplying motivational energy to the modelspace. It should also be recognized that 'conflict' will play out at multiple levels. We will see internal conflicts emerge not only in the USofA as its population addresses all that has been done in its name, but also in other groups, including conflicts among/internal to all the biblical religions. There is a whole section of supporting data within the 'conflict' participating cross linked data sets which goes to the idea that 'fratricide' will emerge within both the Judaic and islamic cultures. In both cases it appears to be ideology battles that will dominate the news, however the data set is indicating that 'wars {over/around} mysticism/roots' will be waged. Much of this area is an heir-apparent to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer which merged with the 'aggression' meta data layer to form the 'conflict' layer emerging near Fall of this year. The data set for 'religious extremism/proto-facsism' continues to grow under the 'conflict' meta data layer, and as the modelspace is taken forward towards the end of this year, and just past the split between the 'rebellion' and 'conflict' meta data layers, the set acquires the first of a group of 3/three 'examples of implosion', or 'instances of refutation/denial' which will bring crises to the biblical religious world. There is much in the way of language going to the 'stink' of 'old lies' and the 'rotting tongue' which, while expressive and well supported, still lacks any meaningful detail to explore, yet continues to grow. Further the indications are for 'conflict' to engulf the 'islam/mohammedan' world over an issue internal to the religion. This 'conflict' is seen as causing the islamists to turn their attention to internal matters in late Fall of 2006. The recent bombing of the Samara Golden Mosque in Iraq can act as a marker for the most recent of the Shi'a versus Sunni conflicts. Taking the Shi'a versus Sunni conflict as an example, the meme of 'unresolved/unreleased tension leading to battle' or 'conflict' runs deep within the multi-layered context of the simple images which appear on the teevee. At its heart, the war between the Islamists, that is the Shi'a, long the majority within the Islamic world, and the Sunni, smaller numbers, more aggressive in behavior, is a core battle between the 'mystic' and the 'control freak' versions of religion. In the beginning of Islam, a religion which arose from a complex matrix of tribal, and regional influences, there was a split between those who thought the religion was the 'experience of the divine/Allah within each heart', and those who thought that 'priests/imam/leaders control orthodoxy {and everything else}'. We see today that the Shi'a express their version of Islam with 'personal experience' and have the Light Sura from the Qu'ran as their primary motif d'mot or decorative religious writing, and as a whole are supporting the personal, or mystical appreciation of the religion. While on the other hand the numerically inferior Sunni, with their view of a non-mystical, group collective

experience of Islam, allied with the Wahabi'i funded by S. Arabia, are expressing 'organization' or control as their view of religion. A number of fascinating things about humans are revealed by such conflicts. One item to note is that 'control' elements are numerically inferior, but inherently better organized. Mystic/personal experience supporters are more passive as a collective whole, a side effect of both the philosophy toward individual responsibility, and the looser organization which lengthens transfer time for motivational behavior memes. On the other hand, being numerically superior, the mystic/personal part of the population will, once it gets the emotional quotient high enough, change the local landscape, and perhaps that of the planet. This is the mega-collective, or 'giant mob' effect. The basic equation involved is simple: the number of persons (P) involved in the collective movement (M) will propel the movement along relative to the emotional intensity (EI), so thus M = P times EI. Now also a necessary corollary is that in order to counter movement M thus generated, a counter force would require a greater sum total than P times EI. If they, the counter force lack the numbers, P, then they will have to have a very much higher emotional intensity quotient in order to pull it off. Other corollaries go to complete the maths involved such as, numerically inferior groups (p') attempting to raise their EI to a sufficient level, will necessarily have to elevate levels of emotional manifestation to an extreme. Emotional manifestations can be thought of as the group version of 'acting out' or 'inappropriate emotionally motivated behavior'. And so on it goes, but at the core, what we are seeing in Iraq as a strategy is an attempt by both sides to manipulate the various elements of the equation within their control. Soon the 'conflict' behavior meme will be expressed more generally within Islam as the Shi'a and Sunni struggle with the shape of their collective equation. The violence of internal change will not be left to the Islamists alone. Previous ALTA reports in these last two years have indicted very tough times for 'religion' as a concept. Struggling against education, and the changes of the planet which force changes on the occupants/renters, the religious structures are indicated to 'fracture' under the weight of 'changes' both in Terra, and in humans as a result. The 'fracturing' has occurred as an aspect only recently, and is primarily focused on the middle eastern religions of judaism, islamism, and christism. However the indicators are for a planetary impact over the next year. One suggestion from Igor, as a slightly initiated viewer of the modelspace is that the "planet/things becomes too chaotic for religion". His impression may well prove to be accurate. One can get the idea that 'violence/conflict/aggression', expressed both by humans, and by universe in the form of a very 'disturbed equilibrium' solar system/ecosystem, bring out a period in which 'dodging falling rocks' becomes much more important than 'tithing/pewing'. Further there are data sets which have been accruing for the last year going to the idea of 'internal strife/schism' which arises within 'religious communities' {ed note: as with Da Vinci code, likely due to dogma and historic distortions coming to light} such that 'external challenges defeat' or overwhelm them due to internal fragility. It is the contention of our work that the 'conflict' meme will be playing out at all levels in society on a global scale. We may find that the polar regions do not participate. Most of the rest of the planet apparently will dive in headfirst. Our data suggests that perhaps George Gurdjieff was correct in calculating 2009 as the peak of the 'soliloonius' energies which he described as being 'from excess excitement of the sun' and which 'would produce upon man the effects of a million million moons'. And we all know how humans behave under a single full moon. Curiously Gurdijeff also was pretty sure that the effects of the energies would scale up, rather than appear suddenly, but that as with many such things, the cycle would increase in frequency at an increasing rate such that 'only awareness separates the mad and the sane, the nearly dead and the living'. It is again worth remembering that NASA and EU Space Agency are both confirmatory groups to the *facts* of new energies of unknown types and effects entering and affecting the solar system at this time. The most recent example was a GRB of unknown type just last Saturday which also had the distinction of being the 'longest lasting gamma ray burst ever at 2000 seconds'. Stands to reason that humans will also be affected. Now, are we going to all stand around and vibrate while humming like coneheads at the alignment of the triple moons of Remulak? Hopefully not. But still, humans are strange so who can say how we will manifest behavior from any cosmic taser? Terra - Dem Floods, Empty Nets

As we advance the modelspace through to Fall of 2006, past our Summer of troubles, the Terra entity starts to grow rapidly, even relative to its usual rate of sustained growth. The rate of increase itself increases beginning about August 2nd. After that point the accretion rates for the entity suggest that much of Fall will be occupied with Terra related news. Our first bit of a surprise was to find repeated geographic pointers to 'england, great britian'. The sub set appears not only in relation to the Terra entity, but is also singled out by simple accrual rates within the GlobalPop, and TPTB entities. Within the Terra entity, the 'england, gb/uk' sub set is headed by a dominant aspect of 'flooding' and a sub aspect of 'thames river, basin, delta'. Standing along in support of the 'flooding' aspect, the data set holds 'risk' which in turn is supported by a typical characterisation of the Brits, 'stoic, resolute {in spite of} danger/risk', and 'calmly, millions of feet move'. The data set for 'flooding, england, thames delta, inland marshlands' is also internally cross linked within Terra entity over to 'out-of-season' or 'extra-seasonal'. The details of the supporting lexical set suggest that as other issues are besetting the 'crown', the 'stones sweat/glisten', and 'slate weeps'. The descriptor set includes aspect/attribute imagery going toward 'tails {of } birds {to the} north and west', and 'mud seeps {up/into/over} streets'. There are further descriptors in support which provide details of 'mewes flat {covered with} mud/marsh', and 'poled {through/over} muddy mewes'. The detail set for the 'flooding' may be unfairly focusing on the 'thames marshlands', as there are other supporting sets suggestive of a more 'country wide' event in which 'rising waters' are shown as 'pushing {onto the} road {with/having} cheerful courage {in} advance/prior {of} gray mud'. These references are repeatedly linked to the larger set of descriptors for 'england, gb/uk' and thus are more likely suggesting a national weather issue at least in the south. The references to 'birds flee north, west' suggests that, by absence, the problem is 'south, east'. Further the problem itself, that is the cause for the flooding is shown as containing two parts, first that 'rainwater builds {in the} ground', and that the saturated ground is then forced to take a 'push/wave {up the} thames'. This wave is what is seen as 'driving the gray mud wall' before it, and which is further shown as 'climbing the sea mount/wall' and then 'blanketing/coating the road beyond'. Even the many cross links over to GlobalPop are suggesting that some sort of 'out of season' weather event puts the populace under some considerable stress. These cross links terminate in areas such as 'relocation', and 'feet on the move', as well as descriptors for 'living rough'. The geographic area for these latter indicators of 'out of season' weather activity are much broader in focus than just 'england', and actually appear to extend over a very large section of northern, and western Europe. As the modelspace is progressed into September from late August, there is a slight distortion of the visual data set as the meta data layer of 'conflict' is formed. Against this distortion, the Terra entity gains considerable mass in three areas, 'floods', 'space', and 'underground/subterranean'. In all three cases the entity has little geographic references, other than for floods, and those, excepting the 'england' sub set already discussed, have so many geographic pointers as to be less than useful in nailing down specifics. In the case of the 'space' references, and the 'underground/subterranean' the dominant aspect under which they both hang is 'unexpected'. Within this aspect, the supporting aspect/attributes go to the idea that 'the unexpected {has/is} coming true'. While there is some backward suggestion within the data set that this is related to the 'context creation' of late March, the majority of the data go toward the idea that 'unexpected underground/subterranean principles intrude/insert {into} self/here {from} below/within'. Further, the 'intrusion' is seen as 'creating obstacles' to the 'pursuits of/toward/for surface extraction'. This last is extensively bound with cross links both internal and external suggestive of some form of 'earth event' in which 'underground activities' will restrict the ability of humans to get at 'resources/elements' and 'energy'. In this area of Terra, the lexical structure participates within the 'conflict' meta data layer at several levels. One interpretation could go to the idea that humans will be 'in conflict' with their environment to such an extent that it 'feels like war', and one in which humans are not winning. Or, an alternate interpretation using the same lexical structure and emotive sums could go to the idea that in September, late in the month, near the autumnal equinox, some underground earth event will 'surmount conflict' and 'call a halt/cessation {to} conflict' as the 'earth {will be/is} unsuitable {for} fighting {on}'.

It is at this area of the modelspace, as the 'conflict' meta data layer forms, that the distortion of the coming together of the various data clusters tends to conceal. When we root around within the obscured data sets within Terra entity the rising aspect shows as 'misfortune' and it in turn is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to 'metals brake/slow {it/thing/momentum}', and 'running {with the} course brings misfortune'. The 'misfortune' aspect here has many and diverse cross links. As an example, one set terminates within the Bushista entity where it goes to an aspect/attribute set which could be interpreted as 'standing alone/selfisolated/distant {will bring} no aid {from the} common person/human {as} no relationship {other than} fear drives'. Further details within the data set suggest by cross link that a decent sized 'trial by ordeal/obstacle' will beset the Bushista's in the very late summer when it will seem, as the data set suggests, that to them, 'the whole of the planet/terra rejects {their} feet'. Continuing on, the data set is seemingly stating that not only will the chaos of typical human interaction be augmented by 'conflict' at all levels, but also floating around in this stew will be some significant underground activities 'within/from below' earth. This is unusual language within our experience as past earthquakes did not use any of the currently appearing lexical constructs. We are therefore hesitant to suggest earthquakes per se as being the cause of the problems. Rather the data set is suggesting that if there are earthquakes involved, they will be merely a 'side effect'. Further the data set is very clear that the 'unexpected manifests {from} within/from below'. And the order of magnitude of the emotive sums suggest that this manifestation will be impacting a significant number of humans. Noting that within this Terra set for the 'underground, unexpected intrusion' are a very diverse range of descriptors, the tendency is to interpret the impacts as broad, and very far reaching into human social order. As an instance, there are data sets suggesting that 'all nets come up empty', and stated again, further down the supporting chain, 'no fish are found/retrieved'. This area is cross linked both over to Markets entity, and to Populace/USofA entity. Within the termination areas for these cross links, other cross links go over to Bushista entity. The 'fish' reference is also cross linked over to several smaller entities, and separately to both populace entities where it terminates in 'encounter with scarcity'. If we take the 'no fishes' section of the data, and examine the cross link termination points in the other entities, a picture emerges of a 'protein shortage' beginning in Fall of 2006 which also participates in the 'encounter with scarcity' aspect. It can be seen that as the Bird Flu progresses around the planet, a very large source of protein from the fowl industry will be removed from the human food supply as birds are killed and egg production is curtailed. The data for the last few years has been indicating a 'crash of the fisheries' globally, and it would seem to be indicating that, of course, at the worst possible time, fisheries as a global human protein source will also collapse. The data seems to place the first of the 'empty nets' in the post autumnal equinox period. Also entering the Terra lexical structure at about that time frame of very late September, or early October, are descriptor sets for 'volcanoes', and in particular, 'under seas/under water' volcanic action. This set seems to be indicating the Pacific ocean in general as the site of the volcanic action, but with specific focus on the very far south, near where the 'pacific meets {the} southern' oceans. The Terra entity is also has data sets which suggest a largish quake will be hitting California this summer such that the 'stocks' of the area are affected. The cross links are over to the Markets entity, and suggest that the 'quake' is to remove a significant portion of the national domestic product due to its impacts on transportation. Further, this area of Terra also participates in the 'restrictions on movement' as well as the 'encounter with scarcity'. The largest of the indicators seems to accrue to the entity in the early June timeframe with a continued growth thereafter. The indications are for an earthquake large enough to 'shift roads'. And one which will be associated {ed note: somehow?} with the 'freeing of the slaves', and the 'escape from bondage'. Hmm? In any event, this is *not* THE BIG ONE, but is rather shown as being in the 'affective' range for manifesting behavior changes within those humans who experience it, so our guess is about a 6.5 to 7.2 kind of range. But again...only a guess based on the flimsiest of wild ass musings. Our data goes to the idea that the 'southern passes' are affected by 'rock slides' and 'summits {become} waiting areas'. The Terra entity continues to rack up the linguistic support for '2/two instances of rising lands' or 'newly emergent mountains/valleys' over this processing. These are still showing up within the longer term value

set and thus would *seem* to be indicating some time in Fall or thereafter. However, the increase in language for 'bizarre', and extra-seasonal weather showing up for Summer, is continuing, and is heavily cross linked. One interpretation is that a 'newly formed mountain undersea has changed or will change the flow of the currents and shifted weather'. This interpretation does not have the 'new lands/islands' showing up above the ocean waves, yet there are several other indicators including 'feet on new rocks' which go to the idea that humans will go walk-about in these new places. Other lexical support for extra-seasonal weather continues to point to a 'globe girdling' cloud/rainstorm, and that 'winds press down hard' on human activity. There are repeated suggestions that the Summer will be a very busy time for line crews as the national, and maybe, global electric grid is tested by 'hard winds'.

Markets - Cracks, Barriers, Big Feathered Ass Down the Hole The Markets entity, having raised 'economic' worry flags in previous ALTA series, especially as regards the 'emotional release period of December 3, 2005 through February 23, 2006, and having shown some ambiguity within the most recent processing of the immediacy values, is quite clear about the coming Spring/Summer. As the modelspace is loaded, and progression forward is begun, the Markets entity shifts, and as noted previously in this series, begins to display 'duality', or as we are now seeing result from the longer term value processing, 'splits'. Igor, when viewing the modelspace, noted that "pseudopodia arms are emerging". This immediately prior to the split of the entity into two, unequal parts. We have a clear division within this entity just as we have seen manifest within other entities over the last few years. In one instance, the 'BushCo' entity which was a fusion during the early Bush years of political and financial lexicons eventually split into the political, Bushista, and the financial lexicon joined the Markets entity. Shortly thereafter the 'press' component of the old BushCo amalgam also split off. So the effect is not new, but is infrequent to rare. At this point we cannot be sure how the 'duality' expressed is going to split the Markets entity. The "cracks" which appear between the pixel clusters *seem* to be suggesting a split which would have the USofA markets isolated from the rest of the globe, much like the very early split in the Populace entity resulted in GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA entities. Unlike the populace entities which are bound by a large common linguistic set, the Markets split appears, *at this point* to be reflecting language of a very exclusionary nature. Indeed, speaking to exclusion, the data set itself contains references which go to 'sanctions/barriers' being applied against the USofA, though this may be against the 'dollar'. The data set is less than explicit that far down the support chain. While it is very risky to accept numbers within our working set due to the inability of trivialities such as decimal points coming through the processing, occasionally we do end up with some "guesstimate" for numbers. What we have, on a lexicon weighted basis, that is to say, a measure of the amount to which the entity is reduced on its lexicon size/summation value, is a figure of nearly 38 per cent. This is to say that the Markets entity, after the split, has nearly 38 per cent of its former lexical "mass" now devoted to what appears to be the new Markets/USofA entity. Note that we only have a small set of processing and no long term value confirmation for a continued split in this entity. And also note that it was nearly 5/five months before we were sure that the populace entities had split lexically, so some level of caution is urged here. Nonetheless, at this point in the processing of the shorter term value set which extends from 3/three weeks to 3/three months in its supporting details, we have a very clear, albeit small, separation within the Markets entity. The visual separation appears complete on or about April 8th, however the visual separation is an artifact of processing and the actual split, should it continue, may require years to totally manifest. Still, as of April 8th we have a clear, thin line of space between the components of the Markets entity. On the bad news macro level of the entity development, we also need to note that the whole of the Markets entity data set is showing a reversal at an external level. That is, the top tier/half of the most positive value set words within the lexicon for the Markets entity {ed note: as a whole, and pre-split} are now either

below the mean emotive line, or falling in prominence within the entity noticeably. Rephrased, and with all the cautions that can be urged, *our* model of the word groupings called descriptors which in total are the lexicon of an entity, are showing a complete reversal of the externally focused, positive emotive summed value sets. Let us note that much of the 20/twenty thousand plus words in this descriptor set are involved with derivatives and other 'paper products'. To further clarify, and to provide an example of the visual effect, imagine taking the pyramid on the dollar bill, and moving the separated eye/cap off the top, and placing it under the rest of the mass. That is a visual impression of the effect that we are seeing with the exception that our entities are not geometric, or quite that nicely defined. The word set which is being reversed is composed of 'externally focused values'. This set does not include those descriptors which would be pointing to internal to markets emotional values. This set therefore does not provide words going to any internal to the markets issues, and instead is the product side of the world of global markets. Hmm. Probably *not* good. Still, we could be wrong. The manifest world *might* be a great place for *investing* now and over the next few years. What do you think? After all this is just fiction, and universe has each of us responsible for our own appraisal of the situation, and our subsequent actions. Continuing with an examination of the Markets entity, post split, within both sections a common data set is headed by 'sated/satiated/filled'. This aspect is supported by 'strong resistance' and 'no movement'. The internal supporting sets include both 'derivatives' word groups, as well as 'commodities' word groups. The implication is that a 'standstill' is to be 'called by the old man? in the face of strong resistance'. We note that the reference to the 'old man' is obscure, and is an isolated descriptor set with no further detail. Within the supporting set for the 'sated/filled' aspect, the bespoke emotion of 'fear' is repeatedly supported by multiple sets. Further, the 'fear' set is in a parallel position relative to 'sincerity/projection'. The supporting sets suggest that a 'public acknowledgement of fear', relative to markets, is to be met with 'officialdom projecting sincerity'. Not that anyone will give a damn. The other significant by emotive summation supporting lexical sets include 'restraint', and 'emotional power'. The supporting sets for both show that 'restraint cannot endure, breaks under the emotional power'. Further the 'emotional power' is seen as rising from a 'stomach of rebellion'. The 'rebellion' aspect has become quite established in a number of entities, notably the two populace entities as well as the Press entity. This aspect shows up within the Markets entity as a fully defined descriptor set around the Spring equinox on the 22/23rd, and strengthens thereafter with the accrual of large supporting sets. The rate of growth of this entity appears to stabilize somewhat after April 14th, but then the cross links to other entities also holding 'rebellion' increase. Against this background of 'rebellion' brewing within the populace(s) of the planet {ed note: a 'rebellion' wave is formed and moving around the planet the way that the 'revolution' meme of the 1750's to 1920's also moved around the globe}, the Markets entity has several very much more immediate obstacles showing within the modelspace. We still find that data sets in support of a scandal of a 'gender/sex' basis will emerge from the USofA markets, and that 'mistakes/misunderstandings/immature actions' on the part of 'officialdom' is still showing as a significant marker for a confluence of forces to merge as influences on the markets. Assuming that the timing of the modelspace is correct, then the background action of the 'rebellion' meme, and the 'conflict' meta data layer taking off on August 31, 2006, suggest that a very strange 'extra seasonal' Spring will just fade right into a 'bizarre' Summer and then a 'terrible' Fall. {ed note: also could be 'terrible fall' in Fall} When we examine the farthest view of the supporting detail layers of the Markets entity at or around December of 2006, the whole of the entity has changed. Not only has the apparent 'split' resolved itself, but the very core of the entity has been replaced en masse, lexically speaking. While our data set is small for long range predictors {see Meta data above}, we do have enough detail aspect/attribute sets to suggest that

issues of 'absolutism' and 'numeric accuracy' which emerge in late Spring are the proximate cause of much of the core, internal change within the Markets entity. However, we need to note that the aspect of 'standstill/roped-in-place/immoveable' occupies a significant section of the lexicon for the Markets entity far forward view near the end of the current modelspace extension. The 'issues/contentions' of Summer which beset the Markets entity are shown as being initially visible in late Spring, just about the time of the peak intensity of "international crisis #1". While much of the press attention is likely to be on international relations and events, there are indications that a smallish problem will grow very rapidly into an 'irresolvable swamp' of 'words and accusations'. It may be this financial crisis festering which later erupts to precipitate the second of the forecast international crises of Summer. In any case, the Markets entity gains an increasing data set going toward 'lockdown/freeze' in mid Summer which continues its growth through into Fall. We have to note that the 'freeze' wording is cross linked to 'freeze' in both Terra entity and in the Populace/USofA entity, and may well be indicating an actual freeze as we have much other data suggestive of 'extra seasonal weather'. One last note on Markets as an entity. All entities are composed of internal or external lexicons. The internal lexicon of the Markets entity, which undergoes such large scale changes over this year, has a section indicating that 'trading' this year will be, for those who 'blind themselves' to the outside world will be as though 'stuck/rooted in madness/insanity'. Much of the supporting set under the internal descriptor aspect chain is cross linked over to 'chaos' and 'madness' as well as 'manifest change'. Under these aspects the supporting sets go to the idea that 'chaos prevails' in Spring, and 'madness emerges in Summer'. Again, a repetition to the idea of a 'bizarre' Summer period, at least as far as the 'paper goods/promises' markets are concerned. The impression given is very much that the 'traders' in such goods who put their focus on work will wake up one day in Summer to discover that they have been like ostriches all Spring, with their heads stuck in the sand, but now, post Summer solstice, they, their big feathered asses, and their whole apparent world, are on the way down Alice's Rabbit Hole. But what the bleep do we know? Gold/Silver - Spring Pulse, Summer Lust Well, the gold and silver folks will like the lexical groups clustering within our Commodities entity for those elements as we have 'progress', and 'development {of} lust/desire', and both of these aspects are rising, *and* both are supported by internal aspect/attribute sets of 'enormous'. Whew! The other very interesting data sets accruing to this entity go to 'energy' and more specifically 'oil' producing a 'running/continuing grinding/friction {on/to} transport'. This area is participatory in the more general 'restrictions on movement' lexical structure which is heavily cross linked over to Populace/USofA as well as GlobalPop. In support of both areas, being directly held under the 'enormous progress/development' side, and cross linked over to the 'energy friction degrades' structure are supporting sets going to the idea of a 'wholesale/complete/total transformation'. The attributes of these sets hold a common group expressing 'internal values'. It is this group now which is the current expression of the 'change in absolute numbers' language previously reported in this series. The idea is apparently that the effect is now propagating outward, that the 'change in absolute numbers' which is likely referencing some 'hidden secrets' about the commodities is becoming widely known and is sending out its influence into the markets for the commodities. Further the data sets go on to suggest that 'worries/concerns' and bespoke 'fear' and 'uncertainty of vision' are having very significant impacts. In all cases the net result appears to be a Spring 'pump' leading to a Summer 'lust' of 'enormous proportions'. Usually the data sets are a bit more restrained, but clearly some very significant level of 'lust, innocent desire' will emerge within the populace as a whole over the course of Spring. This would seem to be a likely pre-cursor to price movements as well. One of our key archetypical representations occurs whenever human body parts are found as aspects within the data set. These are even further reinforced when human body parts or processes are referenced within the attribute sets. At the moment the Commodities entity, sub set 'precious metals, monetary, non-industrial' has the aspect of 'heart' and the supporting attributes of 'fiery blood flow' both of which are supported by

'pulsing motion/pressure-and-release'. Further, direct or via cross link this area is supporting 'movement to lust of the innocent', and 'summer sun warms skin/blood'. A sizeable amount, approximately 25/twenty five per cent of the new language rising in support of 'enormous development' for the Commodities entity, 'gold/silver' sub set, comes in the form of either directly held, or cross linked data sets from Populace/USofA which are eerily speaking to a bad situation with 'housing'. The language states that 'empty doors, large houses conceal poor interiors', and that 'pride {in the} face {of} internal poverty', and that 'proud pauper burns furniture {in} heating facade'. Such language as 'cold house, empty cupboards/pantry', and 'quiet and cold, empty rooms {behind} closed doors' bring a more poetic image to the suggested situation in which 'energy draws down', and 'transports encounter restrictions' which produces 'staring eyes, dry tears, dusty streets, no tracks'. The supporting set for the 'housing' aspect, at a level only three layers down and appearing near the end of Spring, goes to the image of 'trading {houses} for coins'. Hmmm. Don't sound like a fun time. Repeatedly within the aspect/attribute sets at all levels the supporting sets of 'fiery blood' are seen. When the entity is moved forward through Spring and into Summer along with the modelspace, the visual impression comes across as a 'fiery blood spring produces a flood of desire in summer'. The 'enormous' aspect arrives in late Spring and settles in for the long haul, with much in the way of supporting aspects/attributes accruing after the Summer solstice. As the entity progresses through Spring, it acquires the aspects of 'action', and 'quick', and 'awakened'. All of these are supported by aspect/attribute sets such as 'resting over, action time {is} here', and 'quick response heartbeat jumps', and finally 'awakened desire produces grasp'. These aspects are in the externally focused data set and are suggesting the view of those on the 'outside'. As to the internals of the 'precious metals' sub set, they are indicating that Spring will produce its 'enormous' desire impact only as a result of the complete change out of internals within the entity. This is suggestive of a potential for the 'internals of the industry/market' to be changed out/undone/overturned, and as result, the explosion of 'awakened desire' which is seen as supporting the 'enormous development'. As an aside, there are strong geographic references to 'france' and 'paris, france' with this lexical set. These are currently unresolved which is to say we haven't a clue as to why they are showing up here and now. But they are, lots of them, pointers to Paris....hmmm. Bushista - Reversal of Fortune The data set for the Bushista entity, while shrunken considerably over the last few years, is nonetheless still one which has the largest amount of churn of data, indicative of a lot of words being said about the subject. Though we note that much of the word base is very consistent, and therefore the Bushista entity does not usually grow very much from processing to processing, nor internally change very much in its lexicon. As we move the modelspace through Spring and into Summer, the lexical structures for the Bushista entity acquire data sets in support of a general 'reversal of fortune' which will manifest both within the Bushista entity, as well as within the Populace/USofA entity. Given the language within the various sub sets of the GlobalPop entity, as well as the structure of the modelspace as a whole, a reasonable interpretation is that a series of 'past mistakes/lies' which are participating within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and current 'responses/actions' from the Bushistas will 'support failure' by the 'wrong/blind choice' being picked at the current, and wrong time. Further the language suggests that 'reversals of fortune' will affect the USofA militarily, and will precipitate large numbers of 'swollen feet moving'. Much of this language is cross linked to the Terra entity as well as the Populace/USofA entity where it terminates in a supporting set to the 'rebellion' aspect. It is very much a case of the data set forecasting that the populace will be 'revisiting bad policy/decisions' in light of currently manifesting failures, and also becoming aware of the 'summit/peak of destructiveness' which is 'resident in the immature'. The Bushista entity is also showing that the 'questing/questioning eyes' are not a welcome addition to the context in the 'leadership' of the duaopoly of the USofA. Much of the language goes to the expression of 'structures, dear {to the} heart, pulled apart, exposed', as well as 'destructiveness pulls apart treasured

framework'. Coincident with this language is a lexical group suggesting that this Spring a change will occur such that 'american citizens' will either become 'partisans' or will be labeled as such. While this is likely a distinction without a difference, we nonetheless are getting the idea from the Bushista entity that the old refrain of 'ya either with us, or against us' will be now applied to USofA population and may result in name calling such as 'insurrectionist' being used as an intimidation tactic. It will fail, at least according to the Populace/USOfA entity and its hugely growing area of resentment and negative cross links relative to the Bushista entity. However should such language start to pop out of the 'officialdom' for which Bushista stands proxy, then two conclusions may be reached: first, that times are very desperate indeed for Bushista, and times are dangerous for everyone else. The lexical additions to the Bushista entity are becoming very repetitious and continue in the vein of 'destruction of the past', 'destructiveness', 'meltdown', 'eaten internals/stomach', 'destroyed framework', 'painful memories, past performance/situation drives rot deep {into} current time/now'. None of the recent language sets accrued for the Bushista entity during processing are positive. Most are very negative, bordering on dire, or excessive depression. Many are cross linked to negative terminating lexical structures within the Populace/USofA entity and are indicative of the 'pressing outward/projecting' of 'destruction'. In this latter case the data, especially with the cross links to Markets and Populace/USofA, could be interpreted as 'the push forward of materially focused masses meets obstacle in decadence/decay of leadership'. This area is also supported by the lexical structure discussed earlier in the series in which the 'officialdom' is seen as 'speaking badly' and seriously throwing a wrench into the mechanics of an already bad situation. And it should be noted that much of this area of Bushista has either directly held sets, or cross links which participate within the 'encounter with scarcity/ restricted movement' layers shown for late in Spring, early in Summer. One last note is that the Bushista entity trend line for participation within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer continues on its upward course for a Summer peak. This line, shown on the chart of Spring Emotive Tensions, is directly involved with much of the emotional churn which will manifest this Summer and into Fall. Conclusion: Part 5 - Spring 2006 Emotive Tension Values

The annotated chart above shows our current best projection for the 'emotive tension' building period following the end of the most recent large tension release period. This plateau is shown at a granularity that provides a better indication of the choppiness which goes into the overall rise upward. Noting that the right of the chart shows a dropping line, we need to caution against being deceived by the visual impression of this chart. As the modelspace is moved forward into August, and especially from August 31 on through the rest of the year, the emotive tension trend line is a very steep rise upward. In fact this line runs up until well into 2007. As can be expected, the 'conflict' data layer manifesting sets off this upward trek from what the chart above shows is already a pretty steep ascent.

The data sets are suggesting a 'nexus' is going to occur within or as the context change. We have a very unusually high number of new data sets, or churn within entities arriving on or around the end of March and into April. Some of these have been noted on the chart. Further, a reading of the modelspace suggests that as part of the context creation period, many if not all of the 'concerns/issues/causes' will enter with one perception, and emerge with another. This is as though a general 'redefinition of point of view' or 'resculpting of world view' is going to occur over this period. Hmm. Not a good thing. Humans tend to get grumpy when forced to change their minds about reality. We will have 7/seven parts to this series, with part 6 probably being posted late Saturday, March 11th.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 806 - March 11, 2006 Part 6: Meta Data - Face time with universe* Populace/USofA - Broken Jug* Terra - Spring Rains Flow, Water Duality* Terra - Antarctica - Center of the World* Bushista - Thunder in a Clear Summer Sky, Drama Queen's Wish* Press - Seeking Community* Conclusion: Part 6 -Encounters with scarcity, Order of Occurrence Magnifiers, NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 03.11.2006

Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 67.892 million reads . We expect a 7 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Face time with universe Transitions are scary things. Both at a personal level, and a social level. Now the globe is in transit in many different areas including military power, climate, solar system changes, position relative to the galactic center, and these transitions are about to accelerate their manifestations. We suspect that this is the case due to the transitions seen within our data sets at what we call the 'meta data layers'. These layers are groups of common aspects which are explicitly held internally to multiple entities. In fact, in order to become a meta data layer, nearly all entities, as well as the MOM (model of modelspace) must have what we call a 'fully populated, correct, and complete, and terminated' lexical structure for that aspect. At the moment, we have such meta data layers which we have titled 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression'. We would invite all to consider that both meta data layers have been operative within human activities for these last few years, and further that these trends have accelerated their manifestation. The 'secrets revealed' layer is easily noted almost on a weekly basis, and we defy anyone to suggest that 'aggression' has *not* been appearing on a daily basis globally. At this point, that is, the beginning of March, 2006, the meta data layers for 'secrets revealed' shows within the modelspace that it has perhaps another year or so of life. That is it extends out robustly until about May of 2007. Within various entities the layer has its ups and downs, but within the Bushista entity the layer is continually rising throughout all of 2006 and all of 2007, though it tapers down after July of 2007. This Spring and Summer are shown as being a time of transition as the 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression' meta data layers act out as independent motivators before they become subsumed within the larger meta data layer of 'conflict' shown for Fall. As the 'conflict' layer manifests, the many contributory aspects/attribute sets from the two populace entities argue for a very tough time ahead. The Populace/USofA entity is acquiring values for 'turmoil', and 'violence' in increasing amounts as it is moved forward toward the 'conflict' meta data layer appearance in late August. While arguably already involved in 'conflict', these new values suggest internal warfare, political or social or other. If it remains purely politically focused, then a huge wave of 'rebellion' will manifest this Fall in which wholesale defeat of incumbents will presage impeachment for Bush, et al this coming Winter. As may be assumed, the Bushista entity is forecasting a distinctly bad taste about this kind of occurrence. Taken one way, quite a lot of the entities are suggesting bad taste coming this year. We have climate and weather problems emerging within Terra entity to the point that now the emotional sums suggest that global environmental concern will accept the idea of 'sudden global catastrophic climate change' as an operating probability in the years to come. Increasing reports of potential for 'catastrophism' as an operating principle in terran evolution will appear as we transit from the general science view point of 'gradualism' to the brave new world. Further we find that very large transitions into 'duality' are about to afflict both Markets, and the two populace entities. Again, this transition into 'duality', while apparently already begun, will accelerate this Spring and Summer, and be a part of daily life by the time that the transition into the 'conflict' period begins at the end of August. As linguists we naturally have an interest in the structure and directions of language as it evolves. One very interesting linguistic development is the appearance of 'duality' as a rising, and in some cases, prevailing aspect. The suggestion we are getting from the modelspace in general argues for a 'duality' state being required in order to have a transition into a newer state of being. This is best explained with the Markets entity relative to the Populace/USofA entity. We see a rising aspect, under 'duality' which suggests that very large 'reckoning' with reality will be facing the populace as it comes to deal with peak oil and subsequent shortages. The 'duality' aspect appears, we think, as a transitioning indicator which, if we are

reading this correctly, is pre-saying that a 'correction of attitude' will emerge from the 'duality'. This 'correction of attitude' is just very faintly appearing in some of the very long range data sets, post 2009 and is suggestive, teasingly, of a new world attitude. Hmmm. At this point, much of the 'duality' language is going to support the idea of the 'haves' versus the 'have nots'. The 'duality' does not imply equal halves, but seemingly does somehow mask the underlying 'resource limits/quantities' as the issue. This is to say, at the core of our 'duality' aspect is the 'conflict' between 'resource independence' at a personal level, and 'permaculture' at a community level. At this point the 'duality' aspect is *not* a making a move to become a meta data layer as it is only expressing in a few entities. It may yet happen that 'duality' becomes a meta data layer, but current indications are for it to not do so. Within our past processing, the data sets produce 6/six reports usually before running out of currency, that is, before being overtaken by the time under examination. This is a result of needing to process the immediacy values which are gathered during the run, but which are held for later work after the initial part 1 and 2 reports. As a procedure, we usually get to these held up immediacy values during the part 5 and 6 reports. Due to the nature of the data set, its size, and the changes in immediacy value ratios, this series will have 7 parts. Both parts 6 and 7 will examine the "pending" immediacy values and their impacts on the various entities. At the meta data layer the lexical sets are revealing their own secrets. One of these recently caught by Igor is that much of the new language regarding weather, that is those sets with high immediacy values, are linking back to the lexicon in such a way as to come to the same lexical set of climate words which *used* to be the province of only the 'doom-and-gloom-earth-changes' crowd. In other words, over just the last 6/six years we have seen the wholesale adoption of the lexicon of the 'classically paranoid' by the 'mainstream media, and regular humans'. Probably not a good sign, though it does tell us that the reporting of 'weather' issues as being 'freakish' will diminish rapidly as the public-at-large is linguistically suggesting that they have gotten it. It is during the parts 5 and 6 that we usually try to run through the more minor entities and provide the context information that they may suggest. This is particularly difficult in this series as the larger entities are gaining so much bulk in lexical additions that they are visually subsuming the minor entities. In some cases the smaller entities are being merged by the common data sets with the larger entities. This does not appear to be an artifact of our processing, and our referential integrity checks, at this point, bear out that all the processing is within nominal values. So we are concluding that many of the small irritants of life will fade to the background in 2006 as the larger, more fundamentally affecting issues come to the fore as we, as humans and temporary residents here on earth, come to personally experience the intrusion of universe into the formerly isolated and abstracted world of human events. Now won't that be fun?

Populace/USofA - Broken Jug A curious lexical structure shows up within the Populace/USofA entity as the modelspace is moved toward Fall. As it passes about mid August, the center of the very large Populace/USofA entity begins to gain a directly held value set for 'solar/sun' with a dominant supporting aspect of 'energy'. This in turn has a dominant supporting aspect of 'winds'. So that the set in total can easily read 'solar wind energy'. This set is unusual in that the Populace/USofA entity most often has references to 'sun/solar/solar system' data sets by cross link over to the Terra entity. While this is true still, that is, extensive cross links still go over to the Terra entity where they terminate in the 'sun/solar' aspect, now the majority of emotional sums for 'sun' are values which are directly held within the Populace/USofA entity. There is also a smallish rise of directly held values within the GlobalPop entity, but proportionately much smaller.

The aspect set for 'solar wind energy' is fully populated and has supporting details sets which include 'split' supported by 'neither high nor low, mid point', and 'impels/compels actions'. Further there are parallel structures within the 'solar wind energy' which include aspects of 'treading water', and yet others for 'walking during/while'. As we noted above, a very curious structure to see appear within the Populace/USofA entity. Further examination of the structure shows that it grows along with the 'conflict' and 'rebellion' sections of the entity up until the end of September. At that point the structure has gained considerable mass of supporting aspect/attribute sets. A reasonable interpretation is that 'the energy of summer solar winds will compel response/actions'. The supporting sets at this point go to the idea that 'weak skins hard heal'. As the structure ends there, its impact is limited, but what makes it very interesting is that it acts as a clear marker for the expansion of the 'rebellion' theme within the Populace/USofA. So we have a lexical pointer to an outside event, that is to say, an apparent 'solar wind storm' which is shown as being coincident with the 'explosion of rebellion' within the Populace/USofA. Could the data set be indicating that one is the causal agent for the other? Perhaps. What is important for this series however, is the juxtaposition of the two lexical structures such that we have a clue as to when the 'Fall Rebellion Separation' occurs. Within the many streams of data indicating that the USofA power structure will be engaged in yet more warfare, there exists a thread as noted before which is headed by the aspect of 'rebellion/revolution' and which had been shown to take off on its own sometime in Fall. The data set exists now, and has for some time, but in a more scattered, and as supporting structures within other aspects. When the 'rebellion' aspect separates, it becomes fully populated with supporting aspect/attribute sets, contains cross links, and stands alone. We still get the indication that the 'rebellion' meme within the Populace/USofA entity completes its separation in late October, but now we also know that the beginning of the separation is subsequent to a 'solar storm' of some kind likely near the autumnal equinox. We need to note that the emotional sums accruing to the 'rebellion' sub set within the entity *could* be indicating a wholesale rebellion at the polls, that is to say, a rebellion that is politically based, however, in order to reach to the levels that we have currently within entity, the movement would have to be huge, say something on the order of every incumbent who was running being defeated. Again, something not before seen in American politics. This scenario not withstanding, there are a number of other references within the internal supporting structure for the Populace/USofA entity, sub set 'rebellion' which go to 'violence'. As one may expect, along with 'violence' comes its sibling, 'risk'. We have repeated data sets which contain 'risk' aspect/attribute sets as supporting structures. Further, the 'risk' sets are cross linked internally, and over to GlobalPop. It would appear that a generalized meme for 'rejection of oppressive authority' is building with some manifestations already being seen. As the modelspace is progressed into Fall, a larger segment of the Populace/USofA entity becomes attached to 'rebellion' indicative of the meme occupying a higher level of attention within the running-dog-lackey mainstream media. As the 'rebellion' grows in separation from the 'conflict' meta data layer which has so many threads running within the Populace/USofA, it seemingly suggests that the 'reversals of summer' will be inciting the 'fires of autumn' as we see so much of the language supporting 'violence' going to those emotive sums suggesting a manifestation. Again, noting that our work tends to err on the side of the most extreme outcome as we are summing numeric representations of emotional values, and that 'violence' could be incidental to the 'rebellion' and not a driving force. Much as one might see violence in elections, but the elections, and the political process continue in spite of the occasional spill over of emotions into unreasoning manifestations against that other idiot and his stupid belief system. In spite of, or perhaps because of, the 'violence' aspect, the entity nonetheless indicates that 'progress' occurs this Fall for the Populace/USofA in a manner whose aspect set of descriptors includes 'simple', 'singular','long cherished', 'familiar', and 'transformed {into} action'. The 'progress' aspect is a supporting aspect to 'violence' and the data may be indicating that some level of disharmony is required. The supporting data set contains descriptors such as 'inferior position', and this supported in turn by 'not bound {by/to} social obligations', and 'familiar content', as well as 'no demands {on populace}'. This last can also

be interpreted as 'no demands made by the populace', which in emotive sums is equal to 'willing follower/willingly follows'. So the data set may be indicating the rise of a new power structure headed by a more 'common man' kind of fellow. Hmm. As noted above, the 'violence' aspect set is supported by 'risk' which in its turn is supported by the many references to 'dangerous' or 'danger' within the data set. Some of these are internally cross linked suggesting that the 'dangers are linked' or at least related. Along with the 'dangerous' time as the 'rebellion' meme is beginning its separation from the 'conflict' which otherwise appears to be the driving lexical structure for the emotional values for the entity, the data set also indicates that 'the populace progresses by going forward, through danger'. There is some supporting language suggesting that this area is describing a specific incidence of a 'threat' to the 'populace' which is 'rejected' as the 'actions are taken'. As the entity is progressed into autumn, the 'rebellion' aspect grows, along with, but separated from the' conflict' aspect which participates within the meta data layer. Once the 'rebellion' aspect has separated from 'conflict' it becomes apparent that both contain internal references for 'army' or 'military'. As the entity is progressed, the mass of the directly supporting aspects for 'army/military' under 'rebellion' increase at a far faster rate than those under 'conflict'. One reasonable interpretation is that more emotional energy will be going toward one than the other. At the higher levels of the entity, that is, not under the 'rebellion' aspect, but in a parallel structure of some considerable size, is an aspect/attribute set headed by 'anxiety'. As may be expected with bespoke emotions rising from the processing, the supporting attributes provide little in the way of specifics, and much more in the way of direct emotive sum support. So we have few details and more broad headings for the 'anxiety'. These heading aspects for the anxiety are predictable ones for 'international politics', 'war', 'energy', 'currencies/money', et al. What makes this a significant aspect to examine is the rapid growth of the descriptor sets which come to support this aspect beginning in early Summer. The aspect then grows to nearly 5/five times its usual size by the time of the separation of 'rebellion' from 'conflict'. The suggestion for an interpretation, especially considering the state of the world in Spring/Summer, is that the residual hangover from the emotional tensions of Summer will be amplified by the 'anxiety' which accompanies Autumn. Also at a parallel level to 'anxiety' is 'standstill'. This is a very curiously positioned 'standstill' in that it is supported with aspects/attributes which go more to the idea of 'emotional halt', or 'emotional seizure' rather than say, a traffic standstill. There are a number of aspects which are way down on the support chain for 'emotional halt' which either directly are held for 'economy' or are cross linked to terminators of either 'fiscal/financial', or 'economy'. The suggestion is that some 'emotional halt', perhaps a 'strike' or other work affective action brings a 'fiscal impact' this Fall. This section, as may be expected, is heavily cross linked to 'rebellion'. What is unexpected to some degree is the extensive cross links to 'army/military' as a defining, supporting subset. As the modelspace is progressed, this section picks up many aspects in support of the 'emotional halt' producing a 'successful sequence of good results'. This is in spite of the continuing 'degradation' aspect support showing up for the 'economic' sub section of the Populace/USofA entity, so our interpretation is that the 'good results' are more oriented toward the political, than economic. Much of the Fall separation of the 'rebellion' from the rest of the 'conflict' manifestation will apparently be driven by events of this Spring and Summer. The data would seem to be suggesting that a primary driver of the 'rebellion' in country within the USofA will arise from the Bushista 'breaking of the jug/container'. This cryptic descriptor is actually referring to the 'social structure' which provides the support for the military within the USofA. The 'reversals of fortune' which continue to show within the Bushista entity and which are also extensively cross tied back to the Populace/USofA as well as Markets entities, now are suggesting that a condition of 'corruption' of the 'base level of support' will come to light as part of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. This in turn is shown as marking the point at which the 'military/army repudiates' its 'alliances'. Hmmm. Not good. The Populace/USofA entity, through internally held value sets as well as cross links is seemingly pointing to a 'battlefield/theater-of-war' reversal of fortune, which will have a huge impact back here in the USofA as the populace will 'pull support' from under the war as a magician might remove a table cloth from under

a meal setting. The 'repudiation' meme grows within the Populace/USofA as the modelspace is progressed through Spring and into Summer, and blends into the 'conflict' lexical structure as support there before separating out with the 'rebellion' theme descriptors later in Fall. There is much more, apparently, to be seen coming in the way of 'repudiation' from the Populace/USofA. In this vein, we have a number of indicators for 'national actions/behavior' which will emerge in Summer as a result of the first of the 3/three large reversals of fortune to beset the Bushistas, and the USofA. The language could be pointing to 'national strikes' as well as 'riots'. Bearing in mind our processing errs in the direction of the extreme, we nonetheless have very clear indications at a number of levels within the structure that the whole of the 'national actions' are bound up deeply within 'economic/fiscal' impacts/effects. There are two supporting structures within the Populace/USofA entity supporting the 'national actions' aspect in the economic area. One goes to the impacts of the actions, while the other, curiously, is related to 'economic pressures' as though, perhaps, a driving condition to the 'national action' will not only be 'political reversals', but may well be some extreme economic pressure developing through Spring such that it has the emotional energy to 'motivate actions' at a 'national' level come Summer. In support of that idea we have to note that much of the language in the area is going to the 'dollar' and we also have the continuation of the 'dollar rejected by all'. Not that this will be much news. Terra - Spring Rains Flow, Water Duality The Terra entity has added considerable bulk of supporting aspect/attributes, especially in the area of immediacy or short term value sets, however, in the main, the entity is not very changed. We still have dominating aspects for very 'extra-seasonal' or 'unseasonal' weather, but now, with that much more reinforcement of the theme. There are added areas whose aspects are going to 'water', which if the whole of that area, including its internal cross links are taken together for examination, tend to yield a bipolar or split of opposites view. The 'water' aspect has two large supporting structures, one suggesting that 'excessive flow' of rainwater, and 'other seasonal waters', are headed to a minority of places which usually may be expected to receive Spring rains. This would include the western coasts of all the continents except Antarctica, but would also include most islands. Then the other supporting structure, very much the larger of the two, is going to 'drought', and doing so with a packed descriptor set. The supporting aspects include language such as 'well has dried up', or 'watering place/hole/depression is dry'. If the masses of the supporting structures are indicative of relative size of the areas with water versus those without, then the implications could be quite dire as we are seeing about a 1/one to 8/eight ratio. The whole of the image coming across is that a 'season of water' or 'rainy season' will pretty much take the place of Spring in some of the western parts of the northern hemisphere land masses, but that elsewhere the nature of the season will be dry and changing. There is a large area of supporting language within the 'broken well/drought' lexical structure which goes to the idea that 'water projects' or 'constructions' will be undertaken 'in a rush/hurry' on a pretty much global basis. The 'continuation of duality' which will find its expression within the area of both 'weather' and 'water' this Spring is also being expressed within the data set by two supporting aspect/attribute sets of opposing values both numerically and lexically. We have both 'growth' and 'dying off' as rising aspects within this area of the Terra entity, and both are equally well supported lexically, if not numerically. There has been a noticeable increase in 'duality' appearing as a major supporting aspect in a number of areas and within a number of entities. The 'duality' aspect has been rising for months in areas such as Markets and the populace entities, and now we are seeing it extensively within the Terra entity, as though the planet is about to join in on the 'duality' manifestation. The 'duality' aspect is dominating all the various sub sets within Terra. It is even found as a supporting aspect in a wide number of areas and is suggestive of a world where 'duality' begins to express itself relative to 'water', the having of it or not, and the weather, horrific or not. Terra - Antarctica - Center of the World

As predicted in previous sections of this report, recent weeks have brought more stories about Antarctica. This trend is not complete, and within the Terra entity, there are still new sets, as well as older, continually growing data sets pointing to activity in Antarctica. As with the data sets for the Arctic regions, the 'weather/climate' set is large, but being mostly more doom-and-gloom-the-ice-is-melting, it is somewhat boring at this point. What is ever so much more intriguing are the repeated references to 'hidden city' or 'dwellings revealed/exposed' and other lexical clues to big doin's down south. Again, as noted, almost every entity within modelspace is afflicted with participation in the 'aggression' meta data layer which later morphs into 'conflict'. The Terra entity, sub set 'antarctica' is no exception. Articles in recent days have pointed to fears that the Chinese have armed their encampment with a beam/pulse weapon for anti-satellite shooting. This trend will continue. However, the 'conflict' issues aside, again, the much more intriguing aspect/attribute set is one which participates in 'secrets revealed'. This set continues to grow, and continues to point to 'stone houses/dwellings/residence' which are 'encased' in ice, but apparently will either be discovered nonetheless. That is if they are not already known, and the knowledge has merely entered the 'officialdom gap' before it appears to the rest of us. Noting that the 'officialdom gap' for information sometimes extends centuries, we will not await with baited breath, but with some hope for quick release of the information as the data set suggests via participation in 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, that the secret will be revealed. While we have little details within the structure for the nature of the secret to be revealed, we do note such strange lexical sets as the aspect of 'bolt', as in 'nuts and bolts', and 'to bolt together'. This rather mundane aspect has a very large supporting data set. Given the extensive nature of the details available within this set, the image coming across is one of 'kingdom lost for want of a bolt' sort of story. The aspect of 'bolt' is immediately supported by 'required/necessary' which is itself supported by 'in viva/for life'. Hmmm. Suggestions of a very necessary bolt indeed. The data set then gets a bit puzzling as it is seemingly describing a situation in which a 'polished rock' is 'refusing to accept the bolt'. The humans involved will be 'exasperated', as well as some showing signs of 'desperation' at one point. Presumably about getting the bolt into the 'polished face of rock'. A further oddity is that the data is suggesting that somehow the 'bolt' has to go into the 'rock face' as a required element of 'replacing' something. Hmmm? We have no indications as to what the 'replaced thing' is, nor where it is being replaced, but we do have some small descriptor set which seemingly go to the idea of a 'flat rock floor, polished' over which is a 'domed ceiling', also of rock, and it is somehow within the 'ceiling' or, as the data minimally has it 'removed from the earth/ground' that the thing must be replaced. So much of the Terra entity, 'antarctica' sub set is participatory within the 'secrets revealed' that the idea is clearing coming across for a 'regime change' within 'antarctica', at least how it is managed. Speaking to that, the data set is indicating a 'political' change is coming for the continent, as a result of which, and at least for a while, 'antarctica' will become the 'center of the world'. There are also lexical sets going to the idea that an 'earthquake', not centered there, but near enough, which will 'change nature', at least as far as 'antarctica' is concerned. The data set goes to 'isolation' and 'communications failure' which is suggested to only be temporary, and thereafter the 'revelations' which 'spread from change {of nature of antarctica}' will 'change politics' globally. Bushista - Thunder in a Clear Summer Sky, Drama Queen's Wish The Bushista entity is in for a rough ride all the way through Spring and Summer. Not that the release period of Winter 05/06 has been a good time for the Bushista's. What with leaks, shootings, more leaks, ports, no ports, spying, and other concerns, the Bushista's are likely actively looking for a period of calm sailing. Unfortunately, they won't get it. The Bushista entity receives a new lexical set as the modelspace is progressed through the problems of Spring, and just crosses the June Summer solstice. This new set is headed by the aspect of 'shocks'. Further we see within the first set of supporting aspect/attributes that when the 'shock comes' the Bushista entity

will be 'staggered by the realization of the situation'. This area is supporting another aspect as well as that is 'reeling' which in turn has further layers of support which go to 'reeling {like a} drunk', and 'drunken reeling, fear smell vomit'. Probably this is not a good sign. Further into the data set the Bushista entity acquires the aspect of 'frightened' which is extensively supported and includes aspect/attribute sets such as 'frightened, visible shaking, cold hands, sweat {on} brow'. There are other sets supporting this structure which are headed by aspects such as 'numbness', and 'seriousness', and 'alert/alarm', and 'disclosed way/path'. More support for the set comes from aspect/attribute sets such as 'continually ambivalent/undecided', 'under threat', 'skin lost', 'horrors', 'impassive/transfixed expression'. More support for the same form of 'vacillation in the face of threats' descriptors exist all the way down this lexical structure of the entity. In examining the Bushista entity as the modelspace is progressed through early Summer, we note with some alarm the number of bespoke references to 'fear', and 'trembling {with fear}', and 'out of breath/breathless with fear', and many repeated references to 'horrors'. As an unclear reference, we need to note that many if not all of the 'horrors' aspects within Bushista are cross linked over to either the Populace/USofA or the Terra entity. The preponderance of these is to the Populace/USofA entity, however the cross links of the highest emotional summations are over to the Terra entity, specifically 'climate' as a terminating aspect with a dire supporting aspect/attribute set of 'collapse/failure/seizure'. Of course, it bears remembering that the data set "sees" the lexical groups from the perspective of the individual entities, and so the 'horrors' for Bushista, may well be 'glad tidings' for others. Not too likely, admittedly, however, some of the lexical structures are going to imagery for a 'struggle, internal' over 'power to fulfill/accomplish/act'. The supporting aspect/attributes suggest a more-or-less out in the open 'power struggle' will emerge within the political and governmental bodies in the USofA *just* as the world has a few hiccups in other places. As it becomes increasingly apparent globally that Bush is not only a lame duck but has in fact lost control of the governmental infrastructure, and that the hated USofA is now hamstrung by internal strife, a lack of clear leadership and chain-of-command, with a military in 142 countries which is to say significantly over stretched, several predictable hotspots will flare. Without a domination by the USofA, many regional issues will become active, and further disruptions will emerge as a result of these events, which will exacerbate tensions in all areas. What is seemingly suggested by the data set is for a 'romanesque' style melt-down within the USofA beginning in Spring, but culminating to visible action/effects this Summer. Further, the charts for the emotive tensions suggest that the August 31 jump in emotive tension build is likely the manifestation of the melt-down into actual internal strife/conflict. Much of the Bushista data acquired over these last weeks' processing has been in immediacy values. Those longer term values that we have obtained continue to paint a picture of a 'bubble boy' in the midst of a 4/four to 5/five way power struggle during a period of international tensions over aggression, and a failing military invasion in Iraq, and Afghanistan. It is these twin crises of Summer which will, according to the data, 'fuel fires, light fires, ignite fires' this Fall. It is the severe 'lack of trust' both as an internal aspect of Bushista and as an external attribute of the entity which is to be the undoing. In a sense, the 'conflict/strife' this Fall, arises not from actions but from very clear 'isolation' and 'rejection'. There are several layers within the data set going to the idea that words such as 'mutiny' will be 'hurled' around by Bushista types. The data set suggests that they will be correct, that 'mutinies' will occur, and that they will have overwhelming popular support. Some this support will waft its way back to the Bushistas, and this 'sudden smelling {of the} smoke {in the} winds' will further supply the tenancy toward self-isolation with more fuel. This in turn will increase 'ineffectiveness' which in its turn, 'creates/invites international crisis' and that places the last of the pressures into position. At that point, the Bushista entity, now progressed along with the modelspace to mid-Fall, faces full scale 'rebellion' in the midst of 'conflict' on all sides and internally. Of course well all know the wunderkind G.W. Bush is well up to the task under those circumstances. Why look how well he has done to date. According to our data set, the internal 'fires' and 'fights', and 'sabotage' will be what will occupy the Bushista entity. Much more so than the wholesale breakdown in the external infrastructure through the cracks that Bushista hammered into place. The data set goes to the idea that at some point in Summer, the

de facto degradation of Iraq into chaos, and the retreat of USofA "troops" will be at least tacitly admitted to in the Bushista inner circle, and that is when things get to be a bit strange out in the real world. Cross linked to the data set of 'self-admission/acknowledgement', which has supporting sets for various 'failure' references, there is the Markets entity where the cross links terminate in an aspect/attribute set which goes to the image of 'end of relaxation'. Also cross linked from this 'acknowledgement of failure' are areas within Markets which are the core aspects for 'rejection by all' for the 'dollar'. In fact, much of the data set for Bushista, cross linked over to the Markets, is indicative of a hard time for USofA markets, paper assets, and continuing export of dollars. The indications are for a combined set of circumstances in which a feedback loop is set up whereby economic problems, long hidden by lies, are exposed incidentally by the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer action within Bushista. This has a depressive effect on what real activity there is within the veneer economy in the USofA, and things deteriorate very rapidly in a visible fashion. This in turn exacerbates social, and political unrest during a time of incredible weakness in central government, and a 'presiding' political authority with no moral authority or internal recognition of any legal authority either. And so the stage is set for big scale, old style hollywood block buster with cast of thousands, drama this Fall. Better get your popcorn and other refreshments early as the data set shows the 'encounters with scarcity' scaling up with the drama/power struggle focused data set within Bushista. When we progress the modelspace forward to its furthermost possible extent, driving it with only the Bushista values, the continuation of these sorts of troubles would appear to occupy all of the rest of 2006, and all of 2007. The longer term linguistic sets change over the tones of the immediacy sets, but a group of constant threads show that Bushista is 'under attack' and 'suffering internal bleeding/assault' all through 2007. Much of the language used is increasingly legal, which suggests not a good time coming for anyone in the USofA. Further, the 2006 power struggle battles are merely the opening maneuvers in what promises to be a drama queens' dream, the end of empire due to internal strife amidst collapse, in the midst of a global economic collapse, against a background of global climate collapse, during the last days of a precessional track toward alignment with the galactic center. Wow! Hard to fit all that into the mainstream media headlines. At least some of the Bushista bespoke 'angst' and 'worries' is indicated by cross links to arise from the formerly somnambulant populace as it expresses that it has 'woken up to climate change'. The many references to 'fear' bespoke and allegoric within the Bushista entity are frequently cross linked over to Populace/USofA. Igor has stated that his impression is that "Bushista eyes Populace/USofA like it is watching a hibernating bear'. This is very much appropriate to the circumstances. The data set clearly has Bushista associating 'fear' at numerous levels with the Populace/USofA. Further, the data set is showing a movement in both entities towards an encounter between the 'face' and 'reality'. A large, and unexpected amount of the Bushista entity is bound up with 'climate change' from Summer onward. This area continues to grow, and 'bedevil' the Bushista entity all through the rest of 2006 and into 2007 as far as we can project details. Much of the Summer 2006 lexical sets are going to 'denial', seemingly first that a problem exists, and then when called on it, 'of culpability'. However, the data set does *not* indicate that this is Bush-lies-as-usual. Rather the descriptor set is focusing much more of the accrual of new language on a period 'after spring/equinox' in which the 'face {of} denial changes', and from that point on into Summer, the 'weather' and 'climate' level aspects held within Bushista begin participating within the 'secrets revealed' layer. Further, as the entity moves through Summer and into Fall, the 'climate' aspect moves over to become totally subsumed into the 'conflict' layer within Bushista. As the modelspace is progressed beyond the autumnal equinox, the Bushista entity adds very large supporting aspect/attribute sets to the 'climate' aspect, with many of these new additions bringing along extremely high emotional summation values. The interpretation is for a Fall period of 'conflict' which may even involve yet another Bush-War, but which will certainly feature a renewal of the 'man versus weather/climate' wars. And from the hints provided by our data set, the rest of 2006 will present many reinforcing pointers to 'climate change' at a human threatening level. So many examples are seemingly forecast that they soon reach to the point of 'yet another weather' disaster becoming less meaningful as individual events.

Press - Seeking Community

A very curious data set has glommed onto the Press entity in the immediacy value sets, and as the modelspace is progressed forward, it grows and seemingly is settling in as a longer term trend. This set is headed by the aspect of 'seeking' with a primary supporting aspect/attribute set of 'community'. The supporting aspect for 'community' is very well populated, and its attribute set has numerous references to 'withdrawn' or 'shunned' or 'rejected'. This is, again we note, from the view of the entity. Further, each of these sets is internally cross linked to a set which terminates in the aspect of 'over-coming/gettingover/beyond'. This aspect itself is a significant one as it is one of the supporting sets for many bespoke emotions, and as such does not translate to physical motion or effort, but rather emotional work. As unlikely as it may seem, the data set is indicating a 'mea culpa' on the part of some segment of the mainstream media. This is an attempt to 'seek community' or to 'seek refuge/comfort {within} community'. Apparently it will get real cold out there and the press, smelling the winds shift, will try to 'appease anger/visceral response' on the part of the citizenry. Bearing in mind that our data sets tend to go toward the more extreme cases presented, we still get an aspect/attribute set which, with its cross links over to Populace/USofA, suggests that an actual 'confession' on-air or in print will occupy much of the 'nattering public' this Fall during the escalation of the tensions. This, in the larger scheme of things suggested by the data set, will be an 'also ran', or background event. What makes this 'confession of culpability' significant is that it appears within the data set just slightly, mere days, before the 'rebellion' theme splits out of the 'conflict' and so can presumably act as a marker for subsequent shifts. The whole of the data set here for the 'mea culpa' is, within the aspect/attributes and cross links over to Populace/USofA, increasingly looking like it is trying to describe an 'on air' kind of personal, confessional, moral break-down. The data set is indicating that the 'reporter/personality' is, and has been suffering from 'angst' over 'support/promotion of barbarity/cruelty'. Further, in examining the cross links which participate within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, we get the distinct impression of 'torture' which is 'self held', in other words, the 'confessor' has been 'self-torturing' over some part of their involvement within 'hiding secrets/knowledge'. This personality is shown by the data as having a very bad day indeed which, after some incident which will actually 'drench' them in 'blood' {ed note: apparently not their own}, they will basically have an 'on-air' freak-out, and tell tales which usually remain untold. The data suggests that the 'personality' is too visible for the usual and expected retribution for those who piss-off the powers that be, but nonetheless, this personality will spend some period after the 'announcement/breakdown' in seclusion out of bespoke 'fear of assassination'. A very interesting bit of meme seems to arise from the many cross links to 'assassination' which go to the implication that the personality revealing the secrets will speak to 'stealth death by government'. It would be tempting to view the Press entity as expressing a movement away from the agenda of the NewWorldOrder crowd of the self-selecting 'elite', however the impression is rather of a chink, or crack in the foundations of control resulting from a single personality 'meltdown' which, while significant and ripple creating, is still only the beginning. The Press as a whole will still be in the grips of 'control' issues. This will be very unfortunate for some reporters/personalities as the data set has repeatedly reinforced sets for 'assault' and 'strike' within the Press entity. These aspects arise in late September, or early October, and go to the idea that the Press will be held in such low esteem that individual 'reporters/interviewers/mediapersonalities' will take their 'safety in hand' when out-and-about trying to approach people. The data seems to indicate that emotions within the populace run so high as to have reporters/personalities risk a beating in seeking the "man in the street" kind of interviews. The entity seemingly is suggesting that the 'trend toward press assault' will itself make news. And even further, that the 'risks' of the job will alter how teevee news is delivered. Hmm. Now that can't be a bad thing, can it? Conclusion: Part 6 -Encounters with scarcity, Order of Occurrence Magnifiers, NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH As reported this past week by the ever ebullient George Ure of some of the forecast 'encounters with scarcity' are appearing in the life of the pubic. In the case of George's reporting, he was

concerned with the availability of MRE's and ammunitions for rifles. While one doesn't usually need ammo to bring down and cook up an MRE, perhaps even the Texan's need to hold a gun to their heads to force their reluctant body to consume them. In France, the scarcity is now running to food stuffs other than poultry. The deaths of over 11/eleven thousand turkeys in a single day has already changed that context for the French people as H5N1 Bird disease causes the abandonment of what is a significant level of protein within the French national diet. It is estimated that poultry products compose 18/eighteen per cent of the French food supply. The context shift away from poultry has entered the second phase in a typical ladder diagram of the spreading effects within a contained population. The predictable next effects will be pressures both on other sources of protein within the diet, as well as monetary reactions as the social order readjusts both its capital investments, and its allocation of labor. Further effects will include the spreading of the 'french meme' of poultry rejection due to both proximate and disease fear, and thus further escalation of consumption pressures on other animal protein sources. None of these sources will be able to be scaled upward at all given the current economic, and global climate, as well as current global political realities. Therefore it is predictable that once poultry abandonment begins in each of the industrialized countries in turn, that the increasing pressures on other protein sources will cause very large scale changes in the social orders of those affected. Within the populations studies realm of science, a concept known as the 'order of occurrence' phenomena is described which will very likely be able to be used as a valid forecasting tool for the coming global context(s) shift(s). We already are aware of a number of countries which have under gone the same transformations as France, though not as extreme (90% reduction in poultry sales within 2 days of the turkey farm incident). According to the 'order of occurrence' logic, as each country in turn has its population make large scale personal changes such as food types selection, the pressures on the closed global food supply will ratchet up, affecting not only that country but also all of those who have made the transition earlier in the process. However, those countries which make the change earliest, such as France, will be further along on the adapting scale, and thus will feel less effects for each of the subsequent adoptee's of the same changes. Make sense? Basically it is a mathematically coded way of saying that each country which is forced to make the switch away from poultry as a result of H5N1 will suffer more than the countries before it, but that its suffering will contribute to both those who have already switched (to a lesser degree) and to those who come afterward. This theory of 'order of occurrence places shifts pressure points within a closed system' is important when dealing with humans as those who are converting over later and later are going to be in very bad shape with very few good prospects immediately before them. With humans this has a tendency to piss them off. And a country full of pissed off humans is likely to be a problem for all the other countries filled with already stressed out and edgy humans. Does not bode well. At the intellectual level, the issue of poultry and protein within the human diet is simplicity itself to solve. Just as whole societies have proven in the past, the way for continued surety of food supplies is to have a vegetarian population and to adopt permaculture. This truth is about to be quite actually shoved down the collective human throat by universe as the food supply collapses over the course of the next few years as the continuation of the spreading effects of H5N1 appear in a resource stressed planet in the midst of global climate change. Those early transition countries such as Cuba and France will be leading this wave of social change and likely can be used as broad models for both soon-to-be-seen local versions of the major trends, as well as a resource for what works, and what is worth pursuing. As Bucky Fuller was so fond of pointing out, the total daily caloric and nutritional needs for a human can be met with minimal square footage of arable land if the human is vegetarian. In Bucky's time he had not gotten around to the calculations for just how much land is required, but in recent years a number of researchers globally have worked out much of the math and arrived at 11/eleven hundred square feet of growing space required for daily human dietary support. Ironically we note that each meal consumed by our humans in space requires the converted caloric output of 577/five hundred seventy seven *acres* of productive ground. We are providing a few links below for the general subject of bio-intensive agriculture, and a broader site for sustainable culture resources.

Bountiful Gardens Grow Biointensive Hard Core Sustainable Site - NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH Not only is global human social order facing food supply issues resulting from animal disease (of all kinds), but the food supply is also coming under pressure from both extreme climate change, and fading sources for cheap energy. All of these problems will contribute to some predictable/probable responses. As we encounter these problems, one would expect to see the rise of several responses as new business endeavors. Greenhouse building of all kinds will be one area of very rapid development under the triple pressure of rising food prices which force the middle class and below to consider self-production a necessity, and the increase in energy costs necessary to support "traditional corporate" agriculture, and the climate changes which will require weather mitigating approach's to bio-intensive agriculture in almost all latitudes (though the causes will vary, greenhouses will become essential to production of crops at all levels globally). Other areas of responses to a global H5N1 pandemic *even if it stays in birds primarily* include such things a locally produced pharmaceuticals/herbiceuticals as a reaction to the increasing-out-ofaffordability-due-to-energy-and-travel-restrictions pharmaceutical industry drugs. Note that almost all vaccines are based on, and made in chicken eggs. And note that slightly over 30/thirty per cent of all medications sold under license as prescription medicines {ed note: statistic by dollar amount so may be misleading} involve at least one poultry based product or protein extract. A rational expectation is for the virtual collapse of this component of the pharmacy industry as H5N1 goes pan-global, even if it stays in only poultry species. We would also expect the rise of a locally based 'health care' industry which will focus its energy entirely differently than existing industrial country systems. This will be due to the inability to ship which will be part and parcel of the 'restrictions on travel' which will build up in response first to the spreading bird disease and the attempts to control it, and then secondly as a result of the frictions created intra-country as the competition for protein sources increases as each of the other animal based food supplies degrades under the pressures. The 'produced locally' theme will start to really emerge according to our data set in early Summer in the USofA when large scale shifts are shown to begin due to manifesting circumstance. We would expect this to extend out to the producers of both food sources, as well as those who produce the 'seed crops' of all kinds, both for human consumption, as well as 'seed crops' as a primary grower for the next generation. This last, if a correct interpretation, would see the re-emergence of an industry type which was essentially killed by the rise of the national seed suppliers in the Luther Burbank era here in the USofA. There are other predictable effects which can be anticipated, including the 'encounters with scarcity' which will arise from the 'restrictions on travel'. At a personal level, these may include the inability to obtain dietary supplements just at the time that the dietary transition has to be made toward a locally based food supply at all levels. One response that I personally am taking is, as odd as it may sound, the growing of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Some mushrooms such as Ling Chi aka Reishi mushroom have a several thousand year history of human use as immune system boosters as well as being known sources of minerals and other human system support nutrients. I have a multiple decade history with Paul Stamets and his Fungi Perfecti company. We obtain our mycelium from this firm and currently have a number of the gourmet and medicinal mushroom sacks happily growing around the house. In fact, last night I used the Lion's Mane mushroom on the feta-spinach-pepper pizza for dinner. It was yummy. Fungi Perfecti also offers several at-home kits for growing such medicinal and immune support mushrooms as the famed Ling Chi/Reishi. Such kits offer a real alternative to reliance on suppliers of supplements who themselves will soon be facing shortages and encounters with scarcity. According to the literature (some found at fungi perfecti site above) the Ling Chi mushroom provide an L-carnatine boost to the immune

system. This from a non-bovine source. Most production L-carnatine and derivatives for human immune system boost are at risk of the many problems which beset the cattle industry including the possibility of tainting by disease. Here is a home-based, non-animal source for the same effect at a personal level. Also, as the thousands of years of chinese medicinal history illustrate, it is not necessary to constantly have fresh ling chi about. One can easily dry the mushroom, and store for future use as properly protected from heat and light, there is very little degradation over time of its effectiveness. Also interesting to note is that organically grown, fresh ling chi can fetch astonishing prices in local markets with an Asian influence. Once its virtues are spread during the coming 'agricultural reformation', we can expect that kind of response virtually anywhere. The other mushrooms offered, excepting those Paul notes as medicinal, merely taste good.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 806 - March 16, 2006 Part 7: Meta Data - In the Gap Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 03.16.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 72.2 million reads . Last report of the series. Meta Data - In the Gap. This part 7 of the ALTA 806 series is going to be presented as a summation. Sorry about that, but it seems to make the most sense given our time constraints and the data set.

You cannot run fast enough to escape history. Many have tried, none have succeeded. As noted in the 'face time with universe' section in the previous part of this series, history or universe is here, now. Within the hindoo calendar system, there is a "gap" following the Kali Yuga, or the last age. A brief description from the 'vedas' or 'truth' books can illustrate the fit with the developing pattern in today's globe: And when men become fierce and destitute of virtue and carnivorous and addicted to intoxicating drinks, then does the Yuga come to an end. And, O monarch, when flowers will be begot within flowers, and fruits within fruits, then will the Yuga come to an end. And the clouds will pour rain unseasonably when the end of the Yuga approaches. And, at that time, ceremonial rites of men will not follow one another in due order, and the Sudras will quarrel with the Brahmanas. And the earth will soon be full of mlecchas, and the Brahmanas will fly in all directions for fear of the burthen of taxes. And all distinctions between men will cease as regards conduct and behaviour, and afflicted with honorary tasks and offices, people will fly to woody retreats, subsisting on fruits and roots. And the world will be so afflicted, that rectitude of conduct will cease to be exhibited anywhere. And disciples will set at naught the instructions of preceptors, and seek even to injure them. And preceptors impoverished will be disregarded by men. And friends and relatives and kinsmen will perform friendly offices for the sake of the wealth only that is possessed by a person. And when the end of the Yuga comes, everybody will be in want. And all the points of the horizon will be ablaze, and the stars and stellar groups will be destitute of brilliancy, and the planets and planetary conjunctions will be inauspicious. And the course of the winds will be confused and agitated, and innumerable meteors will flash through the sky, foreboding evil. And the Sun will appear with six others of the same kind. And all around there will be din and uproar, and everywhere there will be conflagrations. And the Sun, from the hour of his rising to that of setting, will be enveloped by Rahu. And the deity of a thousand eyes will shower rain unseasonably. And when the end of the Yuga comes, crops will not grow in abundance. Link:Vedas Kali Yuga

According to many who count time using this system, the Kali Yuga has ended and we are now "in the gap". There are many pointers within our work suggesting that 2006 will indeed be the 'year of the gap'. It will be a pivotal year, unlike previous or following years, but will set the tone to define the decade {ed note:western calendar}. Just as it was not until 1966 that the decade of the 60's could be characterized, it is not until this year, that the first decade of 2006 can be characterized. Our data suggests that this is the year that 'definitions' will be 'rewritten', and that 'social order awakens'. Our data sets even include the concept of 2006 as being a 'gap' year. Curious. This is not to say that we have fallen between the cracks. Not that sort of gap. Instead we are actually within the minor yuga's which "fill the cup/time" and allow the hindoo system of 'divine' years to be mapped over to the precession. There is always a bit of fiddling to make these things work out due to the inexactitude of time, and even space when viewed from here on earth. Supposedly it was this sort of inexactitude which led to there being 33 "primed" masonic degrees. The first 30 are for the 30 "solar days" within the "solar precessional month" which actually takes 72 years of regular human time, and the last 3 masonic degrees are representing the "3 years it takes to be certain". This last refers to the years it takes using terrestrially bound vision to ascertain that indeed, the solar system has crossed a precessional, zodiac boundary. Not considering the "hidden" degrees of masonry which bring the total to 46, the use of a 'gap' filler in calendar calculations is not limited to the masons. The 'gap filler' for the hindoo calendar comes in the form of a very brief yuga consisting of the 'in-between period/time'. By many reckonings, we are there now.

Within the clues provided by our linguistic mucking about we have come up with an interesting view of the world, and *maybe* future events. They are *maybe* events or rather are possibilities due to there being *some* level of probability which we can assign, given the nature of both language shifts and the actual conditions here on earth, now. As an instance, we can say that our data sets suggest very clearly that subsequent to the first international crisis of this summer, that an interconnected series of events have some likelihood of manifesting. The chain of events could be interpreted, as of the condition of the modelspace at this moment, in the following enumerated fashion. 0) the 'rebellion' meme is fed by further 'secrets revealed', and by the spread of "rumors" that Bush, et al were 'in on it', over Spring/2006. What the 'it' is, is not pertinent. The situation is magnified as each newly revealed secret brings up the re-stating/review of all of the previous secrets revealed. Smart foreign capital starts to really accelerate its move out of the dollar as it senses the rebellion brewing within the USofA. The creeping impoverishment of the populace further aggravates an already bad situation. The economy starts to unravel as the extraction of actual wealth from the paper instrument of the dollar places stresses on the system with which the regulatory bodies cannot cope. New diseases/pathogens are discovered as the animal based food industries of the planet pass the tipping point and degrade. Restrictions on travel and movement of goods ensue as attempts are made to reduce the number of disease spreading vectors/agents. Shortages result further stressing the populace economically and calorically. The shortages set up local feedback loops in which reduced availability of resources both food and other affect the local population health, and precipitate local health crises which further stress the national health care system. As the population of medically degraded humans increases, so do the stressors on the remaining functioning economic structure. During Spring, exacerbated by the political events, and economic pressures globally, the USofA housing market crashes. As the market for stocks and other commodities is controlled, and cannot crash, the stressors within the system are released through the housing market which fades rapidly due to falling dollar, geopolitical problems, disease, and other factors. 1) acts of premature and unreasoning response to developing global political situations on the part of the now-deemed incompetent regime in WA DC precipitates a crisis in late Spring or early Summer which goes so wrong that 'rebellion' against a corrupt, and incompetent regime manifests both in the mainstream media and in the populace at large. At first the rebellion is manifest as local events/collectives, but a national self-organizing collective soon forms. Pent up emotional energy drives a rapid response within the national movement, and the first calls for a national strike are made. This coincides with the development of the second international crisis of the Summer, likely a meltdown in Central Asia of diplomatic relations and subsequent border fighting among central Asian states which include some former Soviet republics who are nuclear armed. The last of the stupid or bound-up foreign capital wakes up and flees the USofA. Some of the mainstream media begin to defect to the people's rebellion, and more secrets are revealed, thus fueling the negative feedback loop. Pressures on the populace continue both politically, as well as from developing social change in response to both new diseases, and environmental crisis. 2) National, quasi-organized actions take place against the corrupt and spectacularly unsuccessful Bush regime. Calls for a new constitutional convention rise to national levels with the issue the "re-establishment of state's rights against a dictatorial WA DC". Bush et al use the planned pending national strike as an excuse to 'threaten martial law'. The threat is proclaimed nationally on teevee, during an 'address to the nation' which will take place against a background of a developing trend for regional conflict in central Asia, the degradation of American military situation abroad, rising disease rates, and national weather crises. Energy trading collapses as a global activity. Derivatives collapse due to lock-up over worsening geopolitical conditions. The USofA dollar is rejected globally, much of the paper wealth of the globe is lost in the three-day Dollar Crisis. Most of the mainstream press joins with the populace, excepting the megawealthy media personalities. More secrets are revealed. Rumors of in-fighting within the DOD abound. The administration tries to shut down the internet through co-option of the telephony industry. Rebellious factions within DOD invoke 'national security' and prevent the action. 3) Much of the moneyed and self-affiliated elite class within the USofA tries to flee. Politicians at all levels try to flee, reading the shifting winds within the very public debate in the 'anti-war/anti-regime' movement

about trials for past corruption. Those who remain within the Senate and House structures, as well as the newly, hastily appointed, now join with the 'american people's revolution', attempting via attacks on the WH and GW to distance themselves from the coming events. A move in congress begins to rescind presidential powers including the ability to sign 'executive orders'. More public posturing by both WH and Congress amidst the rapid degradation of the economic structure. The word 'emergency' or 'urgent' is heard by the minute on any news source within the country. American forces in over 100 foreign countries are jumpy, and 'incidents' internationally escalate as the situation deteriorates in USofA. National calls to 'bring ALL the troops home' are echoed within military bases globally. Shaky regimes propped up by American military might start to smell the flesh hitting the barbeque and central power players exit positions. Governments start to collapse around the globe. 4) The USofA regime, under severe stress, attempts to control the media, and in one action, orders the 'round-up' of press, both domestic and foreign. Some of the law enforcement personnel comply and journalists are jailed. Not a good idea. Wrong group to directly attack. The day of the national strike arrives, and the USofA shuts down except for a very vocal minority of regime supporters. The effect is staggering, and felt globally. Later that day, the regime calls a teevee press conference and a very pale and shaky vice president declares martial law.

Now we stop to note that the brief narrative of possible events is taken from our recent linguistic shifts. This includes both the current, and progressed modelspace through to mid Fall. The possible event chain discussed above is totally lacking in completeness in that thousands of modifiers exist which would go to describe a much more chaotic situation, though the general tone is captured in the narrative. There are the numerous alternate interpretations however. So the narrative above, while it provides a framework in which the emotions we see forecast could manifest, is not the only scenario that fits the emotive sums. The whole of the 'rebellion' emotional sums could be indicating a split within the American political scene in which the 'duopoly' of the Demos versus the Repubs could be overthrown and many "third" parties could take over and dominate the next few decades. In other words the 'rebellion' meme could be interpreted as a Fall rebellion at the polls in which incumbents are thrown out wholesale in favor of candidates from "parties" which do not even exist yet. Thus establishing a democracy here in the USofA prior to going to work on "regime change". But, we must, in the interpretations, take into account the manifestations on the ground. It would seem unlikely that such a "third parties" scenario could take place in the limited time available prior to the elections. This is mostly due to the barriers-to-entry placed on the political process by the twin-parties-of-control. In spite of these barriers, we note that the lexicon has the one word which suggests a method to overcome all the political barriers, and objections to a new multiparty system, and that is 'violence'. There are repeated references to 'violence' which are associated with the 'rebellion' rather than the 'conflict' lexical structures. This suggests that the 'rebellion' will have its own core of 'violent' action, and this is to be expected of a nation in which the citizens are trained for fighting/confrontation/violence/war from birth. So while unlikely, and possibly extremely unlikely, that the lexical structure is pointing to a "3rd parties" interpretation, it does have the associated "violence" aspect going for it. Without regard to the actual manifesting nature of the 'rebellion' shown within the modelspace, the data goes to indicate a period of very large, rising tensions, internally within the USofA amidst a background of more-or-less global conflict. The examination of the modelspace as a whole progressed out to its farthermost extent shows a year to fourteen months which can be characterized as the 'test' or 'testing' period. This aspect is chosen as feeling particularly appropriate, given the pending circumstances globally. The modelspace holds 'test' as an aspect within the model-of-modelspace that we maintain for referential integrity checks, as well as holding it as a rising, or defining aspect in many entities. Unlike meta data layers, this 'test' aspect is not heavily cross linked nor participatory within the majority of entities, however we find it to be particularly fitting as a descriptor from the human point of view of the next year. This will be a year in which humans get to 'test' all their constructs. These will include the social infrastructure globally, as well as on a personal level as

each of us are 'tested' in our response to developing global conditions both within the human sphere of abstractions, and within the manifesting material universe. One can imagine virtually any scenario that is a variant of the descriptor set that we have, and as is illustrated with the enumerated narrative above, as producing negative effects, or if you will, a 'test' on global financial markets. Then, as is predictable, there would be the cascading effects back into the social/political structure in a feed back loop fashion which further exacerbates other elements within the complex system that is human2human interaction. Any given section of human activity, placed against the emotive sums which are predicted by our modelspace, will in turn yield predictable changes. Energy generation and transmission as an example. Totally dependent on a stable, more or less, global political structure which includes a politically stable USofA and that is explicitly shown as *not* persisting. All of our lexical clues are pointing toward a period of 'conflict' in all its forms as we are tested by universe against our own value sets. This naturally sets up 'conflict' internally within the USofA over whose 'value set' will prevail. At this point the numbers favor a 70/30 split of the population in these so-called culture wars. Will the violence spill over toward an ideological cleansing of the USofA? It could happen. Our data suggests that there will be a very large backlash against the 'controller' groups typified by the 'religious right'. This is to say that the 'fundamentalism' emotional wave has peaked, its numbers are declining in the face of adverse conditions as its proponents become more vocal in the light of all of the 'failures' which have now tainted the 'religious right' thanks to the incompetence of Bush et al. The modelspace shows that what is now an under current emotional wave of 'disgust' for 'extreme religion', or 'religious fundamentalism' in all its forms will break out and manifest as a component of the 'conflict' meta data layer. The aspect/attribute sets would indicate a more or less global wave of 'retribution' against the 'coercers/controllers/dogmatists'. Many of the radical clerics within the USofA political structure will be affected by the 'rejection' wave building against 'those who would dominate'. In response to the emergence of this new social up welling of a specific emotional resonance, one group of radical cleric will attempt to 'force control' though 'invective' and 'extreme labeling behavior'. An example of this might be seen in recent statements by radical cleric Pat Robertson. It will be these sort of emotional statements and exhortations to 'submission to control' which are shown by our modelspace as the first visible marker of the emergence of this 'counter wave' to the 'repression' emotional wave of the past few years. If the modelspace is correct, after a broadcast of 'extreme language' by a USofA religious personality, then the indications are that the 'violence' which is powering both the 'conflict' meta data layer, and the 'rebellion' layer, will manifest in the assassination of several prominent radical clerics here in the USofA. However, we must note that this particular lexical structure would indicate that this will take place against a background of very much larger social/political chaos such that it is likely very few will even notice. It is worth noting that the whole industry of 'religion' which employs the clerics is historically *not* a social survival factor, and has existed *only* in the good times of recent history. Basically, in the structure of universe, and man's struggle to survive/thrive both individually and collectively, organized religion with a controlling priesthood/clergy is a luxury. Even in recent recorded history, organized religion is *always* the first luxury to go when times get tough. Now our modelspace is indicating that we will sail right through 'tough' and into 'hard' over the course of the rest of 2006. Speaking of hard, the data set is clearly supporting, for at least the last two/2 years, the idea that the 'sun disease' was going to 'make housing ownership moot/un-meaningful'. Given the current state of the housing industry globally, it could be that we wrongly interpreted a cause-and-effect relationship where none existed. That is to say that our data indicating the conjunction of the 'sun disease' and the 'crash/reduction to null' of the housing market was a missed reading and they are merely temporally linked. This may well be the case given the pending context shift period, and the beginning of the very sharp rise of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. The indications are for much more information to come out before the end of March relating to 'disease' and things 'medicinal'. Further the indications are continuing for extreme stress building up within the economic system globally, and one key, driving pressure is the failing USofA housing industry {ed note: just now starting to manifest publically}.

It is our expectation, given our knowledge base, that the 'context creation' period will shift the 'global point of view' such that like a thin dark band in the sedimentary layers, it will forever mark the period of 'before' and 'after'. Now noting that the 'context creation' is defined as just that, a 'creation' not specifically a 'change', and given that our lexicon clearly does not yet model the lexical set {ed note: if we did have the words for it, we could label and describe it} for the 'context' itself, we still are able to locate impacts of the new 'context' within the subsequent modelspace movement. The modelspace gives the impression that the new context absorption will take some time. Just as the populace at large was forced to confront a whole new context within the USofA since September 11, 2001, the pending context creation will apply similar pressures. This is not to say that our data is speaking to another terrorist attack per se, rather the illustration is provide to give a sense of how a 'context creation' might be experienced. As with the 9-11 attacks which changed everything instantly, most of the change has taken/is taking years to manifest. The world changed that September morning, but it is taking humans a number of years to wrap their heads around all of the issues involved. We suspect, given the data set, that the new 'context creation' period will provide the same sort of "head wrapping" challenge. Though, even given the repeated 'risk' and 'violence' word groups for this period, there is still no clear wording suggesting an attack. Rather, and to be explicit, given the conditions around Bird Flu/H5N1 at the moment, and some other knowledge, the data set is very heavily weighted against a terrorist attack driving the context creation, and for the idea of disease as at least a participatory force. Other participatory forces are more universe manifest. The modelspace is showing that 'conflict' will also extend at some very real level to each human in regard to universe over this next year. That 'conflict' meta data layer derives some of its participation from the Terra entity is not a good sign. Recent revelations about the 'horn of africa' breaking off, as well as new reports of under seas volcanic activity in the 90 east trench region are not comforting, especially since both have cropped up in recent ALTA series relative to 'new lands/islands/continents' emerging. And, of course it is really too obvious that new lands appearing or sheering cannot be good for sea levels or general ocean health. And, once again, if we chain events out in a 4th order predictive mind sort of way, we can forecast that the appearance of new lands will radically change global weather patterns beyond what has been recently seen. The snow storms in Northern Africa, and the monsoons hitting the Sahara are merely the start of the 'unseasonable' or 'extra seasonal' weather which has been referenced for at least the last year in our work. It is such information, and personal observation of changing global patterns that has suggested the idea of working my ass off to get the grow-dome built. Nearly ready to clear the old hoop style green house and start assembling the geodesic segments. While I am working on a design of my own from the math provided by B. Fuller, here is a link to a commercial version of a home grow dome.

Conclusion: ALTA 806. This part 7 concludes the ALTA 806 series. Thank you for your participation which makes our work possible. Igor also wishes to thank those subscribers who have been sending along all the calorie enhanced mail during this run. We have already been given assurances from our primary supporter (the fellow who pays our huge bandwidth costs) that he is interested in another ALTA series. We have a focus for this next run of the period from October 2006 and into 2007 as far as may be supported by the data gathering with a focus on long term linguistic sets. The label for the next series will be ALTA 1006. We do not yet have our bandwidth contracts set up, but the OSP is very cooperative and if possible we will start our new 1006 data gathering on Sunday, March 26th. We have very large number of emotional value changes which have to be examined due to shifts in language use which are becoming apparent, and thus the 1006 series will have to wait on many days of tweaking the lexicon. During the time that I am going over the lexicon, Igor is going to purge our target site data base, and clean up that process somewhat. It is our expectation that if the

data collection begins on March 26th, that the first report in the series will be posted by late Saturday, April 8. Subsequent reports in the expected 6 part series would appear over the following weeks with a target posting schedule as follows: April 8 - Part 1 April 15 - Part 2 April 22 - Part 3 April 29 - Part 4 May 6 - Part 5 May 13 - Part 6 We note that universe intrudes on our posting timing, and that the above schedule is our target and not a guarantee. Deviations from the schedule will be noted via email as soon as we become aware of them. Given the vagaries of the Paypal mindset, the easiest method for any subscriber of 806 to continue to the ALTA 1006 series will be to simply use the 'send funds' feature within Paypal and send $70 USD to with 1006 in the memo field. We have had numerous problems with Paypal not getting beyond the magazine format for subscriptions with auto-renewals at the same monetary level. Also their system is month oriented, and clearly these reports are not too well contained by the usual calendar. So, after much discussion with Igor who is the poor sod who has to process everything while I am busy tweaking the lexicon, we have decided to *not* build links within Paypal this time, and to request that any subscriber who wishes to continue with this madness do so via the method outlined above or by sending a check made payable to Tenax at 4305 Biscay St NW Olympia WA 98502 Email questions about the series can be addressed to We will have the new series information details posted at halfpasthuman on Sunday, this week. Again, thank you so much for participating in our work. Vale et pax, Igor and cliff.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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