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1. The immune system is ... a. ability to defend the body from disease b.

success of the body to produce immune cells c. ate the ability of antigen entry d. successfully completed the competition in the life e. success of producing mature lymphocytes

2. The study of the immune system or immune-called ... a. vaccination b. embryology c. virology d. zoology e. immunological

3. The term antibody is ... a. The resulting protein lymphocytes when antigens enter the body b. protein antigen that is able to take c. The resulting amino acids lymphocytes when antigens enter the body d. monocyte protein produced when antigen enters the body e. The resulting amino acid monocytes when antigen enters the body

4. Antibody-producing cells is ... a. leukocytes b. monocytes c. lymphocytes d. Basofi l e. isograf

5. Foreign substances like viruses, foreign proteins, microorganisms and bacteria called ... a. antigen b. antibody c. immunity d. leukocytes e. vaccine

6. Antigenic epitope is part serves as a ... a. spreaders of disease b. binding a corresponding antibody c. attacker antibody d. weakens the body's defense system e. cause of the disease

7. These are not the types of the human immunoglobulin are ... a. IgX b. IgA c. IgG d. IgD e. IgE

8. Antibody-producing organs in the body is ... a. thymus gland and bone marrow b. hypothalamus and spinal c. collarbone d. thyroid and parathyroid glands e. pancreas gland

9. In the retro virus that causes AIDS attacks the system ... a. digestion b. respiration c. excretion d. immunity e. nerve 10. Artificial passive immunity obtained one through .... a. vaccine b. breast milk c. placenta d. snake venom serum e. immunization

11. Vaccination aims to establish immunity against diphtheria, partusis, and tetanus are ... a. ATS b. BCG c. TBC d. DPT E. TT

12. Imunoglubulin types which can be increased in people affected by allergies is ... a. IgA b. IgD c. IGF d. IgE e. IgM

13. One for the body's immune function is .... a. Filter out chemicals that enter the body

b. maintain body fluid balance c. Destroy cancer cells and abnormal cells d. Kill healthy tissue e. Destroy pathogens in the air

14. Is not a group of white blood cells is a. Neutrophils b. eusonofil c. basophil d. Monocytes e. Platelet

15. In the breast milk antibodies are useful for the baby's immunity, which is named ... a. Interferon b. Colostrum c. Glycoprotein d. Phagocytes e. Lymphocytes

16. Properties of antibodies one of which is lysine, which means .... a. stimulates leukocyte attack against antigens or germs b. destroy the antigen c. precipitating antigens or germs d. agglutinate antigen e. change the structure of the antigen

17. Ranulosit group of neutral plasma is ... a. neutrophil b. eusonophil c. basophil d. monocytes e. lymphocytes

18. BCG vaccine is used to prevent disease .... a. polio b. tetanus c. TBC d. measles e. diphtheria

19. Vaccines used to prevent diphtheria is ... a. BCG b. DPT

c. Measles d. Colostrum e. Smallpox

20. An AIDS disease will easily attacked by a dangerous disease because .... a. no vaccine is completely effective against the AIDS virus b. AIDS virus cause various diseases c. AIDS is a collection of various diseases d. AIDS virus causes the disease-causing germs become stronger e. AIDS virus causes the immune system becomes brittle

21. Method of vaccination was first introduced by ... a. Edison b. Mendel c. James Philips d. Edward Jenner e. James Watt

22. The first is the defense system .... a. mucous membrane b. interferon c. T lymphocytes d. natural killer e. Basophils

23. Phagocytes consists of two kinds, namely ... a. T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes b. Neutrophils and macrophages c. Eusinofil and magrofag d. Neutrophils and Eosinophils e. Basophils and Neutrophils

24. The HIV virus attacks the antibody ... a. B lymphocytes b. magrofag c. T lymphocytes d. Neutrophils e. Basophils

25. Where T lymphocytes was formed .... a. spinal cord b. thyroid gland c. thymus gland

d. the hypothalamus e. pituitary

26. Vaccination is the type of immunity obtained from .... a. Natural Passive Immunity b.Kekebalan Active Natural c. Artificial Active Immunity d. Artificial Passive Immunity e. Mixed immune

27. Opsonin is the nature of the antibody that works in the ... a. stimulates leukocyte attack b. destroy antigens or germs c. precipitate the antigen d. agglutinate antigen e. change the structure of the antigen

28. Inflammation is the second defense, inflammation is called ... a. Detect antigens and stimulate phagocytes to go to the area of infection b. Destroy the antigen enters the body by eating c. Agglutinate blood shared antigens d. Stimulates leukocyte attack against antigens or germs e. opening of arterioles around the infected area so much blood that led to the area

29. Below is an autoimmune disease .... a. AIDS b. Hepatitis B c. Polio d. Lupus e. Blood Cancer

30. Where in the production of monocyte ... a. thymus gland b. spinal cord c. lymph glands d. pancreas e. cerebrum

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