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Econometrics Lecture Notes

Brennan Thompson 11th September 2006

Review of probability and statistics

1.1 Random variables

In the simplest of terms, a is determined by the

will denote an RV by an uppercase letter (such as a lowercase letter (such as die. Let

random variable RV outcome


) is a variable whose value

of a random experiment.

1 In what follows, we


Y ),

and an outcome by


y ).

As a simple example, consider the random experiment of rolling a single

be the RV determined by the outcome of this experiment. In this

experiment, there are six possible outcomes: If the die lands with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, facing up, we assign that value to the RV


This example illustrates what is known as a Here, the RV or 6. A discrete RV diers from a

an RV which can only take on a nite (or countably innite) number of values.

discrete random variable

can take only take on the values only the value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

can take on any value in some real interval (and therefore an uncountably innite number of values). An example of continuous RV is a person's height. For an adult, this could take on any value between (say) 4 and 8 feet, depending on the precision of measurement.

continuous random variable

: an RV which

1.2 Probability functions

Associated with every RV is a discrete RV, we will call a continuous RV, we will call a

Consider rst the discrete case. The probability mass function the probability that the discrete RV

probability function probability mass function probability density function

will take on the value

, which in the case of a , and in the case of a (or

f (x)

). tells us


More formally,

f (x) = Prob(X = x).

Department of Economics, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3, Canada. Email: 1 From this deniton, it should be obvious that an RV diers from a constant, which is a variable whose value is xed.

It should be noted that a probability mass function for a discrete RV requires that

0 f (x) 1,
2 and

f (x) = 1.
In our die rolling example, it should be clear that, since each outcome (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) is equally likely, the probability mass function for equal to

X , f (x),


1 6 for each



f (x) =

1 , for x = 1, . . . , 6. 6

Such a probability mass function is said to represent a

since each outcome has an equal (or uniform) probability of occurring.

uniform distribution

For a continuous RV, the probability associated with any particular value is zero, so we can only assign positive probabilities to ranges of values. example, if we are interested in the probability that the continuous RV take on a value in the range between as For will

a and b, the PDF f (x) is implicitly dened


Prob(a X b) =

f (x)dx.

As in the discrete case, a PDF for a continuous RV has certain (roughly analogous) requirements that must be satised:

f (x) 0,

f (x)dx = 1.

1.3 Distribution functions

Closely related to the concept of a probability function is a



probability that an RV will take on any value

cumulative distribution function CDF


less than or equal to

), which tells us the some specic

distribution funcF (x)


value. That is, for an RV dened as

(whether discrete or continuous), the CDF

F (x) = Prob(X x).

It should be fairly easy to see that for a discrete RV


this implies that

F (x) =

f (x).

2 The notation is used to denote the sum over the entire range of values that the x discrete RV X can take on. 3 The notation is used to denote the integral over the entire range of values that the x continuous RV X can take on.

In our example of rolling a single die, it should be easy to see that the CDF of


F (x) =
For a continuous RV

x , for x = 1, . . . , 6. 6


the denition of a CDF implies that

F (x) =


f (t)dt,

f (x) =
ous), the CDF

dF (x) . dx X
(whether discrete or continu-

Finally, it should be noted that for any RV

F (x)

must satisfy

0 F (x) 1, F (+) = 1, F () = 0,

F (x1 ) F (x2 ) for x1 > x2 .

1.4 Joint probability functions

A probability function dened over more than one RV is known as a

probability function Y joint probability mass function f (x, y)

, the the RV

. For instance, in the case of two discrete RVs,



will take on the value

x and

tells us the probability that

the RV

will take on the value

(simultaneously). That is,

f (x, y) = Prob(X = x, Y = y).

Similar to the requirements of a probability mass function (for a single discrete RV), we must have

0 f (x, y) 1,

f (x, y) = 1.
x y
For example, consider two dice, one red and one blue. Denote by by

the RV

whose value is determined by the random experiment of rolling the red die, and

the RV whose value is determined by the random experiment of rolling It should be emphasized that these are two do not confuse this with the

the blue die.

experiments (i.e.




random experiment of let

tossing a pair of dice). combined outcome that

However, the possible outcomes of these two random

experiments can be combined in the following manner:

(x, y)

denote the

takes on the value


takes on the value


For example, the combined outcome each with equal probability, mass function for

(1, 5)

represents rolling a 1 with the red

die, and a 5 with the blue die. In total, there are 36 such combined outcomes,


1 36 . Accordingly, we can write the joint probability as

f (x, y) =

1 , for x = 1, . . . , 6 and y = 1, . . . , 36. 36 a and b d (simultaneously). The ) f (x, y) is dened so that

b d

In the continuous case, we may be interested in the probability that the RV

takes on some value in the range between (or


some value between

joint PDF


joint probability density

f (x, y)dxdy.

and the RV

will take on

Prob(a x b, c y d) =
a c

The requirements here are similar to that of a PDF (for a single continuous RV):

f (x, y) 0,

f (x, y)dxdy = 1.
x y

1.5 Conditional probability functions

Closely related to the concept of a joint probability function is a

probability function ability mass function f (y|x)


. For two discrete RVs,


Y , the

, tell us the probability that

conditional conditional probtakes on the value


given that

takes on the value



f (y|x) = Pr(Y = y|X = x),

and is equal to

f (y|x)

= =

conditional PDF

In the continuous case, a

) can be used to tell us the probability that a continuous RV

conditional probability density function

Pr(Y = y, X = x) Pr(X = x) f (y, x) . f (x)


takes on a value in some range, given that another continuous RV takes on some specic value. Of course, as noted above, the probability that a continuous RV takes on a specic outcome is zero, so we need to make some approximation to

takes on some value in the range between

Y a and b, given that the continuous RV X takes on some value extremely close to x. The probability that the continuous
Suppose that we want to know the probability that the continuous RV 4

RV X takes on some value extremely close to x, say in the range between x and x + h, where h is some extremely small number, is


Pr(x X x + h)


f (v)dv.

hf (x).
Now, the probability that

takes on some value in the range between

a and


takes on some value in the range between





Pr(a Y b, x X x + h)

a b x

f (y, v)dydv hf (y, x)dy.


So, similar to the discrete case, the probability that in the range between

takes on some value

a and b given X

takes on some value in the range between




Pr(a Y b|x X x + h)

= =

Pr(a Y b, x X x + h) Pr(x X x + h)
b a b a

hf (y, x)dy hf (x) f (y, x)dy . f (x) f (y|x)


From this approximation, we implicitly dene that conditional PDF

Pr(a Y b|X x) =

f (y|x)dy.

1.6 Expected value

Roughly speaking, the

we would expect it to take on if we were to repeat the random experiment which determines its value many times over. It is what is known as a measure of

expected value mean


of an RV, is the average value

central tendency.4

We generally use the notation

the expected value of the the RV


and the notation

E(X) when we speak of x when we speak of its

is dened as

mean. However, since these terms are interchangeable, so is the notation. The mathematical expectation of a discrete RV

E(X) =

xf (x),

4 Other measures of central tendency are the median and mode. The median of the RV X (whether discrete or continuous) is the value m such that Prob(X m) 0.5 and Prob(X m) 0.5, while the mode of X is the value of x at which f (x) takes it maximum.

while for a continuous RV

we have

E(X) =

xf (x)dx.

It should be clear that these denitions are quite similar, in that the dierent possible values of the RV are weighted by the probability attached to them. In the discrete case, these weighted values are summed, while in the continuous case, integration is used. It should go without saying that

of the constant itself.

the expected value of a constant is the value

we have

That is, for any constant

E(c) = c.
On the other hand, it is not so obvious that


the expected value of an RV is a

Using the preceding rule, we therefore have

E[E(x)] = E(x),
which might be a little less confusing if we use the notation

E(X ) = X .
In our example of rolling a single die, we can calculate the expected value of


E(X) =

1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) = 3.5. 6 6 6 6 6 6

be some function of the discrete RV

In a more general way, we can also calculate the expected value of a function of a RV. Letting



the expected

value of this function is

E[g(X)] =
Similarly, letting

g(x)f (x). X,
the expected


be some function of a continuous RV

value of this function is

E[g(X)] =
Note that

g(x)f (x)dx.
To see this, it might help to

a function of an RV is an RV itself.

imagine a new RV, call it

which is a function of our original RV,


Z = g(X)).
As an example, let's again consider the RV what is known as a RV called


whose value is determined

from the outcome of tossing a single die. Suppose we have


where, here,

linear function

g(X) = 4X Z

(this is can be

). Again, it might help to imagine a new The expected value of

Z = g(X) = 4X .

calculated as

E(Z) = E(4X) =

1 1 1 1 1 1 (4) + (8) + (12) + (16) + (20) + (24) = 14. 6 6 6 6 6 6 X

(which, as we saw

Notice that this is just four times the expected value of above, is 3.5).

This example illustrates an important rule: The expected value of an RV multiplied by a constant, is the constant multiplied by the expected value of that RV. That is, if X is an RV and c is a constant, we have

E(cX) = cE(X).
The proof of this follows directly from the denition of the mathematical expectation of a discrete RV:



cxf (x) xf (x)


= c

= cE(X).
Continuing with our random experiment of tossing a single die, consider the function

g(X) = X 2 Z

(this is what is known as a can be calculated as

again, it might help to imagine a new RV called expected value of

Z , where Z = g(X) = X 2 .

nonlinear function

). Once The

E(Z) = E(X 2 ) =

1 1 1 1 1 91 1 (1) + (4) + (9) + (16) + (25) + (36) = 15.17. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 E(X 2 )

(the expected value of the square of the RV

It is important to note that




equal to


(the square of the expected value of the RV

Y ),

which in this case would be a function, function is

3.52 = 12.25. X

Quite often, we are interested in functions of more than one RV. Consider

g(X, Y ),

of two discrete RVs,


The expected value of this

E[g(X, Y )] =
where tion

g(x, y)f (x, y),


f (x, y)

is the joint probability mass function of



Similarly, for two continuous RVs,



the expected value of the func-

g(X, Y )


E[g(X, Y )] =

g(x, y)f (x, y)dxdy,


f (x, y)

is the joint PDF of

As above, it might help to once

Consider now our example of rolling two separate die, one red and one blue. Now, consider the function

g(X, Y ) = X + Y .

5 This

rule also holds for continuous RVs, and a similar proof could be made.

again imagine a new RV called value of



Z = g(X, Y ) = X + Y .6

The expected

can be calculated as


= E(X + Y ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 = (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) 36 36 36 36 36 36 4 3 2 1 5 + (8) + (9) + (10) (11) + (12) 36 36 36 36 36 = 7. X
(3.5) plus the expected

Note that this is just equal to the expected value of value of

This example illustrates another important rule: The expected value of the sum of two (or more) RVs is the sum of their expected values. In general terms,


for any two RVs,



we have

E(X + Y ) = E(X) + E(Y ).

After seeing this, it might be tempting to that that the same thing holds for the product of several RVs, (i.e. that in a certain special case (known as in general.

statistical independence

E(XY ) = E(X)E(Y )).While

this is true

), it is not true

1.7 Conditional expectation

Often, we are interested in knowing what the expected value of an RV is, given that another RV takes on a certain value. Consider two discrete RVs, The

conditional expectation


given that

takes on the value

X and Y . x is

E(Y |X = x) =
For two continuous RVs, that and

f (y|x). Y


the conditional expectation of

takes on some value extremely close to

(see above) is

E(Y |X x) =

f (y|x)dy.

1.8 Variance
Roughly speaking, the

its expected value that we would expect it to take on if we were to repeat the


of an RV, is the average squared distance from

6 Note that, while Z can be seen as the RV whose value is determined by the outcome of the single random experiment of rolling a pair of dice, we are dening it here as the RV whose value is determined by a function of two separate RVs, determined by the outcomes of two separate random experiments. 7 As above, this rule also holds for continuous RVs. We omit the proof for both cases here.

random experiment which determines its value many times over. More formally,

8 (or sometimes Var(X)), is dened as

the variance of the RV

(whether discrete or continuous), usually denoted

2 X

2 X = E[(X X )2 ].
From this denition, it should be clear that


the variance of a constant is

we have

The proof of this is quite trivial: for some constant

2 c

= E[(c c )2 ] = E[(c c)2 ] = 0.

The variance of an RV is known as a measure of of dispersion for an RV is its denoted

square root root of its variance. The standard deviation of the RV

standard deviation


Another measure

, which is just the positive

is usually

X .
9 Keeping this in mind, we can write the variance
is the expected value of the function

Notice that the variance of an RV is just the expectation of a function of that RV (i.e. the variance of the RV

(X X )2 ,

as dened above).

of the discrete RV


2 X = x

(x X )2 f (x), X
can be written as

while the variance of the continuous RV

2 X =

(x X )2 f (x)dx. X
(remembering that

In our example of tossing a single die, the variance of

X = 3.5),

is calculated as

2 X

1 1 1 (1 3.5)2 + (2 3.5)2 + (3 3.5)2 6 6 6 1 1 1 + (4 3.5)2 + (5 3.5)2 + (6 3.5)2 6 6 6 = 17.5, = X = 17.5 4.18.


which implies

Before moving on, we can also consider the variance of a function of an RV. Consider the linear function

g(X) = cX

is an RV and

c is a constant.10

8 At times, it may be convenient to dene the variance the RV X as 2 = E(X 2 ) 2 . It X is a useful exercise to show that these two denitions are equivalent. 9 While this function is also an RV, its expected value (i.e. its variance) is actually a constant (just like its expected value, as we pointed out above). 10 Here, we will focus on linear functions, but the analysis could be extended to more general function. We will consider the variance of a function of more than one RV in the next section.

The variance of this function is


= = = = =

E[(cX cX )2 ] E[(cX cX )2 ] E[c2 (X X )2 ] c2 E[(X X )2 ] 2 c2 X .

1.9 Covariance
Closely related to the concept of variance is sure of


between two RVs.

The covariance between the two RVs usually denoted


, which is a mea(or sometimes

X and Y (whether discrete or continuous), Cov(X, Y )), is dened as11


X,Y = E[(X X )(Y Y )].

This denition should make it clear that the covariance of an RV with itself is just equal to the variance of that RV. In other words, the covariance of the RV

with itself is


= E[(X X )(X X )] = E[(X X )2 ] 2 = X .

Just as we viewed variance as the expectation of a function of a (single) RV, we can view covariance as the expectation of a function of two RVs. For two discrete RVs



this means


X,Y =
while for two continuous RVs

(x X )(y Y )f (x, y),




this means

E[g(X, Y )] =
x y
As mentioned above, two RVs dent if

(x X )(y Y )f (x, y)dxdy. X


are said to be statistically indepen-

E(XY ) = E(X)E(Y ).
11 We can also dene the covariance of the RVs X and Y as X,Y = E(XY ) X Y . As was the case with the denitions of variance, it is a useful exercise to show that these two are equivalent. 12 Here, the expectation is taken of the function g(X, Y ) = (X )(Y y ). X Y


Therefore, using the alternate denition of covariance, it can be see that if two RVs


are statistically independent, their covariance is zero:


= E(XY ) X y = E(X)E(Y ) X y = 0

Using the denition of covariance, we can now consider the variance of a function of more than one RV. Consider the linear function where


are two RVs.

13 The variance of this function is

g(X, Y ) = X + Y ,

V ar(X + Y )

= E[(X + Y X+Y )2 ] = E[(X + Y X Y )2 ] = E(X 2 + Y 2 + 2XY 2XX 2XY 2Y X 2Y Y + 2X Y + 2 + 2 ) X Y = E(X 2 2XX + 2 ) + E(Y 2 2Y Y + 2 ) X Y +2E(XY XX Y Y + X Y ) 2 2 = X + Y + 2X,Y . Y
are statistically independent,

Of course, if


2 2 Var(X + Y ) = X + Y


is equal to zero.

A similar analysis (omitted here) could be used to show that the variance of the function

g(X, Y ) = X Y

is equal to

2 2 Var(X Y ) = X + Y 2X,Y ,


are statistically independent, in which case

2 2 Var(X Y ) = X + Y .


A related measure of association is between the two RVs




. The

X,Y ,

is dened as

coecient of cor-

X,Y =
Note that if uncorrelated.

X,Y . X Y


lation is zero (since

Y are statistically independent, the coecient of correX,Y = 0), in which case we would say they are said to be

13 We

again focus on only linear functions, but more general functions could be considered.


1.10 Estimators
In order to calculate the measures considered above (expected value, variance, and covariance), it is necessary to know something about the probability function associated with the RV (or, in the case of covariance, the joint probability function associated with the RVs) of interest. In the die rolling example, the RV

was known

a priori

to be uniformly distributed. Given this, we were able to

calculate the expected value and variance of

quite easily. In such cases, it is

However, the probability function for an RV determined by anything but the most trivial random experiment is usually unknown. common to


that the RV follows some theoretical distribution (such as , we will use the PDF

the uniform distribution). For example, if we assume that the continuous RV

follows a

normal distribution
2 2X

f (x) =


(x X )2 2 2 X

, for < x < +,


which requires us to know the parameters

2 X .14

The problem is that

we can't derive these parameters unless we rst know the PDF (which requires knowing the parameters). In some cases we may choose to assume values for them, but in others, we need to A is a set of RVs,

random sample
(or ).


them using a sample of observations.



independently drawn observations on the RV

x1 , . . . , xn ,

each of which has the same distribution as

this reason, we say that the RVs

distributed IID sample mean


x1 , . . . , xn


Let's start by considering an

. The usual estimator of the mean of the RV

n i=1

independent, identically



of the mean of an RV, called the



1 X= n x1 , . . . , xn

xi , X. s2 , X

is a random sample of observations on the RV


Next, consider an estimator of the the variance of an RV, called the . For the RV


the usual estimator of variance, denoted


s2 X

1 = n1

(xi X)2 .

It should be clear right away that both the sample mean and sample variance of an RV are functions of RVs (the random sample), and are therefore RVs themselves. Simply put,

estimators are RVs.

14 If the RV X follows a normal distribution with mean and variance 2 , it is common x X 2 to write X N (X , X ). 15 In fact, if we are not comfortable in assuming some theoretical distribution, it is even possible that we can estimate the probability function itself using a sample of observations. This approach is considered nonparametric, since it does not involve estimating the parameters of some theoretical distribution (which is a parametric approach).


As RVs, estimators have their own probability function, distribution function, expected value, variance, etc. sample mean of the RV For example, the expected value of the



= E 1 E n

1 n

i=1 n

= =


1 [E(x1 ) + . . . + E(xn )] n 1 = (X + . . . + X ) n = X .
This demonstrates that the sample mean is what is a called an that parameter. The variance of the sample mean of the RV mator: an estimator of a parameter whose expected value is the true value of






1 n

i=1 n

= = = =

1 Var n2


1 [Var(x1 ) + . . . + Var(xn )] n2 1 2 2 + . . . + X n2 X 2 X . n

Turning to the sample variance, it turns out that this estimator is also unbiased. The proof is a little more complicated, but it will help to begin by rewriting the sample variance of the RV


s2 = X

1 n1

[(xi X ) (X X )]2

(note that this is equivalent to our original expression since the The expected value of

terms cancel).

s2 X

is thus

E(s2 ) X

= E

1 n1

[(x X ) (X X )]2


1 E n1 1 E n1 1 E n1 1 E n1

(xi X )2 2(X X )(xi X ) + (X X )2

i=1 n n

(xi X ) 2(X X )
2 i=1 n i=1

(xi X ) + n(X X )2

(xi X )2 2n(X X )2 + n(X X )2

i=1 n

= = = = =

(xi X )2

n E[(X X )2 ] n1

1 n E(x1 X )2 + . . . + E(xn X )2 E{[X E(X)]2 } n1 n1 1 n 2 ( 2 + . . . + X ) Var(X) n1 X n1 2 2 n X nX n1 n1 n 2 X . s2 , X


We won't do so here, but it can shown that the variance of normally distributed RV, is

is a

Var(s2 ) = X
It is useful to compare the estimator

4 2X . n1

s2 X

with an alternative estimator of

variance. Another commonly used estimator of variance of the RV



X , 2

is dened as

X = 2
The expected value of X is 2

1 n

(xi X)2 =

n1 2 s . n X

E(X ) 2

= =

n1 E(s2 ) X n n1 2 X , n


which implies that the estimator

X 2

of an estimator is equal to the expected value of the estimator minus the


(i.e. it is not unbiased). The

parameter being estimated. For

X 2

, this is

Bias(X ) 2

2 = E(X X ) 2 2 2 = E(X ) E(X ) n1 2 2 = X X n 1 2 = n X



is normally distributed, we can use the variance of

variance of X : 2

s2 X

to nd the

Var(X ) 2

= = = =


n1 2 s n X

n1 n

Var(s2 ) X

4 n1 2X n n1 4 2(n 1)X . n2

Note that this is less than the variance of

s2 X

, i.e.

Var(X ) < Var(s2 ). 2 X

Since it has a lower variance, we would say that

X is a more 2 2 estimator of variance than sX . Note that eciency is a relative measure (i.e. we can only speak of the eciency of an estimator in comparison to the eciency
of other estimators). For this reason, we often refer to the the relative eciency of two estimators, which is just equal to the ratio of their variances. For example,


relative eciency

s2 X


X 2


Var(s2 ) X = Var(X ) 2
any other estimator. Although

n n1

However, we may say that an estimator is ecient, if it is more ecient than

s2 X

has a lower bias than

X , 2

it is not as ecient. This raises the

important question of which estimator is better. Typically (as in this case), we see a trade-o between bias and eciency. A commonly used measure that takes both of these factors into consideration is the


) of an estimator, which is simply equal to the variance of the estimator

mean squared error

we have


plus the square of the bias of the estimator.

16 For

s2 , X

MSE(s2 ) X

= = =

Var(s2 ) + [Bias(s2 )]2 X X 4 2X + [0]2 n1 4 2X , n1

16 Actually, the MSE of an estimator is dened as its squared expected deviation from its 2 true value. For example, the MSE of s2 is dened as E[(s2 X )2 ]. However, since this is X X equivalent to the estimator's variance plus its squared bias, we usually write it that way. It would be a useful exercise to show this equivalence.


while for

X , 2

we have

MSE(X ) 2

= = = =

Var(X ) + [X ]2 2 2
4 1 2 2(n 1)X + 2 n n X 4 4 2(n 1)X + X 2 n n2 4 (2n 1)X . n2 2

To compare the two estimators, we can use the dierence in their MSEs:

MSE(s2 ) MSE(X ) 2 X

4 4 2X (2n 1)X n1 n2 2 4 = n2 X > 0,

which implies

MSE(s2 ) > MSE(X ). 2 X

So, on the basis of MSE,

X 2

would be the preferred estimator. Of course, MSE

is not the only basis on which to compare two (or more) estimators. Before moving on, let's consider an estimator of the covariance of two RVs, called the and


the usual estimator of covariance, denoted

sample covariance
sX,Y =

. From

observations on each of two RVs,

sX,Y ,

is dened as

1 n1

(xi X)(yi Y ).

coecient of correlation

We can use the sample covariance of , denoted

X and Y rX,Y , as sX,Y , sX sY


to calculate the


rX,Y = sX ,

the sample variance of

sample standard deviation

X . sY


is just the square root of

is dened similarly.

asymptotic properties n sample properties

The innite size (i.e. where form in

1.11 Asymptotic properties of estimators

of an estimator are based on random samples of tends towards innity). These dier from the that we considered above (where

was nite). Although


working with random samples of innite size may seem unrealistic (and it is), asymptotic analysis provides us with an approximation of how estimators per-


random samples.


17 For

this reason, asymptotic properties are sometimes called large sample properties.

In order to examine the asymptotic properties of estimators, it is necessary to understand the concept of depends on introducing some new notation. Let

convergence in probability
Xn > 0.

We begin by

be an RV (such as an estimator), which

n. X n

is said to converge in probability to a constant



lim Prob(|Xn c| > ) = 0, for c


converges in probability to

(as above), we will usually write

Xn c.
Alternatively, we may say that write

is the

probability limit plim


) of



plim(Xn ) = c.
Using the concept of convergence in probability, we can now consider some useful asymptotic properties of estimators. An estimator of a parameter is said to be probability to the true value of the parameter. This condition is known as of the RV



if it converges in condition for an and always

estimator to be consistent is that its MSE tends to zero as

implies convergence in probability. For example, consider the sample mean,

convergence in quadratic mean


n approaches innity. X,


The MSE of

MSE(X) =

2 X , n

is unbiased. So

lim [MSE(X)]

= =


2 X n


which implies that,

p X X . X
is a consistent estimator of the mean of

So, we can conclude that have

Next, consider the estimators of the variance of the RV

X , s2 X


X , X . X . We 2

lim [MSE(s2 )] X

= =


4 2X n1



lim [MSE(X )] 2

= =


4 (2n 1)X n2


implying that

2 s2 X , X

2 X X . 2 2 X , X . 2 Note that this is true even though X is a biased estimator of the variance of X . If the bias of an estimator goes to zero as n approaches innity, it is said to be . Recall that the bias of the estimator X was 2
So, both and are consistent estimators of the variance of

s2 X

X 2

asymptotically unbiased

Bias(X ) = 2
As unbiased. Similarly, an estimator is said to be

1 2 . n X
is asymptotically , if, as

n approaches innity, this becomes zero, and therefore, X 2

approaches innity, it is more ecient than any other estimator. of estimators. Specically, we are often interested in the

asymptotically ecient

Before concluding, we should make some mention about the

bution convergence in distribution

of estimators (i.e. The RV

the distribution of estimators which are based on .

asymptotic distri-


random samples of innite size). This requires understanding of the concept of

Xn ,

with distribution function

bution to the RV


with distribution function

Fn (x), is said F (x), if

to converge in distri-

at all continuity points of

lim |Fn (x) = F (x)| = 0

This is usually written as

F (x).

Xn X.


In considering the asymptotic distribution of an estimator, a (or

tribution of the sample mean can be found by using the Lindeberg-Levy CLT. This CLT states that if


) often comes in handy.

For example, the asymptotic disof

central limit



has mean

x1 , . . . , xn is a random sample 2 X and variance X , then

n d

observations on the


2 (xi X ) N (0, X ).

Alternatively, this can be written as


2 n(X X ) N (0, X ),


(xi X )

= n1/2

xi nX

= n1/2 (nX nX ) = n(X X )





is as dened earlier.

In this case,

is said to be

What is remarkable about this theorem is that it holds true even


if the RV

does not follow a normal distribution (e.g.

it may be uniformly


Regression Models

2.1 Introduction
Natural and social scientists use abstract models to describe the behaviour of the systems that they study. Typically, these models are formulated in mathematical terms, using one or more equations. For example, in an introductory macroeconomics course, the aggregate expenditures model is used to describe the behaviour of an economy. In this model, the equation

C = cD,
is used to describe how the level of consumption, disposable income, by the parameter level of


depends on the level of



is a linear function of


whose slope is given given the


called the marginal propensity to consume (which is some

arbitrary constant). Such a relationship is said to be

deterministic :


we can determine the exact level of


Deterministic relationships, however, rarely (if ever) hold in observed data. This is for two reasons: First, there will almost always be some error in measuring the variables involved; and second, there will very often be some other,


factors that aect the relationship but which cannot be easily

exact relationship is said to be statistical.

of interest, but it will not be

Of course, there may be


relationship between the variables completely deterministic). Such a

To illustrates the dierence, consider a model which posits that the variable

is determined by some function of the variable


i.e. (1)

Y = m(X).
Now, suppose that we have which we denote

n observations on each of the variables Y and X , y1 , . . . , yn and x1 , . . . , xn , respectively. For any given pair of observations, (yi , xi ), we would like to allow the possibility that the relationship
in (1) does not hold exactly. To do this, we add in what is called a


, denoted

ui ,

which gives us the

regression model
i = 1, . . . , n.


yi = m(xi ) + ui ,

By adding this disturbance term, we are able to capture any measurement errors or other non-systematic factors not identied in (1). On average, we would hope that each disturbance term is zero (otherwise, the model would contain some systematic error). However, for each pair of observations, the actual size of

(yi , xi ), i = 1, . . . , n


will dier.


Since the disturbance term is, by nature, unpredictable, it is treated as an RV. Like any other RV, it has its own distribution. The most important characteristic of this distribution is that its expected value is zero, i.e. for each

ui , E(ui ) = 0.
Typically, we assume that each

ui , i = 1, . . . , n,

is IID. This means, among

other things, that each has the same variance, i.e. for each

ui ,

2 Var(ui ) = u .
In this case, the disturbance terms are said to be

ally means same variance). Given the IID assumption, it is common to write


(which liter-

2 ui IID(0, u ).
Note that, since


is a function of the RV


(see Equation (2)), it also must

be an RV itself. Of course, usually referred to as the the

We haven't yet indicated whether experiment, then

dependent variable x independent variable explanatory variable

, and (or


is also dependent on

xi .

For this reason, yi is i is usually referred to as ).


is an RV. This is because sometimes it

is, and sometimes it isn't. If we our observations are generated by a


x1 , . . . , xn

are held constant (and are obviously not RVs). As

an example, consider an experiment where we give patients dierent doses of a blood pressure medication, and measure the reduction in their blood pressures over some period of time. Here, to patients patients

1, . . . , n, 1, . . . , n. If


x1 , . . . , xn are the doses of the medication given y1 , . . . , yn are the reduction in the blood pressures of x1 , . . . , xn constant (i.e. keeping the y1 , . . . , yn would be dierent each In this case, y1 , . . . , yn are RVs (since

we repeat this experiment several times over (with, say, a

new group of patients each time), holding time (due to the disturbances

doses unchanged), we would still expect that

u1 , . . . , un

are RVs), but

u1 , . . . , un ). x1 , . . . , xn are not.

On the other hand, if our observations are generated by a



x1 , . . . , xn

are RVs. For example, consider an experiment where we observe

dierent workers' education and income levels (perhaps we want to see if higher levels of education result in higher levels of income). Here, education levels of workers workers

x1 , . . . , xn

are the

1, . . . , n, x1 , . . . , xn


y1 , . . . , y n

are the income levels of

1, . . . , n.

If we repeat this experiment several times over (with a new will be dierent each time, and therefore

group of workers each time), experiment).

can be considered RVs (since we don't know their values until we complete the

regression model regression model

Up to this point, we have been dealing with what is called a , since it involves just two variables:



xi .

Of course,


most regression models used in the natural and social sciences involve more than just two variables. A model of this type, referred to as a , has one dependent variable and more than one independent



variables. A multivariate regression model with takes the form

k dierent independent variables i = 1, . . . .n, X1 , x2,1 , . . . , x2,n

are ob, where

yi = m(x1,i , . . . xk,i ) + ui ,

x1,1 , . . . , x1,n

are observations on the variable

servations on the variable

X2 ,

and so on.

Aler natively, it is possible to have a

only one variable is involved. Such models are usually only relevant when the variable involved is in the form of a time-series. An example of such a model is what is known as an is regressed on lagged values of itself.

univariate regression model



the variable

over time, a

) takes the form

autoregressive process y ,...,y p th-order autoregressive process


, where the dependent variable

n be observations on (or

AR(p )

yt = m(yt1 , . . . ytp ) + ut ,

t = 1, . . . .n.

For ease of exposition, the rest of this lecture will focus on bivariate regression models, but all of the results are perfectly applicable to multivariate and univariate regression models.

2.2 Estimation of regression models

Usually, the exact form of the function will denote RVs


is unknown. Therefore, the task

of the statistician is to come up with some estimate of this function, which we

m(). Of course, since any estimate of m() will be based on the the y1 , . . . , yn (and x1 , . . . , xn , which also may be RVs), m(), like any other estimator, will also be an RV. Exactly how m() is estimated, and how m() is
distributed (which will depend on the method of estimation), will occupy us for the remainder of the course. Assuming we have an estimate of way. Given a specic observation of

m() in hand, it can be used in the following xi , the estimate m(xi ) will give us an estimate yi = m(xi ).

yi ,

which we will denote

yi ,


Clearly, the estimate write


will not always be equal to the observed value

So, we add in what is called an

error term



yi .

), denoted

ui ,


yi = m(xi ) + ui .
Rearranging, we have


= yi m(xi ) = yi yi . m()
should have the property

That is, the error term is equal to the dierence between the observed and estimated values of

yi .

Clearly, any estimator of

that it minimizes such errors. This will be a guiding principle in developing the estimators we are interested in.


2.3 Specication of regression models

While the exact form of


is usually unknown, it is common for the statis-

tician (or even the theorist) to assume some function form. a specic form, (2) is referred to as a

the function must involve some parameters). On the other hand, if

we will consider nonparametric regression models later in the course. The most common form assumed for regression models involves specifying

gression model
as an

unspecied, the regression model in (2) is referred to as a

. For now, we will focus on parametric regression models, but

parametric regression model m() nonparametric re(since is left



is given


ane function18

, i.e.

m(xi ) = + xi ,
which gives use the

linear regression model

yi = + xi + ui .

Here and


are parameters to be estimated. Denoting these estimates

we have

m(xi ) = + xi .
Arriving at these estimates will be the focus of the next topic.

regression model

Of course, not all parametric regression models are linear. is one in which


is nonlinear. For example, if


m(xi ) = x i
we have the nonlinear regression model

yi = x + ui . i
As above,

is a parameter to be estimated. Denoting this estimate

we have

m(xi ) = x . i
Estimating nonlinear regression models is beyond the scope of this course.

Ordinary least squares

3.1 Estimating bivariate linear regression models

The most common method for estimating linear regression models (both bivariate and multivariate) is the method of method is based on minimizing the the estimated regression model.

ordinary least squares OLS sum of squared residuals SSR

(or (or

). This ) from

18 An

ane function, g(x), takes the form g(x) = a+bx, where a and b are any real numbers.


If we have the bivariate linear regression model

yi = + xi + ui ,
then the

i = 1, . . . .n



residual from the estimate of this model is

ui = yi xi .
Summing the square of each of these terms (from

i = 1 . . . , n),

we have

u2 i


(yi xi )2 .

From the left hand side of this equation, it is evident that the sum of squared residuals is a function of both



Therefore, we normally write

SSR( , ) =

(yi xi )2 .

Since the method of OLS is based on minimizing this function, we are faced with a very simple optimization problem: Minimize the function choosing

SSR(, )




min SSR( , ) =
, i=1

(yi xi )2

The rst-order, necessary conditions for this optimization problem are

n SSR( , ) = 2 (yi xi ) = 0, i=1



SSR( , ) = 2
Equation (4) implies

(yi xi )(xi ) = 0.


(yi xi ) = 0.
Carrying through the summation operator, we have

yi n
i=1 i=1

xi = 0.


Finally, solving for


which can be rewritten as

1 n

i=1 i=1


= y x,


y is

the sample mean of the observations

yi , . . . , y n ,



1 n

yi ,

is the sample mean of the observations

xi , . . . , xn ,



1 n

xi .

Moving on to Equation (5), we have

(yi xi )(xi ) = 0.
Multiplying through by

xi ,

we have

(yi xi xi x2 ) = 0. i
Next, carrying through the summation operator, we have

yi xi
Now, substituting for

i=1 i=1

x2 = 0. i

from Equation (6) gives

yi xi ( x) y
i=1 i=1
Expanding the term in brackets, we have


x2 = 0. i

yi xi y
Finally, solving for

xi + x
i=1 i=1


x2 = 0. i

we have

n i=1 yi xi y n x2 x i=1 i

n i=1 xi . n i=1 xi


It is often desirable to write


n i=1 (yi y )(xi n 2 i=1 (xi x)



To show that Equations (7) and (8) are equivalent, we show that the numerator and denominator of each are equivalent. First, expand the numerator in Equation (8) and rearrange:

(yi y )(xi x)

i=1 n

(yi xi yi x y xi + y x)
n n

i=1 n

yi xi x

yi y
i=1 n

xi + nx y xi + ny) x

i=1 n

yi xi xn y y
i=1 n


yi xi y

xi ,

which is exactly the numerator in Equation (7). Second, expand the denominator in Equation (8) and rearrange:

(xi x)2

i=1 n

(x2 2xi x + x2 ) i

i=1 n

x2 2 x i

xi + n2 x

i=1 n

x2 2n2 + n2 x x i x2 n2 x i
i=1 n n

= =

x2 x i

xi ,

which is exactly the denominator in Equation (7). At other times, it will be convenient to to rewrite


n i=1 (xi n i=1 (xi

x)yi . x)xi


To show that this is equivalent to Equation (8) (and therefore Equation (7)), we again show that the numerator and denominator of each are equivalent. To


do so, it is helpful to realize that

(xi x)


xi n x

= nx n x = 0,
and similarly,

(yi y ) = 0.
Now, the numerator in Equation (8) can be expanded to give

(xi x)(yi y )

i=1 n

[(xi x)yi (xi x)] y


i=1 n

(xi x)yi y

(xi x)

i=1 n

(xi x)yi 0 (xi x)yi ,


which is the numerator in Equation (9). Similarly, the denominator in Equation (8) can be expanded to give

(xi x)2

i=1 n

[(xi x)xi (xi x)] x


i=1 n

(xi x)xi x

(xi x)

i=1 n

(xi x)xi 0 (xi x)xi ,


which is the denominator in Equation (9). So, we have three dierent (but equivalent) expressions for section, Equation (9) will often come in handy.

Equations (7),

(8), and (9). We most often use Equation (8), but, as we will see in the next


3.2 Properties of OLS estimators of bivariate linear regression models

The properties of OLS estimators depend on the properties of the error terms in the linear regression model we are estimating. For now, we will assume that, for each

ui ,
2 ui IID(0, u ).

However, as we progress, we will relax this assumption and see how the properties of OLS estimators change. In addition, we will also assume that

xi , i = 1, . . . , n

are not RVs.


assumption does not have nearly as large an impact on the properties of OLS estimators as the IID assumption, but will make the following analysis a little easier. The rst question we want to ask is whether or not OLS estimators are unbiased. Let's start with

To do so, we substitute for


in Equation (9)

from Equation (3):

Multiplying through, we have

n i=1 (xi

n i=1 (xi

x)( + xi + ui ) . x)xi

= =

n i=1 (xi

x) +


n i=1 (xi n i=1 (xi n i=1 (xi

n i=1 (xi

n n i=1 (xi x)xi + i=1 (xi n (xi x)xi i=1 n x)xi + i=1 (xi x)ui



= +

x)ui . x)xi :
n i=1 (xi n i=1 (xi

Next, we nd the expected value of


= E + = + = ,

x)ui x)xi

n i=1 (xi x)E(ui ) n (xi x)xi i=1


E(ui ) = 0.


is unbiased.

Let's now move on to

From Equation (6), we have

1 n

yi x.


Substituting for


from Equation (3), we have

1 n

( + xi + ui ) x
i=1 n n

1 n + xi + ui ) x n i=1 i=1 1 n

= + x +

i=1 n

1 = + x( ) + n
Taking the expected value of

ui .


we have

E( )

= E + x( ) +

1 n

i=1 n

1 = + x[ E()] + n = + x( ) =

E(ui )

is also unbiased.

Another important property of OLS estimators is their variance. Since unbiased, we have


Var() = E[( )2 ].
From Equation (10), this means

Var() = E

n i=1 (xi n i=1 (xi

x)ui x)xi

To make handling the term in brackets a little easier, let's introduce some new notation. Let

ki =
so that

(xi x) , n (xi x)2 i=1

n 2

Var() = E
Expanding this, we have

ki ui

Var() = E

n 2 ki u2 + 2 i i=1


ki kj ui uj

i=1 j=i+1


n1 2 ki E(u2 ) + 2 i


ki kj E(ui uj ).
i=1 j=i+1

Two things should be apparent here: First, notice that

2 E(u2 ) = u i

2 u

= Var(ui ) = E [ui E(ui )]2 = E(u2 ) i

Second, for all

i = j,

we have

E(ui uj )

= E(ui )E(uj ) = 0,
is IID (and therefore statistically indepen-

since we have assumed that each dent from one another). So,



2 u i=1 n

2 ki

2 = u i=1 2 u

(xi x) n 2 i=1 (xi x)

n 2 i=1

= =
We now move on to

(xi x)2 ]

(xi x)2

2 u . n 2 i=1 (xi x)


is unbiased, we have

Var() = E[( )2 ].
From Equation (11), this means

Var( ) 1 = E x( ) + n

n 2


1 = E x2 ( )2 + 2( ) + 2 x n


n n1 n 1 = x2 E[( )2 ] + 2[ E()] + 2 E x u2 + 2 ui uj i n i=1 i=1 j=i+1


= x2 Var() + 2[ ] + x =
2 = u 2 u x2 n (xi i=1

1 n2

E(u2 ) + i

2 n2


E(ui uj )
i=1 j=i+1


1 n 2 n2 u + 1 n .

n i=1 (xi


Given the variance of OLS estimators, we might want to ask how ecient they are. stated as unbiased estimators, they are in fact the most ecient. This property is often (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator). By best, we mean most ecient. Here, we will prove this only for Using the

Gauss-Markov theorem BLUE


states that, in the class of linear,

but the proof for

is very similar.


notation we introduced above, Equation (9) implies

This should make it clear that linear in

ki yi .

is a linear estimator  the above function is

yi .

Now, let's consider some linear, unbiased estimator of

call it


gi yi ,

gi = ki + wi ,


is some non-zero term which depends on

x1 , . . . , xn .

This implies that

i=1 n

(ki + wi )yi


ki yi +
i=1 n

wi yi

= +
Taking expectations, we have

wi yi .


= E

i=1 n

wi yi wi yi

= +E


Substituting for


from Equation (3), we have


= +E
i=1 n

wi ( + xi + ui )
n n

= +
i=1 n

wi +
i=1 n

wi xi +

E(ui )

= +

wi +

wi xi ,

E(ui ) = 0.

In order for

to be unbiased, we must have

wi = 0,

wi xi = 0,
since, in general,


are non-zero. This allows us to rewrite the second

term on the left-hand side of Equation (12) as

wi yi

= =

wi ( + xi + ui )
i=1 n n n

wi +

wi xi +

wi ui

i=1 n


wi ui .

Also, note that Equation (10) implies


ki ui .

Substituting these last two results into Equation (12), we have

= +
i=1 n

ki ui +

wi ui

= +
Finally, the variance of

(ki + wi )ui .



= E



= E

(ki + wi )ui
i=1 n

= E
i=1 n

(ki + wi )2 u2 i (ki + wi )2 E(u2 ) i

i=1 2 = u

(ki + wi )2
i=1 n 2 2 (ki + 2ki wi + wi ) i=1 n n 2 2 ki + 2u i=1 n i=1 n 2 ki wi + u i=1 i=1 2 wi . 2 ki wi + u i=1 n 2 wi

2 = u

2 = u

2 Var() + 2u

The second term on the right-hand-side of this equation is

ki wi

= = = 0,

n i=1 (xi x)wi n 2 i=1 (xi x) n n i=1 i=1 xi wi x n 2 i=1 (xi x)



n i=1

xi wi = 0


n i=1

wi = 0.

Therefore, we have

n 2 Var() = Var() + u i=1

which implies

2 wi ,

Var() > Var(),



is non-zero. This proves the Gauss-Markov theorem for

We won't

go through it here, but the proof for

is quite similar.

3.3 Estimating multivariate linear regression models

Now consider the multivariate linear regression model


yi = 1 + 2 x2,i + . . . + k xk,i + ui ,
19 Note

i = 1, . . . .n

that the bivariate linear regression model considered above is just a special case of the multivariate linear regression model considered here. For this reason, what follows is applicable to both bivariate and multivariate linear regression models.

To make the analysis of such regression models much easier, we typically express this in matrix form:


y = X + u

(13) and



n-vectors, X

is an

as follows:

n k matrix, y1 . y = . , . yn x2,1
. . .

is a

k -vector,



. . .


. . .

1 x2,n =

. . .

. . . xk,n ,

k u=

. . .

un u
denote the residuals from the estimate of this model, we have

u = y Xb

is an estimator of

. = = = =

The sum squared residuals is thus


uu (y Xb) (y Xb) y y y Xb b X y + b X Xb y y 2b X y + b X Xb. y Xb

is a scalar (this can be conrmed by

Here, we make use of the fact that

checking its dimensions), and is therefore equal to its transpose, i.e.

y Xb

= (y Xb) = b X y.

As we saw in the bivariate case, the method of OLS is based on minimizing this function. Our optimization problem is thus

min SSR(b) = y y 2b X y + b X Xb.



20 In these notes,

we make the assumption that the reader is reasonably well-versed in matrix


The rst-order necessary condition for this optimization problem is

SSR(b) = 2X y + 2X Xb = 0, b
which implies

X y = X Xb.
Finally, solving for


we have

b = (X X)1 X y.


3.4 Properties of OLS estimators of multivariate linear regression models21

In order to analyze the properties of means that the about the error terms. As before, we assume that each

b, we again need to make some assumptions ui has mean zero. This u1

. . .

n-vector u

has the following expected value:


= E = = 0, 0
. . .



is a

The variance of

k -vector of u is Var(u)


= E ([u E(u)][u E(u)] ) = E(uu ) u1 . = E . ( u1 un . un u2 u1 un 1 . . . = E . , . . un u1 u2 n

which is called the each


is IID with variance

error covariance matrix

2 u , 2 E(u2 ) = u , i

. For now, we will assume that

which means that

21 As noted above, what follows is also applicable to bivariate linear regression models (since the bivariate linear regression model is just a special case of the multivariate linear regression model).


and, for all

i = j, E(ui uj ) = 0.


Var(u) =

2 u
. . .

. . .

2 = u In ,

2 u


is an


identity matrix.

Given these assumptions, we typically write

2 u IID(0, u In ).
Also, to make things easier, we will continue to assume that assumption. Let's start the analysis by asking whether Equation (13) into Equation (14), we have

is not a

RV. Later in the course, we will see what the consequences are if we relax this

b is unbiased or not.


b = (X X)1 X (Xb + u) = (X X)1 X X + (X X)1 X u = + (X X)1 X u.

Now, taking expectations we have



= E + (X X)1 X u = + (X X)1 X E(u) = ,


E(u) = 0.


is unbiased.

Let's now move on to the variance of


Given that

is unbiased, we have


= E ([b E(b)][b E(b)] ) = E [(b )(b ) ] .

Substituting from Equation (15), we have


= E [(X X)1 X u][(X X)1 X u] = E (X X)X uu X(X X)1 = (X X)1 X E(uu )X(X X)1 2 = u (X X)1 X X(X X)1 2 = u (X X)1 .


Having derived the variance of


we now want to show that the Gauss-

Markov theorem holds here. Consider some other linear, unbiased estimator of

call it

B: B = Gy,


G = W + (X X)1 X ,

is some non-zero matrix which depends on


The expected value of

is thus


= E(Gy) = GE(y). y

Note that the expected value of


= E(X + u) = X + E(u) = X,


This means that, in order for

= GX.

to be unbiased, we must have

GX = Ik ,


is an


identity matrix (check the dimensions of


to conrm

this). Given this condition, notice that

= = = =

Gy G(X + u) GX + Gu + Gu,

and that


= [G (X X)1 X ]X = GX (X X)1 X X = Ik Ik = 0.

The variance of

is therefore


= E ([B E(B)][b E(B)] ) = E[( + Gu )( + Gu ) ]


= = = = = =

E[(Gu)(Gu) ] E(Guu G ) GE(uu )G 2 u GG 2 u [W + (X X)1 X ][W + (X X)1 X ] 2 u [WW + WX(X X)1 + (X X)1 X W + (X X)1 X X(X X)1 ] 2 2 = u WW + u (W W)1 .

Finally, since

is a non-zero matrix,

Var(B) > Var(b),

which proves the Gauss-Markov theorem. Before moving on, let's briey consider some of the asymptotic properties of OLS estimators. approaches zero as to its variance, i.e.


Arguably the most important of these is consistency. approaches innity. Since

Recall that a sucient condition for estimator to be consistent is that its MSE

is unbiased, its MSE is equal

2 MSE(b) = u (X X)1 .
Now, consider the matrix of

X X.

Since each element of this matrix is a sum

numbers, as

approaches innity, we would expect that each such element

1 n times this times each of these elements would approach some constant. We can write
would also approach innity. However, it would be safe to assume that this assumption as



1 XX n

= Q, b


is a nite, non-singular matrix. is consistent by rewriting its

We can use this assumption to show that MSE as

MSE(b) =

1 2 1 ( X X)1 . n u n b

Notice that this is equivalent to our previous expression for the MSE of

1 n terms cancel each other out. Taking the limit as we have

approaches innity,

lim [MSE(b)]

= =

lim lim

1 2 n u 1 2 n u

1 XX n lim

1 XX n

= (0)Q = 0,

22 We didn't do this when we focused on the bivariate linear regression model, but, once again, all of what follows is applicable to that special case.


which implies

b .

is consistent.

Finally, let's consider the asymptotic distribution of rewriting Equation (15) as


To do so, begin by

Notice that, as above, the

1 XX n

1 Xu . n

1 n terms cancel each other out, leaving us with Equation (15). Rearranging, we have

n(b ) = ith

1 XX n

n1/2 X u. X u. 1 n


Now, let result that

Xi ui

be the

row of the matrix

Using a CLT, we have the

n1/2 [Xi ui E(Xi ui )] N

The expected value of

0, lim

Var(Xi ui )

Xi ui


E(Xi ui )

= Xi E(ui ) = 0,

so its variance is

Var(Xi ui )

= = = =

E[(Xi ui )(Xi ui ) ] E(Xi ui ui Xi ) Xi E(ui ui )Xi 2 u X i X i .

Using Assumption (17), we thus have


1 n

Var(Xi ui )


1 n

n 2 u X i X i i=1

2 = u lim 2 = u Q.

1 XX n

23 In small samples, we can't generally say anything about the distribution of b unless we know the exact distribution of X and u. For example, if X is not an RV, and u is normally distributed, then b is also normally distributed since it is a linear function of u (see Equation (15)).


Therefore, we can write

2 n1/2 (Xi ui ) N (0, u Q).

Combining this with Assumption (17), we have

1 XX n

1 2 n1/2 (Xi ui ) N (0, u Q1 QQ1 ), d

which, by Equation 18, means

That is,

2 n(b ) N (0, u Q1 ).

is asymptotically normal.

3.5 Estimating the variance of the error terms of linear regression models
Even if we are willing to make the assumption that each of the error terms is IID with mean zero and variance the following estimator

2 u ,

we do not usually know the value of

2 u .


we typically would like to get some estimate of it. We start here by proposing

2 u ,

which we denote

s2 : u

s2 = u

uu . nk

While it may not be immediately clear where this comes from, we can show that it is an unbiased estimator of

2 u .

Let's start by substituting Equation (14) into the denition of


u = y Xb = y X(X X)1 X y = (In X(X X)1 X )y = My,


M = (In X(X X)1 X ).

It is easy to show that the matrix that


M is both symmetric and idempotent,


M = M,

MM = M.
24 This

proof of this will be left as an assignment question.


Substituting Equation (13) into the above expression for


we have

u = = = =

My M(X + u) MX + Mu Mu,


= (In X(X X)1 X )X = X X(X X)1 X X = XX = 0.

we have

Taking expectations of

s2 , u

E(s2 ) u

= = = =

E( u) u nk E[(Mu) (Mu)] nk E(u M Mu) nk E(u Mu) . nk

Notice that

u Mu

is a scalar (check the dimensions to conrm this), and is

therefore equal to its trace, i.e.

u Mu = Tr(u Mu).
So, we can write

E(s2 ) u

= = = = =

E[Tr(u Mu)] nk E[Tr(Muu )] nk Tr[ME(uu )] nk 2 u Tr(M) nk 2 u .



Tr[In X(X X)1 X ]


= = = =
So, we conclude that

Tr(In ) Tr[X(X X)1 X ] n Tr[(X X)1 X X] n Tr(Ik ) n k.

2 u . 2 Note that since the variance of b, depends on u (see Equation (31)), we can 2 use su to get an estimate of the variance of b. This estimate, which we denote 2 2 by Var(b), is found by replacing u by su in Equation (31), i.e.
is an unbiased estimator of

s2 u

1 Var(b) = s2 (X X) . u 2 s2 is an unbiased estimator of u , Var(b) is u Var(b). The square root of Var(b) is often called the

standard error

an unbiased estimate of of


Hypothesis testing

4.1 Testing linear restrictions

Having established the properties of the OLS estimator, we now move on to showing how this estimator can be used to test various hypotheses. For illustrative purposes, let's start by considering the following linear regression model:

yi = 1 + 2 x2,i + 3 x3,i + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n.


Some examples of null hypotheses we might wish to test are: 1. 2.

H0 : 2 = 2,0 ,



is some specied value (often zero); and

H0 : 2 = 3 = 0.

Both of these examples t into the general linear framework

H0 : R = r,
where, here, 1.

= ( 1 1 1 0 0 ), 0 1


3 ) ,

and for and

R=( 0 R= 0 0

r = 2,0 ; r=


, and

0 0

Written this way, it can be seen that each of these null hypotheses imposes some linear restriction(s) to the original regression model in (19), which we will call the rewritten in terms of a 1.

unrestricted model restricted model


. Each of these null hypotheses can therefore be : and

H0 : yi = 1 + 2,0 x2,i + 3 x3,i + ui ;


H0 : yi = 1 + ui .

In general, for the linear regression model

y = X + u, n k matrix, and is a k -vector, R will be a q k matrix, q -vector, where q is the number of restrictions. Note that the rst example above imposes a single restriction (i.e. q = 1), while the second imposes two restrictions (i.e. q = 2).

is an


will be a

In order to test any such linear restriction(s), we use the OLS estimator of

, b = (X X)1 X y.
Recall that, if we assume that

2 u IID(0, u In ),

E(b) =


2 Var(b) = u (X X)1 .

Therefore, we have


= RE(b) = R,



= = = = = = =

E([Rb E(Rb)][Rb E(Rb)] ) E[(Rb R)(Rb R) ] E[(Rb R)(b R R )] E[R(b )(b )R ] RE[(b )(b ) ]R RVar(b)R 2 u R(X X)1 R .

If we make the much stronger assumption that

2 u N(0, u In ),

2 b N[, u (X X)1 ],
which implies that

2 Rb N[R, u R(X X)1 R ],

or, alternatively, that

2 Rb R N[0, u R(X X)1 R ].


Note that, under the null hypothesis, as

R = r,

so we can rewrite the above

2 Rb r N[0, u R(X X)1 R ].

Finally, we can rewrite this in quadratic form (see Appendix A) to get the test statistic

2 (Rb r) [u R(X X)1 R ]1 (Rb r) 2 . (q)

Unfortunately, the parameter it using


2 u

is usually unknown, so we have to estimate

s2 = u

uu . nk

2 u

in (20) by

s2 u


(Rb r) [R(X X)1 R ]1 (Rb r) . u u/(n k)

Dividing both the numerator and denominator of the above by

2 u ,

we have

2 (Rb r) [u R(X X)1 R ]1 (Rb r) . ( u/u )/(n k) u 2

Due to the randomness of A


u, this quantity is no longer distributed as 2 . (q) uu 2 (nk) , 2 u


ever, as we saw earlier, the numerator is. Furthermore, as shown in Appendix

and is independent of the numerator in (21). distributed as

Therefore, if we divide the nu-

merator in (21) by its degrees of freedom (q ), then we have a quantity which is

F(q,nk) .

That is,

2 (Rb r) [u R(X X)1 R ]1 (Rb r)/q F(q,nk) . ( u/u )/(n k) u 2

Eliminating the the test statistic

2 u

terms and substituting in for the denition of

s2 , u

we have

(Rb r) [s2 R(X X)1 R ]1 (Rb r)/q F(q,nk) . u


4.2 Testing a single restriction

Let's now see how we can construct specic test statistics for the rst example considered above. First, note that

Rb r = b2 2,0 ,
which is a scalar. Second, note that element element the



R(X X)1 R picks out (X X)1 . Therefore, since

the 2nd diagonal

Var(b) = s2 (X X)1 , u

we have

s2 R(X X)1 R = Var(b2 ), u

which is also a scalar (check the dimensions). In general, if there are that the

parameters, and we want to test the null hypothesis

j th

one is equal to some specied value, i.e.

H0 : j = j,0 ,
we will have

Rb r = bj j,0 ,

s2 R(X X)1 R = Var(bj ). u

Substituting these into (22), we have the test statistic

(bj j,0 )2 F(1,nk) . Var(bj )

Alternatively, taking the square root of this statistic, we have what is known as a

t -statistic:

bj j,0 t(nk) Se(bj )

4.3 Testing several restrictions

When there is more than one restriction to test, constructing an appropriate test statistic is not so simple. The main problem is that it will usually involve having to estimate both the unrestricted and restricted models. model, we need to use a dierent method of estimation. The idea is to estimate the model To estimate the unrestricted model, OLS can be used. However, to estimate the restricted

y = X + u,
subject to the restriction

To do so, we use the will denote we have

b .


u denote

restricted least squares

u = y Xb .

R = r.

estimator of

which we

the residuals from the estimate of this model, (23)

The sum squared residuals is thus

SSR(b )

= u u = (y Xb ) (y Xb ) = y y 2b X y + b X Xb .

As with OLS, the restricted least squares estimator is based on minimizing this function. Our (constrained) optimization problem is thus

min SSR(b ) = y y 2b X y + b X Xb ,
subject to

Rb = r.
The Lagrangian for this problem is

L(b , ) = y y 2b X y + b X Xb 2(Rb r),

and the rst-order necessary conditions are

L(b , ) = 2X y + 2X Xb 2R = 0, b


L(b , ) = 2(Rb r) = 0.


Equation (24) implies

X Xb = X y + R .
Solving for

b ,

we have

= (X X)1 X y + (X X)1 X R = b + (X X)1 X R , R,

we have



is the usual OLS estimator. Premultiplying by

Rb = Rb + R(X X)1 X R ,
which implies

Rb Rb = R(X X)1 X R ,
and therefore,

[R(X X)1 X R ]1 (Rb Rb) = ,

Equation (25) implies


Rb = r.
Substituting this into Equation (27), we have

[R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb) = .

Finally, substituting this into Equation (26), we have

b = b + (X X)1 X R [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb).



Let's now focus on the residuals from restricted model. tracting

Adding and sub-


to Equation (23), we have

= y Xb Xb + Xb = u X(b b).

The sum of squared residuals from the restricted model is thus

u u

= = = =

[ X(b b)] [ X(b b)] u u [ (b b) X ][ X(b b)] u u u u u X(b b) (b b) X u + (b b) X X(b b) u u + (b b) X X(b b). b b
from Equation (28), we have

Substituting for

u u

= u u + {(X X)1 X R [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb)} X X(X X)1 X R [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb) = u u + (r Rb) [R(X X)1 X R ]1 RX(X X)1 X X(X X)1 X R [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb) = u u + (r Rb) [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb),
(the sum of squared residuals from the restricted model) by (the sum of squared residuals from the unrestricted model) by




u u uu

we have

SSRR SSRU = (r Rb) [R(X X)1 X R ]1 (r Rb).

Notice that the term on the right hand side is in the numerator of (22). This leads to what is known as the

F -statistic:

(SSRR SSRU )/q F(q,nk) . SSRU /(n k)


4.4 Bootstrapping
The test statistics considered above were built on the assumption that


normally distributed. However, quite often, we may be unwilling to make this assumption. In such cases, we therefore do not know the distribution of our test statistics. This problem leads to a procedure known as the

idea is to use the observed data to try to estimate the distribution of the relevant test statistic. In general, this procedure requires the following steps:

bootstrap 26

The basic

we use make use of the fact that X u = 0. Proving this would be a useful exercise. we present a very brief introduction to the bootstrap. A more complete introduction can be found in Davidson and MacKinnon, (2004, Section 4.6).

25 Here, 26 Here,


1. Using the observed data, estimate both the unrestricted and restricted models. Save the tted values and residuals from the restricted model. Call these



uR ,


2. Using the estimates from the previous step, calculate the test statistic of interest (e.g. the

t -statistic or the F -statistic).

Cal this


3. Randomly sample, with replacement, model (this is known as

strap sample



). Call these

n of the residuals from the restricted u . Generate the


y = yR + u

4. Using the bootstrap sample, re-estimate both the unrestricted and restricted models. 5. Using the estimates from the previous step, calculate the test statistic of interest (this is known as the on the bootstrap sample). Call this Finally, repeat Steps 3-5

bootstrap test statistic

Tb .

, since it is based

(some large number

27 ) times. What this leaves you

with is the original test statistic,


dierent bootstrap test statistics,

Tb , b = 1, . . . , B .
It turns out that these we can calculate the

bootstrap test statistics provide a fairly good estiof the original test statistic ,

mate of the distribution of the test statistic of interest. For inference purposes,

simulated P -value
1 p (T ) = B
B b=1



I(Tb > T ), Tb > T ,

and zero otherwise.



is an indicator function, equal to one if

Generalized least squares

5.1 Introduction
In estimating the linear regression model

y = X + u,
by OLS, we made the (very strong) assumption that


2 u IID(0, u In ).

27 For a chosen level of signicance, , for the test, B should be chosen so that (B + 1) is an integer (see Davidson and MacKinnon, (2004, Section 4.6)). For = 0.01, appropriate values of B would be 99, 199, 299, and so on. Since computing costs are now so low, B is often chosen to be 999 or even 9999.


We would now like to relax this assumption, and consider what happens when the error terms are not IID. While we will continue to assume that

E(u) = 0,
we will now let

Var(u) = E

u2 1
. . .

u1 un
. . .

un u1 = ,

u2 n

the error covariance matrix, is some


positive denite matrix.

(and that therefore

E(ui uj ) = 0 for i = j ui and uj are not independent), and that there is some E(u2 ) = E(u2 ) for i = j (and that therefore ui and uj are not identically j i distributed). In other words, we allow the possibility that each ui is not IID.
That is, we allow the possibility that there is some Notice that the OLS estimator is still unbiased since


= E[(X X)1 X y] = E[(X X)1 X (Xb + u)] = E + (X X)1 X u = + (X X)1 X E(u) = .

However, the variance of the OLS estimator is now dierent:


= E [(X X)1 X u][(X X)1 X u] = E (X X)X uu X(X X)1 = (X X)1 X E(uu )X(X X)1 = (X X)1 (X X)1 .

It turns out (as we will see shortly), that, in this more general setting, OLS is no longer the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE). That is, there is some other linear unbiased estimator which has a variance smaller than (32). In deriving this better estimator, the basic strategy is to transform the linear regression model in (30) so that the error terms become IID. To do so, start by letting

1 = .

is some


matrix, which is usually triangular.

Next, multiply both sides of Equation (30) by

y = X + u.

It is convenient to rewrite this as

y = X + u


y = y, X = X,

u = u.
Note that

E(u )

= E( u) = E(u) = 0

and that

Var(u )

= = = = = = = = = =

E{[u E(u )][u E(u ) ]} E(u u ) E[( u)( u) ] E( uu ) E(uu ) Var(u) ( )1 ( )1 1 In . u IID(0, In ).

That is,


Applying OLS to Equation (32), we get the ) estimator

generalized least squares



= (X X )1 X y = [( X) X]1 ( X) y = (X X)1 X y = (X 1 X)1 X 1 y.



We now want to show that into Equation (33), we have


is unbiased. Substituting Equation (30)


= (X 1 X)1 X 1 (Xb + u) = (X 1 X)1 X 1 Xb + (X 1 X)1 X 1 u = + (X 1 X)1 X 1 u.


Taking expectations we have

E(bGLS )

E + (X 1 X)1 X 1 u

= + (X 1 X)1 X 1 E(u) = ,

E(u) = 0.



is unbiased.

Let's now move on to the variance of

bGLS :

Var(bGLS )

= E ([bGLS E(bGLS )][bGLS E(bGLS )] ) = E [(bGLS )(bGLS ) ] .

Substituting from Equation (34), we have

Var(bGLS )

= = = = = =

E{[(X 1 X)1 X 1 u][(X 1 X)1 X 1 u] } E[(X 1 X)1 X 1 uu 1 X(X 1 X)1 ] (X 1 X)1 X 1 E(uu )1 X(X 1 X)1 (X 1 X)1 X 1 Var(uu )1 X(X 1 X)1 (X 1 X)1 X 1 1 X(X 1 X)1 (X 1 X)1 . Var(u) = , bGLS


We now want to consider a generalization of the Gauss-Markov theorem, which states that, if assumed that estimator of is BLUE. The proof of this will be very similar to the proof of the Gauss-Markov theorem for

(except that, there, we

2 Var(u) = u In ).

We again consider some other linear, unbiased

which we will again call


B = Gy,
where, here,

G = W + (X 1 X)1 X 1 ,

is some non-zero matrix which depends on


The expected value of

is thus


= = = = =

E(Gy) GE(y) GE(X + u) GX + GE(u) GX


This means that, in order for

to be unbiased, we must have

GX = Ik ,


is an


identity matrix. Given this condition, notice that

= = = =

Gy G(X + u) GX + Gu + Gu,

and that


= [G (X 1 X)1 X 1 ]X = GX (X 1 X)1 X 1 X = Ik Ik = 0.

The variance of

is therefore


E ([B E(B)][b E(B)] ) E[( + Gu )( + Gu ) ] E[(Gu)(Gu) ] E(Guu G ) GE(uu )G GG [W + (X 1 X)1 X 1 ][W + (X 1 X)1 X 1 ] [W + (X 1 X)1 X 1 ][W + 1 X(X 1 X)1 ] WW + W1 X(X 1 X)1 + (X 1 X)1 X W +(X 1 X)1 X 1 X(X 1 X)1 = WW + (X 1 X)1 X = = = = = = = = = W
is a non-zero matrix and

Finally, since

is a positive denite matrix,

Var(B) > Var(bGLS ),

which proves our generalized Gauss-Markov theorem. It should be noted that, if

2 Var(u) = u In ,



as a special case

28 , and we have

Var(b) > Var(bGLS ).

28 On the other hand, b 2 GLS includes b as a special case when Var(u) = u In . Proving this would be a useful exercise.


5.2 Feasible Generalized Least Squares

While the GLS estimator has some highly desirable properties, the main drawback with this method is that

is almost never actually known in practice. by

That is, GLS is not usually feasible. However, we can use some estimate of

generalized least squares

which we denote




in Equation (33), we have the ) estimator


bFGLS = (X 1 X)1 X 1 y.
How we actually go about estimating

depends on the particular problem.

Below, we analyze two of the most common problems encountered in practice.

5.3 Heteroskedasticity
The problem of ing each we have


is independent), but each diagonal element may not be identical

2 u1 0 = . . . 0

occurs when

is a diagonal matrix (mean2 Var(ui ) = ui ,

(meaning each


is not identically distributed). That is, letting

0 2 u2
. . .

0 0 . . . . 2 u1


is diagonal, we have

2 1/u1 0 = . . . 0

0 2 1/u2
. . .

0 0
. . .

2 1/u1

So, if we let

1/u1 0 = = . . . 0

0 1/u2
. . .

0 0
. . .


1 = , y

as desired.

Therefore, transforming our variables as above, we have

= y 1/u1 0 = . . . 0

0 1/u2
. . .

0 0
. . .



y1 y2 . . . yn

y1 /u1 y2 /u2 = , . . . yn /un X = X 1/u1 0 0 1/u2 = . . . . . . 0 0 x1,1 /u1 x1,2 /u2 = . . . x1,n /un

x1,1 x1,2 . . . . . . x1,n 1/un xk,1 /u1 xk,2 /u2 , . . . xk,n /un 0 0

xk,1 xk,2 , . . . xk,n


= u 1/u1 0 = . . . 0 u1 /u1 u2 /u2 = . . . un /un

0 1/u2
. . .

0 0
. . .

0 .


u1 u2 . . . un

So, in this case, the transformed model,

can be written as

= X + u ,

y1 /u1 x1,1 /u1 y2 /u2 x1,2 /u2 = . . . . . . yn /un x1,n /un

Alternatively, for the

xk,1 /u1 u1 /u1 u2 /u2 xk,2 /u2 + . . . . . . xk,n /un un /un


observation, we have

yi x1,i xk,i ui = 1 + . . . + k + , ui ui ui ui

i = 1, . . . , n.

least squares

Estimating this model by OLS is a special case of GLS known as (or


). Of course, this requires knowing the value of each







which, as mentioned above, is almost never possible.

Accordingly, we need some method to estimate

so that

we can use FGLS (or,

in this case, what might be referred to as feasible WLS). Typically, this is done as follows. Suppose we think that the variance of can be explained by columns of is

u Z, an nr matrix which may or may not include some of the


A fairly general non-linear function describing this relationship

r 1 E(u2 ) = 1 z1,i + . . . + r zr,i , i


i = 1, . . . , n.


denote the dierence between

E(u2 ) i

u2 , i

we have

r 1 u2 = 1 z1,i + . . . + r zr,i + vi , i

i = 1, . . . , n,

which is in the form of a non-linear regression model. Unfortunately, we don't have time to cover non-linear regression models in this course, but estimating such a model is certainly possible. However, since we can't actually observe we would have to use the residuals from the OLS estimation of model (30) , in their place. That is, we could estimate the non-linear regression model

u2 , i u2 , i

1 r u2 = 1 z1,i + . . . + r zr,i + wi , i

i = 1, . . . , n,


is some error term.

29 Using the parameter estimates from this model,

2 ui
as follows:

we could construct estimates of

ui = 1 z1,i + . . . + r zr,i + wi , 2 1 r
Using the square root of these estimates, by estimating

i = 1, . . . , n.

ui , our FGLS estimators are found i = 1, . . . , n,

yi x1,i xk,i ui = 1 + . . . + k + , ui ui ui ui
by OLS.

5.4 Autocorrelation
The problem of o-diagonal elements in diagonal element in



are non-zero (meaning each

serial correlation

) occurs when the

is no longer indepen-

dent). Here, we will assume that the errors are homoskedastic (meaning each is identical), but it is possible that autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity are simultaneously present. Autocorrelation is usually encountered in time-series data, where the error terms may be generated by some autoregressive process. For example, suppose the error terms follow a (linear) rst-order autoregressive process (or AR(1) process):

ut = ut1 + vt ,
29 This

t = 1, . . . , n,


model could also be used to testing for the presence of heteroskedasticity. Here, the null hypothesis would be H0 : 1 = . . . = r = 0 (implying homoskedasticity). An F-test could be used to test this restriction.


|| < 1,

2 vt IID(0, v ).
The condition that is what is known as for


is one in which

covariance stationary
E(ut ), Var(ut ),

|| < 1

is imposed so that the AR(1) process in (36) . A covariance stationary process for any given

Cov(ut , utj ),



independent of at

t. ut
has been in existence for an innite time. First, note

One way to see this is to imagine that, although we only start observing it

t = 1,

the series for

that (36) implies that

ut1 = ut2 + vt1 , ut2 = ut3 + vt2 ,

and so on. Substituting these into (36), we have


= = = =

(ut2 + vt1 ) + vt 2 ut2 + vt1 + vt 2 (ut3 + vt2 ) + vt1 + vt 3 ut3 + 2 vt2 + vt1 + vt ,

and so on. Alternatively, this can be rewritten as


= vt + vt1 + 2 vt2 + 2 vt2 + 3 vt3 + . . .


i vti .

Taking expectations, we have

E(ut )

= =


i vti i E(vti )


since Next, since

0, t.

E(vt ) = 0. So E(ut ) vt is IID,

is independent of

Var(ut )

= =


i vti 2i Var(vti )



2 2i v ,


which is a innite geometric series (since

|| < 1).
2 v . 1 2

Therefore, we can write

Var(ui ) =

Var(ut )

is also independent of


On the other hand, if ).

|| 1

this innite

series would not converge (rather, it would explode), and therefore depend on

(and make the process

Finally, let's consider the covariance between First, note that

= = = = =



utj ,

for any given


Cov(ut , ut1 )

E(ut ut1 ) E[(ut1 + vt )ut1 ] E(u2 + vt ut1 ) t1 E(u2 ) t1 Var(ut1 ) 2 v . = 1 2


Cov(ut , ut2 )

= E(ut ut2 ) = E[(ut1 + vt )ut2 ] = E(ut1 ut2 + vt ut2 ) = E(ut1 ut2 ) 2 2 v . = 1 2

Generalizing these two results, we have

Cov(ut , utj ) =
which is also independent of Using the above results for

2 j v , 1 2


Since this result depends on and

Var(ut )


constant, it therefore depends on the condition

Var(ut ) 1 2
. . .

|| < 1. Cov(ut , utj ), 2 1

. . .

we have

2 v = 1 2

. . .

n1 n2 n3
. . .





Inverting this matrix, we have

2 v

1 0
. . .

1 + 2
. . .

0 1 + 2
. . .

0 1 = In ).

0 0 0 . . . 1
So, if we let

(this can be conrmed by showing that

= v 1 = , y

1 2 0
. . .

then as desired.

0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 , . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1

Therefore, transforming our variables as above, we have

= y = v = v

1 2 0
. . .

0 y 1 1 2 y2 y1 y3 y2
. . .

y1 0 0 0 1 0 0 y2 1 0 y3 . . . . . . . . . . . . yn 0 0 1 ,

yn yn1

= X = v

1 2 0
. . .

0 0 0 x1,1 1 0 0 x1,2 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . x1,n 0 0 1 xk,1 1 2 xk,2 xk,1

. . .

xk,1 xk,2 , . . . xk,n ,

x1,1 1 2 x1,2 x1,1 = v . . . x1,n x1,n1

xk,n xk,n1


= u = v = v

1 2 0
. . .

u1 1 2 u2 u1 u3 u2
. . .

u1 0 0 0 1 0 0 u2 1 0 u3 . . . . . . . . . . . . un 0 0 1 ,

un un1
So, in this case, the transformed model,

can be written as

= X + u ,

y 1 1 2 y2 y1 y3 y2
. . .

yn yn1

xk,1 1 2 x1,1 1 2 x1,2 x1,1 xk,2 xk,1 = v . . . . . . x1,n x1,n1 xk,n xk,n1 u 1 1 2 u2 u1 +v u3 u2 . . . . un un1

Alternatively, for the 1st observation, we have

v y1
and for

1 2 = 1 v x1,1 t-th

1 2 + . . . + k v xk,1
we have

1 2 + v u1

1 2 ,

t = 2, . . . , n,

v (yt yt1 ) = 1 v (x1,t x1,t1 )+. . .+k v (xk,t xk,t1 )+v (ut ut1 ).
Of course, since to get

is a constant, we can divide it out of each side of the above


1 2 = 1 x1,1

1 2 + . . . + k xk,1

1 2 + u 1

1 2 ,



yt yt1 = 1 (x1,t x1,t1 ) + . . . + k (xk,t xk,t1 ) + vt ,

Of course, the parameter

t = 2, . . . , n,

respectively. Estimating this model by OLS gives us GLS estimates.

is not usually known in practice, so we need to

somehow estimate it (and therefore in this procedure are as follows:


and get FGLS estimates. In this case,

we need to resort to a procedure known as

iterated FGLS

. The steps involved

1. Use OLS to estimate (30). Save the residuals,

u = y Xb. j th
estimate of

2. Using the residuals from the previous step, compute the

(j) ,


(j) =
3. Use

n i=2 ut ut1 . n i=2 ut


to get the


j th FGLS (j) u = y XbFGLS .

estimate of (30),



Save the updated

Repeat Steps 2-3 until

|(j) (j1) | < ,


|bFGLS bFGLS | < ,




is some small number (say 0.0001).

5.5 Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing can be done using GLS (or FGLS) estimates in very similar manner as it was done using OLS estimates. testing the linear restriction imposed by The only dierence is that, in

H0 : R = r,
we use use

bGLS (or bFGLS ) instead of b as an bGLS , but, at the end of this section,

estimate of

For now, we will use

we will discuss the eects of using

Note rst, that


= RE(bGLS ) = R,



Var(RbGLS )

= = = = = = =

E([RbGLS E(RbGLS )][RbGLS E(RbGLS )] ) E[(RbGLS R)(RbGLS R) ] E[(RbGLS R)(bGLS R R )] E[R(bGLS )(bGLS )R ] RE[(bGLS )(bGLS ) ]R RVar(bGLS )R R(X 1 X)1 R .

Here, if we make the assumption that

u N(0, ),

bGLS N[, (X 1 X)1 ],

which implies that

RbGLS N[R, R(X 1 X)1 R ],

or, alternatively, that

RbGLS R N[0, R(X 1 X)1 R ].

Note that, under the null hypothesis, as

R = r,

so we can rewrite the above

RbGLS r N[0, R(X 1 X)1 R ].

Finally, we can rewrite this in quadratic form to get the test statistic

(RbGLS r) [R(X 1 X)1 R ]1 (RbGLS r) 2 . (q)

Note that, here, knowledge of know

is needed not only to compute

bGLS ,


also to construct the the above test statistic. Of course, since we almost never

we need to use our estimate,



in the above,

we have the test statistic

(RbFGLS r) [R(X 1 X)1 R ]1 (RbFGLS r),

whose distribution is very hard to ascertain (even if

is normally distributed).

As a result, it is suggested that a bootstrap procedure be used in such tests.

Appendix A
We showed these results in class. These notes will be eventually updated.

Davidson, R. and MacKinnon, J. G. (2004). New York, Oxford University Press.

Econometric theory and methods.


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