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Part I: Poster

You will create a POSTER to illustrate the significant details surrounding ONE of the beverages presented in the book. Your poster must fill the front side of one full-size poster board. You may choose the beverage (book section) that interests you the most. The requirements for the poster are as follows:

Title (based on the title in the T.O.C. for the selected section of the book, ex: Spirits in the Colonial Era) Mapshowing the spread of the beverage (&/or its ingredients) across pertaining regions. Include a legend for the map AND approx. dates of the diffusion. Timelineshowing 10 events relating to the spread/impact of the beverage. Include a date AND a brief summary for each event. SPEC Chart--to summarize the major impact/effects of the selected drink (see below).

Society Politics Economy Culture

EX: Gender Relations, Class Systems, Family Structure EX: Rulers, Laws, Diplomatic Relations, Government Policies EX: Resources, Markets, Trade Patterns, Economic Systems EX: Language/Writing Systems, Art and Architecture, Religion & Philosophy, Technology

2 Quotesfrom the chapters on this beverage. (Choose quotes that are insightful and summarize significant ideas!) Relevant illustrations/imagesto illustrate major ideas from the chapters. *(Images should NOT simply be pictures of the drink or people drinking it!!) Works Citedshowing any outside sources used, including those for images. (This can be stapled to the BACK of the poster.)

Be prepared to also discuss the book and/or write an essay within the first few days of school.

We advise you to pace your reading over a few weeks during the summer. DO NOT wait until the last few days before school to begin this assignment.

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