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ckHi, During the period October to November of this year, you will see a positive change in your career.

There will be increase in earnings and career growth during this time (March 2012). There will be significant changes happening in your career by next year. The current In the near term, issues with finances and unhappiness in career will start to move away by three months from now. By March of next year I see you with relaxed mind in your finances. You will see good income and a healthy finance by 2015. You are very much talented and skillful in your profession. Your career life will see a great positive change by the age of 41. There will be significant wealth accumulation and liquid earnings coming your way by that time, there will be a shift in the workplace by 41 that would bring you very good earnings. By the age of 45-50, you will lead a comfortable and a peaceful life; you will experience a transfer in the mind of ailing feelings about your self. Recognition of self and a healthy mind is seen by the age of 45. The later part of your career life, from 50, I see you leading a very happy life with no worries. Thanks, Path reader

Hi, The connection of the nodes to Jupiter imply light(pain) in holding onto relationships- Relationships would have been challenging in the past and you would have been tired in getting someone that you really need. I do not see any more pain in relationships. You are now uneven in your mind when it comes to getting together with someone. An imbalanced mind will push you into the wrong end of your desire. I see things clearing up in your mind and you will find the rightness in the relationship, that will pave way for a long term relationship during the time that I have specified. From May 2011 to June of 2013, there is a strong prospect of marriage. I see the relationship that you are now in ending up in marriage by November to December of this year. The relationship between the two will strengthen into a long term relationship. I see bliss in marriage and happiness from the partner in the years ahead. Thanks, Path Reader

Hi, Sun, Jupiter in your chart signify child birth. The nodes relation to Moon and Mercury facilitate child birth. Venus in conjunction to saturn and Sun in 5th imply light on love. Light - love for self would take

you forward in happiness - You would have experienced situations that render light to contain yourself in love. You are going to have a baby very soon. Jupiter transit assits child birth.I see that happening before the end of next year. I see you pregnant by September to November of this year. I see a male child for you. I dont see any hurdles in child birth. By July to August of next year, I see you with a baby. Thanks, Path Reader

Hi Becky, He has thoughts about you and I see that expanding in his mind with time. He in his mind is in an uneven state about getting together with someone. I see this clearing up for him by the time he gets in touch with someone who can support him there. He is of hesitant nature in love. He likes to be insulated in his love life. He will not get into everything so easily if he does, he would hold himself onto it for a long time. I see things really happening between you two by September to October of this year. You will be getting to him by September 5- October 10 of this year, I see you moving ahead in closeness with him. You will know what he has in his mind about you by the time that I have specified. You will be happy in your love life. I dont see any upsets in your love life. Your love life will move the way you wish it to be. Time will be running out so fast in love till the age of 23, I see happiness and commitment after that. Thanks, Path Reader

Hi Tonya, You are now uneven in your mind when it comes to love and relationships. An imbalanced mind will push you to the wrong end of your desire. I see things clearing up in your mind and you will find the rightness in the relationship, that will pave way for a long term relationship by July of next year. I see

you in a strong bonding by the age of 32. By three months from now you will move ahead establishing yourself for a strong bonding to happen in your life. During the period March to June of next year, you will see a positive change in your career. There will be increase in earnings and career growth during this time (March 2012). Your financial situation will see a settle by the age of 34. From October of next year, you will be pleased to see a very significant change in your finances. In the near term, issues and unhappiness in career will start to move away by three months from now. By March of next year I see you with relaxed mind in your Career. You will see good income and a healthy finance by 2015. You are very much talented and skillful in your profession. Your career life will see an significant change by the age of 36. There will be significant wealth accumulation and liquid earnings coming your way by that time. There will be a shift in the workplace by the age of 32 that would bring you very good earnings.You will experience a transfer in the mind of ailing feelings about your self. Recognition of self and a healthy mind is seen by the age of 45. Hi, The nodes in your chart are forming a contain over other planets. Your thoughts on self would have got disrupted as a result of this contain by the nodes, at the same time the nodes will give light on self and happiness in the later part of your life. During the period February to March of next year, you will see a positive change in your career. There will be increase in earnings during this time . I dont see any breaks in your job. There will be oppurtunities coming your way by the start of next year. You will see a settle in the mind with your job and life by the age of 53. There will be an oppurtunity coming your way by November 15 to December 27 and there will be no breaks in the current job that you are in.From the age of 53, you will lead a comfortable and a peaceful life; you will experience a transfer in the mind of ailing feelings about your self. From the beginning of next year, I see a good positive change that you wanted to see in your life happening. Thanks, Path reader

Black magic and thought interception: The happenings in life are the outcome of our thoughts that arise as a result of our selfs reaction to time. Thoughts can be stronger and weaker depending on the time and the strength of the subconscious minds relation to it. If your thoughts are stronger and are connected to your sub-conscious mind they will transform into a happening in your life. Thoughts arise from the sub-conscious mind mind reaction to time- a human mind will not give birth to a thought that will be stronger in time unless it reacts with the time for a longer period. For the human mind to give birth to a thought that would be stronger enough to be reflected in life, it takes atleast a period of 1- 2 years.

Human Hi, Moksha is the liberation of soul from earthly life in hinduism. Moksha is attaining a state of mind that cannot be disrupted by feelings like fear,anxiety and any emotions. Spiritual way is not the only way of attaining the state but is one way of attaining the state. Knowledge of true self and the human mind connection to the sub-consciousness will provide the path to a state of recognition termed as moksha . The knowledge of the way to attain moksha will be discontinous rather continuous for the conscious mind(human) and continuous for the inner spirit( subconscious). Moksha can be attained by increasing human consciousness by years from days. Consciousness of holding thoughts will have opposition from emotions and feelings from the human that would vary for different people . In this path you must be ready to sacrifice the human(feelings and emotions) to move to a state of higher recognition. Thoughts in your Conscious mind in reaction to time:_____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ will be decreasing with time Thoughts in your Sub-Conscious mind in reaction to time: ____________________ will be a constant. To move to a higher recognition level you must know where you lie in your consciousness. In your chart- born on Aug 28, 1972, 7.30pm, Novara- sun and mars are forming a conjunction in the seventh house- Life will bend your mind in containing your emotions in facing opposition,expression in love and relationships. Your chart is supportive and time ahead for you will help you in every way to move to your goal here. Venus in 5th house implies your thirst for more knowledge arising out of perceptions. You have the ability to acqure knowledge without the use of reason(human). I'm a psychic- good in mind visualization and sensing. A demon got trapped inside my body for the past 1 yr . I trapped this demon with my mind power and sensing ability. It 'degrades' in my body with every passing day. It degrades with time.I have control over it mentally(??) and 'physical recognition'(mentally??) to the control was ...I'm still on my way to complete recognition and elimination of the demon. -ve energy(fear when i was a child (14)was induced in my body that I can feel by physical means after a year of the attack)- induced lust can be felt and contained now. There were 3 things fixed like a heavy stone directing to 3 that I sensed while encountering this evil- self, respect and a good sucker. (3 in my family including me). When I applied my thought and pushed it into these fixed structures and destroyed them- a demon that induces lust to love a woman, kill true love and kill self entered my body as I was using my feelings - anger to get rid of these fixed structures. I know its not continuous here while writing... still under the attack. I cant feel to anything. I can see and hear but not feel. I want to know more about this demon. I would be glad if someone share anything on this.

Demon: Try to contain by triggering a drug like effect that causes a cease (freeze) of activities that the human brain wish to do. It binds to the brain stem that extends through the spinal cord from medulla oblongata. It can trigger nerve impulses that can make any part of the body to move. It acts as a human brain and controls all the processes of the human body. Three evil structures Self, respect and good sucker. Good sucker: (Brother) Arrive at good and bad of any situations will place itself in place where it finds itself to be good. It makes shifts at a very fast pace. Difficult to map where it is. Believer- can be easily attached toimmovable -trapped by implanting beliefs. Conscious interpretation - belief. Unconscious- conscious interpretation- bound structure. Self: (Me) Worried about self and will do anything for itself. Non believer- trapped by moving against self related worries. Respect: (Mother) Non believer- trapped by continuous introduction of reality to the consciousness by seeing.

Moved by incoming response (feeling) experienced from humans. Demon moves the human mind by inducing a response at the sub conscious level (unconscious).It moves it by triggering responses from negative to positive to people the mind has placed it higher or lower to. It triggers a negative response to people who the mind has placed lower to it and gives supports relief- within a span of less than 10 to 15 seconds. It induces a positive effect to people who the mind has placed higher to it- ceases the brainfrozen- within a span of less than 10 t0 15 seconds. Positive and negative effects are different forms of emotions that the mind recognizes and reacts 100% at the sub conscious level. Structure of a demon:

A demon is comprised of three parts. The outer part is the part that binds to the brain. As the binding process is complete the demon injects two different and opposite structures into the brain. These two structures bind to the brain and shape it up. Shaping the brain is the purpose of these two structures. Shaping process is a process in which the brain is contained completely by the demon and it responds uniquely to demon signals. Shaping process is achieved by reacting the human brain to different emotions and feelings to people, places and things. The two different structures injects fear and love (relief or support to fear) in to the human mind. The brain in the contained state recognizes the two and responds to the two in an orderly manner. Unconscious attack of the demon: It induces fear to the unconscious mind. Fear induced by screening images, situations and people to the unconscious. Most of the things that are screened before the unconscious are experiences of the child hood where the subconscious has are roots and stem. The fear induced in the unconscious is misinterpreted to the conscious as the target (people or situations that the demon target). The time taken for the mind recognition of the unconscious to conscious level depends on the nature of the unconscious mind. If the unconscious mind belongs to a believer the time taken for the misinterpreted recognition is less than 4 hours. Beliefs and non beliefs are seeded by parental care and experiences of the child hood. Injecting fear and the support for fear to the subconscious is the principle activity of the demons. Fear and the support or the answer to fear from people, places and things is injected one after another. Once the brain has completely adhered to these two demon signals it functions in a coherent way.

Demon contained brain:


Normal brain activity:

Sub conscious mind of a believer:

Sub conscious mind of a non- believer:

The sub conscious mind of the believer reflects everything that it gets adhered to with time.

Target of the demons and thought power: Thoughts have power. Every thoughts with their ends known have will make a significant impression in time. Time is the product of when and where of the mind. Demons make use of the human minds connection to time as the way to influence them. Thoughts that arise from the conscious mind will have to take its roots to the sub conscious to be made reality. It is not easy by human force to make a thought happen so fast in time. But demons map the thought and time connection and give strength to this process by binding inbetween the sub conscious mind(unconscious) and the conscious mind.It binds in such a way the subconscious mind of the believer recognises it as its conscious mind. And it is the subconscious to the consciousness.

Demons binding to the conscious and unconscious mind: Demon maps the subconscious mind for things that have very high impressions. Fear, joy, sorrow, letdown and success are the key things mapped by the demon in the subconscious mind. If fear is mapped the source for fear will be identified (recognized) in both ends conscious and subconscious as the demons. To the consciousness the source of fear will be directed to people or places or situations that might arise out- a happening one(present tense). To the subconscious the source of fear will be shown as the time when the impression happened in the sub conscious.

Quantum jumping is a mystical process of the human mind. It is a naturally occurring process of living and non living things. Jump to a higher energy level in reaction to a contain in the mind with time is quantum jumping of the mind. Two essential things for a quantum jumping to happen- The mind must completely read the nature of the contain The energy level of mind must get to zero. Maximum Jumps possible in the life of the human beings is 4 to 5. Once a jump has happened there will be a huge release of energy on exposure to any new contains. The first quantum jumping that happened will be seen differently by the unconscious human mind. The mind searches for the reason behind the quantum jump and arrives at different principles and tries to follow them for another jump. Chasing a quantum jump with the known principles is dangerous. Quantum jump happens with living and non living things- It is not something that is achieved. Demon uses the principles that the human mind defines for a quantum jump and manipulates it according to its wish.

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