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Summit Woods Baptist Church

Exalt the King and Extend the Kingdom

151 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

1. A mighty fortress is our God,  A bulwark never failing; Our helper He amid the ood  Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe  Doth seek to work us woe- His craft and power are great, And armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal.

2. Did we in our own strength conde,  Our striving would be losing, Were not the right man on our side,  The man of God s own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He-  Lord Sabaoth His name,  From age to age the same,  And He must win the battle.

3. And though this world,  with devils lled,  Should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed  His truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim,  We tremble not for him-  His rage we can endure,  For lo, his doom is sure: One little word shall fell him.

4. That word above all earthly powers,  No thanks to them, abideth; The Spirit and the gifts are ours  Through Him who with us sideth. Let goods and kindred go,  This mortal life also-  The body they may kill;  God s truth abideth still:  His kingdom is forever.
   M and W--Martin Luther CCLI License #1501423

In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground, irm through the ercest drought and storm What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My comforter, my all in all Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on esh, Fullness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save. Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satised; For ev'ry sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death This is the pow'r of Christ in me; From life's rst cry to nal breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.
   W and M--Stuart Townend and Keith Getty (c) 2002 Thankyou Music CCLI License #1501423

Summit Woods Baptist Church

Exalt the King and Extend the Kingdom

He Hideth My Soul

1. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me; He hideth my soul  in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see.

Chorus He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand.

2. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord- He taketh my burden away. He holdeth me up,  and I shall not be moved; He giveth me strength as my day.

Chorus He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand.

3. With numberless blessings  each moment He crowns; And, lled with His fullness divine, I sing in my rapture, O glory to God For such a Redeemer as mine!

Chorus He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand.

4. When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise To meet Him in clouds of the sky; His perfect salvation, His wonderful love I ll shout with the millions on high!

Chorus He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand.
   #50--W-Fanny J. Crosby / M-William J. Kirkpatrick Arranged by Travis Cottrell Arr. (C) 2002 Word Music, a division of Word Music Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CCLI License #1501423

All I Have Is Christ

I once was lost in darkest night Yet thought I knew the way The sin that promised joy and life Had led me to the grave I had no hope that You would own A rebel to Your will And if You had not loved me rst I would refuse You still

But as I ran my hell-bound race Indifferent to the cost You looked upon my helpless state And led me to the cross And I beheld God s love displayed You suffered in my place You bore the wrath reserved for me Now all I know is grace

Hallelujah! All I have is Christ Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone And live so all might see The strength to follow Your commands Could never come from me Oh Father, use my ransomed life In any way You choose And let my song forever be My only boast is You

Hallelujah! All I have is Christ Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

Hallelujah! All I have is Christ Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

   W and M--Jordan Kauin (c) 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise CCLI License #1501423

Summit Woods Baptist Church

Exalt the King and Extend the Kingdom

11 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by aming tongues above. Praise the name- I m xed upon it, Name of God s redeeming love.

Hitherto Thy love has blest me; Thou hast bro t me to this place; And I know Thy hand will bring me Safely home by Thy good grace. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Bo t me with His precious blood.

O to grace how great a debtor Daily I m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here s my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above.
  W--Robert Robinson M--John Wyeth CCLI License #1501423

Summit Woods Baptist Church

Exalt the King and Extend the Kingdom

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