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Pressure [kPa] 190 2550 190 190

Temperature [C] 25 25 25 25
Mass Flow [kg/h] 9951.206451 772.26945897 0 9951.206451
Std Ideal Liq Vol Flow [m3/h] 11.4375898 8.5528318236 0 11.4375898
Vapor / Phase Fraction 0 1 1 0
Molar Enthalpy [kJ/kgmole] 12128.73918 -3719.740491 49183.67418 12128.73918
Utility Type
Stream Price [Cost/kgmole]
Stream Price Basis Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
Cost Rate [Cost/hr]
2580 2550 2520 2520 101.32499658 100 100
25.85620068 27.204245339 225 525.479923 25 25 559.10884888
9951.206451 11451.352875 11451.35287 11451.35287 4587.1929913 902.94500589 5490.1379972
11.4375898 23.732586169 23.73258617 23.73258617 5.3027983536 4.122132988 8.0437180287
0 0.7771249145 1 1 1 1 1
12468.46803 -4160.039277 14539.72883 35843.70238 -6.805989908 -37454.23407 -60084.99447

Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
Case - Material Stream
S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S20 S21
2520 2520 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510
625.087218 625.087218 38 38 38 38 38
11489.15331 0 11489.15331 2837.4911581 8651.662152 766.1226127 2071.3685454
24.52555673 0 24.525556732 14.588164055 9.937392677 3.9388042949 10.64935976
1 0 0.7824077902 1 0 1 1
35221.15402 35205.65755 -9815.721476 -23464.89645 39263.33719 -23464.89645 -23464.89645

Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
S25 S12 S13 S14 S15 S26 S17
260 290 290 290 260 289 260
36.817886921 38.6077459 38.607745897 38.6077459 100 38.603530007 100.9776511
2071.3685454 8651.662152 39.491908272 8612.170244 8612.170244 39.491908272 8602.531448
10.64935976 9.937392677 0.1146773246 9.822715352 9.822715352 0.1146773246 9.790202557
1 0.020633198 1 0 0.008512013 1 0
-23464.89645 39263.33719 -49635.03939 41136.23893 50193.67331 -49635.03939 50895.67975

Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
S16 S22 S23 S24 S18 S19 BENZENE
260 2550 2550 2550 250 280 230
100 39.733046559 39.733046559 39.733046559 112.9104457 150.2041171 38
9.6387956787 766.1226127 727.81648206 38.306130635 6143.820499 2458.710949 6143.820499
0.032512795 3.9388042949 3.7418640802 0.1969402147 6.964339956 2.825862602 6.964339956
1 1 1 1 0 0 0
-70369.33977 -23409.70122 -23409.70122 -23409.70122 61579.14174 33940.55225 51027.07362

Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
R-S24 R-23
2550 2550
39.733052779 39.733045681
38.116599011 727.87696438
0.1959693682 3.7421645463
1 1
-23408.69345 -23409.86804

Molar Flow Molar Flow

Feed Stream
Pressure [kPa] 190 2550 101.32499658 100
Temperature [C] 25 25 25 25
Mass Flow [kg/h] 9951.206451 772.26945897 4587.1929913 902.94500589
Std Ideal Liq Vol Flow [m3/h] 11.4375898 8.5528318236 5.3027983536 4.122132988
Vapor / Phase Fraction 0 1 1 1
Molar Enthalpy [kJ/kgmole] 12128.73918 -3719.740491 -6.805989908 -37454.23407
Utility Type
Stream Price [Cost/kgmole]
Stream Price Basis Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
Cost Rate [Cost/hr]
Product Stream
Pressure [kPa] 190 100 2520
Temperature [C] 25 559.10884888 625.087218
Mass Flow [kg/h] 0 5490.1379972 0
Std Ideal Liq Vol Flow [m3/h] 0 8.0437180287 0
Vapor / Phase Fraction 1 1 0
Molar Enthalpy [kJ/kgmole] 49183.67418 -60084.99447 35205.65755
Utility Type
Stream Price [Cost/kgmole]
Stream Price Basis Molar Flow Molar Flow Molar Flow
Cost Rate [Cost/hr]
280 230
150.2041171 38
2458.710949 6143.820499
2.825862602 6.964339956
0 0
33940.55225 51027.07362

Molar Flow Molar Flow

Name E-100
Duty [kJ/h] 9200168.166
Pressure Drop [kPa] 30
Fired Heater
Name FH-100
Burner Flame Temperature [C]
Number of Radiant Zone Streams 1
Number of Convective Zone Streams 0
Number of Economizer Zone Streams 0
Number of Radiant Zone Tubes 20
Number of Convective Zone Tubes
Number of Economizer Zone Tubes
Radiant Zone Temperature [C]
Convective Zone Temperature [C]
Economizer Zone Temperature [C]
Stack Temperature
Furnace Wall Inner Temperature [C]
Furnace Wall Outer Temperature [C]
Ambient Temperature [C] 25
Rad Fluid Pressure Drop
Furnace Pressure Drop [kPa]
Duty to Tubes [kJ/h]
Oxygen Efficiency [%] 100
Tube Inner Area [m3] 0.471744663
Tube Outer Area [m2] 24.25812183
Tube Inner Volume [m3] 0.471744663
Shell Inner Diameter [m] 1.7
Shell Outer Diameter [m] 2
Shell Thickness [m]
Zone Height [m] 4.28
Shell Inner Area [m2] 22.85822815
Shell Outer Area [m2] 26.89203311
Shell Net Volume [m3] 9.098590668
Shell Total Volume [m3] 9.714746963
Duty to Surrounding [kJ/h]
PF K for Radiant Flue Gas
Name V-100 V-101 V-102
Vessel Temperature [C] 25 38 38.6077459
Vessel Pressure [kPa] 190 2510 290
Vessel Pressure Drop [kPa] 0 0 0
Vapour Outlet Pressure Drop [kPa] 0 0 0
Tank Volume [m3]
Liquid Volume [m3]
Liquid Volume Percent [%] 50 50 50
Duty [kJ/h] 0 0 0
Vessel Diameter [m]
Vessel Length or Height [m]
Head Height [m]
Name P-100
Speed [rpm]
Power [kW] 10.191865615
Delta P [kPa] 2390
Adiabatic Efficiency [%] 75
Duty [kW] 10.191865615
NPSH required [m]
NPSH available [m] 22.103391222
Total Head [m]
Linker power loss [kJ/h]
Delta T [C] 0.8562006771
Pressure Head [m] 281.98177555
Velocity Head [m] -0.000349149
Delta P excluding Static Head [kPa]
Total Fluid Head [kJ/kg]
Pump Curve Coefficient
Transient Rotational Power [kW] 0
Friction Loss Power [kW] 0
Total Rotor Power [kW] 10.191865615
Total Rotor Torque [N-m]
Transient Rotational Torque [N-m]
Friction Loss Torque [N-m]
Fluid Torque [N-m]
Name K-100
Compressor Speed [rpm]
Power [kW] 1.610439142
Capacity (act feed vol flow) [ACT_m3/h] 109.3453522
Adiabatic Efficiency 75
Polytropic Efficiency 75.05215866
Compressor Volume [m3] 0
Delta T [C] 1.733046559
Delta P [kPa] 40
Polytropic Head [m] 579.1500617
Adiabatic Head [m] 578.7474962
Dynamic Head [m] 579.1500617
Polytropic Fluid Head [kJ/kg] 5.679521952
Adiabatic Fluid Head [kJ/kg] 5.675574133
Dynamic Fluid Head [kJ/kg] 5.679521952
Polytropic Head Factor 0.999832437
Polytropic Exponent 1.579539695
Isentropic Exponent 1.387001877
Dynamic Delta P
RC-Typical Design Speed
RC-Volumetric Efficiency
PD Number of Cylinders 0
PD Bore [m]
PD Stroke [m]
PD Piston Rod Diameter [m]
PD Const Volmetric Efficiency Loss [%]
Transient Rotational Power [kW] 0
Friction Loss Power [kW] 0
Fluid Power [kW] 1.610439142
Total Rotor Torque [N-m]
Transient Rotational Torque [N-m]
Friction Loss Torque [N-m]
Fluid Torque [N-m]
Duty [kJ/h] 5797.580911
Name VLV-100 VLV-101 VLV-102
Pressure Drop [kPa] 2250 2220 1
Percentage open [%] 50 50 50
Friction pressure Drop [kPa] 2250 2220 1
Holdup Temperature [C]
Pipe k [kg/hr/sqrt(kPa-kg/m3)] 0 0 0
Resistance (Cv or K) [USGPM(60F,1psi)] 20.72281731 4.604827177 20.55639088
Cg 693.5181152 154.1069931 687.9484216
C1 33.46640106 33.46640106 33.46640106
Km 0.9 0.9 0.9
Critical Pressure Ratio
Pipe roughness [m] 0.000259 0.000259 0.000259
Pipe length [m] 0 0 0
Pipe friction factor (Darcy)
Pipe Velocity [m/s] 41.82414129 1.438099581 2.810278946
Reynolds Number 1398290.632 128081.7427 23228.60187
Pipe Feed Diameter [m] 0.05 0.05 0.05
Component Splitter
Name X-100
Overhead Stream Pressure [kPa] 260
Overhead Stream Vapour Fraction 1
Bottoms Stream Pressure [kPa] 260
Bottoms Stream Vapour Fraction 0
Volume [m3] 0
Shortcut Column
Name T-100
Minimum Reflux 1.2238148934
External Reflux 3
Minimum Trays 18.186765331
Actual Trays 25.766155367
Optimal Feed 14.75474557
Rectify Vapour Flow [kgmole/h] 314.5957597
Rectify Liquid Flow [kgmole/h] 235.94681978
Stripping Vapour Flow [kgmole/h] 314.5957597
Stripping Liquid Flow [kgmole/h] 341.29223569
Light Key Mole Frac 0.003
Heavy Key Mole Frac 0.0005
Condenser Pressure [kPa] 250
Reboiler Pressure [kPa] 280
Condenser Temperature [C] 112.91044575
Reboiler Temperature [C] 150.2041171
Condenser Duty [kJ/h] -9209914.199
Reboiler Duty [kJ/h] 9597515.0051
Conversion Reactor
Name CRV-100
Vessel Pressure [kPa] 2520
Heat Flow [kJ/h] 0
Vessel Pressure Drop [kPa] 0
Tank Volume [m3]
Liquid Volume Percent [%] 50
Liquid Volume SP [m3]

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