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female baby at birth having bilateral breast enlargement

2. we need ABO compatibility in all expect >>>> platelet
3. incubation period of pertussis >>>> 7-14 day
4. about testicular cancer >>>> seminoma is radiosensitive
5. case of patient on coumadin , INR 3 - 4 , going to emergent
surgery , to correct coagulation we give >>> FFP
6. HBeAg in hepatitis B mean >>> Active infection
7. all are risk factors for cervical cancer except >>>>nulliparity
8. cause of pneumonia in children more than five yrs >>>>
9. a case to calculate osmolality >>>> in our case the answer was 384
10. causes of soft 2 heart sound >>>> Aortic stenosis
11. causes of loud 2 heart sound >>>> systemic hypertension
12. 5 year old child can do >>>> draw triangle
13. case of ambiguous genetalia, with elevated 17,hydroxl. most
common cause >>> Deficiency of 21-hydroxylase
14. neurofibromatosis 2 characteristic factor >>>> Acoustic neuroma
15. MEN 2b all expect >>>> hyperparathyroidism
16. cisterna chyli present >>>> posterior abd. aorta
17.during hernia repair structure not inside spermatic cord >>>>
direct hernia sac
18. turner syndrome all expect >>>>mental retardation
19. rectum all true except >>>> upper third completely covered by
20. crohns can affect >>>> can affect small bowel large bowel alone
or both
21. Ulcerative colitis all expect >>>> non caseating granuloma
22. about neck trauma >>>> ipsilateral horner may occur from carotid
23. Most common symptom in ectopic pregnancy >>>> abdominal
24. 8wks pregnant >>>> CRL
25. DDH most effective diagnostic test >>>> with US
26. 48 iQ >>>> moderate mental retardation
27. most common type of cerebral palsy >>>> spastic diplegia
28. femoral canal >>>> dead space to permit expansion of femoral
29. about cytokines >>>> do not cause septic shock
30. SIRS except >>> one of the criteria is wrong
31. about obstructive jaundice >>>> fecal stercobilinogen reduced &
urinary conjugated bilirubin is increased
32. Which one of the following features is least commonly seen in
drug-induced lupus?
A. Glomerulonephritis
B. Arthralgia
C. Myalgia
D. Malar rash
E. Pleurisy

33. A 33-year-old female presents 6 weeks after the birth of her first
child with a two-week history of polyarthralgia, fever and a skin
rash. First-line investigations show: ESR 45 mm/hourWhat is the
most likely diagnosis ?

A. Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

B. Systemic lupus erythematous

C. Rheumatoid arthritis

D. Reactive arthritis


34. Which part of the jugular venous waveform is associated with the
closure of the tricuspid valve ?
A. a wave
B. c wave
C. x descent
D. y descent
E. v wave
35. Each one of the following physiological changes occur during
exercise, except:
A. Increased myocardial contractibility
B. 50% increase in stroke volume
C. Up to 3-fold increase in heart rate
D. Rise in diastolic blood pressure
E. Venous constriction
36. In “catabolic” surgical patients, which of the following changes in
body composition do not occur?
A. Lean body mass increases.
B. Total body water increases.
C. Adipose tissue decreases.
D. Body weight decreases.
37. Which of the following statements concerning the abdominal wall
layers are correct. Except >>>> The transversalis muscle is the
most important layer of the abdominal wall in preventing hernias.
38. 52 y old female with 1 year amenorrhea >>> menopause
39. First Immunoglobulin to appear >> IgM
40. present in aortic stenosis >>>> left ventricular dysfunction
41. Fever , eye swelling mostly in the lt , bilateral nasal discharge ,
headache >> sinusitis or orbital cellulitis
42. all cause peptic ulcer expect >>> pernicious anemia or smoking
or. Hpylori associated gastritis
43. most common complication of breast feeding >>>>purpal mastitis
or breast abscess or amenorrhea
44. vaccine cause arterial ischemia >>>> non of the following
45.common cause of morbidity after trauma >>>>obesity
46. a case about a child after drowning to measured core
temperature from >>> rectum or tympanic membrance
47.difficult to diagnose appendicitis in >>>> infants less than 1year -
all of the above
48.The most effective and common method for diagnosing sever
COPD is >>> spirometry or ABG
49. common cause of bronchiolitis >>> RSV
50. indication for circumcision all except >>>> UTI or phimosis
51. female present with upper and lower lung infiltrate since hrs
,fever history of sickle cell ,most common causative organism>>>
52. not occur in severe asthma >> silent chest or diffuse wheezy
53. sun rays can disinfect by >>> ultraviolet rays ??
54. nematodes infect mainly tissue and >>>> ( brain , intestine, liver )
55. infection not transmitted vertically >>> ( CMV ---
56. best indicator for good health in country >>> maternal mortality
rate or non of the following
57. Disc L4-L5 lesion cause >>> no dorsiflexion of foot or sensation of
small toes
58. autoclaves disinfect all expect? gloves media
59. ARDS ? 90 mortality ,increase ventilation in dead space
60. drug impair kidney function ?aminoglycoside ,erythromycin ,
atenolol , all
61. cause sensory neural hearing loss in children ? gentamycin
62. vaccines cause wheezing and lower airway disease in premature?
63. antenatal booking expect ? Glucose – hb – toxo -
64. cause of SLE flare up? OCP or pregnancy
65. about GDM? should start insulin, gtt is diagnostic
66. about bleeding >>>> most diagnostic is colonoscopy
67. Ischemic stroke childhood … varicella
68. WHEN immunoglobine appear after live attenuated vaccine … ??
1week, 8 week, 12 week
69. Which is PRIMARY prevention >>> Screening of BP or stop
smoking …
70. vaccines that cause toxic shock syndrome >>>>non.of.the.above
71. Pulusus alternuns present in >>> cardiac tamponade or severe
left ventricle failure
72. all cause iron deficiency expect >>> vitamin b12
73. first changes in iron deficiency>>> decrease serum iron and
increase TIBC or decrease iron stores or decrease MCH and MCV
or decrease ferritin
74. not cause complete sterilization >>> ?
75. increase lung compliance ?
76. DKA all expect >>>> absent of ketones in urine
77. tuberculin test mean >>>
78. not cause malabsorption>>>> ?
79. definitive treatment of sever preeclampsia is >>> delivery
80. All associated with nephrotic syndrome except >>> hematuria
81. Which drug cant cross the placenta >>> heparin
82. treatment of endometriosis except >>> estrogen
83. Occipitoposterior is >>> malposition
84. Most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage is >>> atony
85. The most common cause of meningitis in adult >>> S. pneumonia
86. Manifestation of hypothyroidism except >>> brisk reflex
87. Cause of high ESR except >>> osteoporosis
88. RA all are true except >>> RF is positive for all pt
89. All are risk factors for IHD except >>> high HDL
90. Normal CO2 >> 35-45
91. All are used in the treatment of endometriosis except >> estrogen

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