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3 N&l Order versus Valence Bond States 311

it does have some amplitude, and so do the longer bonds. Generally,

the RVB ground state can be envisaged as a fluctuating criss-cross pat-
tern of bonds with all possible lengths. It is an attractive picture, but
difficult to follow with calculations [382].It may appear that there is
no systematics in the pattern of the haystack of bonds, but we may
notice at least one feature: starting with a configuration with nearest-
neighbour bonds, and letting it resonate, all the resulting long bonds
connect an A site with a B site. Furthermore, even though one finds
bonds with all possible lengths, certainly there should be a rule which
says that short bonds are more likely to be seen than long bonds. One
may attempt to characterize RVB states by their bond length distribu-
tions [242].
Problem 6.2. Derive (6.120). What do you think, is the number of triplets
larger or smaller than the number of singlets?
Problem 6.3. Determine the spectrum of the 4-site S = 1/2 antiferromag-
netic Heisenberg model

3c4 = J(S1 * S2 + S2 . S3 + S3 . S4 + S4 . Si). (6.130)

What is the nature of the ground state? Does it show N6el-type order, or at
least antiferromagnetic correlations?
What are the level degeneracies? Do they change if we include the next-
nearest neighbour couplings contained in

'tlk = 3 c 4 + J'(S1 * S3 + Sz * S4). (6.131)

Problem 6.4. Dimer State. Discuss the gound state of the S = 1/2 antifer-
romagnetic J1- J2 chain


for Jz = J1/2 > 0. It is useful to start from the nearest-neighbour valence

bond state [12][34][56].. . [ N - 1, N ] .
It would be impossible to guess the nature of the quantum ground state
by starting from the classical limit. By the way, what is the ground state of
(6.132) for classical vectors?

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