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GRE Math

Arithmetic – 2

© EducationUSA Russia, Moscow, Graduate Students Support Group (GSSG), 2017.

Common Math terms
remainder остаток
quotient with a remainder (неполное) частное с остатком
quotient 2 with remainder 5 неполное частное 2 и остаток 5
2 remainder 5 2 и 5 в остатке

19 divided by 7 is the quotient 2 with remainder 5.

19 divided by 7 is 2 remainder 5.

a : b  q remainder r ,  a  qb  r , 0r b

P.S. We usually assume that a and b are positive integers.

Common Math terms
a) 19 : 7 = 2 remainder 5
b) 100 : 45 =
c) 24 : 4 =
d) 6 : 24 =
e) 99 : 2 =

f) a is odd, if a is divided by 2, what is the remainder?

g) what are the possible remainders if an integer is divided by 4?

h) by 3? k) by 100?
i) by 7? l) by 1?
j) by 2?
Common Math terms
If m divided by 4 leaves a remainder of 3, => m = 4k + 3
(k is an integer)

If a divided by 2 leaves a remainder of 1, => a =

If the remainder is 6 when b is divided by 8, => b =
If d divided by 99 leaves a remainder of 53, => d =
Common Math terms
fraction дробь
numerator числитель
denominator знаменатель
common denominator общий знаменатель
common factor общий множитель
to factor разложить на множители
to reduce сократить (дробь)
irreducible fraction несократимая дробь
rational number рациональное число

a a, b are integers
b denominator
Fractions – basic operations
a an 7 (7)  4 28
  
b bn 5 5 4 20

a a a 7 7 7
   
b b b 5 5 5

40 5  8 5
 
72 9  8 9
Fractions – addition and subtraction
Fractions with common denominators:

8 5 8  5 3
   
11 11 11 11

Fractions with different denominators:

1 2 1  5 2  3 5 6 11
     
3 5 3  5 5  3 15 15 15
7 2 7  3 2  2 21 4 17
     
10 15 10  3 15  2 30 30 30
Fractions – comparing
Fractions with common denominators:
8 5 8 5
?  
11 11 11 11

Fractions with different denominators:

1 3 1  73 3  54 73 162
?  ?  ?
54 73 54  73 73  54 3942 3942
73 162 1 3
   
3942 3942 54 73

1 3 1 3
 1  73 ? 3  54  73  162  
54 73 54 73
Fractions – multiplication and division
Multiplication: 10  1  10   1 10 10
    
7  3 7 3 21 21
a c ac
  8 7 8  7 56
  
b d bd 3 3 33 9

to invert обратить (дробь) b a
is reciprocal of
reciprocal обратная дробь a b

a 17 3 17 4 68
   
8 4 8 3 24
b  a  c  a  d  ad 3
c b d b c bc 10  3  13  39
d 7 10 7 70
Common Math terms
1 5 98
proper fraction правильная дробь , ,
8 32 99
9 54 99
improper fraction неправильная дробь , ,
8 25 98
3 1 998
mixed number смешанное число 4 ,  1 , 200
8 2 1000
 1 1 2
fractional expression дробное выражение , ,
3 2 3 3

3 3 4 3 4  8  3 35
4 4    
8 8 1 8 8 8
Perfect square
perfect square /
квадрат целого числа 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 100, …
square number

a) Is 5 a perfect square?
b) Is 49 a perfect square?
c) Is 3600 a perfect square?
d) Is –9 a perfect square?
e) Is 73441 a perfect square?
f) Is 0 a perfect square?
Math terms - Roots
root корень
square root квадратный корень
cube root кубический корень
fourth root корень четвёртой степени
n-th root корень n-ной степени
арифметический корень n-ной степени ( , 3 , ... n ),
principal n-th root
главное значение корня
Square Roots

42  16,  4 is a square root of 16

 42  16,   4 is also a square root of 16
All positive numbers have two square roots – one positive and one negative.
The only square root of 0 is 0.
Square roots of negative numbers are not defined in the real number system.

The symbol n is used to denote the nonnegative square root (principal square
root) of n.
16  4, 16  4
Square Roots – Rules
a  0, b0
Higher-order roots
A cube root:

23  8,  2 is a cube root of 8  3

8 2
 23  8,   2 is a cube root of  8  3
8  2

A forth root: The principal forth root:

34  81,  3 is a fourth root of 81 4 81  3

 34  81,   3 is also a fourth root of 81

For odd-order roots, there is exactly one root for every number n, even when n < 0.
The principal n-th root in this case coincides with the n-th root of n.

For even-order roots, there are exactly two roots for every n > 0 and no roots for n < 0.
The principal n-th root (if it exists) in this case is equal to the positive n-th root of n.
Higher-order roots
Find the following:

a) forth root of 16
b) fifth root of 243
c) 4 256
d) 5 243
e) square root of 49
f) 49
g) 6
Math terms - Decimals
decimal десятичная дробь
decimal point десятичная точка (рус. мат. – запятая)
ones / units единицы
tens десятки
hundreds сотни
thousands тысячи
tenths десятые
hundredths сотые
thousandths тысячные

7,532.418  7 103  5  102  3  101  2 100 

 4 101  1 102  8 103
Math terms - Decimals
terminating decimal конечная десятичная дробь
non-terminating decimal /
бесконечная десятичная дробь
repeating decimal
irrational number иррациональное число

Not all decimals are

terminating or

2  1.41421356237...

Such numbers are called

irrational numbers.
Math terms
real number действительное (вещественное) число
real number line числовая прямая
interval интервал

2 x3 x4   x  
2 x3 x4
2 x3 x4
2 x3 x4
Math terms
absolute value модуль

The distance between a number x and 0 on the number line is called the
absolute value of x, written as |x|.

x  x if x  0 3 3
x   x if x  0 3  3
x  0 if x  0 5  5

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