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4/17/2018 Yule Chapter 18: Language and Regional Variation Flashcards | Quizlet

Yule Chapter 18: Language and Regional 21 terms Richard_Williams53


Linguistic geography Aspects of language variation based on where the

language is used.

Standard Language Features of only one variety of structures and words of a


Accent Everyone has one! It's how you speak!

Dialect Differences in features such as vocabulary and grammar,

as well as some aspects of pronunciation.

Dialectology the study of dialects.

Mutual Intelligibility The ability to understand two different dialects of the

same language. Used to distinguish two different dialects
of the same language (whose speakers can understand
each other) and two different languages (whose speakers
can't understand each other.)

NORMS non-mobile, older, rural, male speakers. Selected as they

are assumed to be less likely to have influences from
outside the region on their speech.

Isogloss represents a boundary between the areas with regard to

one linguistic term

Dialect boundary When a number of isoglosses come together,

overlapping each other on a map, a more solid line
called a dialect boundary may be drawn.

Dialect continuum Regional variation as existing along a continuum rather

than having sharp breaks from one region to the next.

Bidialectical A speaker of two different dialects. Often occurs when 1/2
4/17/2018 Yule Chapter 18: Language and Regional Variation Flashcards | Quizlet

one person moves back and forth across borders. The

speaker will often shift depending on where or who he is
talking with. Most of us grow up with this, our dirty street
speek, and our classy class speech.

Bilingual Two distinct languages known.

Biliguialism Occurs more often when a minority group lives in an area

with a different majority language. French and English in
canada, most learn french to speak among their families
and friends, but learn english to get along in the society.

Diglossia there is a "low" variety, acquired locally and used for

everyday affairs, and a "high" pr special variety, learned in
school and used for important matters.

Language Planning Have to plan which variety or varieties of the languages

spoken in the country are to be used for official business.

Pidgin Variety of a language that developed from some

practical purpose, such as trading, among groups of
people who had a lot of contact, but who did not know
each other's languages.

Lexifer The main source of words in the pidgin

Creole When a pidgin becomes the first language of a social

community. The pidgin develops beyond its role as a
trade or contact language.

Creolization Development from pidgin to creole

decreolization the retreat from the use of the creole by those who have
greater contact with a standard variety of the language.

Post-creole continuum Range of varieties between a creole and its "higher"

variety of the language. 2/2

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