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In education, curriculum is the totality of student experiences that occur

in the educational process. The curriculum for BS Accountancy Program is

designed to support aspiring professional accountants to develop the
appropriate entry-level technical competence, professional skills, values,
ethics and attitudes to successfully complete their studies, pass their
professional licensure examination and the practical experience period.
It is composed of a minimum of 173 units, including the required General
Education, or GE curriculum, and covers all major areas required by the
profession such as:
1. Accounting, finance and related knowledge;
2. Organizational and business knowledge;
3. Information technology, knowledge and competencies.
According to CHED there are certain implications that should be
kept in mind, before implementing the miminumum curricular standards.
These are:
1. Schools of Accountancy are encouraged to undergo accreditation preferably
within five (5) years after recognition.
2. Curriculum development is a dynamic and continuing process. Accounting
education should not only keep pace with current realities but should
anticipate changes that may take place in business and the accounting profession.
3. Curriculum content should be carefully selected so that the available time
and resources are effectively utilized and only the appropriate and pertinent
subject areas are included.

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