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MCT/MST Lesson Observation #1

Student teacher’s name: Shaikha Mohammed Grade Level: 2

Unit/Lesson: Date: 17/10/1

Competency Area E G S M U
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism *
Planning for learning *
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning *
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Assessment *
Reflection on Practice
Overview of the lesson: Lesson started with the teacher reviewing the objectives for today’s
lesson. The lesson continued with the teacher displaying two arrays of shapes and she engaged in
a discussion with the students. Followed the discussion was an activity whose purpose was
unclear. After the discussion, the students worked in their workbook to solve some problems.
The teacher walked around to assist the students.

Areas for development: Lesson plan must be provided. Without a plan it is difficult to determine
if the teacher is teaching what is intended to be taught. Lesson Planning and the execution of the
plan are the most important aspect of teaching. There were no clear objectives. “The Multiple
Arrays” is written the lesson objective. All objectives must be written using Bloom’s taxonomy
action verbs.
The Gradual release model was not evident during the lesson. Explicit instruction must be
provided as it relates to the actual topic of the lesson. Lesson was modeled for no more than
three minutes. It was difficult to determine the aim of the lesson. Routines have not been
established. Students were shouting as soon as they completed their work because they haven’t
instructed on what needs to be done.
The lesson was not assessed properly. According to the lesson plan, the method assessment is
walking around.
Too much time was being wasted drawing arrays of hearts on the board. Powerpoint could have
been used to create these activities ahead of time.
Focus for next lesson:
Structured lesson
Explicit instruction
Gradual Release Model
Use of Manipulatives

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