C-HALO & STEER-- Cooperative High Accuracy Location, & Smart Transport, Energy & Environment Radio systems

Materials presented by Skybridge Spectrum Foundation and supporting "Telesaurus" and affiliate LLCs (Sky-Tel) on assessments and developments of nationwide ubiquitous sub-meter-accuracy positioning and navigation, and related timing (together, PNT) infrastructure. These matters include: estimated benefits and costs, means, sectors and applications served, appropriate licensed radio spectrum, technology and systems (Sky-Tel entities hold 40, 200 and 900 MHz spectrum nationwide for these purposes, but others may use other suitable spectrum of course: this is a public-benefit initiative in support of government and smart/ responsible enterprise goals), relation to GPS and its upgrades underway, and other GNSS, etc. Sky-Tel's Meteor Burst Communications (MBC) Collection also includes materials on some means to implement C-HALO. New-generation, nationwide MBC, with the amount of 40-MHz-range spectrum Sky-Tel has available, integrated with its 900 and 200 MHz (used for local mesh nets, and regional wide-area trunked wireless systems) provides one sound solution for C-HALO and STEER.