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What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.

Presented By :Aparna Tejasweta Biswa Bhusan Pradhan

Perception is understood as the act of seeing what is there to be seen, but what is seen is influenced by the perceiver, the object and the environment.

Definition Perception is the process of becoming aware of situations, of adding meaningful associations to sensations

Sensation and Perception Sensation is concerned with the initial contact between organisms and their physical environment Perception processes and interprets the raw sensory inputs

Perceptual Process
Receiving Interpreting




Reacting to Stimuli

Receiving Stimuli
Stimuli is received through Vision Hearing Smell Touch Tasting

Process of Selecting Stimuli

Two sets of factors govern the selection of stimuli : Internal Factors External Factors

Internal Factors:Learning Psychological Needs Age Differences Interests Ambivalence Paranoid Perception

External Factors :Nature Location Intensity Size Contrast

External Factors Contd Repetition Motion Novelty Familiarity

The Organizing Process

Aspect of forming bits of information into meaningful wholes

It has three Dimensions :-Figure Ground -Perceptual Grouping -Perceptual Constancy

Process of Interpreting
Perceptual Set Attribution Stereotyping Halo Effect Perceptual Context Perceptual Defense Implicit Personality Theory Projection

Process of Checking
Analyzing if Right or Wrong Indulge in Introspection Checking the Veracity with others

Process of Reacting
Indulge in some action relating to Perception Perception can be Favorable or Unfavorable Positive Action-Favorable Perception Negative Action-Unfavorable Perception

Factors Influencing Perception

Individuals Perception is influenced by :The Perceiver The Perceived The Situation

Perceivers Characteristics :Needs Experiences Values Attitudes Personality

Characteristics of the Perceived :Appearance Behavior

Situational Factors :Physical Setting Social Setting Organizational Setting

Perception And Organizational Behavior

In an Interview Hiring new Employees Performance Appraisal Level of Employees Effort Loyalty of the Employee Theory X and Theory Y Impression Management

Managing the Perception Process

High Level of Self-Awareness Seek Information Be Empathetic Influence Perception Avoid Common Perceptual Distortion Avoid Inappropriate Attributions


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