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Two Critical Facts to which Intellectual Community and Nations should Awaken


Humanity and His existence is endangered by

Environmental instability Earth instability Social instability Religious/Spiritual instability Economic instability

We are edging to great disorder and destruction

We are in Event Horizon. We are being stressed to critical state and there are two choices Life or Death

The only way to Life is to evolve our knowledge of Nature and the Universe

Knowledge would give us Life and Light and help us Transcend the Darkness and Death

Knowledge brings Life, Light, Order, Peace, Happiness and so on

One look at the world shows we are peaking with the opposite
We are principally wrong some where

I humbly call your attention to two basic facts of Nature that are Vital, but over looked by intellectual community

Please give attention for the sake of Human evolution into Life and Light

Part-1 Universe is Energy and Matter

Earth strives to maintain certain balance of energy to matter and thus heat of the environment

There is a Principle and Design on which she works

We in our ignorance are intervening into Natures working to sustain her balance and thus we are inviting her wrath

We need to awaken to the Principle and Design and Her working to Survive

Earth has a Parallel and Multiple World Design

This is evident from east and west, day and night and climatic energy cycle in which we live

The design and working is as fallows

When west awakes to sunlight/heat and unwinds and goes into apparent disorder, east simultaneously sleeps to darkness, winds and goes into new order vice-versa.

Two simultaneous but opposing forces seem to work to sustain balance of Energy and Matter on earth

The system is designed with instantaneous communication

When light peaks in the west it gives way to darkness and simultaneously the opposite happens in the east

There is a perceiver who perceives the imbalance and acts to control the system

The Perceiver here is Light or Energy or Spirit it self. Its movement between Parallel World gives the motion and Life to the system

The fact that this change occurs over 12 hour cycle, 12 month cycle, and the Nature has many bigger cycles leading to Universal Cycle invariably means the earth has multiple worlds.

This also means that earth has many grid points arranged in layers through which the change occurs smoothly in quantum manner. The multiple world means that in addition to instantaneous communication, it also has time bound communication

The coexistence of instantaneous and time bound communication is evident in living system and is well known in human system
Here Central Nervous System coexist with an Autonomous Nervous System that activates in times of danger and over rides Central Nervous System

We all know heat creates disorder and beyond some critical point it breaks down the system
The sustenance of the system principally calls for two opposing forces heating and cooling to work simultaneously

Unilateral heating or Cooling breaks down the system

Through our material activity we are recklessly increasing the heat of the environment in an exponential way

What is more critical is that we have intervened into the night cycle thus obstructing Natures functioning to cool or create order
This is further augmented by Loss of Forest and Greenery

We know plants absorbs light and heat and thus works against disorder It creates biological mass that grows against gravity and thus it opposes the time direction to disorder and destruction

Loss of Forest thus is adding to disorder

Exponential increase in heat, reduced time for Mother Earth to function to cool, and loss of greenery invariably means the whole system is going towards imbalance, manifesting as disorder and break down

The break down has predictable pathThe multiple worlds and thus the grid points through which smooth change of energy states occurs decreases

This now manifest as sudden peak and fall of energy state of earth.

This means increased heat and unwinding force is simultaneously accompanied by winding force of earth

This now manifest as Accelerated Climate Change. Double Edged Sword Destroying Life

This manifest as increased fire and wind bound destructions, accompanied by flash floods and snows

The earth that winds, leads to increased earth quakes and eventually leading to volcanic outbursts

Another consequence of this is the break down of the electromagnetic shield of earth.
This opens up earth to space objects. Increasing gravity of earth means the earth begins to sink, this accounts for increased mudslides, sink holes as never seen before

We are witnessing all this around the world

This calls us to awaken to review the foundation of knowledge on which we exist and function

No wonder Noble laureate James Lovelock predicted large scale destruction of humanity by heat

Note - Volcanic ash is known to cool the environment Some of the big volcanoes such as Yellow Stone is due for eruption and should be of great concern

There is a necessity to review the fundamental scientific assumption and our thinking and our comprehension of nature and its functioning at the building block and the universal level
It s beyond this presentation- It is dealt in my site and links given at the end

The Good News is that

Awakening of human mind to the Principle and Design on which Nature functions can help us alleviate the Disaster Coming at us

All we have to do is to stop the reckless release of heat into the environment and stop the intrusion into the Night Cycle and allow Earth to heal her self

Then go ahead to develop Global Energy Management of Earths Environment

This does not guarantee human survival and prosperity on earth

Human mind that is self-centered, filled with ego and criminal self centered thinking is a ticking bomb that can destroy the world

Humanity divided by nations, religions, have already accumulated weapons of mass destruction that can destroy humanity in minutes

It is a matter of one wrong step for humanity to call on himself huge destruction

The survival of humanity on earth now depends on transformation and illumination of human mind with

This calls for evolution of our knowledge to still higher level

Part -2
The Second Critical Fact of Nature

Is to discover Human role in Nature

It is to understand the role of Life in the Energy Cycle of Nature

The material world we deal with is governed by gravity or centripetal force Time here is directed to great disorder, gravitational collapse or death to a center

Einstein showed to us that matter is nothing but Energy or Spirit Enfolded

Thus any understanding of Nature is only complete when two laws of energy or thermodynamics is accounted sensibly

The First Law states that nothing is created and nothing is destroyed every thing is only transformed The Second Law speaks of loss of Spirit or Energy in this Transformation

This invariably means electrons revolving around the nucleus, planets revolving around sun and the whole universe should collapse in time

The Big Bang Theory

This makes no sense and all the laws of physics fail at this point We must note that Einstein for much of his life time thus strived to invent a Second Force and Second SpaceTime Field that opposes gravity and gives stability

This invariably means to know the Truth of Nature and its perpetual existence in time, we need to visualize a

New Force and New Space-Time field

We have to evolve Einsteins Mind

It is said
An observation of apple falling led Newton to herald Mechanical World View An observation of spider crawling on a globe led Einstein to Relativity Theory

To evolve our knowledge we need to observe Life and ourselves

If you stand back to observe Life

We can invent a New Force and New Space-Time Field that Einstein searched for
All Life has a inner space in which it converts gravity into anti-gravity and works against material world that tends to collapse to a center

The second law of thermodynamics applied to material world and the living world shows this opposition. It is well known to science

We now need to understand the Universe including Life, its Force and its Inner Space-Time Reality at the center stage

We have now discovered a parallel world to material world, a force and a space-time field that opposes Gravity and converts Gravity into Anti-Gravity

Thus we have invented what Einstein searched for

To understand Nature and the Universe we need to simply understand the two opposing Space-Time Fields, the Spirit contained in it and their interaction

In short we need to understand Nature involving Life and its Inner Space-Time field

Plants absorb light and heat and as night fall it converts the energy it absorbed to create biological mass that grows against gravity

In effect it works against disorder and time direction in the material world

The earth with Plant and Animals is a self-organizing living system

It is proven by Noble Laureate James Lovelock who gave the Gaia Hypothesis to the world

The only exception to this rule is the adult humans whose mind is selfcentered and exist as slave to material world

He joins his force with Material World and thus digs his own grave

Human Mind that disconnects from the Consciousness and its Source Intelligence seeks self, fails to uphold Truth and Justice and becomes slave to material force, thus becomes the cause for time direction to collapse

His mind fails to perceive the fact that opposite are one and that a creating and sustaining force exist in the middle

He engages himself in destroying the opposite and thus digs his own grave Disorder, Destruction and Death Comes from Human Mind

When we visualize energy cycle along with Humans, then the time direction directed to collapse becomes centered on earth where Human beings exist

It now directs to one Single Human Soul and its Inner Space-Time Field

This means we can reinvent Big Bang Origin from the inner space of One Single Human Soul
The characteristic of this soul can be

easily and logically defined

It should be absolutely selfless, faithful, Truthful and Justifiable before the Creator
The inner space of such a soul can convert all the force of gravity into antigravity and push the system back to its initial state

In short it can conquer time and death and give New Life to restore the world to its initial state

It can create New Order out of great disorder


The concept of inner space opens gate way to unite science with spiritual knowledge of the ancient

All ancient spiritual scriptures exist on the comprehension of a Super Soul and Mind called God .

Ancient East very logically speaks of the existence of Universal consciousness and intelligence field which creates and sustain everything In short they viewed universe as Living One

The simple vision of inner space-time field in life that is parallel and opposes the space-time of material world can take our understanding of Life and Universe to New Level
This knowledge can bring peace and order to the World

It can bring out the Truth held in spiritual scriptures and thus liberating humanity from clutches of religion and lead us to Light and Oneness

It can lead to creating simple and nature compatible technologies in all the field of human interest and create space-time for humanity to prosper
It can lead us to Golden Age or Dharma Yuga as written in Vedas Or Kingdom of God as written in Bible

Further Reading from Author to know the Living Universe

Truth and Knowledge that Can Save Us FromAccelerated Climate Change and IncreasingNatural Catastrophes Reinventing Gravity and New Space-Time Reality

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