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Politicians Allegations in Corruption, Bribery, and Collusion Cases.

Group 4: Aris Munandar Azhar Fuadi Mahfudz Rajiv Ambara Pandu Wastyofa

Bribery Corruption Collusion

How is it now?
More progressive and worst. There are 5 major types of corruption: 1.Procurement of goods and services 2.Extortion 3.Licensing 4.Misuse of state-budget 5.Bribery

Index of corruption in Indonesia

The impact of corruption

Corruption denies development and quality of life to the most vulnerable members of societ it is especially harmful in developing countries, which have fewer resources and thus are more vulnerable if those resources are wasted or not used effectively and equitably. Soaring levels of corruption have the potential to lead to high poverty for two reasons. First, evidence suggests that a higher growth rate is associated with a higher rate of poverty reduction and that corruption slows the rate of poverty reduction by reducing growth. Second, income inequality has been shown to be harmful to growth and if corruption increases income inequality, it will also reduce growth and thereby limit poverty reduction against and punished become much diminished under it.

From an economic perspective itself, corruption will impact many of our country's economy. The most important development of the sector - public sector becomes stagnant. Funds from the government budget and the budgets allocated to almost all the benefit of the people as public facilities barely visible realization, if any realization is certainly not worth the cost of the proposed budget. Although there is a lot of evidence, clearly this is an indication of corruption. Lack of meaningful development facility - a public facility it will be a domino effect systemic impact to the public, which in this context were. Small example only, roads - roads damaged and never repaired will result in difficult communities to implement their mobility as well as in their economic activities. So the result of this corruption is not only disrupt the economy in a macro scale, but also interfere with the micro with impaired supply of goods and services as an example

corruption will also increase the level of poverty, unemployment and social inequality because of government funds to the people it should go into the pockets of officials and people - people who are not responsible for others. Government policies are not optimal this will reduce the quality of government services in various fields. The decline in the quality of government services would reduce public confidence in the government. Diminishing public confidence can make people angry. We can see an example in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya where public anger to overthrow the government, they do - it is mainly due to economic problems. In 1998 there were riots triggered by economic problems, the financial crisis which if studied the cause is because the problem of corruption. Not that it will happen if the corruption is still rampant and the government did not respond to the issue seriously

1. economic order capital flight out of the country, the disruption of the company, impaired investments. 2. Cultural social order as a social revolution, social inequality. 3. political order such as the takeover of power, the loss of foreign aid, the loss of authority of the government, political instability. 4. Procedures such as inefficient administration, lack of administrative capacity, loss of skills, loss of state resources, the limitations of government policy, taking repressive measures

In the political realm, it undermines democracy and good governance (good governance) by subverting formal processes. Corruption in elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and representation in policymaking; corruption in the court system to stop the rule of law and corruption in public administration results in an imbalance in community service. In general, corruption erode institutional capacity of government as procedures are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and officials appointed or elevated position not because of performance. At the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance.


Concentaration of Power on Greedy People

Lack of Transparency

Cost of Politics is too High

Poor Law Enforcement

Nazaruddin (4.6 B): 4 years 10 months Nunun (20.8 B): 2 years 6 months Miranda (20.8 B): 3 years Wa Ode (6.25 B): 6 years Sondakh (Rp. 2.5 B and $1.2 M): 4 years 6 months Hartati ( 3 B): 2 years 8 months Udin (rooster): 15 years

Morality and Mentality

Systemic environment

Instruments to solve corruption in Indonesia.

We need to:
1. Train honesty since childhood. We need to be educated in honesty from childhood,. This is the basically way to prevent the corruption. Through this way, we will produce the next generation of youth who are honest, fair, and civilized.

2. Good governance. Good governance will produce a transparent, clean, and stable government..

3. Strengthen the power of Law. Government, through judiciary, must give punishment to people who are involved in corruption regardless of social status, position, gender, and race. This is to create justice and shock therapy so that the corruptors wont corrupt again.

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