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1. ultrasound

Sonogram, a picture of the uterus, fetus ,and placenta created by ultrasound allows the parents to see their child from the first time.ulrasound are used to measure the growth, to judge gestational age ,to detect multiple pregnancies to evaluate uterus abnormalities ,to detect major structural abnormalities in the fetus and to determine whether a fetus has died as well as to guide other procedure, such as amniocentesis.

2. Amniocentesis

A sample of the amniotic fluid( is the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnan t female) which contain fetal cells,is withdraw and analyze to detect certain genetic or multifactorial defects and all recognized chomosal disorders( reflects on a typical number of chromosomes or a structural abnormality in one or more chromosomes) .Amniocentesis is usually recommended for pregnant women ages 35 and over .Though it could also reveal the sex of fetus this assessment method involves risk of having miscarriage.

3. Chronic Villus Sampling

This assessment method also known as CVS involves the testing of tissues fron the ends of the villi-hair like projection of the chorion the membrane surrounding the fetus which are made up of fetal cells-to be able to detect presence of birth detects and disorders .this procedure could be performed between eight and thirteen weeks of pregnancy (earlier amniotesis),and it yields results within about week.However ,there is almost a 5 percent greater chance of miscarriage or neonatal death after CVS than after amniocentesis .

4. Embryoscopy

The intersection of a tiny viewing scope into a pregnant womans abdomen can provide a clear look of embryos as young as 6 weeks.the procedure is promising for early diagnosis and treatment of embryonic and the fetal abnormalities.

5. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

It can identify some genetic defects in embryos of four to eight cells,which were conceived by in fitro fertilization(IVF) - a wide variety of infertility treatments .nd have not yet been implanted, ethical objections have been raised to preimplation genetic diagnosis for the parents can choose to discard defective embryo.

6. Umbilical cord sampling

By inserting a needle into tiny blood vessels of umbilical cord under the guidance of ultrasound , doctors can take sample of fetus blood .this procedure called umbilical cord sampling or fetal blood sampling ,can test to infection anemia heart failure and certain metabolic disorders and immunodeficiencies and seems to offer promise for identifying other conditions .however, the technique is associated with miscarriage ,bleeding from the umbilical cord , early labor ,and infection.

7. Maternal Blood Test

This procedure like ultrasound scanning doesnt give threat or risk on the mother child she is carrying .I n this method a blood sample is taken from the mother between the sixteenth and eighteenth weeks of pregnancy to be tested for the amount of alpha fetoprotein(AFP) it contains .T his test is appropriate for women at risk of being children with detects in the information of thr brain or spinal cord,which may be detected by high AFP levels. To confirm or refute the presence of suspect conditions, ultrasound or amniocentesis, or both may be performed.

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