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Types of War, Types of Jeopardy

National Defense in the 21st Century

3 Traditional Kinds of War


Civil Wars

Violent conflict over control of the government Examples: Colombia, Sierra Leone, Liberia

of Secession

Wars to carve a new country from part of the territory of a current country The US Civil War, Eritrea, end of Yugoslavia

between Countries

One country invading another The three Gulf Wars

A New Kind of War: Terrorism


is the use of violence to frighten people into making political concessions Terrorism is in fact used in each of the three traditional kinds of war
Colombian war lords in their civil war ETA, FLQ in secessionist movements Israel and Lebanon, Iraq against Iran

Non-State Terrorists

is new is the use of terrorism by organizations other than states

The Irish Republican Army Islamic Jihad The Red Army Brigades Al Qaeda

Significance of Technology

Escalation of explosive power Non-explosive options: gas, disease New delivery systems: missiles to suicides

Barriers to prevent penetration of weapons Intelligence, both remote and local


From great ignorance to virtual reality

The Cold Wars Balance of Terror


assured destruction Major players

NATO, dominated by the USA Warsaw Pact, dominated by the USSR


China Non-aligned states United Nations Surrogates

Series of Surrogate Wars



Caribbean: Cuba, Grenada Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala South America: CIA coup in Chile

Cone of Africa Great Lakes area


Vietnam & the rest of the Southeast Afghanistan & the rest of the Southwest

Militarization of the World


world militarized during the Cold War Both sides developed arms Both sides provided arms to allies Both sides sold arms to willing buyers, sometimes to the harm of each later on Each side found the limits to its power
The USA in Vietnam The USSR in Afghanistan

Optimism after the Cold War


fear of nuclear conflagration Expected peace dividend Evident progress in long-standing conflicts
South Africa Northern Ireland Cyprus Middle East

Disappointing Reality
Re-emergence Mushrooming

of virulent nationalism

Former Yugoslavia, former USSR, Africa

arms sales

Air power to those with wealth, small arms to others


in Terrorism

Technological advances Alienation, motivation

War & Peace in the


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of land mines Unresolved conflicts

Palestinian-Israeli conflict Continuing African wars, e.g. resource wars Latin American drug wars

constellations of security issues

Dealing with non-state actors Unilateral or global solutions?

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Century Jeopardy

jeopardy is the country you are studying in from

Civil war, including terrorism by those wanting to overthrow the state? A war of secession by a group wanting its own sovereignty, including terrorism by that group? War with another country? Terrorism from non-state actors?


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Century Hegemon

What jeopardy does the USA face?

Conventional war with another state? Terrorism in its many guises

dirty bomb Biological warfare Disruptive terrorism

What options does the USA have for dealing with that jeopardy?
In what ways should we lead, in what ways, if any, should we intimidate? What are the limits of our power, and how do these limits influence our options? Nye: using hard and soft power

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