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QA & QC for testing lab/QA & QC system -BSF2232/BSF3233-

Chapter 2: Total Quality in Organizations

Principles Growth

of Total Quality Management

of modern uality management

!System thin"ing !Manufacturing systems !Ser#ices system !$ritical differences %etween ser#ice and manufacturing

of ser#ice system uality

!Quality in health care !Quality in education !Quality in the pu%lic sector

The principles of TQM


Quality Management &TQM' is a philosophy that says that uniform commitment to uality in all areas of an organi(ation promotes an organi(ational culture that meets consumers) perceptions of uality*

Growth of modern quality management

Performance e+cellence

Ser#ice uality

,mpro#ed product

Manufacturing uality

System thin ing


- the functions or acti#ities within an organi(ation that wor" together for the aim of the organi(ation* - lin"ed together as internal customers and suppliers* system perspecti#e ac"nowledges the importance of the interactions of su%systems/ not the actions of them indi#idually*

Su%system .

Manufacturing systems
Mar"eting Product

and sales and recei#ing planning and scheduling and assem%ly

design and engineering

Purchasing Production

Manufacturing Tool


Manufacturing systems
,ndustrial Finished

engineering and process design shipping and warehousing and ser#ice

goods inspection and test

Pac"aging/ ,nstallation

Quality in !usiness support functions for manufacturing

General Finance 1uman Quality 2egal

management 0 accounting resources management assurance


Ser"ices system

- any primary or complementary acti#ity that does not directly produce a physical product - that is/ the non!goods part of the transaction %etween %uyer &customer' and seller &pro#ider'

Critical differences !etween ser"ice and manufacturing

$ustomer Ser#ices 3utput

needs and performance standards are more difficult to identify and measure re uires a higher degree of customi(ation is intangi%le are produced and consumed simultaneously are often in#ol#ed in actual process



Critical differences !etween ser"ice and manufacturing

Ser#ices Ser#ices

are more la%or!intensi#e than manufacturing handle large num%er of transactions

Component of ser"ice system quality

4mployees ,nformation


Quality in health care


$ommission on .ccreditation of 1ealthcare 3rgani(ations &5$.13' &6$Q.' &,1,' $ommittee for Quality .ssurance for 1ealthcare ,mpro#ement

6ational ,nstitute 7888

e+pansion of the Baldrige .ward to nonprofit healthcare organi(ations

Quality #ssues in $ealthcare


errors of ser#ices

9nderutili(ation 3#eruse :ariation

of ser#ices in ser#ices

Quality in education
;oalaty 7888

;id program

e+pansion of the Baldrige .ward to nonprofit education organi(ations story< !Mt* 4dgecum%e 1igh School !Bra(osport ,S= !1underton $entral >egional 1S !Pinellas $ounty Schools


$igher education as a production system

Suppliers< Families/ high schools/ colleges/ %usiness =esign 0 >edesign $onsumer research $ustomers< Business/ families/ society/ students

,6P9TS< Student/ faculty P>3$4SS4S Teaching/ counseling/ scientific research

39TP9TS< .%le students gain new "nowledge

Quality in the pu!lic sector

Quality State

in Federal Go#ernment

and local uality efforts

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