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Eysenck and Personality

Eysenck and Personality

Eysenck believed that personality has a biological explanation. He believed that there are dimensions of personality

Dimensions of Personality
Extraversion --- Introversion Neuroticism --- Stability (N) Psychoticism --- Normality (P) (E)

Dimensions of Personality




Dimensions of Personality
Position on the scales Would be determined Via the EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire) Extravert



Dimensions of Personality
Position on the scales Would be determined Via the EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire)

Extravert X


A person with a low E score and a slightly Low N score would be At X Stable

Eysenck Personality

Eysenck found that the rate of flip of a Necker Cube diagram was correlated with high E scores.

Eysenck Personality
The cube appears to flip because our perception processes are trying to interpret the image either coming out of the page or going in. The rate of flip depends on how fast our processes are working, which in turn can depend on our genetic make up.

Extraverts need stimulation, which they actively seek. Unfortunately, this may lead to aggression and poor emotional control.

Introverts dont need so much stimulation. Tend to be calmer, prefer less noise, reserved.

Neuroticism - stability
Eysenck believed the neuroticism stability dimension was a function of the effect of the Autonomic Nervous System. High N score tended to be associated with people who are jumpy, anxious, cant cope easily with stress

Neuroticism - stability
Stable personality emotionally calm, not easily panicked. Respond to emergencies in a controlled manner

Think of someone you know well. Try and place them on this grid. Where would they fit on the E and N scales? Neurotic




Criminal Personality
Extraversion associated with criminality because: Quick temper, aggression Need for excitement, take risks and find new and dangerous experiences Difficult to condition (whats this?) so do not conform to rules.

Criminal Personality
Neuroticism associated with criminality because: Easy to fall into habitual behaviour (if it works, then repeat it) which may be antisocial. Likelihood of anxiety reaction, will act antisocially if it reduces anxiety.

Criminal Personality



Stable Where would a criminal X be on this grid?

Psychoticism - normality
Eysenck did not really research this more to be done!

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