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Dr. Mejbah uddin
• Immunodeficiencies are clinical
conditions that arise due to
abnormality in the development and
functions of the immune system.
• Immunodeficiency results in an inability
to combat certain diseases.
• Deficiencies of humoral immune
system are associated with pyogenic
bacterial infections.
• Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity
are associated with viral, fungal,
protozoal or Mycobacterial infections.
Primary / Congenital
immunodeficiency: Genetic defect in the
immune responses that one is born with.

Secondary / Acquired
immunodeficiency: Born with normal
immune responses but some secondary factors
cause decrease in immune responses.
Types of Primary
• B-lymphocyte disorders
• T-cell deficiencies.
• Combined B and T lymphocyte disorders
• Complement deficiencies
• Phagocyte deficiencies
B-lymphocyte disorders:
A. X-linked (Bruton's)
agammaglobulinemia: Very
low level of all classes of
immunoglobulin. Person is susceptible
to recurrent infections by pyogenic
bacteria such as: Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus, Neisseria.
B. Selective Ig deficiencies:
Selective IgA deficiency(common).
IgG subclass deficiency.
IgM deficiency.
T cell deficiencies:
Thymic Aplasia (DiGeoge’s Syndrome).
Chronic Mucocutaeneous Candidiasis.

Combined B and T
lymphocyte disorders
Severe combined immunodeficiency
disease (SCID).
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome.
• Severe combined
immunodeficiency (SCID)
It is a heterogeneous group of disorder
characterized by defective development and
functions of both B and T lymphocytes.
•Complement deficiency:
Hereditary Angioedema: C1 inhibitor
Recurrent Infection: C1, C3, C5, C6, C7, C8
•Phagocyte deficiency:
Chronic granulomatous
disease: Defect in intracellular microbicidal
activity of neutrophil as a result of lack of
NADPH oxidase activity.
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome:
Defect in phagolysomal fusion leads to recurrent
pyogenic infection.
Others: Hyper-IgE syndrome, Leukocyte
adhesion deficiency etc.
• Acquired Immunodeficiency:
B-cell deficiency:
Common variable hypogammaglobulinemia
Complement deficiency:
Liver failure
Phagocyte deficiency:
T-cell deficiency:
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS):
Caused by human immunodeficiency virus,
reduces body defense mechanism.
HIV destroys CD4 lymphocyte thereby cripples
the immune system. The hosts become
susceptible to opportunistic infections caused by
bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa.
• Skin disorders: burns, severe eczema.
• Malnutrition or Malabsorption.
• Loss of protein: protein loosing
enteropathy and in some renal conditions
large amounts of protein are lost.
• Urinary catheterisation.
• Intravenous cannulation
• Artificial prosthesis: Artificial valves, hip and
other prostheses are avascular foreign bodies.
• Antibiotic therapy.
• Tumors: This may be directly due to the tumor
itself or may be the result of cancer
• Microbial infections: AIDS, Measles.
• Immunosuppressive drugs

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