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Swami Vivekananda's
definition of Education:

Is teaching an art
or a science?

Education should lead to the realisation

of this Truth - through training, pursuit
of knowledge and self-effort

Through such an Education all the

different aspects of Education like Art,
Science, Music, Literature etc. will all
blossom in a unique way.

1. Integrating body mind and intellect through

knowing one self - the Eternal Truth.
2. Positive interactions with everything around
without any unwanted competitions, petty
jealousies etc.
3. Thorough knowledge of ones own national
heritage so as to fit harmoniously into the
national frame work.
Need to develop national pride
and love of Mother land.

The individuals or groups to whom

a teacher is responsible
A. Student
B. Parents
C. School (Administration & Board)
D. Community
E. Profession
F. Self and family
G. and.

Two major responsibilities of a

To Know what to teach.
Curriculum planning
Content selection
Selecting text books
Sequencing the content
To know how to teach.
Methods and techniques
Understanding students and how to manage
the classroom.

Three things teachers must do

to be a success
Have positive expectations of the outcomes
Good at classroom management
Know how to design lessons that will help

students learn

Four stages of teacher


All they need to do is relate, have fun with the

students, be there for them, be their friends,

Identify with them.
Refer to the note on the handout about being
a pal.
They are not going to be like the teachers
they had in school.

Just make it through the day, learning is out

the window, Put in your time and get on with

my life, look to the weekend and look forward
to a paycheck, busy work is in,
they revert to the practices they condemned
before they started teaching, they make
excuses for why students dont learn.
Attitude is negative

They have a command of the subject matter
and they are going to get it over to students.
They know how to control the classrooom
and they know what to do when something
does not work-- Try something else. willing to
Not interested in deadend activities.
I can make a difference,
Hopeful, Positive attitude

Teachers have a positive impact on students,

uses variety of methods and techniques to

make a positive impact/change.
Apply the knowledge they have in a way that
results in the most benefit to students.
Sometimes more questions are rasied than
are ask!!!!

Good News
You can get through the first two stages

quickly and move on to the mastery and

Impact stage, sooner if you know what to do.
First few days of school are the most

Heres the biggest secret to

teaching success:
Beg, Borrow and Steal..


The first year can be


Teacher education will not have prepared you

Student teaching will not have prepared you
The district may not have prepared you.
Yet you will be expected to perform






Teaching analysis

What to learn
How to teach
How to learn

Purpose of Education Strategy

To ensure that:
By 2015 the department of state
of education and its affiliated
institutions are providing
effective, efficient, relevant and
high quality education services to
its clients.

The values behind the

teachers professional
Human worth

Teachers professional
The teachers role has changed
views of teaching and learning
international co-operation
increased autonomy
interaction skills

teachers courage to confront parents or
colleagues in the troubled circumstances
teachers own ideals and ethics
seek the truth in the difficult conflicts
straightforwardness in identifying the vices
equality and fairness in the application of
rules and norms

In Conclusion
Successful learning for teachers requires

continued coordinated efforts that range from

preservice education to early teaching to
opportunities of lifelong professional
development. Creating these opportunities,
based on the knowledge of learning and
teaching obtained from research, is a major
challenge but not impossible.

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