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@ De Sondra

@ De Sondra

Computers are no longer a luxury but

rather a commodity (komputer bukan lagi
barang mewah, tetapi komoditas).

Computers and their applications are

involved in all aspects of our daily life
(Komputer dan aplikasinya merambah seluruh
aspek kehidupan sehari-hari).

@ De Sondra


Meningkatkan kesempatan kerja
Meningkatkan Produktifitas
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Manusia

@ De Sondra

Every computer in use today follows the

basic plan laid out by Charles Babbage and
Lady Lovelace (Komputer saat ini merupakan
rancangan dasar dari Babbage dan Lovelace).

The computer is an incredibly versatile tool.

It can compute your taxes or deploy a

@ De Sondra

All computers take in information called input and give out

information called output.
A computer is an electronic machine that can be programmed to
accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and
store it in a storage media for future use

@ De Sondra

The computers versatility is built upon its:

Hardware: The physical part
Software: The instructions that tells hardware how to
transform the input data (information in a form it can
read) into the necessary output

@ De Sondra

The First Real Computers:

1939: Konrad Zuse completed
the first programmable, generalpurpose digital computer.

@ De Sondra

At about the same time, the British government

was assembling a top-secret team of
mathematicians and engineers to crack Nazi
military codes.
1943: The team led by mathematician Alan Turing and
others completed Colossus, considered by many to be
the first electronic digital computer.

@ De Sondra

@ De Sondra

1939: Iowa State University

professor John Atanasoff
developed what could have
been the first electronic digital
computer, the Atanasoff-Berry
Computer (ABC).

1944: Thanks to a one million dollar grant from IBM,

Harvard professor Howard Aiken developed the Mark I.

@ De Sondra

John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert helped the U.S. effort in World War
II by constructing a machine to calculate trajectory tables for new guns.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
After the war, Mauchly and Eckert started a private company called
Sperry and created UNIVAC I, the first general-purpose commercial

@ De Sondra


@ De Sondra


Vacuum tubes were used in early

Transistors replaced vacuum tubes
starting in 1956.
By the mid-1960s transistors were
replaced by integrated circuits (IC).

@ De Sondra

1st Generation (1951 - 1958) : Vacuum Tubes

Memory was made up of
hundreds of vacuum
tubes or sometimes
magnetic drum
Gave off so much heat
that even if they were
cooled by gigantic air

IBM Punched Card (input)

Input and output media

were punched cards and
magnetic tapes
Magnetic Tapes (output)
@ De Sondra

Vacuum Tubes

2nd Generation (1959 - 1964) : Transistor

an electronic switch that alternately allow or disallow
electronic signal to pass, replaces vacuum tubes
These transistors were made of solid material, some of
which is silicon, therefore they were very cheap to produce
Much smaller than vacuum tubes, draw less power, and
generate less heat, conduct electricity faster.

@ De Sondra

3rd Generation (1965 - 1971) :

Integrated Circuit

An electronic circuit that packages transistors and other

electronic components into one small silicon chip called
The number of transistors that is placed on a single chip has
increased, shrinking both the size and cost of computers.
Keyboards and monitors were used.
Magnetic disks were used widely as secondary storage

@ De Sondra

Explanations: Clarifying Technology

Computer literacy is already improving
our day-to-day lives and careers
(meningkatkan karir dan kehidupan seharihari).

Applications: Computers in Action

Applications enable you to use a
computer for specific purposes.

@ De Sondra

Application: Digital Technology in Action


@ De Sondra

Network applications
Word processing and desktop publishing
Spreadsheets and other number-crunching applications
Computer graphics and digital image processing
Digital audio, digital video, and multimedia
Customized problem-solving
Artificial intelligence

Implications: Social and Ethical Issues

The threat to personal privacy posed by large databases and
computer networks (ancaman terhadap keleluasaan pribadi dari
NW dan DB yg besar)
The hazards of high-tech crime and the difficulty of keeping data
secure (resiko hi-tech dari kriminal dan kesulitan menjamin
pemeliharaan data)
The difficulty of defining and protecting intellectual property in an
all-digital age (kesulitan melindungi property intelektual di dalam
era digital)

@ De Sondra

The threat of automation and the dehumanization of work (ancaman

dari otomasi dan dehumanisasi pekerjaan)
The abuse of information as a tool of political and economic power
(penyalahgunaan informasi sebagai alat politik dan ekonomi)
The emergence of bio-digital
technology (kemunculan teknologi bio-digital)
The dangers of dependence on
complex technology
(bahaya ketergantungan teknologi)

@ De Sondra

Bahwa Keahlian Komputer

merupakan standar keahlian
minimal yang harus dimiliki untuk
meningkatkan produktivitas dan
daya saing di pasar tenaga kerja
dalam masyarakat informasi

@ De Sondra

Computers have evolved at an incredible pace since Charles

Babbages plan for an Analytical Engine (meningkat dengan
takmasuk akal)
Computers today come in all shapes and sizes, with specific types
being well-suited for particular jobs (Komputer saat ini dgn
berbagai bentuk dan ukuran, type spesifik untuk menyelesaikan
pekerjaan tertentu).
Connecting to a network enhances the value and power of a
computer (Kemampuan Komunikasi (network) meningkatkan nilai
dari komputer) :

@ De Sondra

Computers and information technology have

changed the world rapidly and irreversibly (Dunia
berubah dengan cepat berkat komputer dan TI).
Emerging technologies, such as artificial
intelligence, offer promise for future applications
(Teknologi baru, AI, menjanjikan aplikasi masa
Computers also threaten our privacy, our security,
and perhaps our way of life (Ancaman terhadap
pribadi dan keamanan kehidupan kita).
@ De Sondra

@ De Sondra

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