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Blok 9

Dinamika Biologi Molekuler


Molecular Biology

The study of biology at a molecular level

Overlaps with other areas of biology and
chemistry, particularly genetics and biochemistry

Molecular Biology
Concerns itself with understanding the
interactions between the various systems of a
cell, including the interactions between DNA,
RNA and protein biosynthesis as well as learning
how these interactions are regulated
Needs established methods/techniques for
monitoring each element and process

Link between Molecular Biology, Biochemistry

and Genetic

Function of Genes
Control the physical development,
behavior, and being of organisms
(look, size, health, etc)
Genes encode the information
necessary to construct the chemicals
(proteins, etc.) needed for the
organism to function

Application of Molecular Biology

10 100 m

How DNA is
packed in

Are their genome the same?

Almost all (>99.5%) of human genome

are the same

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

1. C/C

Single base sequence variation among

Some SNPs are ethnic specific and
some show frequency variation among
different populations

2. C/T

A stable polymorphism frequently

associated with disease susceptibility,
drug response, etc
3. T/T

SNPs Identification



DNA Finger Print

Application of DNA Finger Print



Where are the differences?

Variations and Mutations:
There are about 3 million
locations where single-base DNA
differences (single nucleotide
polimorphims, SNPs) occur in
Some SNPs are ethnic specific
and some show frequency
variation among different
A stable polymorphism
frequently associated with
disease susceptibility, drug
response, etc

1. C/C

2. C/T

3. T/T

Materi Kuliah
Pendahuluan Blok 9
Gen prokariot dan gen eukariot
Central dogma : replikasi (+sruktur & fungsi DNA)

Pengantar Nutrigenomik
Central dogma: transkripsi dan translasi
Pasca translasi : Hb sebagai salah satu contoh
Single gene mutation disease
Patobiologi siklus sel + karsinogenesis
DNA analysis : isolasi dan purifikasi
Mutasi dan DNA Repair
Aplikasi biomol : resistensi mikroba
Prinsip dan teknik isolasi protein
Aplikasi Klinis : stem cell
Aplikasi Klinis: Pharmacogenomics, polimorfisms
PB1 Isolasi & Purifikasi DNA (L1)
PB1 Isolasi & Purifikasi DNA (L2)
Terap gen dan DNA finger printing
DNA analysis :PCR
DNA analysis : sekuens DNA
DNA analysis : restriction enzyme & RFLP
Protein analysis (ELISA, Western Blot, dll)
Rekayasa genetic :antibody monoclonal, immunhistokimia, transgenic animal
Rekayasa genetic : Cloning


1. Isolasi dan purifikasi DNA

2. PCR
3. Electrophoresis

Sequencing of Human Genome

DNA extraction (from
cells or tissue)

DNA amplification
PCR machine



DNA sequencer

DNA sequence

Staf Blok 9
dr. Nyayu Fauziah Zen, M. Kes
dr. Triwani, M. Kes
Dr. dr. Zen Hafy, S.Ag, M. Biomed
Dr. dr. Mgs. Irsan Saleh, M. Biomed
Dr. dr. Yuwono, M. Biomed
Prof. dr. KHM. Arsyad, DABK, SpAnd
dr. Siti Hildani , M.Kes
Sri Nita, S.Si, M.Si
dr. Safyudin, M. Biomed
Dra. Lusia Hayati, MSc
dr. Arisman, MB, M. Kes
dr. Henny Sulastri, SpPA(K)
dr. Subandrate, M.Biomed
Dr. dr. Krisna Mukti, Sp.PA
dr. Wresnindyatsih, Sp. PA, M.Kes
dr. Dwi Handayani, M.Kes
dr. Liniyanti D Oswari, M.N.S, MSc
Drs Djoko Marwoto,MS
dr. Ella Amalia

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