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Impact on motivation and


Sudeep D’Souza

Rahul Sharma

1. Personal Insults
2. Invading coworker’s personal territory
3. Uninvited Physical contact
4. Threats and intimidation, verbal and
5. Sarcastic jokes and teasing used as insult
6. Withering e-mails
7. Status slaps intended to humiliate victims.
8. Public shaming or status degradation
9. Rude interruptions
10.Two-faced attacks
11.Dirty Looks
12.Treating people as if they were invisible.
Damage to victims and witnesses

• Distraction from tasks-more effort devoted to coping with or avoiding

• Nasty encounters or avoiding blame, less devoted to tasks
• Honesty may not be the best policy-reduced psychological safety and
climate of fear
• undermine employees' ability to offer suggestions and learn from
• Loss of motivation and energy at work
• Stress-induced psychological and physical illness
• Prolonged bullying turning victims into jerks themselves
• Absenteeism and turnover in response to abusive supervisors or peers
Woes of certified jerks

• Hesitation on part of victims and witnesses to cooperate

with jerks or tell them bad news
• Retaliation from victims and witnesses
• Humiliation when 'outed‘
• Job loss
• Long-term career damage
Wicked consequences for

• Time spent appeasing, calming, counselling, or disciplining jerks

• Time spent cooling-out victimized employees, as well as
customers, contract employees, suppliers, and other key
victimized outsiders
• Time spent reorganizing departments and teams so that jerks do
less damage
• Time spent interviewing, recruiting, and training after jerks and
their victims depart
Negative effects on organisations

• Reduced creativity and innovation

• Reduced discretionary effort
• Dysfunctional internal competition
• Impaired cooperation from outside organizations and
• ‘Combat pay’ – Higher rates charged by outsiders
• Impaired ability to attract the best and the brightest.
Dealing with jerks in an

• Make the rule public by what is said

and done.
• Weave the rule into hiring and firing
• Teach people how to fight
• Apply the rule to customers and
clients too
• Manage the little moments
Coping with Workplace jerks

• Polite confrontation
• Limit your contact with the jerk as much as possible
• Find ways to enjoy “small wins” over jerks
• Practice indifference and emotional detachment –
learn how not to let an jerk touch your soul. 
• Keep an jerk diary — carefully document what the
jerk does and when it happens. 

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